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Alexander Corn edited this page Sep 12, 2015 · 44 revisions

TradeOffer is a class which represents an individual trade offer sent or received by your account. It cannot be instantiated directly, it must be created using TradeOfferManager#createOffer, TradeOfferManager#getOffer, or TradeOfferManager#getOffers.


Each TradeOffer object has a number of read-only properties. To change an offer, you must use a method.

  • manager - The TradeOfferManager which owns this TradeOffer. If you want to get the SteamID of the bot account which sent/received this trade offer, use offer.manager.steamID.
  • id - The trade offer's unique numeric ID, represented as a string
  • partner - The other party in this offer, as a SteamID object
  • message - A message, possibly empty, included with the trade offer by its sender
  • state - A value from the ETradeOfferState enum
  • itemsToGive - An array of items to be given from your account should this offer be accepted
  • itemsToReceive - An array of items to be given from the other account and received by yours should this offer be accepted
  • isOurOffer - true if this offer was sent by you, false if you received it
  • created - A Date object representing when the trade offer was sent
  • updated - A Date object representing when the trade offer was last updated (equal to created if never updated)
  • expires - A Date object representing when the trade offer will expire if not acted on
  • tradeID - A numeric trade ID, represented as a string, if the offer was accepted. null otherwise. This value won't be very useful to you.
  • fromRealTimeTrade - true if this trade offer was created automatically from a real-time trade that was committed, false if it was explicitly sent as a trade offer


There are a number of methods available to each TradeOffer object, although not all are available for all states.

loadPartnerInventory(appid, contextid, callback)

  • appid - The ID of the app for which you wish to load the inventory
  • contextid - The ID of the context within the app for which you wish to load the inventory
  • callback - A callback to be invoked when complete.
    • err - An Error object on failure, null on success
    • inventory - An array of the user's inventory items, as EconItem objects
    • currencies - An array of the user's currency items, as EconItem objects

Gets the contents of your trading partner's inventory for a particular app and context.


  • item - An item object

Adds a given item to a new trade offer. The item object should be in the same format as is returned by the Steam inventory. That is, it should have the following properties:

  • assetid - The item's asset ID within its context (the property can also be named id)
  • appid - The ID of the app to which the item belongs
  • contextid - The ID of the context within the app to which the item belongs
  • amount - Default 1, if the item is stackable, this is how much of the stack will be added

As trade offers are created locally, this method does not involve any networking and returns immediately with no callback.


  • items - An array of item objects

Convenience method which simply calls addMyItem for each item in the array.


  • item - An item object

Removes an item from your side of the trade offer. Returns true if the item was found and removed successfully, or false if the item wasn't found in the offer.

As trade offers are created locally, this method does not involve any networking and returns immediately with no callback.


  • items - An array of item objects

Convenience method which simply calls removeMyItem for each item in the array.


  • item - An item object

Same as addMyItem, but for the partner's side of the trade


  • items - An array of item objects

Convenience method which simply calls addTheirItem for each item in the array.


  • item - An item object

Removes an item from the other side of the trade offer. Returns true if the item was found and removed successfully, or false if the item wasn't found in the offer.

As trade offers are created locally, this method does not involve any networking and returns immediately with no callback.


  • items - An array of item objects

Convenience method which simply calls removeTheirItem for each item in the array.

send(message[, token, callback])

  • message - Required. A message to include with the offer. Anything longer than 128 characters will be truncated. Can be empty string.
  • token - Optional. If sending an offer to someone who's not your friend, you'll need to include their trade offer token (found as token parameter in their Trade URL) here.
  • callback - Optional. A callback to be invoked when complete.
    • err - An Error object on failure, null on success
    • status - pending if awaiting email confirmation, sent if offer was successfully sent to the other party

Sends a newly-created offer. Only works if this is an offer created with TradeOfferManager#createOffer which hasn't been sent yet. When the callback fires, if successful, the offer's id parameter will be defined. All other parameters will be defined with the module's best guess for their values. As of v1.1.0, on failure, the err object may contain an eresult property. As of v1.3.0, on failure, the err object may contain a cause property which will be one of TradeBan (if the partner is trade banned), NewDevice (if you've logged in from a new device and must wait), or TargetCannotTrade (if the partner cannot trade due to Steam Guard, password reset, etc.).


  • callback - Optional. A callback to be invoked when complete.
    • err - An Error object on failure, null on success

This this trade offer was sent by us, cancels it. If it was sent to us, declines it. As of v1.1.0, on failure, the err object may contain an eresult property.


  • callback - Optional. A callback to be invoked when complete.
    • err - An Error object on failure, null on success

Alias of cancel

accept([autoRetry][, callback])

  • autoRetry - Optional. Controls whether or not the manager should continually attempt to retry acceptance every minute if accept fails for some reason. Defaults to true.
  • callback - Optional. A callback to be invoked when complete.
    • err - An Error object on failure, null on success
    • status - pending if awaiting email confirmation to be committed, accepted if successfully accepted

v1.4.0 or later is required to use autoRetry.

Accepts an offer that was sent to us. Once the callback fires, you can call getReceivedItems to get details about the items you received, including their new assetids. As of v1.1.0, on failure, the err object may contain an eresult property. As of v1.3.0, on failure, the err object may contain a cause property which will be one of TradeBan (if the partner is trade banned), NewDevice (if you've logged in from a new device and must wait), or TargetCannotTrade (if the partner cannot trade due to Steam Guard, password reset, etc.).

If an error occurs, polling is enabled, and autoRetry isn't set to false, node-steam-tradeoffer-manager will automatically keep trying to accept the offer every minute, unless cause is defined on the Error object. Therefore, to know if an accepted offer goes through, you should:

  • Wait for the callback, and if err is null, then process the offer, otherwise
  • Wait for the receivedOfferChanged event and check the offer's state


v1.2.0 or later is required to use this method.

Returns a new unsent TradeOffer object that contains the same items as this one. Sending the new trade offer will send a counter offer, and this offer will be marked as Countered.


  • callback - Required. A callback to be invoked when complete.
    • err - An Error object on failure, null on success
    • items - An array of EconItem objects that you received.

Can be called on an accepted offer to retrieve item data about the items you received, including names, descriptions, and new assetids.