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File metadata and controls

executable file
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Django Models CryptoField Package

A set of generic common Djano Fields that automatically encrypt data for database amd encrypt for the purpose of usage in Django:

  • CryptoFieldMixin - Mixin that implement encrypt/decrypt methods.

Example of how to use to create custom CryptoTextField:


from django.db import models

from django_crypto_extensions.django_fields import *

class CustomCryptoTextField(CryptoFieldMixin, models.TextField):
  • CryptoTextField - TextField inheriting Field
  • CryptoCharField - CharField inheriting Field
  • CryptoEmailField - EmailField inheriting Field
  • CryptoIntegerField - IntegerField inheriting Field
  • CryptoDateField - DateField inheriting Field
  • CryptoDateTimeField - DateTimeField inheriting Field
  • CryptoBigIntegerField - BigIntegerField inheriting Field
  • CryptoPositiveIntegerField - PositiveIntegerField inheriting Field
  • CryptoPositiveSmallIntegerField - PositiveSmallIntegerField inheriting Field
  • CryptoSmallIntegerField - SmallIntegerField inheriting Field


  • each CryptoField has 2 kwargs salt_settings_env and password.
  • salt_settings_env - name of variable stored in file, which will be used as cryptographic salt. default: salt_settings_env = 'SECRET_KEY' if settings not set or no SECRET_KEY in setting default: salt = "Salt123!!!"
  • password - password to be used in encryption process of given field (together with salt set globally) default = 'password'



from django.db import models

from django_crypto_extensions.django_fields import CryptoEmailField

class TestCryptoEmail(models.Model):

    value = CryptoEmailField(salt_settings_env='NEW_SECRET_KEY', password='new_password')

CryptoBinaryField and CryptoCharField

  • A django-rest-framework fields for handling encryption through serialisation. Inputs are String object and internal python representation is Binary object for CryptoBinaryField and String object for CryptoCharField
  • It takes the optional parameter salt (Django SECRET_KEY imported from setting as default). If set it use custom cryptographic salt
  • It takes the optional parameter password ("Non_nobis1solum?nati!sumus" as default). If set it use a custom password in encryption. It is highly recommended to use custom one!!
  • It takes the optional parameter ttl (None as default). If set it manage the number of seconds old a message may be for it to be valid. If the message is older than ttl seconds (from the time it was originally created) field will return None and encrypted message will not be enabled for decryption.


from rest_framework import serializers
from drf_extra_fields.crypto_fields import CryptoCharField

class CryptoSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
  crypto_char = CryptoCharField()

Example with parameters + It takes custom salt and password. Once saved it will be available for decryption for 1000 seconds.:

from rest_framework import serializers
from drf_extra_fields.crypto_fields import CryptoCharField

class CryptoSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
crypto_char = CryptoCharField(salt="custom salt", password="custom password", ttl=1000)