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The Doppler CLI is available in several popular package managers. It's also available as a standalone binary.


Using brew is recommended:

$ brew install dopplerhq/cli/doppler
$ doppler --version

To update:

$ brew upgrade doppler

Alternatively, you can install the CLI via shell script, or via the doppler .pkg file on the Releases page. These methods will install the doppler binary directly to /usr/local/bin and do not support seamless updates. To update, you'll need to re-run the installation.


Using scoop is recommended:

$ scoop bucket add doppler
$ scoop install doppler
$ doppler --version

To update:

$ scoop update doppler


Debian/Ubuntu (apt)

# add Bintray's GPG key
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 379CE192D401AB61

# add Doppler's apt repo
$ echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dopplerhq-doppler.list

# fetch and install latest doppler cli
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install doppler

# (optional) print cli version
$ doppler --version

To update:

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade doppler

RedHat/CentOS (yum)

# add Doppler's yum repo
$ sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/bintray-dopplerhq-doppler.repo

# update packages and install latest doppler cli
$ sudo yum update && sudo yum install doppler

# (optional) print cli version
$ doppler --version

To update:

$ sudo yum update doppler

Shell script

You can bypass package managers and quickly install the latest version of the CLI via shell script. The script automatically downloads and installs the CLI binary most appropriate for your system's architecture. It is also fully POSIX compliant to support all linux and bsd variants with minimal dependencies.

Note that this installation method is only recommended for ephemeral environments like CI jobs. Longer-lived environments that expect to receive updates should install the CLI via a package manager.

curl -LO || wget
chmod +x
sudo ./

You can find the source file in this repo's scripts directory.


We currently publish these Docker tags:

  • dopplerhq/cli based on alpine
  • dopplerhq/cli:node based on node:lts-alpine
  • dopplerhq/cli:python based on python:3-alpine
  • dopplerhq/cli:ruby based on ruby:2-alpine

You can find all source Dockerfiles in the /docker folder (here).


Here's an example Dockerfile for a Node app:

FROM dopplerhq/cli:3-node

# doppler args must be passed at runtime

COPY . .

# doppler will automatically use the environment variables specified above
ENTRYPOINT doppler run -- node index.js

Build the Dockerfile:

docker build -t mytestapp .

Then run the container:

docker run --rm -it -p 3000:3000 -e DOPPLER_TOKEN="" -e ENCLAVE_PROJECT="" -e ENCLAVE_CONFIG="" mytestapp

To avoid hard-coding the values, you can use the cli's configure command:

docker run --rm -it -p 3000:3000 -e DOPPLER_TOKEN="$(doppler configure get token --plain)" -e ENCLAVE_PROJECT="$(doppler configure get enclave.project --plain)" -e ENCLAVE_CONFIG="$(doppler configure get enclave.config --plain)" mytestapp


  • --rm delete the container once it exits
  • -i attach to stdin; enables killing w/ ctrl+c
  • -t print output to this terminal
  • -p 3000:3000 the port your app uses to service requests, if any
  • -e DOPPLER_TOKEN="" pass a token into the environment
  • -e ENCLAVE_PROJECT="" pass an enclave project into the environment
  • -e ENCLAVE_CONFIG="" pass an enclave config into the environment


You can download all binaries and release artifacts from the Releases page. Binaries are built for macOS, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD, and for 32-bit, 64-bit, armv6/armv7, and armv6/armv7 64-bit architectures.

You can also directly download the generated .deb and .rpm packages. If a binary does not yet exist for the OS/architecture you use, please open a GitHub Issue.

Verify Signature

You can verify the integrity and authenticity of any released artifact using Doppler's public GPG key. The signatures of all release artifacts are placed in checksums.txt, which itself is then signed.

# fetch Doppler's signing key
gpg --keyserver --recv D3D593D50EE79DEC
# verify content of checksums.txt against signature
gpg --verify checksums.txt.sig checksums.txt
# verify checksum of cli binary (downloaded file name must match download page)
sha256sum --check --strict --ignore-missing checksums.txt

If the signature matches, you'll see output like this:

$ sha256sum --check --ignore-missing --strict checksums.txt
doppler_3.3.2_linux_amd64.deb: OK