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Home > @sovryn-zero/lib-ethers

lib-ethers package


Class Description
BlockPolledLiquityStore Ethers-based LiquityStore that updates state whenever there's a new block.
EthersLiquity Convenience class that combines multiple interfaces of the library in one object.
EthersTransactionFailedError Thrown by EthersLiquity in case of transaction failure.
PopulatableEthersLiquity Ethers-based implementation of PopulatableLiquity.
PopulatedEthersLiquityTransaction A transaction that has been prepared for sending.
PopulatedEthersRedemption A redemption transaction that has been prepared for sending.
ReadableEthersLiquity Ethers-based implementation of ReadableLiquity.
SendableEthersLiquity Ethers-based implementation of SendableLiquity.
SentEthersLiquityTransaction A transaction that has already been sent.
UnsupportedNetworkError Thrown when trying to connect to a network where Zero is not deployed.


Interface Description
BlockPolledLiquityStoreExtraState Extra state added to LiquityStoreState by BlockPolledLiquityStore.
EthersCallOverrides Optional parameters taken by ReadableEthersLiquity functions.
EthersLiquityConnection Information about a connection to the Zero protocol.
EthersLiquityConnectionOptionalParams Optional parameters of ReadableEthersLiquity.connect() and EthersLiquity.connect().
EthersLiquityWithStore Variant of EthersLiquity that exposes a LiquityStore.
EthersTransactionOverrides Optional parameters taken by EthersLiquity transaction functions.
ReadableEthersLiquityWithStore Variant of ReadableEthersLiquity that exposes a LiquityStore.

Type Aliases

Type Alias Description
BlockPolledLiquityStoreState The type of BlockPolledLiquityStore's state.
EthersLiquityStoreOption Possible values for the optional useStore connection parameter.
EthersPopulatedTransaction Alias of Ethers' PopulatedTransaction type, which implements UnsignedTransaction.
EthersProvider Alias of Ethers' abstract Provider type.
EthersSigner Alias of Ethers' abstract Signer type.
EthersTransactionReceipt Alias of Ethers' TransactionReceipt type.
EthersTransactionResponse Alias of Ethers' TransactionResponse type.
PermitParams EIP-2612 permit parameters.