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A Windows 10-inspired theme for WINDOWS93, also coming with a couple extra tools.


The theme will change the looks of pretty much everything except most of the applications. There will also be a dashboard usable to quickly customize its settings, for example you can choose whether to use the light theme or the dark one.


Using the pre-generated Setup script

Get the desired version's PancakeSetup.js from the repo's releases page, drag and drop it into WINDOWS93.

Generating a new Setup script

This is completely optional, but allows you to easily install unreleased development versions or custom Pancake versions (although this might require editing SETUPGEN.js).

NOTE: You'll need Node.js for this to work.

Clone the desired branch and open your OS's terminal in the resulting folder.

Run node SETUPGEN.js: after a while (should take no more than a couple seconds) you'll be informed that your Setup script has been generated. Finally, import the script into WINDOWS93.

Running the Setup

Execute the installer in the Terminal: you will be told that proceeding will result in any unsaved data being lost.

Upon proceeding, the setup program will take up the entire screen. Here you can choose how to install Pancake:

  • Copying the version packed in the installer to WINDOWS93
  • Fetching the latest version from the GitHub repo

Next, the files will be copied into WINDOWS93. The process may take a little longer if you're fetching the latest version from GitHub.

You will be able to edit some settings, such as:

  • Automatic update checking
  • Automatic update installation
  • Theme (Light/Dark/Classic)
  • Boot logo replacement
  • RSS feed tray icon
  • Dashboard tray icon

Keep in mind you can also change the settings after the installation by accessing the dashboard.

Once you're done with customization, WINDOWS93 will reboot back into the desktop.


If you wish to entirely remove Pancake from WINDOWS93, access the dashboard and go to the settings tab.

Scroll down until you find the Uninstall Pancake button.

Clicking on it will result in a prompt warning you that all the Pancake data, including settings and any eventual extra files stored in /a/.pancake/ will be lost upon proceeeding.

On confirmation, Pancake will erase all its files and WINDOWS93 will reboot.