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Find stylelint rules that are not configured in your stylelint config.

Use this for your own Stylelint shareable configuration to list current configured rules,
all-available rules unused rules, and invalid / deprecated rules.


This module is an extended version of stylelint-find-rules, created by Alex Ilyaev.


Install as a dev dependency of your project:

# - Yarn
yarn add stylelint-find-new-rules --dev

# - NPM
npm install --save-dev stylelint-find-new-rules


It is expected to be used as local utility, as it needs stylelint and the stylelint-plugins being referred by the stylelint-config file, to be installed. Using it as a global utility, will error out, if stylelint and the stylelint-plugins being referred by the stylelint-config file, are not installed globally.

The intended usage is as an npm script:

  "scripts": {
    "stylelint-find-rules": "stylelint-find-new-rules [options] <file>"

Note: If the <file> argument is not passed, this module will use the same resolution mechanism as Stylelint (cosmiconfig) to find your config data.

Then run it with:

# - Yarn
yarn stylelint-find-rules

# - NPM
npm run --silent stylelint-find-rules


-u, --unused      Find available rules that are not configured.         [default: true]
                  To disable, set to false or use --no-u
-d, --deprecated  Find deprecated configured rules.                     [default: true]
                  To disable, set to false or use --no-d
-i, --invalid     Find configured rules that are no longer available.   [default: true]
                  To disable, set to false or use --no-i
-c, --current     Find all currently configured rules.
-a, --available   Find all available stylelint rules.

API Usage

import stylelintRules from 'stylelint-find-new-rules';

const rules = await stylelintRules('./my-config-file.js');

// `rules` format:
// {
//     used       : [[RULE], [RULE], ...],
//     all        : [[RULE], [RULE], ...],
//     unused     : [[RULE], [RULE], ...],
//     deprecated : [[RULE], [RULE], ...],
//     invalid    : [[RULE], [RULE], ...]
// }
// `[RULE]` format:
// {
//     name         : '[Rule name]',
//     url          : '[URL of the rule's documentation if available or `null`]',
//     isDeprecated : [boolean]
// }