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File metadata and controls

237 lines (207 loc) · 12.3 KB

Data preparation

Required source data structure

BIDScoin requires that the source data input folder is organized according to a sub-identifier/[ses-identifier]/data structure (the ses-identifier subfolder is optional). The data folder can have various formats, as shown in the following examples:

  1. A 'seriesfolder' organization. A series folder contains a single data type and are typically acquired in a single run -- a.k.a 'Series' in DICOM speak. This is how users receive their data from the (Siemens) scanners at the DCCN:

    |-- sub-001
    |   |-- ses-mri01
    |   |   |-- 001-localizer
    |   |   |   |-- 00001_1.
    |   |   |   |-- 00002_1.
    |   |   |   `-- 00003_1.
    |   |   |
    |   |   |-- 002-t1_mprage_sag_p2_iso_1.0
    |   |   |   |-- 00002_1.
    |   |   |   |-- 00003_1.
    |   |   |   |-- 00004_1.
    |   |   |   [..]
    |   |   [..]
    |   |
    |   `-- ses-mri02
    |       |-- 001-localizer
    |       |   |-- 00001_1.
    |       |   |-- 00002_1.
    |       |   `-- 00003_1.
    |       [..]
    |-- sub-002
    |   `-- ses-mri01
    |       |-- 001-localizer
    |       |   |-- 00001_1.
    |       |   |-- 00002_1.
    |       |   `-- 00003_1.
    |       [..]
  2. A 'DICOMDIR' organization. A DICOMDIR is dictionary-file that indicates the various places where all the various DICOM files are stored. DICOMDIRs are often used in clinical settings and may look like:

    |-- sub-001
    |   |-- DICOM
    |   |   `-- 00001EE9
    |   |       `-- AAFC99B8
    |   |           `-- AA547EAB
    |   |               |-- 00000025
    |   |               |   |-- EE008C45
    |   |               |   |-- EE027F55
    |   |               |   |-- EE03D17C
    |   |               |   [..]
    |   |               |
    |   |               |-- 000000B4
    |   |               |   |-- EE07CCDA
    |   |               |   |-- EE0E0701
    |   |               |   |-- EE0E200A
    |   |               |   [..]
    |   |               [..]
    |   `-- DICOMDIR
    |-- sub-002
    |   [..]
  3. A flat DICOM organization. In a flat DICOM organization all the DICOM files of all the different Series are simply put in one large directory. This organization is sometimes used when exporting data in clinical settings:

    |-- sub-001
    |   `-- ses-mri01
    |       |-- IM_0001.dcm
    |       |-- IM_0002.dcm
    |       |-- IM_0003.dcm
    |       [..]
    |-- sub-002
    |   `-- ses-mri01
    |       |-- IM_0001.dcm
    |       |-- IM_0002.dcm
    |       |-- IM_0003.dcm
    |       [..]
  4. A PAR/REC organization. All PAR/REC(/XML) files of all the different Series are put in one directory. This organization is how users often export their data from Philips scanners in research settings:

    |-- sub-001
    |   `-- ses-mri01
    |       |-- TCHC_066_1_WIP_Hanneke_Block_2_SENSE_4_1.PAR
    |       |-- TCHC_066_1_WIP_Hanneke_Block_2_SENSE_4_1.REC
    |       |-- TCHC_066_1_WIP_IDED_SENSE_6_1.PAR
    |       |-- TCHC_066_1_WIP_IDED_SENSE_6_1.REC
    |       |-- TCHC_066_1_WIP_Localizer_CLEAR_1_1.PAR
    |       |-- TCHC_066_1_WIP_Localizer_CLEAR_1_1.REC
    |       [..]
    |-- sub-002
    |   `-- ses-mri01
    |       |-- TCHC_066_1_WIP_Hanneke_Block_2_SENSE_4_1.PAR
    |       |-- TCHC_066_1_WIP_Hanneke_Block_2_SENSE_4_1.REC
    |       |-- TCHC_066_1_WIP_IDED_SENSE_6_1.PAR
    |       |-- TCHC_066_1_WIP_IDED_SENSE_6_1.REC
    |       |-- TCHC_066_1_WIP_Localizer_CLEAR_1_1.PAR
    |       |-- TCHC_066_1_WIP_Localizer_CLEAR_1_1.REC
    |       [..]


You can store your session data in any of the above data organizations as zipped (.zip) or tarzipped (e.g. .tar.gz) archive files. BIDScoin workflow tools will unpack/unzip those archive files in a temporary folder and will process your sessiondata from there. The BIDScoin tools will run dicomsort in a temporary folder for flat/DICOMDIR data to sort them in seriesfolders. BIDScoin tools that work from a temporary folder has the downsde of getting a speed penalty. Also note that privacy-sensitive data samples will then be stored in [bidsfolder]/code/bidscoin/provenance.

Data management utilities


The dicomsort command-line tool is a utility to move your flat- or DICOMDIR-organized files (see above) into a 'seriesfolder' organization. This can be useful to organise your source data in a more convenient and human readable way, as DICOMDIR or flat DICOM directories can often be hard to comprehend. The BIDScoin tools will run icomsort in a temporary folder if your data is not already organised in series-folders, so in principle you don't really need to run it yourself. Running dicomsort beforehand does, however, give you more flexibility in handling special cases that are not handled properly and it can also give you a speed benefit.

usage: dicomsort [-h] [-i SUBPREFIX] [-j SESPREFIX] [-f FIELDNAME] [-r]
                 [-e EXT] [-n] [-p PATTERN] [-d]

Sorts and / or renames DICOM files into local subdirectories with a (3-digit)
SeriesNumber-SeriesDescription directory name (i.e. following the same listing
as on the scanner console)

positional arguments:
  dicomsource           The name of the root folder containing the
                        dicomsource/[sub/][ses/]dicomfiles and / or the
                        (single session/study) DICOMDIR file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i SUBPREFIX, --subprefix SUBPREFIX
                        Provide a prefix string for recursive searching in
                        dicomsource/subject subfolders (e.g. "sub") (default:
  -j SESPREFIX, --sesprefix SESPREFIX
                        Provide a prefix string for recursive searching in
                        dicomsource/subject/session subfolders (e.g. "ses")
                        (default: None)
  -f FIELDNAME, --fieldname FIELDNAME
                        The dicomfield that is used to construct the series
                        folder name ("SeriesDescription" and "ProtocolName"
                        are both used as fallback) (default:
  -r, --rename          Flag to rename the DICOM files to a PatientName_Series
                        ber scheme (recommended for DICOMDIR data) (default:
  -e EXT, --ext EXT     The file extension after sorting (empty value keeps
                        the original file extension), e.g. ".dcm" (default: )
  -n, --nosort          Flag to skip sorting of DICOM files into SeriesNumber-
                        SeriesDescription directories (useful in combination
                        with -r for renaming only) (default: False)
  -p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN
                        The regular expression pattern used in
                        re.match(pattern, dicomfile) to select the dicom files
                        (default: .*\.(IMA|dcm)$)
  -d, --dryrun          Add this flag to just print the dicomsort commands
                        without actually doing anything (default: False)

  dicomsort /project/3022026.01/raw
  dicomsort /project/3022026.01/raw --subprefix sub
  dicomsort /project/3022026.01/raw --subprefix sub-01 --sesprefix ses
  dicomsort /project/3022026.01/raw/sub-011/ses-mri01/DICOMDIR -r -e .dcm


Another command-line utility that can be helpful in organizing your source data is rawmapper. This utility can show you the overview (map) of all the values of DICOM-fields of interest in your data-set and, optionally, use these fields to rename your source data sub-folders (this can be handy e.g. if you manually entered subject-identifiers as [Additional info] at the scanner console and you want to use these to rename your subject folders).

usage: rawmapper [-h] [-s SESSIONS [SESSIONS ...]]
                 [-d DICOMFIELD [DICOMFIELD ...]] [-w WILDCARD]
                 [-o OUTFOLDER] [-r] [-n SUBPREFIX] [-m SESPREFIX]

Maps out the values of a dicom field of all subjects in the sourcefolder, saves
the result in a mapper-file and, optionally, uses the dicom values to rename
the sub-/ses-id's of the subfolders. This latter option can be used, e.g.
when an alternative subject id was entered in the [Additional info] field
during subject registration (i.e. stored in the PatientComments dicom field)

positional arguments:
  sourcefolder          The source folder with the raw data in
                        sub-#/ses-#/series organisation

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SESSIONS [SESSIONS ...], --sessions SESSIONS [SESSIONS ...]
                        Space separated list of selected sub-#/ses-# names /
                        folders to be processed. Otherwise all sessions in the
                        bidsfolder will be selected (default: None)
                        The name of the dicomfield that is mapped / used to
                        rename the subid/sesid foldernames (default:
  -w WILDCARD, --wildcard WILDCARD
                        The Unix style pathname pattern expansion that is used
                        to select the series from which the dicomfield is
                        being mapped (can contain wildcards) (default: *)
  -o OUTFOLDER, --outfolder OUTFOLDER
                        The mapper-file is normally saved in sourcefolder or,
                        when using this option, in outfolder (default: None)
  -r, --rename          If this flag is given sub-subid/ses-sesid directories
                        in the sourcefolder will be renamed to sub-dcmval/ses-
                        dcmval (default: False)
  -n SUBPREFIX, --subprefix SUBPREFIX
                        The prefix common for all the source subject-folders
                        (default: sub-)
  -m SESPREFIX, --sesprefix SESPREFIX
                        The prefix common for all the source session-folders
                        (default: ses-)
  --dryrun              Add this flag to dryrun (test) the mapping or renaming
                        of the sub-subid/ses-sesid directories (i.e. nothing
                        is stored on disk and directory names are not actually
                        changed)) (default: False)

  rawmapper /project/3022026.01/raw/
  rawmapper /project/3022026.01/raw -d AcquisitionDate
  rawmapper /project/3022026.01/raw -s sub-100/ses-mri01 sub-126/ses-mri01
  rawmapper /project/3022026.01/raw -r -d ManufacturerModelName AcquisitionDate --dryrun
  rawmapper raw/ -r -s sub-1*/* sub-2*/ses-mri01 --dryrun
  rawmapper -d EchoTime -w *fMRI* /project/3022026.01/raw


If these data management utilities do not satisfy your needs, then have a look at this reorganize_dicom_files tool.