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Dudrie edited this page Oct 17, 2020 · 6 revisions

⚠ The wiki got moved to a new documentation. The information you find here might be outdated or inaccurate.

To update an existing version of the TMS on your docker just follow the steps bellow. Please note: Some commands rely on docker-compose.

  1. Navigate to the folder which contains the docker-compose.yml file you used to start the server.

  2. Stop the container running the TMS server by running:

    docker stop tms-server

    💡 You can use docker-compose instead of docker aswell.

  1. Update your image. This depends wether a version tag is used or not:

    1.1 If a version tag is used: Update the version tag of the dudrie/tutor-management-system image in the docker-compose.yml file OR

    1.2 If no version tag is used: Run the following command to update the local latest image:

    docker pull

    ⚠ Please refer to the "Configuration" section of the corresponding release to check if the configuration files have been updated and if any changes are required.

  2. Export the environment variables as descriped in the Step-by-Step Guide. Those are needed again because the TMS container will get recreated.

  3. Start the container with the new image by running the following command. This will automatically recreate the container.

    docker-compose up -d tms-server
  4. (optional) If you want to clean your docker images you can run

    docker image prune

    ⚠ This will clean all unused images not only the old TMS image!

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