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Release v1.0.0

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@2320sharon 2320sharon released this 08 Sep 22:12
· 520 commits to main since this release

Release v1.0.0

Release Date: September 8, 2023
We are excited to announce the first official release of CoastSeg, called v1.0.0. This release is a stable version of the program that incorporates the following features:

  1. An emulation of the CoastSat methodology for defining a shoreline extraction project, image downloading, shoreline extraction, shoreline filtering, and tide correction, all within a single jupyter notebook that can be accessed online
  2. A pip-installable package for CoastSat workflows
  3. Use of concurrency for image downloads from Google Earth Engine
  4. A faster and more convenient API-based methodology for tidal height estimation, using pyTMD
  5. An initial implementation of an alternative shoreline mapping workflow using Zoo models from the Doodleverse
  6. A conda environment that can work on secure networks
  7. Script-based data wrangling utilities
  8. Hyperparameter experimentation and tracking using an organizational workflow idea called ‘Sessions’
  9. Supporting databases for transects, reference shorelines, beach slopes, and other useful metadata variables
    We highly recommend all users to upgrade. The next major release is planned for December/January. See the roadmap for further details


The development of this provisional software has been sponsored and supported by the U.S. Geological Survey Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, through the Remote Sensing Coastal Change project. The purpose of the software is to map U.S. coastal shoreline locations from a time-series of satellite imagery. CoastSeg may also be valuable to the global research community.
This software is preliminary or provisional and is subject to revision. It is being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The software has not received final approval by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). No warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the U.S. Government as to the functionality of the software and related material nor shall the fact of release constitute any such warranty. The software is provided on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the software.

How to Upgrade

To upgrade to the latest version, you can follow these steps:

  1. Pull the latest version from the main branch. git pull origin main
  2. pip install coastseg==v1.0.0
    Please refer to the project's readme file for more information about installing and configuring.

Recent Features (implemented in August/September 2023)

  • Cloud Masking On/Off Switch: Cloud Masking now now be turned on or off for extracting shorelines and downloading imagery #188
  • Preview Images Available: Added a preview button to view the number of images available for each ROI #169
  • Automatic Tide Correction Button Each ROI can be tidally corrected using the correct tides button. #172
  • Download Tide Model Notebook Created a notebook to download and clip the FES2014 tide model. Download_tide_model.ipynb is an alternative workflow to the workflow described in the wiki Download-Tide-Model-Guide. See #190

Recent Bug Fixes (implemented in August/September 2023)

  • Fixed issue where cloud mask issue would never be set to True
  • Features render on all parts of the infinite world map #174

Recent Improvements (implemented in August/September 2023)

  • Shorelines render as points instead of lines #187
  • Renamed SDS_unet_classifier.ipynb to SDS_zoo_classifier.ipynb #177

Recent Changelog

Developer contributions (CRediT; Contributor Roles Taxonomy)

@sharon2320: Software Development, Packaging, Software Release, Automation, Methodology, Validation, Writing - Original Draft
@dbuscombe-usgs: Conceptualization, Methodology, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition, Data Curation, Modeling, Resources, Investigation, Formal analysis, Validation, minor software contributions, Writing - Review & Editing

Additional contributions

We would like to thank all our contributors who contributed ideas to this release:

  • @venuswku
  • @robbibt
  • @kvos
  • @edlazarus
  • Beta testers: Catherine Janda, Ann Gibbs, Jon Warrick, Andrea O’Neill, Kathryn Weber, Julia Heslin (USGS)
    We would like to express our gratitude to all the contributors who made this release possible. Thank you to everyone who tested the beta versions of coastseg and provided us with the feedback we needed to improve coastseg. Thanks also to the developers and maintainers of pyTMD, DEA-tools, xarray, and GDAL, without which this project would be impossible
    For a complete list of code contributors, see the GitHub contributors page.


We are eager to hear about your experiences with this new release. Please provide your feedback, file issues, or contribute a pull request on our GitHub page.