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File metadata and controls

212 lines (174 loc) · 12.5 KB



The bidscoin command-line utility serves as a central starting point to test and manage your BIDScoin installation

usage: bidscoin [-h] [-l] [-p] [-i INSTALL [INSTALL ...]] [-u UNINSTALL [UNINSTALL ...]]
                [-d DOWNLOAD] [-t [TEST]] [-b BIDSMAPTEST] [-c CREDITS [CREDITS ...]]
                [--tracking {yes,no,show}] [-v]

BIDScoin is a toolkit to convert raw data-sets according to the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS)

The basic workflow is to run these two tools:

  $ bidsmapper sourcefolder bidsfolder     # This produces a study bidsmap and launches a GUI
  $ bidscoiner sourcefolder bidsfolder     # This converts your data to BIDS according to the study bidsmap

Default settings and template bidsmaps are stored in the `.bidscoin` configuration folder in your home
directory (you can modify the configuration files to your needs with any plain text editor)

Set the environment variable `BIDSCOIN_DEBUG=TRUE` to run BIDScoin in a more verbose logging mode and
`BIDSCOIN_CONFIGDIR=/writable/path/to/configdir` for using a different configuration (root) directory.
Citation reports can be generated with the help of duecredit (

For more documentation see:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --list            List all executables (i.e. the apps, bidsapps and utilities)
  -p, --plugins         List all installed plugins and template bidsmaps
  -i INSTALL [INSTALL ...], --install INSTALL [INSTALL ...]
                        A list of template bidsmaps and/or bidscoin plugins to install
                        A list of template bidsmaps and/or bidscoin plugins to uninstall
  -d DOWNLOAD, --download DOWNLOAD
                        Download tutorial MRI data to the DOWNLOAD folder
  -t [TEST], --test [TEST]
                        Test the bidscoin installation and template bidsmap
                        Test the run-items and their bidsnames of all normal runs in the study
                        bidsmap. Provide the bids-folder or the bidsmap filepath
  -c CREDITS [CREDITS ...], --credits CREDITS [CREDITS ...]
                        Show duecredit citations for your BIDS repository. You can also add duecredit
                        summary arguments (without dashes), e.g. `style {apa,harvard1}` or `format
  --tracking {yes,no,show}
                        Show the usage tracking info {show}, or set usage tracking to {yes} or {no}
  -v, --version         Show the installed version and check for updates

  bidscoin -l
  bidscoin -d data/bidscoin_tutorial
  bidscoin -t
  bidscoin -t my_template_bidsmap
  bidscoin -b my_study_bidsmap
  bidscoin -i data/my_template_bidsmap.yaml downloads/
  bidscoin -c myproject/bids
  bidscoin -c myproject/bids format bibtex
  bidscoin --tracking show


The dicomsort command-line tool is a utility to move your flat- or DICOMDIR-organized files (see above) into a 'seriesfolder' organization. This can be useful to organize your source data in a more convenient and human readable way (DICOMDIR or flat DICOM directories can often be hard to comprehend). The BIDScoin tools will run dicomsort in a temporary folder if your data is not already organized in series-folders, so in principle you don't really need to run it yourself (unless when you have a single multi-subject DICOMDIR file for your entire repository). Running dicomsort beforehand does, however, give you more flexibility in handling special cases that are not handled properly and it can also give you a speed benefit. If dicomsort do not satisfy your needs, then have a look at this DICOM reorganize tool.

usage: dicomsort [-h] [-i SUBPREFIX] [-j SESPREFIX] [-f FOLDERSCHEME] [-n NAMESCHEME] [-p PATTERN]
                 [--force] [-d]

Sorts and/or renames DICOM files into local subfolders, e.g. with 3-digit SeriesNumber-SeriesDescription
folder names (i.e. following the same listing as on the scanner console)

Supports flat DICOM as well as multi-subject/session DICOMDIR file structures.

positional arguments:
  dicomsource           The root folder containing the dicomsource/[sub/][ses/] dicomfiles or the
                        DICOMDIR file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i SUBPREFIX, --subprefix SUBPREFIX
                        Provide a prefix string to recursively sort dicomsource/subject subfolders
                        (e.g. "sub-" or "S_") (default: None)
  -j SESPREFIX, --sesprefix SESPREFIX
                        Provide a prefix string to recursively sort dicomsource/subject/session
                        subfolders (e.g. "ses-" or "T_") (default: None)
                        Naming scheme for the sorted DICOM Series subfolders. Follows the Python
                        string formatting syntax with DICOM field names in curly bracers with an
                        optional number of digits for numeric fields. Sorting in subfolders is
                        skipped when an empty folderscheme is given (but note that renaming the
                        filenames can still be performed) (default:
  -n NAMESCHEME, --namescheme NAMESCHEME
                        Optional naming scheme that can be provided to rename the DICOM files.
                        Follows the Python string formatting syntax with DICOM field names in curly
                        bracers with an optional number of digits for numeric fields. Use e.g. "{Pati
                        anceNumber:05d}.dcm" or "{InstanceNumber:05d}_{SOPInstanceUID}.IMA" for
                        default names (default: None)
  -p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN
                        The regular expression pattern used in re.match(pattern, dicomfile) to select
                        the DICOM files (default: .*\.(IMA|dcm)$)
  --force               Sort the DICOM data even the DICOM fields of the folder/name scheme are not
                        in the data (default: False)
  -d, --dryrun          Only print the dicomsort commands without actually doing anything (default:

  dicomsort raw/sub-011/ses-mri01
  dicomsort raw --subprefix sub- --sesprefix ses-
  dicomsort myproject/raw/DICOMDIR --subprefix pat^ --sesprefix
  dicomsort sub-011/ses-mri01/DICOMDIR -n {AcquisitionNumber:05d}_{InstanceNumber:05d}.dcm


Another command-line utility that can be helpful in organizing your source data is rawmapper. This utility can show you an overview (map) of all the values of DICOM-attributes of interest in your data-set and, optionally, used to rename your source data sub-folders. The latter option can be handy e.g. if you manually entered subject-identifiers as [Additional info] at the scanner console and you want to use these to rename your subject folders.

usage: rawmapper [-h] [-s SESSIONS [SESSIONS ...]] [-f FIELD [FIELD ...]] [-w WILDCARD]
                 [-o OUTFOLDER] [-r] [-c] [-n SUBPREFIX] [-m [SESPREFIX]] [-d]

Maps out the values of a DICOM attribute of all subjects in the sourcefolder, saves the result
in a mapper-file and, optionally, uses the DICOM values to rename the sub-/ses-id's of the
subfolders. This latter option can be used, e.g. when an alternative subject id was entered in
the [Additional info] field during subject registration at the scanner console (i.e. this data
is stored in the DICOM attribute named 'PatientComments')

positional arguments:
  sourcefolder          The source folder with the raw data in sub-#/ses-#/series organization

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SESSIONS [SESSIONS ...], --sessions SESSIONS [SESSIONS ...]
                        Space separated list of selected sub-#/ses-# names / folders to be processed.
                        Otherwise all sessions in the bidsfolder will be selected (default: None)
  -f FIELD [FIELD ...], --field FIELD [FIELD ...]
                        The fieldname(s) of the DICOM attribute(s) used to rename or map the
                        subid/sesid foldernames (default: ['PatientComments', 'ImageComments'])
  -w WILDCARD, --wildcard WILDCARD
                        The Unix style pathname pattern expansion that is used to select the series
                        from which the dicomfield is being mapped (can contain wildcards) (default:
  -o OUTFOLDER, --outfolder OUTFOLDER
                        The mapper-file is normally saved in sourcefolder or, when using this option,
                        in outfolder (default: None)
  -r, --rename          Rename sub-subid/ses-sesid directories in the sourcefolder to sub-dcmval/ses-
                        dcmval (default: False)
  -c, --clobber         Rename the sub/ses directories, even if the target-directory already exists
                        (default: False)
  -n SUBPREFIX, --subprefix SUBPREFIX
                        The prefix common for all the source subject-folders. Use a '*' wildcard if
                        there is no prefix (default: sub-)
  -m [SESPREFIX], --sesprefix [SESPREFIX]
                        The prefix common for all the source session-folders. Use a '*' wildcard if
                        there is no prefix or an empty value if there are no sessions (default: ses-)
  -d, --dryrun          Dryrun (test) the mapping or renaming of the sub-subid/ses-sesid directories
                        (i.e. nothing is stored on disk and directory names are not actually
                        changed)) (default: False)

  rawmapper myproject/raw
  rawmapper myproject/raw -f AcquisitionDate
  rawmapper myproject/raw -s sub-100/ses-mri01 sub-126/ses-mri01
  rawmapper myproject/raw -r -f ManufacturerModelName AcquisitionDate --dryrun
  rawmapper myproject/raw -r -s sub-1*/* sub-2*/ses-mri01 --dryrun
  rawmapper -f EchoTime -w *fMRI* myproject/raw


The bidsparticipants tool is useful for (re-)generating a participants.tsv file from your source data (without having to run bidscoiner)

usage: bidsparticipants [-h] [-k KEYS [KEYS ...]] [-d] [-b BIDSMAP] sourcefolder bidsfolder

(Re)scans data sets in the source folder for subject metadata to populate the participants.tsv
file in the bids directory, e.g. after you renamed (be careful there!), added or deleted data
in the bids folder yourself.

Provenance information, warnings and error messages are stored in the
bidsfolder/code/bidscoin/bidsparticipants.log file.

positional arguments:
  sourcefolder          The study root folder containing the raw source data folders
  bidsfolder            The destination / output folder with the bids data

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k KEYS [KEYS ...], --keys KEYS [KEYS ...]
                        Space separated list of the participants.tsv columns. Default: 'session_id'
                        'age' 'sex' 'size' 'weight'
  -d, --dryrun          Do not save anything, only print the participants info on screen
  -b BIDSMAP, --bidsmap BIDSMAP
                        The study bidsmap file with the mapping heuristics. If the bidsmap filename
                        is just the basename (i.e. no "/" in the name) then it is assumed to be
                        located in the current directory or in bidsfolder/code/bidscoin. Default:

  bidsparticipants myproject/raw myproject/bids
  bidsparticipants myproject/raw myproject/bids -k participant_id age sex