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Abstract Syntax Trees

Before we can cover expression parsing, we first need to take a detour into abstract syntax trees. As part of parsing expressions, SubC builds an abstract syntax tree (AST) for each expression. If you haven't seen these before, I highly recommend you read this short explanation of ASTs:

It's well written and really help to explain the purpose and structure of ASTs. Don't worry, I'll be here when you get back.

The structure of each node in the ASTs is (from src/defs.h):

/* AST node */
struct node_stc {
        int             op;
        struct node_stc *left, *right;
        int             args[1];

Each AST node has zero, one or two children called left and right, as well as an operation (op) that links these children together. Each AST node can also have zero, one or two int arguments. These can be used, for example, to hold a literal integer value for an INTLIT token.

Leaf nodes are nodes with no children. Here the op doesn't represent an operation but a characteristic of the leaf node. For example, a literal integer 27 would be represented as the node:

        NULL, NULL
        27, 0

Node Operations

A node in an AST can be a binary operation on the two child nodes, a unary operation on the left child node, or just a characteristic of the node itself (for leaf nodes).

src/defs.h has the list of node operators:

/* AST operators */
enum {

Here is a table that describes each one

Operator Use # Args Meaning
OP_ADD Binary 0, 1 Add the offset from the right-hand tree to the left-hand tree
OP_ADDR Unary, Leaf 1 Get the address of a symbol
OP_ASSIGN Binary 2 Assign the right-hand sub-tree value to the left-hand sub-tree
OP_BINAND Binary 0, 1, 2 Bitwise AND two sub-trees
OP_BINIOR Binary 0, 1, 2 Bitwise OR two sub-trees
OP_BINXOR Binary 0, 1, 2 Bitwise XOR two sub-trees
OP_BOOL Unary 0 Convert to boolean value (1 or 0)
OP_BRFALSE Binary 1 Branch to a label if sub-tree condition is false
OP_BRTRUE Binary 1 Branch to a label if sub-tree condition is true
OP_CALL Unary 2 Call the child sub-tree
OP_CALR Unary 2 Call the function pointer in the child sub-tree
OP_COMMA Binary 0 Child sub-trees are separated by a comma
OP_DEC Unused 0, 1, 2 Not used
OP_DIV Binary 0, 1, 2 Divide two sub-trees
OP_EQUAL Binary 0, 1, 2 Determine if two sub-trees have equal value
OP_GLUE Binary 0 Glue two adjacent sub-tree values, e.g. function parameters ?? XXX
OP_GREATER Binary 0, 1, 2 Test if left sub-tree value > right sub-tree value
OP_GTEQ Binary 0, 1, 2 Test if left sub-tree value >= right sub-tree value
OP_IDENT Leaf 1 Hold an identifier
OP_IFELSE Unary 1 Deal with C ? : expressions, more details here XXX
OP_LAB Unary 1 Hold a label
OP_LDLAB Leaf 1 Load a pointer to a label
OP_LESS Binary 0, 1, 2 Test if left sub-tree value < right sub-tree value
OP_LIT Leaf 1 Hold a literal value
OP_LOGNOT Unary 0 Invert the truth of a sub-tree
OP_LSHIFT Binary 0 Left-shift left sub-tree value by right sub-tree
OP_LTEQ Binary 0 Test if left sub-tree value <= right sub-tree value
OP_MOD Binary 0, 1, 2 Perform modulo on two sub-trees
OP_MUL Binary 0, 1, 2 Multiply two sub-trees
OP_NEG Unary 0 Negate a sub-tree
OP_NOT Unary 0 Bitwise NOT a sub-tree
OP_NOTEQ Binary 0, 1, 2 Determine if two sub-trees don't have equal value
OP_PLUS Binary 0, 1, 2 Add two sub-trees
OP_POSTDEC Unary 2 Post-decrement the sub-tree
OP_POSTINC Unary 2 Post-increment the sub-tree
OP_PREDEC Unary 2 Pre-decrement the sub-tree
OP_PREINC Unary 2 Pre-increment the sub-tree
OP_RSHIFT Binary 0, 1, 2 Right-shift left sub-tree value by right sub-tree
OP_RVAL Unary 2 Get rvalue of symbol & primitive type
OP_SCALE Unary 0 Scale by the sub-tree's value (e.g. array indexing)
OP_SCALEBY Unary 1 Scale by the sub-tree's value (e.g. array indexing)
OP_SUB Binary 0, 1, 2 Subtract two sub-trees

XXX Comments here on the arguments, what they can represent

Building the Tree, Traversing the Tree

Each AST tree represents an expression from the input C files. The functions in src/expr.c build a tree as the input is parsed. Once the expression is complete, the AST is passed to src/gen.c to generate the assembly output code for the expression. In the middle are the tree-related functions in src/tree.c which build and link the nodes, and help traverse the tree.

An Example of a Tree Being Built

Let's look at the sequence of function calls that results in an AST being built for the last line in this short C function:

void main()
  int a;
  int list[4];
  a= list[2] + 9;	// This expression

Remember, assignment statements are also expressions in the C language.

  • We start in stmt() (in src/stmt.c) which is looking for a statement, but doesn't find a keyword. It falls to the bottom and calls expr() (in src/expr.c).
  • expr() calls exprlist() which calls asgmnt().
  • asgmnt() is looking for an expression which may be followed by an assignment token. It calls cond3() to parse the expression.
  • cond3() calls cond2() which calls binexpr() which calls cast().
  • We are getting somewhere, trust me. What is happening here is that we are traversing functions in precedence order of the related operators.
  • cast calls prefix() which calls postfix() which calls primary().
  • The job of primary() is to resolve identifiers, string and integer literals. We look at the token (a) and see that it is an identifier. We look for it with y= findsym(). Once we find it, we can create a leaf node with n = mkleaf(OP_IDENT, y). The node is marked as having an address and primary() returns the node n. We now have:
   id a		(OP_IDENT)
  • We bubble back up to asgmnt() which receives the node pointer n and parses the = sign. It now recursively calls itself (i.e. asgmt()).
  • This bubbles back down to primary() which spots the list identifer and returns this OP_IDENT leaf node:
   id list	(OP_IDENT)
  • This node bubbles back to postfix() which parses the '[' token. Now we know that this is an array reference.
  • indirection() is called to check this. It calls rvalue() to get a pointer to list. This changes the previous node into:
   addr list	(OP_ADDR)
  • Once this new node is received by postfix(), it calls expr() then rvalue() to get the value of the expression with the square brackets.
  • This expression is checked to have integer type, and then n2 = mkunop(OP_SCALE, n2) is called to tell us to scale this expression by the size of the elements in the list. We now have this new tree:
   scale	(OP_SCALE)
     2		(OP_LIT)
  • postfix() now combines the list node with this tree to make the tree:
     /      \
 addr list   scale   
  • This tree bubbles back up to binexpr() which parses the + token. rvalue() is called to get the expression value from the right-hand side, which returns this tree:
    9		(OP_LIT)
  • binexpr() calls mkop() with the two sub-trees and the OP_PLUS operation to make the new tree:
          /      \
      OP_ADD      9
     /      \
 addr list   scale   
  • This tree bubbles back up to asgmnt() which still has the tree for the side before the = token. This now calls mkbinop2(OP_ASSIGN, ...) with the two sub-trees to make this final AST:
     /      \
  id a     OP_PLUS
          /      \
      OP_ADD      9
     /      \
 addr list   scale   

And when we run scc -T -t on this input file, it draws the same tree slightly differently:

x=y 2 1023
  `-id a
  `-x+y 2 2
    `- *x 2 
    | `-x+y (int,int)
    |   `-addr list
    |   `-scale
    |     `-lit 2
    `-lit 9

Example ASTs

SubC can output the ASTs of the expressions it parses with the -T command-line flag. Here are some example expressions and the generated ASTs as printed by SubC.

  int a;
  a=2;          // Assign a with value

x=y 2 1023      // OP_ASSIGN
  `-id a        // OP_IDENT
  `-lit 2       // OP_LIT

  int a;
  a= a + 2;

x=y 2 1023
  `-id a
  `-x+y 2 2     // OP_PLUS
    `- *x 2 a   // Get value from a (OP_ADDR)
    | `-id a
    `-lit 2

  int a;
  int *b;
  a= *b;

x=y 2 1023      // Assign sub-tree value to a
  `-id a
  `- *x 2       // Dereference the ptr value (OP_ADDR)
    `- *x 4 b   // Get ptr value from b (OP_ADDR)
      `-id b

  int a, b;
  if (a == b)
    printf("Hello world\n");

x==y                    // Compare sub-trees (OP_EQUAL)
  `- *x 2 a             // Value at a
  | `-id a
  `- *x 2 b             // Value at b
    `-id b

 printf() 1             // Call function (OP_CALL)
  `-glue                // OP_GLUE
    `-ldlab L4          // with value at L4 (OP_LDLAB)

  int a, b;
  a= (b > 2) ? b++ : --b;

x=y 2 1023              // Assign to a
  `-id a
  `-?: 3                // result of ternary operation (OP_IFELSE)
      `-jump/false 2    // Jump if expression false (OP_BRFALSE)
      | `-x>y           // a > comparison between (OP_GREATER)
      | | `- *x 2 b     // b's value and literal 2
      | | | `-id b
      | | `-lit 2
      | `-x++ 2 1022    // b++'s value (OP_POSTINC)
      |   `-id b
      `---x 2 1022      // --b's value (OP_PREDEC)
        `-id b

  int a,b;
  int list[4];
  a= list[2];
  a= list[b];

x=y 2 1023              // Assign to a
  `-id a
  `- *x 2               // the value at
    `-x+y (int,int)     // (OP_ADD, not OP_PLUS)
      `-addr list       // address of list (OP_ADDR)
      `-scale           // (OP_SCALE)
        `-lit 2         // plus 2

x=y 2 1023              // Assign to a
  `-id a
  `- *x 2               // the value at
    `-x+y (int,int)     // (OP_ADD)
      `-addr list       // address of list (OP_ADDR)
      `-scale           // (OP_SCALEBY)
        `- *x 2 b       // plus value at b
          `-id b

The Functions in src/tree.c

Now that we've seen what the AST nodes look like, and how an AST is built, let's look at the functions in src/tree.c that are used to build and maintain each AST.

There is a low-level function with this prototype:

// Create a new AST node and add it to the Nodes[] storage area.
// args points at the arguments in the node. na is the number of
// argument pointers.
// Return a pointer to the node.
static node *mknode(int op, int na, int *args, node *left, node *right);

I'm not going to show the code because it's not pretty. Rather than using dynamic memory allocation (malloc() and friend), SubC allocates this from a pool of memory called Nodes[]:

#define NODEPOOLSZ	4096	/* ints */
extern int     Nodes[NODEPOOLSZ];
extern int     Ndtop;
extern int     Ndmax;

The code creates an AST node, copies the left/right pointers and the arguments, and sets the node's operation to op.

More Specific Node Creation Functions

There are some functions which make specific node types:

// Make a leaf node with one argument.
node *mkleaf(int op, int n) {
        int     a[1];

        a[0] = n;
        return mknode(op, 1, a, NULL, NULL);

// Make a unary operation node with no arguments & one child.
node *mkunop(int op, node *left) {
        return mknode(op, 0, NULL, left, NULL);

// Make a unary operation node with one argument & one child.
node *mkunop1(int op, int n, node *left) {
        int     a[1];

        a[0] = n;
        return mknode(op, 1, a, left, NULL);

// Make a unary operation node with two arguments & one child.
node *mkunop2(int op, int n1, int n2, node *left) {
        int     a[2];

        a[0] = n1;
        a[1] = n2;
        return mknode(op, 2, a, left, NULL);

// Make a binary operation node with no arguments.
node *mkbinop(int op, node *left, node *right) {
        return mknode(op, 0, NULL, left, right);

// Make a binary operation node with one argument.
node *mkbinop1(int op, int n, node *left, node *right) {
        int     a[1];

        a[0] = n;
        return mknode(op, 1, a, left, right);

// Make a binary operation node with two arguments.
node *mkbinop2(int op, int n1, int n2, node *left, node *right) {
        int     a[2];

        a[0] = n1;
        a[1] = n2;
        return mknode(op, 2, a, left, right);

Tree Dumping Functions

SubC can dump the contents of the expression trees in text form. There is a high-level function called dumptree() which receives a pointer to the root of the tree, and which traverses and dumps the entire tree. It relies on several helper functions to print out unary, binary and leaf nodes.

The code is straight-forward, but you look at the functions to see how an AST is traversed in general:

  • Deal with any left-hand child
  • Deal with any right-hand child
  • Deal with the operation between them

The only difference is, for printing reasons, the operation is printed first.

Functions that Traverse and Generate Code

At the end of src/tree.c there are several emitXXX() functions which take an expression tree, traverse it and call functions in the generic code generator to emit generic assembly output for the expression.

As the tree traversal and the code generation are intertwined, and you've already learned enough about ASTs here, I'll delay the coverage of the emitXXX() functions until the part of the tour on generic code generation.