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BlazorBindings.Maui - Preview 10

Another BlazorBindings.Maui update, which adds .NET 7 support, component generator improvements, and others. Take a look at Get Started page to check it out!

.NET 7 support

BlazorBindings.Maui is updated to use .NET 7. .NET 6 projects are not supported anymore.

Navigation improvements

Previously, the only supported way for navigation was URI-based Shell navigation. But it has its limitations:

  • It can be used with Shell-based applications only.
  • Cannot pass arbitrary parameters, only the ones based on URL path.
  • Hard to use with modal navigation.
  • Inconvenient in some cases.

In Preview 10 INavigation type is added, which allows you to perform regular navigation in addition to URI-based.


You can use regular navigation for Shell-based applications as well.

For instance, let's say you have the following page component: TargetPage.razor

<ContentPage Title="Target Page">
        <Label>Hello, @UserName</Label>

@code {
    [Parameter] public string UserName {get; set;} 

You can use the following code in your main page component to navigate to TargetPage:

@inject INavigation Navigation;

/* MainPage content */
<Button Text="Go to target page" OnClick="NavigateToTargetPage" />

@code {
    Task NavigateToTargetPage() => Navigation.PushAsync<TargetPage>(new()
        [nameof(TargetPage.UserName)] = "Jayne Cobb"

You can also perform modal navigation via PushModalAsync method:

@code {
    Task NavigateToTargetModalPage() => Navigation.PushModalAsync<TargetPage>(new()
        [nameof(TargetPage.UserName)] = "Jayne Cobb"


You can read more about navigation stack and modal navigation in MAUI here.

In addition to that, INavigation provides overloads, which accept RenderFragment argument. This allows to use a bit exotic, but easier to read syntax:

@code {
    Task NavigateViaRenderFragment() => Navigation.PushAsync(
        @<TargetPage UserName="Jayne Cobb" />);


This syntax is only available in .razor files, not in regular .cs files.

Shell properties

Previously, it was possible to set Shell attached properties to a certain Page via Blazor "unmatched" values (read here).

<ContentPage Title="Shell Properties"

However, this approach is quite limited and not user-friendly - not all properties are possible to set this way (e.g. TitleView), it misses IntelliSense or any compile-time validation, etc. Because of that, some mostly used attached properties are added to ContentPage component as regular properties:

<ContentPage Title="Shell Properties"

Component generator improvements

ComponentGenerator is updated to support generating DataTemplate and ElementTemplate properties (with RenderFragment type), generic properties and Brush properties. Most of the components in BlazorBindings.Maui are created using this generator, therefore it allowed to add some properties missed before.

Breaking changes

Generated components should be re-generated

Due to some internal changes, components created by component generated from previous version will probably not work. Simply re-generating them should be sufficient.

ShellNavigationManager is deprecated

Since INavigation contains all ShellNavigationManager functionality, INavigation should be used instead. ShellNavigationManager is deprecated and will be removed in the next version.

What next?

  • Getting closer to a stable release, it is planned to make final breaking changes, stabilize the API, improve the documentation and test coverage.
  • Generator improvements are planned as well, specifically to include properties documentation.
  • Supporting Maps controls, which were added in MAUI for .NET 7.

If you have any suggestions or ideas, you are welcome log issues!