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Using Third-Party Estimators

Many machine learning libraries implement the scikit-learn estimator API to easily integrate alternative optimization or decision methods into a data science workflow. Because of this, it seems like it should be simple to drop in a non-scikit-learn estimator into a Yellowbrick visualizer, and in principle, it is. However, the reality is a bit more complicated.

Yellowbrick visualizers often utilize more than just the method interface of estimators (e.g. fit() and predict()), relying on the learned attributes (object properties with a single underscore suffix, e.g. coef_). The issue is that when a third-party estimator does not expose these attributes, truly gnarly exceptions and tracebacks occur. Yellowbrick is meant to aid machine learning diagnostics reasoning, therefore instead of just allowing drop-in functionality that may cause confusion, we've created a wrapper functionality that is a bit kinder with it's messaging.

But first, an example.

# Import the wrap function and a Yellowbrick visualizer
from yellowbrick.contrib.wrapper import wrap
from yellowbrick.model_selection import feature_importances

# Instantiate the third party estimator and wrap it, optionally fitting it
model = wrap(ThirdPartyEstimator()), y_train)

# Use the visualizer
oz = feature_importances(model, X_test, y_test, is_fitted=True)

The wrap function initializes the third party model as a ContribEstimator, which passes through all functionality to the underlying estimator, however if an error occurs, the exception that will be raised looks like:

yellowbrick.exceptions.YellowbrickAttributeError: estimator is missing the 'fit'
attribute, which is required for this visualizer - please see the third party
estimators documentation.

Some estimators are required to pass type checking, for example the estimator must be a classifier, regressor, clusterer, density estimator, or outlier detector. A second argument can be passed to the wrap function declaring the type of estimator:

from yellowbrick.classifier import precision_recall_curve
from yellowbrick.contrib.wrapper import wrap, CLASSIFIER

model = wrap(ThirdPartyClassifier(), CLASSIFIER)
precision_recall_curve(model, X, y)

Or you can simply use the wrap helper functions of the specific type:

from yellowbrick.contrib.wrapper import regressor, classifier, clusterer
from yellowbrick.regressor import prediction_error
from yellowbrick.classifier import classification_report
from yellowbrick.cluster import intercluster_distance

reg = regressor(ThirdPartyRegressor())
prediction_error(reg, X, y)

clf = classifier(ThirdPartyClassifier())
classification_report(clf, X, y)

ctr = clusterer(ThirdPartyClusterer())
intercluster_distance(ctr, X)

So what should you do if a required attribute is missing from your estimator? The simplest and quickest thing to do is to subclass ContribEstimator and add the required functionality.

from yellowbrick.contrib.wrapper import ContribEstimator, CLASSIFIER

class MyWrapper(ContribEstimator):

    _estimator_type = CLASSIFIER

    def feature_importances_(self):
        return self.estimator.tree_feature_importances()

model = MyWrapper(ThirdPartyEstimator()
feature_importances(model, X, y)

This is certainly less than ideal - but we'd welcome a contrib PR to add more native functionality to Yellowbrick!

Tested Libraries

The following libraries have been tested with the Yellowbrick wrapper.

  • xgboost: both the XGBRFRegressor and XGBRFClassifier have been tested with Yellowbrick both with and without the wrapper functionality.
  • CatBoost: the CatBoostClassifier has been tested with the ClassificationReport visualizer.

The following libraries have been partially tested and will likely work without too much additional effort:

  • cuML: it is likely that clustering, classification, and regression cuML estimators will work with Yellowbrick visualizers. However, the cuDF datasets have not been tested with Yellowbrick.
  • Spark MLlib: The Spark DataFrame API and estimators should work with Yellowbrick visualizers in a local notebook context after collection.


If you have used a Python machine learning library not listed here with Yellowbrick, please let us know - we'd love to add it to the list! Also if you're using a library that is not wholly compatible, please open an issue so that we can explore how to integrate it with the yellowbrick.contrib module!

API Reference

.. automodule:: yellowbrick.contrib.wrapper
    :members: wrap, classifier, regressor, clusterer, ContribEstimator