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Deep Learning with Recurrent Neural Networks

In Python

Donald Whyte / @donald_whyte
Alejandro Saucedo / @AxSaucedo


About Us

![portrait](images/alejandro.jpg) ![portrait](images/donald.jpg)
Alejandro Saucedo Donald Whyte


Create an AI author.

Create a neural network that can write novels.

Using 34,000 English novels to train the network.


The Output

Gradually drawing away from the rest, two combatants are striving; each devoting every nerve, every energy, to the overthrow of the other.

But each attack is met by counter attack, each terrible swinging stroke by the crash of equally hard pain or the dull slap of tough hard shield opposed in parry.

More men are down. Even numbers of men on each side, these two combatants strive on.



import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.contrib import layers, rnn import os import time import math import numpy as np tf.set_random_seed(0)

model parameters

SEQLEN = 30 BATCHSIZE = 200 ALPHASIZE = 89 INTERNALSIZE = 512 NLAYERS = 3 learning_rate = 0.001 dropout_pkeep = 0.8

codetext, valitext, bookranges = load_data()

the model

lr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='lr') # learning rate pkeep = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='pkeep') # dropout parameter batchsize = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='batchsize')


X = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, [None, None], name='X') Xo = tf.one_hot(X, ALPHASIZE, 1.0, 0.0)

expected outputs

Y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, [None, None], name='Y_') Yo_ = tf.one_hot(Y_, ALPHASIZE, 1.0, 0.0)

input state

Hin = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, INTERNALSIZE*NLAYERS], name='Hin')

hidden layers

cells = [rnn.GRUCell(INTERNALSIZE) for _ in range(NLAYERS)] multicell = rnn.MultiRNNCell(cells, state_is_tuple=False)


Yr, H = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(multicell, Xo, dtype=tf.float32, initial_state=Hin) H = tf.identity(H, name='H')

Softmax layer implementation

Yflat = tf.reshape(Yr, [-1, INTERNALSIZE]) Ylogits = layers.linear(Yflat, ALPHASIZE) Yflat_ = tf.reshape(Yo_, [-1, ALPHASIZE]) loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=Ylogits, labels=Yflat_) loss = tf.reshape(loss, [batchsize, -1]) Yo = tf.nn.softmax(Ylogits, name='Yo') Y = tf.argmax(Yo, 1) Y = tf.reshape(Y, [batchsize, -1], name="Y") train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr).minimize(loss)

Init for saving models

if not os.path.exists("checkpoints"): os.mkdir("checkpoints") saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1000)


istate = np.zeros([BATCHSIZE, INTERNALSIZE*NLAYERS]) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() sess = tf.Session() step = 0

train on one minibatch at a time

for x, y_, epoch in txt.rnn_minibatch_sequencer(codetext, BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, nb_epochs=10): feed_dict = {X: x, Ye: ye, Hin: istate, lr: learning_rate, pkeep: dropout_pkeep, batchsize: BATCHSIZE} _, y, ostate =[train_step, Y, H], feed_dict=feed_dict)

if step // 10 % _50_BATCHES == 0:
    saved_file =, 'checkpoints/rnn_train_' + timestamp, global_step=step)
    print("Saved file: " + saved_file)

istate = ostate

Less than 100 lines of Tensorflow code!


Gutenberg Datatset

Contains 34,000 English novels.

note Project Gutenberg offers over 54,000 free eBooks: Choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online. You will find the world's great literature here, especially older works for which copyright has expired. We digitized and diligently proofread them with the help of thousands of volunteers.

[NEXT] novel_preprocessing


  1. merge all 30000 novels into a single text document
  2. load single document as a flat sequence of characters
  3. filter out characters we don't care about
  4. map each char to an integer
  • integer decides which input value is set to 0

Result: sequence of integers

notes Emphasise the fact that you load all of the textual data in as integer-coded chars. All documents are flattened into a single large sequence.


Come to our workshop!

note We're also running a workshop later today where we guide you through the code from this talk so you can build your own AI author.

We're awarding prizes to the best performing models, so be sure to come along to that!


1. Traditional Supervised Learning

Use labelled historical data to predict future outcomes

[NEXT] Given some input data, predict the correct output


What features of the input tell us about the output?


Feature Space

  • A feature is some property that describes raw input data
  • Features represented as a vector in feature space
  • Abstract complexity of raw input for easier processing


note In this case, we have 2 features, so inputs are 2D vector that lie in a 2D feature space.



  • Training data is used to produce a model
  • $f(x̄) = mx̄ + c$
  • Model divides feature space into segments
  • Each segment corresponds to one output class

[NEXT] Use trained model to predict outcome of new, unseen data.




$x̄ = (area, perimeter)$

$m = (1, -3.5)$

$c = 0$

[NEXT] Using this model, let's predict what shape an object is.

Feature Value
Area 3
Perimeter 1



$x̄ = (3, 1)$

$f(x̄) = 1(3) + -3.5(1) + 0$

$f(x̄) = 3 - 3.5 + 0$

$f(x̄) = -0.5$

$-0.5 < 0$

$-0.5 < 0$ means left side of the line.

Input shape is a triangle.

note Point out that this same technique can used to predicting continuous, numerical values too (like how much house prices will cost, or how much a stock's price will go up or down).


The Hard Part

Learning $m$ and $c$.

[NEXT] Can this be used to learn how to write novels?

[NEXT] No.


Generating coherent text requires memory of what was written previously.

Valentin's favourite drink is beer. He likes lagers the most.

Male Person Valentin, he
Drinks drink, beer, lagers

note Other issues with traditional machine learning:

  • Does not scale to large numbers of input features
  • Relies on you to break raw input data into a small set of useful features
  • Good feature engineering requires in-depth domain knowledge and time

[NEXT] How do we do this?


2. Deep Neural Networks

[NEXT] Deep neural nets can learn to patterns in complex data, like language.

We can encode memory into the algorithm.

note We can encode memory into the algorithm, allowing us to generate more coherent novels that remember what was previously written.

[NEXT] Just use the raw input data.

Our training data is the raw text of existing novels.

No need for for manual feature extraction.


The Mighty Perceptron

  • Equivalent to the straight line equation from before
  • Linearly splits feature space
  • Modeled after a neuron in the human brain


The Mighty Perceptron

Synonymous to our linear function f(x) = mx + c

For n features, the perceptron is defined as:

y = f(wx + b)

  • n-dimensional weight vector w
  • n-dimensional input vector x
  • bias scalar b
  • activation function f(s)
  • output y


The Mighty Perceptron

f(wx + b) = y



Activation Function

Simulates the 'firing' of a physical neuron.

Takes the weighted sum and squashes it into a smaller range.


Activation Function

Sigmoid Function

  • Squashes perceptron output into range [0,1]
  • Used to learn weights (w)


note We'll find having a continuous activation function is very useful when we want to learn the values of the perceptron weights.

[NEXT] How do we learn w and b?


Perceptron Learning Algorithm

Algorithm which learns correct weights and bias

Use training dataset to incrementally train perceptron

Guaranteed to create line that divides output classes

(if data is linearly separable)

note Details of the algorithm are not covered here for brevity.

Training dataset, which is a collection of known input/output pairs (typically produced by humans manually labelling input).

[NEXT] perceptron_learning

[NEXT] perceptron_learning

[NEXT] perceptron_learning

[NEXT] perceptron_learning


Representing Text

Make the input layer represent:

  • a single word
  • or a single character

Use the input to word/char to predict the next.


We will use characters as the inputs.


note There are pros and cons with either representation. Both techniques use the same principle. You use the input token to predict the next token.

Both words and characters are valid ways of representing text in neural networks. Representing the input as characters is an easier approach and for many tasks, actually results in better performing networks.

We don't have time to go into more detail in this talk, but feel free to ask us for more details afterwards.

[NEXT] char_perceptron_filled

Input: b Predicted char: ?
Current sentence: b?

[NEXT] char_perceptron_filled

Input: b Predicted char: a
Current sentence: ba

[NEXT] char_perceptron_filled

Input: a Predicted char: d
Current sentence: bad

[NEXT] ...

[NEXT] char_perceptron_filled

Input: e Predicted char: d
Current sentence: ball games were often played





Single perceptrons are straight line equations.

Produce a single output, and hence cannot be used for complex problems like language.

Need a network of neurons to output the full one-hot vector.


Solution: Neural Networks

Uses multi-layer perceptrons to:

  • learn patterns in complex data, like language
  • produce the multiple outputs required for text prediction
  • Has multiple layers to provide flexibility on learning





Neuron Connectivity

  • Each layer is fully connected to the next
  • All nodes in layer $l$ are connected to nodes in layer $l + 1$
  • Every single connection has a weight

note Standard neural network architectures make each layer fully connected to the next.

[NEXT] Produces multiple weight matrices

One for each layer


Which allows us to...

note Weight matrix produced using the following Latex equation: W = \begin{bmatrix} w_{00} & w_{01} & \cdots & w_{0n} \ w_{10} & w_{11} & \cdots & w_{1n} \ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \ w_{m0} & w_{m1} & \cdots & w_{mn} \end{bmatrix}


Training Neural Networks

Learn the weight matrices!


Loss Function

An optimization problem


  1. the real output of the network after each batch
  2. the expected output (from our training data)


Number indicating performance of network.

[NEXT] Lower loss values = better performance

Better performance = better prediction accuracy

note There are many different types of loss functions. Typically they all take the real outputs and the known, expected outputs from your training dataset.

We won't cover the details of loss functions here. For now, simply think of loss as a way to measure prediction accuracy, and we want to get the network's loss as small as possible, to get the best accuracy possible.


Gradient Descent Optimiser

We optimise the network by minimising its loss.

Keep adjusting the weights of each hidden layer...

...until loss is not getting any smaller.



We can describe the principle behind gradient descent as “climbing down a hill” until a local or global minimum is reached.

We use the derivatives of each neuron's activation function to determine the direction of the error. The direction of error is the gradient.

At each step, we take a step into the opposite direction of the gradient. That is, we adjust the weights so we have less error in the next step.

This is why we typically use an activation function like sigmoid. Sigmoid provides a continuous output. It is fast and easy to compute the derivative of continuous functions. If we used a discrete activiation function, it would be much harder to run gradient descent.

The step size is determined by the value of the learning rate as well as the slope of the gradient.

Source of diagram:



  • Equivalent to gradient descent
  • The training algorithm for neural networks
  • For each feature vector in the training dataset, do a:
    1. forward pass
    2. backward pass

note Backpropagation is the workhorse of neural network training. Some variation of this algorithm is almost always used to train nets.

For a data point in our training dataset, we run two steps.

Visualisation of learning by backpropagation:


Forward Pass



Backward Pass


[NEXT] After training the network, we obtain weights which minimise prediction error.

Predict next character by running the last character through the forward pass step.





Valentin's favourite drink is beer. He likes lagers the most.

Network still has no memory of past characters.

note We need to know what the last N characters were to effectively predict the next character.


Humans don’t start their thinking from scratch every second. As you read this essay, you understand each word based on your understanding of previous words. You don’t throw everything away and start thinking from scratch again. Your thoughts have persistence.

Traditional neural networks can’t do this, and it seems like a major shortcoming. For example, imagine you want to classify what kind of event is happening at every point in a movie. It’s unclear how a traditional neural network could use its reasoning about previous events in the film to inform later ones.

Recurrent neural networks address this issue. They are networks with loops in them, allowing information to persist.


3. Deep Recurrent Networks

note Source of following diagrams is:


Single neuron — one output



Neural network — multiple outputs



Deep Networks — many hidden layers



Simplified Visualisation


One node represents a full layer of neurons.

[NEXT] rnn_compress_expanded


Recurrent Networks


Hidden layer's input includes the output of itself during the last run of the network.


Unrolled Recurrent Network

Previous predictions help make the next prediction.

Each prediction is a time step.


[NEXT] rnn_unrolled_chars

[NEXT] rnn_unrolled_chars

[NEXT] rnn_unrolled_chars

[NEXT] rnn_unrolled_chars

[NEXT] rnn_unrolled_chars

[NEXT] rnn_unrolled_chars

[NEXT] rnn_unrolled_chars

[NEXT] rnn_unrolled_chars

[NEXT] rnn_unrolled_chars


Problem: Long-Term Dependencies



Cell States

Add extra state to each layer of the network.

Remembers inputs far into the past.

Transforms layer's original output into something that is relevant to the current context.

note This extra state stores information on inputs from much earlier time steps.

The state transforms the hidden layer's original output into something that is relevant to the current context, given what's happened in the past.

[NEXT] rnn_compressed

[NEXT] rnn_hiddenstate

[NEXT] Hidden layer output and cell state is feed into next time step.

Gives network ability to handle long-term dependencies in sequences.

note Feeding the output of a hidden layer and its internal cell state back into itself at the next time step allows the network to express long-term dependencies in sequences.

For example, the network will be able to remember the subject at the start of a paragraph of text at the very end of the paragraph, allowing it to generate text that makes sense in context.

This works because the cell state is built to store past time steps in a memory and CPU efficient way. So even though the cell state memory footprint is small (e.g. 100-200 bytes), it can remember things quite far in the past.

[NEXT] rnn_long_term_deps


Note that there is still a limit to how far back networks with cell states can remember. So we reduce the problems expressing long-term dependencies, but we don't get rid of it entirely.

Unfortunately, we don't have time in this talk to go into detail on how cell states are represented and the different types.

So for this talk, we will treat the state as a "§box" and believe it solves the long-term dependency problem.

Here's a link to a great article that explains the most commonly used cell state technique in great detail.


4. Training RNNs

[NEXT] These recurrent networks are trained in the same way as regular network.

[NEXT] Backpropagation and gradient descent.


[NEXT] backprop_back_pass

[NEXT] We need data to train the network.


Gutenberg Datatset

Contains 34,000 English novels.

[NEXT] novel_preprocessing


Common Training Methods

Run backpropagation after:

Stochastic one sequence
Batch all sequences
Mini-Batch smaller batch of $b$ sequences

[NEXT] We'll use mini-batch.



Stochastic long time to converge on good weights
Batch consumes lots of memory, gets stuck on "okay" weights
Mini-Batch quick to converge and memory efficient

[NEXT] Iterate across all batches.

Run backpropagation after processing each batch.


note Split all the sequences into smaller batches of sequences.

Typically, batch size is between 30 and 100.


5. Neural Nets in Python

[NEXT] Building a neural network involves:

  1. defining its architecture
  2. learning the weight matrices for that architecture


  1. e.g. number of layers, whether to have loops, what type of cell state to use
  2. running an optimiser like gradient descent to train network on training dataset


Problem: complex graphs


note Source:

Here is a small section of the computation graph required to train a simple recurrent network.


Problem: Complex Derivations


note Source:

This is some of the algebra require for one step of backpropagaiton/training for a single layer. And this is basic neural network with lno oops or cell states.




  • Can build very complex networks quickly
  • Easy to extend if required
  • Built-in support for RNN memory cells


Other Python Neural Net Libraries

icon_tensorflow icon_keras icon_caffe

icon_pytorch icon_theano

note Allows user to write symbolic mathematical expressions, then automatically generates their derivatives, saving the user from having to code gradients or backpropagation. These symbolic expressions are automatically compiled to CUDA code for a fast, on-the-GPU implementation.

Theano: The reference deep-learning library for Python with an API largely compatible with the popular NumPy library.

  • Good visualisation tools


6. Tensorflow

Building our Model



Build a recurrent neural network to generate stories in Tensorflow.



Build a computation graph that learns the weights of our network.


The Computation Graph

tf.Tensor Unit of data. Vectors or matrices of values (floats, ints, etc.).
tf.Operation Unit of computation. Takes 0+ tf.Tensors as inputs and outputs 0+ tf.Tensors.
tf.Graph Collection of connected tf.Tensors and tf.Operations.

Operations are nodes and tensors are edges.


The Computation Graph



Graph that triples numbers and sums them.

# 1. Define Inputs
# Input is a 2D vector containing the two numbers to triple.
inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [2])

# 2. Define Internal Operations
tripled_numbers = tf.scalar_mul(3, inputs)

# 3. Define Final Output
# Sum the previously tripled inputs.
output_sum = tf.reduce_sum(tripled_numbers)

# 4. Run the graph with some inputs to produce the output.
session = tf.Session()
result =, feed_dict={inputs: [300, 10]})




Defining Hyperparameters

# Input Hyperparameters

# Hidden Recurrent Layer Hyperparameters



# Dimensions: [ BATCH_SIZE, SEQUENCE_LEN ]
X = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, [None, None], name='X')



Xo = tf.one_hot(X, ALPHABET_SIZE, 1.0, 0.0)



Defining Hidden State


note Recap how the deep RNN cell layers work.


Defining Hidden State

from tensorflow.contrib import rnn

# Cell State
H_in = tf.placeholder(

# Create desired number of hidden layers that use the `GRUCell`
# for managing hidden state.
cells = [
    for _ in range(NUM_HIDDEN_LAYERS)
multicell = rnn.MultiRNNCell(cells)

note Point out that GRU cells is one of the most common methods for storing cell states in hidden layers.

LSTM vs GRU difference:


The other answer is already great. Just to add, GRU is related to LSTM as both are utilizing different way if gating information to prevent vanishing gradient problem.

GRU is relatively new, and from what I can see it's performance is on par with LSTM, but computationally more efficient (less complex structure as pointed out). So we are seeing it being used more and more.


Unrolling Recurrent Network Layers



Unrolling Recurrent Network Layers

Yr, H_out = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(

# Yr =    output of network. probability distribution of
#         next character.
# H_out = the altered hidden cell state after processing
#         last input.

Wrap recurrent hidden layers in tf.dynamic_rnn.

Unrolls loops when computation graph is running.

Loops will be unrolled SEQUENCE_LENGTH times.

note The loops will be unrolled SEQUENCE_LENGTH times. You can think of this as us copying all the hidden layer nodes for each unroll, creating a computation graph that has 30 sets of hidden layers.

Note that H_out is the input hidden cell state that's been updated by the last input. H_out is used as the next character's input (H_in).


Output is probability distribution


from tensorflow.contrib import layers

Yflat = tf.reshape(Yr, [-1, HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE])
Ylogits = layers.linear(Yflat, ALPHABET_SIZE)
Yo = tf.nn.softmax(Ylogits, name='Yo')

note Flatten the first two dimensions of the output:


Then apply softmax readout layer. The output of the softmax Yo is the probability distribution

With this readout layer, the weights and biases are shared across unrolled time steps. Doing this treats values coming from a single sequence time step (one char) and values coming from a mini-batch run as the same thing.


Pick most probable character


Y = tf.argmax(Yo, 1)
Y = tf.reshape(Y, [BATCH_SIZE, -1], name="Y")

[NEXT] Remaining tasks:

  • define our loss function
  • decide what weight optimiser to use


Loss Function


  1. the real output of the network after each batch
  2. the expected output (from our training data)

note Used to compute a "loss" number that indicates how well the networking is is predicting the next char.


Loss Function



Loss Function

Input expected next chars into network:

Y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, [None, None], name='Y_')

Yo_ = tf.one_hot(Y_, ALPHABET_SIZE, 1.0, 0.0)

Yflat_ = tf.reshape(Yo_, [-1, ALPHABET_SIZE])


Loss Function

Defining the loss function:

loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(

loss = tf.reshape(loss, [BATCH_SIZE, -1])

note We don't have time to cover the details of this loss function. All you need to know for this talk is that is a commonly used loss function when predicting discrete, category values like characters.


Choose an optimiser

Will adjust network weights to minimise the loss.

train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(lr).minimize(loss)

In the workshop we'll use a flavour called AdamOptimizer.


7. Tensorflow

Training the Model



We run mini-batch training on the network.

Train network on all batches multiple times.

Each run across all batches is an epoch.

More epochs = better weights = better accuracy.

note Of course, the downside of running loads of epochs is that it takes much longer to train the network.


Minibatch splitting across epochs

# Contains: [Training Data, Test Data, Epoch Number]
Batch = Tuple[np.matrix, np.matrix, int]

def rnn_minibatch_generator(
        data: List[int],
        batch_size: int,
        sequence_length: int,
        num_epochs: int) -> Generator[Batch, None, None]:

    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        for batch in range(num_batches):
            # split data into batches, where each batch contains `b` sequences
            # of length `sequence_length`.
            training_data = ...
            test_data = ...
            yield training_data, c, epoch

note Omit the details, just explain the underlying concept of splitting one big large sequence into more sequences.


Start training

# Create the session and initialize its variables to 0.
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
session = tf.Session()

Load dataset and construct mini-batch generator:

char_integer_list = []
generator = rnn_minibatch_generator(

[NEXT] Run training step on all mini-batches for multiple epochs:

# Initialise input state
step = 0
input_state = np.zeros([

# Run training step loop
for batch_input, expected_batch_output, epoch in generator:
    graph_inputs = {
      X: batch_input,   Y_: expected_batch_output,
      Hin: input_state, batch_size: BATCH_SIZE

    _, output, output_state =
        [train_step, Y, H],

    # Loop state around for next recurrent run
    input_state = output_state


Final Results


Epoch 0.0

Dy8v:SH3U 2d4 xZ Vaf%hO kS_0i6 7y U5SUu6nSsR0 x MYiZ5ykLOtG3Q,cu St k V ctc_N CQFSbF%]q3ZsWWK8wP gyfYt3DpFo yhZ_ss,"IedX%lj,R%4ux IX5 R%N3wQNG PnSl 1DJqLdpc[kLeSYMoE]kf xCe29 J[r_k 6BiUs GUguW Y [Kw8"P Sg" e[2OCL%G mad6,:J[A k 5 jz 46iyQLuuT 9qTn GjT6:dSjv6RXMyjxX8:3 h cr sYBgnc8 DP04A8laW


Epoch 0.1

Uum awetuarteeuF toBdU iwObaaMlr o rM OufNJetu iida cZeDbRuZfU m igdaao QH NBJ diace e L cjoXeu ZDjiMftAeN g iu O Aoc jdjrmIuaai ie t qmuozPwaEkoihca eXuzRCgZ iW AeqapiwaT VInBosPkqroi s yWbJoj yKq oUo jebaYigEouzxVb eyt Px hiamIf vPOiiPu ky Cut LviPoej iE w hpFVxes h zwsvoidmoWxzgTnL ujDt Pr a


Epoch 1

Here is the goal of my further. I shouldn't be the shash of no. Sky is bright and blue as running goeg on.

Paur decided to move downwards to the floor, where the treasure was stored. She then thought to call her friend from ahead.

[NEXT] ...


Epoch 50

Gradually drawing away from the rest, two combatants are striving; each devoting every nerve, every energy, to the overthrow of the other.

But each attack is met by counter attack, each terrible swinging stroke by the crash of equally hard pain or the dull slap of tough hard shield opposed in parry.

More men are down. Even numbers of men on each side, these two combatants strive on.


Further Examples

Andrej Karpathy's blog post:

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks


 * Increment the size file of the new incorrect UI_FILTER group information
 * of the size generatively.
static int indicate_policy(void)
  int error;
  if (fd == MARN_EPT) {
    /* The kernel blank will coeld it to userspace. */
    if (ss->segment < mem_total)
      ret = 1;
    goto bail;
  segaddr = in_SB(in.addr);
  selector = seg / 16;
  setup_works = true;
  for (i = 0; i < blocks; i++) {
    seq = buf[i++];
    bpf = bd-> + i * search;
    if (fd) {
      current = blocked;
  rw->name = "Getjbbregs";
  regs->new = blocks[(BPF_STATS << info->historidac)] | PFMR_CLOBATHINC_SECONDS << 12;
  return segtable;

[NEXT] latex_generation_example




We have created an AI author!


import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.contrib import layers, rnn import os import time import math import numpy as np tf.set_random_seed(0)

model parameters

SEQLEN = 30 BATCHSIZE = 200 ALPHASIZE = 89 INTERNALSIZE = 512 NLAYERS = 3 learning_rate = 0.001 dropout_pkeep = 0.8

codetext, valitext, bookranges = load_data()

the model

lr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='lr') # learning rate pkeep = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='pkeep') # dropout parameter batchsize = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='batchsize')


X = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, [None, None], name='X') Xo = tf.one_hot(X, ALPHASIZE, 1.0, 0.0)

expected outputs

Y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, [None, None], name='Y_') Yo_ = tf.one_hot(Y_, ALPHASIZE, 1.0, 0.0)

input state

Hin = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, INTERNALSIZE*NLAYERS], name='Hin')

hidden layers

cells = [rnn.GRUCell(INTERNALSIZE) for _ in range(NLAYERS)] multicell = rnn.MultiRNNCell(cells, state_is_tuple=False)


Yr, H = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(multicell, Xo, dtype=tf.float32, initial_state=Hin) H = tf.identity(H, name='H')

Softmax layer implementation

Yflat = tf.reshape(Yr, [-1, INTERNALSIZE]) Ylogits = layers.linear(Yflat, ALPHASIZE) Yflat_ = tf.reshape(Yo_, [-1, ALPHASIZE]) loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=Ylogits, labels=Yflat_) loss = tf.reshape(loss, [batchsize, -1]) Yo = tf.nn.softmax(Ylogits, name='Yo') Y = tf.argmax(Yo, 1) Y = tf.reshape(Y, [batchsize, -1], name="Y") train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr).minimize(loss)

Init for saving models

if not os.path.exists("checkpoints"): os.mkdir("checkpoints") saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1000)


istate = np.zeros([BATCHSIZE, INTERNALSIZE*NLAYERS]) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() sess = tf.Session() step = 0

train on one minibatch at a time

for x, y_, epoch in txt.rnn_minibatch_sequencer(codetext, BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, nb_epochs=10): feed_dict = {X: x, Ye: ye, Hin: istate, lr: learning_rate, pkeep: dropout_pkeep, batchsize: BATCHSIZE} _, y, ostate =[train_step, Y, H], feed_dict=feed_dict)

if step // 10 % _50_BATCHES == 0:
    saved_file =, 'checkpoints/rnn_train_' + timestamp, global_step=step)
    print("Saved file: " + saved_file)

istate = ostate

Less than 100 lines of Tensorflow code!





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Martin Görner -- Tensorflow RNN Shakespeare

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