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Releases: Dotnet-Boxed/Templates

Boxed Templates 1.9.0

22 Oct 15:00
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ASP.NET Core API Boxed

  • Upgrade Boxed.AspNetCore and Serilog.Settings.Configuration packages.
  • Use ConfigureSingleton extension method to register IOptions.
  • Fix configuring Kestrel Server limits from appsettings.json.

ASP.NET Core GraphQL Boxed

  • Upgrade to GraphQL.NET 2.3.0.
  • Add Apollo Tracing support which can be used with Apollo Engine to monitor GraphQL statistics.
  • Upgrade Boxed.AspNetCore and Serilog.Settings.Configuration packages.
  • Use ConfigureSingleton extension method to register IOptions.
  • Fix configuring Kestrel Server limits from appsettings.json.

Boxed Templates 1.8.0

06 Oct 16:40
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ASP.NET Core API Boxed

  • Upgrade to ASP.NET Core 2.1.5.
  • Use the latest ASP.NET Core compatibility version.
  • Remove runtimeconfig.template.json files.

ASP.NET Core GraphQL Boxed

  • Upgrade to ASP.NET Core 2.1.5.
  • Upgrade to GraphQL.NET 2.1.0.
  • Remove runtimeconfig.template.json files.

Boxed Templates 1.7.0

14 Sep 16:15
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ASP.NET Core API Boxed

  • Upgrade to ASP.NET Core 2.1.4.

ASP.NET Core GraphQL Boxed

  • Upgrade to ASP.NET Core 2.1.4.
  • Increase GraphQl max depth and max complexity limits to fix introspection.
  • Fix GraphQl type error.

Boxed Templates 1.6.0

31 Aug 07:59
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ASP.NET Core API Boxed

  • Upgrade to ASP.NET Core 2.1.3.
  • Use absolute URL's to make it easier for clients of the API.
  • Add Zalando REST'ful API Guidelines link.
  • Add security.txt feature enabled by default.

ASP.NET Core GraphQL Boxed

  • Upgrade to ASP.NET Core 2.1.3.
  • Upgraded to GraphQL.NET 2.0 Nuget package.
  • Upgraded to GraphQL.NET Server 3.2 Nuget packages.
  • Added GraphQL Authorization feature enabled by default.
  • Added Date, DateTime, DateTimeoffset, TimeInSeconds and TimeInMilliseconds support with example fields showing usage.
  • Add security.txt feature enabled by default.
  • Remove prefix from Cursor type.
  • Remove IActionContextAccessor and IUrlHelper registrations.

Boxed Templates 1.5.0

16 Jul 13:51
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ASP.NET Core API Boxed

  • Upgraded to ASP.NET Core 2.1.2.
  • Upgraded to Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 3.0.0.
  • Added Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Annotations 3.0.0 NuGet package.
  • Added TreatWarningsAsErrors feature which is enabled by default.
  • Changed response status code XML comments to use [SwaggerResponse] attributes.

ASP.NET Core GraphQL Boxed

  • Upgraded to ASP.NET Core 2.1.2.
  • Upgraded GraphQL.NET Nuget package.
  • Added TreatWarningsAsErrors feature which is enabled by default.
  • Changed Id fields to use NonNullableGraphType.

Boxed Templates 1.4.0

01 Jul 17:52
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ASP.NET Core API Boxed

  • Upgraded to ASP.NET Core 2.1.1.
  • Added 'None' as an option for the reverse proxy web server feature.
  • Updated web.config to only load a minimal set of IIS modules and to rely on dotnet publish to add the aspNetCore section.
  • Moved IMvcCoreBuilder extension methods to MvcCoreBuilderExtensions.
  • Set IsTransformWebConfigDisabled to true in csproj when not using IIS to stop outputing a web.config file.
  • Fixed use of application/vnd.restful+json media type.
  • Removed typeof(void) from ProducesResponseType.
  • Removed unused Serilog.Extensions.Logging NuGet package.

ASP.NET Core GraphQL Boxed

  • Upgraded to ASP.NET Core 2.1.1.
  • Added 'None' as an option for the reverse proxy web server feature.
  • Updated web.config to only load a minimal set of IIS modules and to rely on dotnet publish to add the aspNetCore section.
  • Set IsTransformWebConfigDisabled to true in csproj when not using IIS to stop outputing a web.config file.
  • Moved IMvcCoreBuilder extension methods to MvcCoreBuilderExtensions.
  • Removed unused Serilog.Extensions.Logging NuGet package.

Boxed Templates 1.3.0

20 Jun 16:22
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ASP.NET Core API Boxed

  • Upgraded to ASP.NET Core 2.1.
  • Added Kestrel configuration in appsettings.json, including Kestrel security limits.
  • Added Url properties to model.
  • Added application/vnd.restful+json input and output formatters.
  • Added Swagger comments to models.
  • Added Host Filtering feature.
  • Added exception thrown when static files cache profile is missing.
  • Added Tiered JIT compilation.
  • Added Response Compression as an optional feature.
  • Added <LangVersion>latest</LangVersion> to use the latest version of C#.
  • Added HttpPort and HttpsPort features.
  • Added Strict Transport Security (HSTS) middleware and removed NWebSec.
  • Changed Controllers to use [FromServices] in action methods instead of constructor injection.
  • Renamed Load Balancer feature to Forwarded Headers.
  • Removed ValidateModelStateAttribute as it's no longer needed.
  • Removed development certificates.
  • Fixed StyleCop warnings.
  • Fixed CorrelationId middleware was not correctly configured.
  • Fixed use of response compression over HTTPS being vulnerable to the CRIME attack.

ASP.NET Core GraphQL Boxed

  • Upgraded to ASP.NET Core 2.1.
  • Upgraded GraphQL.NET Packages.
  • Added Kestrel configuration in appsettings.json, including Kestrel security limits.
  • Added Host Filtering feature.
  • Added Response Compression as an optional feature.
  • Added Tiered JIT compilation.
  • Added a sample Relay Connection showing an example of paging.
  • Added example date property.
  • Added descriptions to GraphQL types.
  • Added more comments.
  • Added exception thrown when static files cache profile is missing.
  • Added <LangVersion>latest</LangVersion> to use the latest version of C#.
  • Added HttpPort and HttpsPort features.
  • Added Strict Transport Security (HSTS) middleware and removed NWebSec.
  • Renamed Load Balancer feature to Forwarded Headers.
  • Removed unused files.
  • Removed development certificates.
  • Fixed StyleCop warnings.
  • Fixed CorrelationId middleware was not correctly configured.
  • Fixed use of response compression over HTTPS being vulnerable to the CRIME attack.

Boxed Templates 1.2.0

24 May 14:28
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ASP.NET Core API Boxed

  • Set the Swagger UI browser document title to the assembly product name.
  • Display the request duration in Swagger UI.
  • Remove HomeController and server Swagger UI at '/'.
  • Pretty print JSON in development mode for easier debugging.
  • Lower-case the dotnet new api CLI arguments.

ASP.NET Core GraphQL Boxed

  • Pretty print JSON in development mode for easier debugging.
  • Lower-case the dotnet new graphql CLI arguments.

Boxed Templates 1.1.0

21 May 07:51
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ASP.NET Core API Boxed

  • Upgrade to ASP.NET Core 2.0.8.
  • Fix template not building when Swagger is disabled.

ASP.NET Core GraphQL Boxed

  • Upgrade to ASP.NET Core 2.0.8.
  • Use IUserContextBuilder to build the user context.

Boxed Templates 1.0.3

08 May 14:39
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ASP.NET Core API Boxed

  • None.

ASP.NET Core GraphQL Boxed

  • dotnet new install now really picks up this template.