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Releases: Duet3D/DuetWebControl

Version 2.0.5

13 Jan 18:01
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Updated components to the latest versions
Replaced axios library with native AJAX calls
Added support for dynamic directory paths (e.g. M505)
Added new DSF object model properties
Added Spanish translations (thanks ajtudela)
When DSF reloads after an update, it forces a full reloada
Prepared mesh edit dialog for grid props from the object model
Added back support for the Duet 0.6/0.8.5 (untested, may not work)
Improved auto-complete list, keyword detection, and support for expressions in the code input component
Slightly improved temperature inputs
Changed default tab width to 4 spaces
Error notifications no longer hide the 'Error: ' or 'Warning: ' prefix
Removed some (currently) unused dependencies
Minor other changes
Bug fix: Event log could display messages in the wrong order
Bug fix: After another tab had closed a RRF session, all others disconnected with an error message
Bug fix: Default extrusion settings were wrong
Bug fix: IAP files were not always uploaded to /sys
Bug fix: Sometimes the backdrop of the connection dialog didn't disappear
Bug fix: Text editor didn't register changes when only tabs were inserted
Bug fix: When empty files were uploaded, their content was 'undefined'
Bug fix: Unprecedented parameters of M36/M117 were converted to upper-case
Bug fix: The heightmap canvas was somtimes resized to negative widths
Bug fix: When a file transfer notification was opened, the speed was unitless
Bug fix: The last hostname was not updated properly

Version 2.0.4

22 Oct 10:56
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Upgraded ATX buttons for compatibity with latest Vuetify version
Bug fix: Minor axios upgrade rendered whole AJAX error handling useless
Bug fix: Fan panel disappeared on certain setups after running M999

Version 2.0.3

21 Oct 21:57
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Updated to latest major component versions and reworked lots of the UI due to incompatibilities
Replaced all icons with material SVGs
Changed cursor color to white for the dark theme in the text editor
Added new floating buttons to the file pages for mobile users
Added new option to turn off auto-completion in code+temperature inputs
Introduced height limit for layer chart
Modified heightmap control for better responsiveness
Added live coordinates back to the message box (when axis controls are shown)
Increased width of tool temperature inputs once more
Improved detection for extrude/retract buttons
Removed own v-tab-control directive
Replaced various Array.reduce calls with Array.join
Configtool can be invoked by clicking a chip on the config.json file
Bug fix: Extra axis positions were not shown (Duet 2 series)
Bug fix: Tools with invalid heaters caused errors
Bug fix: When files were uploaded and an error code was returned, none was reported
Bug fix: Responses to DSF codes that failed with an exception were not displayed
Bug fix: Message box title wasn't centered
Bug fix: Simulated time wasn't displayed in the file list
Bug fix: Fan selection panel threw an error in the console when the tool fan was selected

Version 2.0.2

08 Oct 18:07
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Updated mail address and link to GitHub
Minor performance improvements
Bug fix: "Print Another" wasn't working on Duet 2 series
Bug fix: Some properties were not made reactive causing glitches

Version 2.0.1

08 Oct 14:28
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Added CRC32 checksums for Duet 2 uploads
File editor asks to save changes even when closed internally
Increased minimum width of tool temperature inputs
Restored default menu on the G-code event list
Added back endstops list to Settings/Machine page
Minor other improvements
Bug fix: Tool position stopped working on Duet 2
Bug fix: Loading G-code file lists with lots of files caused unwanted lag
Bug fix: Stray clicks on "Save" could lead to file corruption
Bug fix: Negative jog control values were not properly displayed
Bug fix: Parameters of special codes (M23, M30, M32, M36) were incorrectly converted to upper-case

Version 2.0.0

01 Oct 14:12
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Updated packages to the latest versions
Synchronised machine model with DSF
Improved file list texts in case the drive is unmounted
Restructured some of the object model for the latest DSF version
Finished layers support for Duet 3
Changed firmware filenames for Duet 3 variants
Replaced firmware version with the one in package.json
Make DWC compatible with Duet behind HTTPS reverse proxy (thanks wilriker)
Add Russian localisation (thanks mbgroot)
Added Chinese translations (thanks ningjiazun)
More refactoring
Bug fix: In some cases the Extrude/Retract buttons remained disabled
Bug fix: Home axis buttons were visible on Delta printers
Bug fix: Piecon wasn't reset under certain circumstances
Bug fix: Blocking message boxes were dismissable
Bug fix: Sliders sometimes showed too many decimal places
Bug fix: Machine unregistration didn't work properly
Bug fix: THREE OrbitControls moved when typing in a textbox
Bug fix: WebSocket PING/PONG facility didn't work as expected
Bug fix: Jog controls were sending movements with too high feedrates
Bug fix: Probe value was displayed even if none was configured
Bug fix: Uploading directories with absolute SD paths didn't work as intended
Bug fix: Selected fan wasn't updated correctly when the tool changed or the machine disconnected

Version 2.0.0-RC7

11 Jun 12:08
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Version 2.0.0-RC7 Pre-release

Updated components
Changed default extrusion+feedrate to sensible values
Added German translations
Added French translation (thanks KrohmKoala)
Added function to test i18n completeness in dev builds
Movement and extrusion buttons send stack commands
Reduced size by making use of Vuetify-loader
Prioritise REST connector over Poll connector
Improved handling of fan RPM fields
Added padding to some print cells
Removed broken "Copy" function from the event log
Restructured ZIP bundles for Duet 2 and 3
Brought object model up-to-date with latest Duet 3 API
Implemented ping/pong mechanism for Duet 3 WebSockets
Bug fix: Bad (outdated) temperature samples are properly removed
Bug fix: Fixed sort order after Vuetify update
Bug fix: Spindle field of tools without a configured spindle were attempted to be read if no heaters were assigned to them
Bug fix: Some fields of the status response were read even though they may not be present
Bug fix: Temperature chart was shown even if no heaters could be displayed
Bug fix: "Halted" state made DWC2 reconnect on a Duet 3
Bug fix: G-code responses from Duet 3 in JSON format were not shown
Bug fix: Successive message box requests were not shown
Bug fix: Non-ASCII characters were not supported in Duet 3 filenames
Minor other changes

Version 2.0.0-RC6

06 Mar 22:10
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Version 2.0.0-RC6 Pre-release

Updated components (also fixes a bug that caused all inputs to stop working once the heightmap was activated)
Changed click behaviour of file list items to be activated on a single click again
Added touch events to event+file lists to show the context menu on devices that do not support the native JS contextmenu event
Print information is no longer cleared when a print finishes
Simplified file list reset when the connection is interrupted
Print+Simulate options are hidden when a job file is being processed
Escape closes the text editor again
Height map is automatically reloaded once 'heightmap.csv' shows up in a G-code response
Minor other changes
Bug fix: Notification when editing a large file was not displayed during download
Bug fix: Macro list did not return to the root directory when the connection was interrupted
Bug fix: Warm-up time was not displayed
Bug fix: Selected tool was no longer highlighted when the light theme was selected
Bug fix: Drag&Drop was completely broken in Chrome and the drag animation was not working anywhere

Version 2.0.0-RC5

28 Feb 22:51
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Version 2.0.0-RC5 Pre-release

Finished i18n support
Restructured Settings pages
Added the Diagnostics button again to the Settings page
Improved upload button appearance and file selection when opening the context menu
Excluded JSON files from uploads to /www again
Removed HTML links from file lists
Updated Vuetify framework
Make Vue globally accessible via window
Bug fix: Compensation button wraps correctly on mobile devices
Bug fix: Move buttons became unresponsive after the first click when performing manual height compensation
Bug fix: Temperature inputs were not properly initialized in some cases
Bug fix: Uploads of very big files could cause a crash in Chromium
Bug fix: When printing a file, a missing firstLayerHeight property could cause an unwanted disconnect
Bug fix: When restarting a machine, the job path would not be reset to the default path
Bug fix: When navigating into empty macro directories, the 'Go up' option was hidden
Bug fix: Sometimes the layer chart stayed empty
Bug fix: The tool fan could not be hidden
Bug fix: config.g could not be created if it did not exist before and fixed possible related race condition

Version 2.0.0-RC4

26 Feb 18:02
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Version 2.0.0-RC4 Pre-release

Updated components to latest versions
Changed object model to be compatible with a wide range of null values (required for Duet 3)
Changed file info description in the object model 'job' namespace to FileInfo class
Bed+Chamber standby temperatures are now displayed (if available)
Added tab support to the text editor (Shift+Tab is still reserved for keyboard navigation)
Clicking on a code notification navigates no longer to the Console page
Minor other changes
Bug fix: Responses of input buttons were not displayed
Bug fix: Temperature chart did not update its maximum temperature
Bug fix: Charts could cause permanent whitespace to show up
Bug fix: Changed date format of the temperature chart from 12-hour to 24-hour format
Bug fix: File lists didn't refresh when moving files to upper directories
Bug fix: Under certain circumstances files with null values were incorrectly sorted
Bug fix: 'Refresh Heightmap' button was not working
Bug fix: Correct board type was not detected in some cases
Bug fix: Unloading the filament of an unselected tool did not send a T-code before M702