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Easy symlinks to the n latest files in a directory.

This is an tool that maintains symlinks to the n most recently modified files in a given directory.


pip install nlatest-files


usage: nlf [-h] [-c FILE] [--save] -d DIR [-n COUNT] [-u] [-s DIR] [-f FORMAT]

Args that start with '--' (eg. --save) can also be set in a config file
(/home/user/.config/nlatest-files.conf or specified via -c). Config file syntax
allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see syntax at If an arg is specified in more than one place, then
commandline values override config file values which override defaults.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c FILE, --config FILE
                        config file location, defaults to
  --save                if specified, saves the current configuration to the
                        config file
  -d DIR, --dir DIR     the source directory
  -n COUNT, --count COUNT
                        the latest n files to list, defaults to 1
  -u, --update-symlinks
                        create symlinks to the latest n files
  -s DIR, --symlink-dir DIR
                        the directory to create symlinks in, defaults to the
                        source directory
  -f FORMAT, --symlink-format FORMAT
                        the format string for symlinks, where {n} is the order
                        index, defaults to 'latest-{n}'. {n} must be included,
                        unless n = 1
  -q, --quiet           if specified, no status messages will be printed to


nlf -d ~/invoices -n 5
    Prints the latest 5 files in ~/invoices

nlf -d ~/invoices -n 5 --save
    Saves the given parameters to the default config file

nlf -d ~/invoices -n 5 -c ~/dotfiles/myconfig.conf --save
    Saves the given parameters to the specified config file

    Prints the latest 5 again, using from the config file

nlf -u -s $HOME/screenshots -f "screeny-{n}" -n 3
    Creates symlinks to the top 3 latest screenshots in ~/screenshots

scrot -e 'mv -u $f ~/screenshots/ && nlf -u -d ~/screenshots -n 1 -f "latest"'
    Takes a screenshot with scrot, moves it to ~/screenshots, then
    adds a `symlink ~/screenshots/latest` pointing to it

Future Plans

  • [ ] preserve file extension
  • [ ] file extension specifier
  • [ ] multiple source directories
  • [ ] recursive search


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