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Kamp FCNPC Wrapper

A wrapper for the native FCNPC plugin.

To create NPCs, simple inject ch.leadrian.samp.kamp.fcnpcwrapper.service.FCNPCService in your class:

class MyAmazingService
constructor(private val npcService: FCNPCService) {

    fun doSomething() {


A lot of functionality is wrapped in ch.leadrian.samp.kamp.fcnpcwrapper.entity.FullyControllableNPC. However, some additional functionality can be found in:

  • ch.leadrian.samp.kamp.fcnpcwrapper.entity.MovePath
  • ch.leadrian.samp.kamp.fcnpcwrapper.entity.Node
  • ch.leadrian.samp.kamp.fcnpcwrapper.entity.PlaybackRecord All the entities mentioned above can be created and accessed using FCNPCService.

In order to listen to NPC related callbacks, register your class as a callback listener just like with any other callback provided by Kamp:

class MyAmazingCallbackListener
        private val callbackListenerManager: CallbackListenerManager
) : OnNPCDeathListener, OnNPCUpdateListener {
    fun initialize() {
    override fun onNPCDeath(npc: FullyControllableNPC, killer: Player?, reason: WeaponModel) {
    override fun onNPCUpdate(npc: FullyControllableNPC): Result {
        println("Updated NPC ${}")
        return OnNPCUpdateListener.Result.Sync    

All available callbacks can be found in the package ch.leadrian.samp.kamp.fcnpcwrapper.callback.