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Scripts for keeping the various Icarus Modding databases up-to-date


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a CLI tool for managing the Icarus Mods Database


To use this app, you'll need to obtain the following:

  • A Github ACCESS_TOKEN (doesn't need access to any repos, this is used purely to make API calls)
  • A Google Cloud Platform credentials keyfile.json
  • Ruby 3.1 (or greater)

If you aren't sure how to obtain these credentials, please see:

I highly recommend using WSL2 on Windows, or a Linux distro on your machine. This app has not been tested on Windows.


gem install Icarus-Mod-Tools


Create a file called .imtconfig.json in your home directory with the following, replacing the CAPITALIZED values with the values provided by the above links:

  "firebase": {
    "credentials": {
      "copy your Google Cloud Platform keyfile.json here and remove this line": null
    "collections": {
      "modinfo": "meta/modinfo",
      "toolinfo": "meta/toolinfo",
      "repositories": "meta/repos",
      "mods": "mods",
      "tools": "tools"
  "github": {
    "token": "YOUR-GITHUB-TOKEN"

Hint: Copy the contents of your Google Cloud Platform keyfile.json into the credentials section of the above file.


imt [options] [command]


  imt add             # Adds entries to the databases
  imt help [COMMAND]  # Describe available commands or one specific command
  imt list            # Lists the databases
  imt sync            # Syncs the databases
  imt validate        # Validates various entries

  -C, [--config=CONFIG]            # Path to the config file
                                   # Default: /Users/dyoung/.imtconfig.json
  -V, [--version], [--no-version]  # Print the version and exit

imt add

  imt add help [COMMAND]  # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  imt add modinfo         # Adds an entry to 'meta/modinfo/list'
  imt add toolinfo        # Adds an entry to 'meta/toolinfo/list'
  imt add repos           # Adds an entry to 'meta/repos/list'
  imt add mod <filename>  # Adds an entry to 'mods' when given a modinfo.json file

  -C, [--config=CONFIG]            # Path to the config file
                                   # Default: /Users/dyoung/.imtconfig.json
  -V, [--version], [--no-version]  # Print the version and exit
  -v, [--verbose], [--no-verbose]  # Increase verbosity. May be repeated for even more verbosity.
                                   # Default: [true]

imt list

  imt list help [COMMAND]  # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  imt list modinfo         # Displays data from 'meta/modinfo/list'
  imt list mods            # Displays data from 'mods'
  imt list toolinfo        # Displays data from 'meta/toolinfo/list'
  imt list tools           # Displays data from 'tools'
  imt list repos           # Displays data from 'meta/repos/list'

  -C, [--config=CONFIG]            # Path to the config file
                                   # Default: /Users/dyoung/.imtconfig.json
  -V, [--version], [--no-version]  # Print the version and exit
  -v, [--verbose], [--no-verbose]  # Increase verbosity. May be repeated for even more verbosity.
                                   # Default: [true]

imt sync

  imt sync all             # Run all sync jobs
  imt sync help [COMMAND]  # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  imt sync modinfo         # Reads from 'meta/repos/list' and Syncs any modinfo files we find (github only for now)
  imt sync mods            # Reads from 'meta/modinfo/list' and updates the 'mods' database accordingly
  imt sync toolinfo        # Reads from 'meta/repos/list' and Syncs any toolinfo files we find (github only for now)
  imt sync tools           # Reads from 'meta/toolinfo/list' and updates the 'tools' database accordingly

  -C, [--config=CONFIG]            # Path to the config file
                                   # Default: /Users/dyoung/.imtconfig.json
  -V, [--version], [--no-version]  # Print the version and exit
  -v, [--verbose], [--no-verbose]  # Increase verbosity. May be repeated for even more verbosity.
                                   # Default: [true]
      [--dry-run], [--no-dry-run]  # Dry run (no changes will be made)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


Scripts for keeping the various Icarus Modding databases up-to-date




