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Latios Physics

Well… really more like a spatial query engine at this point, but whatever.


TL;DR – Unity.Physics and I don’t get along. We have different goals, and I decided I wanted a custom solution tailor-fit for my goals.

Rant as follows:

I get asked this a lot. Why? Is Unity.Physics not good enough? Is Havok’s solution not good enough?

Trust me, when you hear my use case, you may find yourself wondering, “How the heck is Unity.Physics supposed to be a good general-purpose design?” Spoiler alert: It’s not. It’s very targeted at the use cases Unity is targeting.

First, let me introduce you to the decisions that make no sense to me:

  • Collider shapes exist as immutable shared data structures

  • A simulation requires all steps to be ticked rather than allowing each step to be ticked manually by the user

  • Simulation callbacks are single-threaded

  • Physics is very decoupled from ECS, trashing the Transform system and using layers rather than the superior ECS query system; yet simultaneously, it is tightly coupled as colliders use blobs, RigidBody has an Entity field, and all of its authoring uses GameObjectConversion

Now, to understand why this is terrible for me, let me present to you a game idea a friend of mine and I came up with during a game jam:

The game was an RTS mixed with a TPS. You played as a witch or wizard defending a magical forest from a military force that was seeking to harvest the forest’s energy. You and your tower defense animals shot zany spells and spastic projectiles at the enemy forces. You as the player needed to manage resources and protect your land while simultaneously moving on foot to capture the enemy military bases. Oh, and the spells could have all sorts of weird effects including scaling things.

So let’s examine how Unity.Physics stacks up:

  • First and foremost, we need a Physics solution. The TPS mechanics of shooting and interacting with the world require the precision of real physics and not some weak position checks.

  • We need a mostly static environment for our characters and projectiles to traverse. Unity.Physics handles that perfectly well.

  • We need colliders on animated characters. Actually, we are still good here too. Even though Unity.Physics trashes the hierarchy, it doesn’t trash the LinkedEntityGroup, which means we can still instantiate a prefab with all of the individual colliders and reference them to drive them with bones.

  • We need morphing collider shapes. Most of this is just going to be scaling spheres based on an animation curve, but we need this. Currently this means we need to allocate, destroy, and reallocate a BlobAsset every frame while simultaneously making sure that the colliders are not shared. This is not performant.

  • Most of our game logic is going to be detecting if two colliders intersected. We want to know if our friendly projectiles hit the enemies, if the enemy fire hits us, if any projectile hits terrain, if two different spells hit each other, ect. Different collisions require different logical responses. And well, Unity.Physics at first looks like it should handle this fine, but this is actually where it falls flat on its face the hardest. Allow me to explain…

The first issue is we need to tell Unity what collides with what. Right now we can characterize that based on EntityQueries, because we are using Tags and unique component types for all of our other logic. But for Unity.Physics we need to encode all of that into a layer system. While annoying, it is doable.

After having told Unity what collides with what, it generates a NativeStream to be processed in an ITriggerEventsJob giving us all of our collisions. That seems nice, except all of our resulting pairs are mixed together like a jar of jelly beans. Consequently each unique event handler needs to filter through the results and pick out the ones it cares for. That’s a lot of iterating through the events. We can use the new EntityQueryMask to speed this up, but still, it isn’t great. Instead, we might decide to bring our iteration count back down by having one job do all the filtering for all the different handlers to react to by creating a bunch of smaller collections of pairs. This works, but now the global filterer needs to know about every kind of pair interaction. You can try to generalize this, but it is just clunky. And also, this mega-filter algorithm has to run single-threaded. So this is a pretty bad bottleneck and simultaneously is tangling all our code together in stupid ways.

What, you thought that was bad? It only gets worse.

Let’s suppose that we decide to drive our moving objects using physics, but we run into issues with the contacts and solver behavior between the military vehicles and the character controllers. We want to implement our own solver for just these interactions. Well guess what? Remember that song and dance we had to play to sort all of the collision events to the proper handlers from a single thread? We have to do the same thing again for the contacts, the jacobians, and pretty much any stage of the simulation. This time we only care about a small fraction of these events, but we still have to sift through all of them. That’s a pretty lame performance tax. All of the Unity.Physics callbacks suffer from this.

Unity.Physics feels like a simulator, not a real physics engine for gameplay. Here’s some common gameplay examples that humiliate Unity.Physics as a general-purpose physics engine:

What if I wanted to drive the colliders to spin in a circle around a character but still be individually destroy-able (think boss shields or Mario Kart’s triple shells in the newer games)? I have to set up everything with joints rather than rely on the Transform System with a rotating parent.

What if I wanted to destroy an otherwise static rock from an explosive? Well now the entire static world needs to be rebuilt.

What if I am trying to get sparks to bounce off a flash mob of vocaloids which need a dynamically updated mesh collider every frame? That cooker is expensively slow!

What if I am building a platformer and want to mimic the expanding and contracting mushrooms from the New Super Mario Bros games? Do I create a collider for every frame for those too? Or do I prebake the colliders for every step in the cycle?

What if I am procedurally generating a world and want to apply scale variations to the instantiated prefabs? More slow cooking.

More often than not, I find myself fighting with Unity.Physics (and Havok.Physics) thinking backwards about my problems trying to not pay the cost for things I don’t need.

So I presented my concerns on the forums, and then decided that if I wanted it done right, I was going to have to do it myself. I’m definitely not there yet, but I am comfortable and confident in the direction I am headed.


Disclaimer: Some of the details of the features listed in this section are not available yet but are planned for a near future release and have been heavily accounted for in the design. If a particular feature shows promise in solving a use case you are currently struggling with, please let me know so that I can prioritize it. Solving other people’s problems seems to give me some productivity buff. I don’t know. It’s probably some kind of fairy magic.

Mutable Colliders

Instead of making the Collider component a pointer to an immutable asset, I put the mutable properties directly inside the Collider component. Don’t worry. You don’t have to query for every SphereCollider, CapsuleCollider, BoxCollider, TriangleCollider, ect. I use a union to pack the different types together. The primitive colliders fit entirely in the component, which makes sense because those are the colliders you are going to want to mutate every which way possible anyways. The more complex colliders may expose some readily tweakable parameters but also rely on Blobs or Entity references to an Entity with dynamic buffers and stuff. So per-frame animated (or simulated like cloth) mesh colliders are not only more accessible but more intuitive in the DOTS ecosystem.

One might argue that copying large collider components (it is the same size as LocalToWorld) is quite a bit more expensive than copying pointers. But given how many other performance-hogging decisions Unity.Physics makes, I will take this trade any day.

As a bonus, Latios Colliders are constructable and copyable on the stack. That makes them a lot more pleasant to work with.

Feedback Request: Due to the safety system in ECS, complex mutable colliders will require a scripting define which modifies the API to require an EcsContext object. If anyone has ideas for how to make this migration-friendly, please send me your thoughts.

Transform Hierarchy Support

The physics algorithms apply a local to world space conversion when capturing data from entities. They will also support world to local space conversion on simulation write back when simulation is supported.

A PhysicsScale component is also present for handling scaled colliders. There is an algorithm to update PhysicsScale from the transform hierarchy’s scale components. (Future release, because it is broken atm)

Infinite Layers

So fun fact, Unity.Physics default BuildPhysicsWorldSystem doesn’t have one broadphase structure. It has two. One is for statics, and the other is for dynamics. It performs a Bipartite check between the two. So if Bipartite checks are cheaper than building the static world broadphase every frame, is there a reason why we don’t just build a broadphase structure for each group of colliders we care about?

That was the question I asked myself, and then I said, “No, there is not!”

So instead of building two large broadphase structures with layer masks and then untangling the results, you can build a CollisionLayer per unique EntityQuery (or from arbitrary data from a job). Then you can ask for all collisions within a single layer or for the collisions between layers.

FindPairs – A Multibox Broadphase

What is so good about a multibox broadphase? Well for one, there’s no single-threaded initial step, which is one of Unity.Physics bottlenecks. But second, it’s a cheap pseudo-islanding solution.

And I know what you are wondering. How is that useful?

In Latios.Physics, you call Physics.FindPairs and pass in one or two collision layers as arguments. However, there is an additional generic argument requesting an IFindPairsProcessor. This is the struct that will have your NativeContainers and stuff to handle the results.

Physics.FindPairs can be scheduled as a parallel job, and when you do, I guarantee that both entities passed into the IFindPairsProcessor.Execute are thread-safe writable to any of their components!

Do you know how many people have asked about how to write in parallel to nearby enemies that should be damaged by an attack or some similar problem? Well here you just have to create a trigger collider with a large radius and run its layer against the layer with your enemies. Damage will stack as expected. Or you can set a bool that says future interactions with that enemy can’t happen anymore. And at the same time you can do stuff on the attack trigger too, like record all the enemies it touched into a dynamic buffer.

It’s thread-safe. It’s parallel. It’s magic!

Not entirely…

You can still shoot yourself in the foot by trying to access an entity that isn’t one of the pair’s entities. That includes trying to access a parent entity, which is a common use case. You’ll have to be smart about how you go about that problem, or just avoid it by not using [NativeDisableParallelForRestriction]. There’s a PhysicsComponentDataFromEntity type that will help you follow the rules when writing to components.

But even more importantly, you must ensure that no entity can appear twice in a participating CollisionLayer! I have no automatic way to check for this, so if you violate this rule you will silently generate race conditions. If that’s a problem for you, use ScheduleSingle instead.

There’s still one more awesome thing about FindPairs. It is a broadphase. It reports AABB intersection pairs, not true collider pairs. Why is that a good thing? It means you get to choose what algorithm to follow up with.

  • Need all the contact manifold info?

    • Cool!
  • Just need the penetration and normal to separate them?

    • You can do that too.
  • Do you want a cheap intersection check to keep the cost down?

    • That’s a possibility as well.
  • Do you want to check if the entities have some other component values before you do the expensive intersection checks?

    • Also viable.
  • How about firing a bunch of raycasts between the two colliders to build a bunch of buoyancy force vectors?

    • Actually, yes. It is pretty similar to an IJobParallelFor in that regard.

And remember, you can use a different IFindPairsProcessor for each FindPairs call.

Static Queries

No OOP-like API here. All the queries are static methods in the static Physics class. Combined with the stack-creatable colliders, these methods can be quite useful for “What if?” logic.

Also, you might see some more non-traditional queries pop up at some point if I find myself wanting parabolic and smoothstep trajectories again.

Immediate Mode Design

Nearly the entirety of Latios Physics is composed of data types, data structures, and stateless static methods. There’s no internal state. There’s no “StepTheSimulation” method (and if there ever becomes one, it will just be a convenience method using public API). There are no systems (other than authoring).

Even the debug tools are static!

Unity.Physics first and foremost tries to be an out-of-the-box solution and then slowly is working on exposing flexibility.

In constrast, Latios Physics tries to be a “Build your own solution” framework and is being designed from inside-out. Over time, it will eventually achieve an out-of-the-box status, but that is not the focus. The focus is flexibility with the luxury of drop-in optimized and accurate algorithms and authoring tools.

While it is a long way off yet, I plan on having a customizable simulation graph. I’m not aware of any graph-based physics engine, but I see no reason why it wouldn’t work.

Known Issues

  • Compound Collider Blobs are not properly disposed when using runtime GameObjectConversion.

  • This release is missing quite a few collider shapes, queries, and FindPairs features. These are coming soon!

  • PhysicsScale is not added when authoring a scaled collider. Instead, the collider’s scale is baked in during conversion. This will be fixed with the custom authoring components.

  • Composite Transform components are not currently supported.

  • FindPairs is not fully optimized. I’m using a single-axis pruner because of both familiarity and wanting to see how far I can push the algorithm with Burst and easily iterate-able data structures. I still need to implement inner loop single load, sign-flip safe compares, and sentinel loops. I may then experiment with a dual-axis pruner or a port of Unity’s BVH to multibox and the alternate data representation.

  • Compound Colliders use linear brute force algorithms and lack an underlying acceleration structure. Try to keep the count of primitive colliders down to a reasonable amount.

  • Authoring is weak right now. That stuff takes me a while to get working.

  • This Readme has too many words and not enough pictures.

Near-Term Roadmap

  • Optimize Physics.BuildCollisionLayer to reduce memory pressure

    • Prefetching?

    • Compression?

  • Optimize FindPairs more

  • Container caches to reduce temp malloc pressure

  • Support Streams in FindPairs

    • Cache and replay pairs

    • Apply custom pair filtering

    • Custom streams

    • Indexing items in CollisionLayers

    • Fix Part 2 performance issues

  • FindAabbPairs

    • Lightweight version which omits the Collider and RigidTransform
  • More Collider Shapes

    • Box, Triangle, and Quad just need a fast EPA

    • Develop the fastest Capsule vs Box algorithm ever (seriously, I haven’t seen any one try the approach I am attempting which I expect to only be slightly more expensive than capsule vs capsule)

    • Static Compound (nested variants), Terrain, Convex Hull, Static Mesh, Dynamic Compound, and Dynamic Mesh

  • Raycasting CollisionLayers

    • Any hit, first hit, and multi-hit with IRaycastLayerProcessor

    • Batch structures

  • Point Queries

  • Collider Casts

    • Using optimized CCD polynomial rootfinding algorithms
  • Simplified Overlap Queries

  • Collider improvements

    • Allow in and ref argument passing optimizations

    • Allow manipulating the Collider data directly using the specialized type as a ref

    • Hopefully help Burst be more aggressive at optimizing

  • New Authoring Components

    • Autofitting

    • Scale baking options

  • More Debug Tools

    • Support checks with multiple Collision Layers

    • Sanity check unique Entities

    • Got any more debug view ideas? Let me know!


  • Simulations (eventual requirement for Kinemation, but I just don’t foresee myself getting to it soon without outside help)

  • Dual axis broadphase

  • BVH broadphase

  • 2D