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Kubernetes Lando

This module provides support for running Bespin jobs via a k8s cluster. This consists of two services.

  • k8s.lando which listens for messages and runs k8s jobs while updating bespin-api
  • k8s.watcher which watches the k8s job listing and updates lando when jobs have completed, and logs failed jobs

This requires bespin-api, postgres, and rabbitmq services to be running as outlined in External services below.

External Cloud Support

This module is designed to allow running workflows on an external kubernetes cloud without permissions to connect directly to the bespin cluster(rabbitmq and bespin-api). This allows the main application (bespin-api, rabbit, etc) to run on a private network while we can utilize an external k8s cluster for computation purposes. Part of the responsibility of k8s.watcher is to poll the external k8s cloud for finished jobs and add messages to the rabbitmq queue for lando to continue running the workflow. For the local openstack cloud the lando worker directly posts these messages to the rabbitmq queue for lando so there is no need for this watcher.

Job Monitoring

The k8s.watcher is also necessary to monitor jobs due to the way kubernetes jobs are created/retried in the background. The k8s api returns immediately even if the job may fail to run for some reason. So a k8s job may fail without running any code and cannot report back to k8s.lando that the job has failed. Lando does not watch these jobs directly due to it's responsibility to watch the rabbiitmq queue.


k8s Cluster setup

Connect to your k8s cluster.

Create a project where the jobs will be run

oc new-project lando-job-runner

Create a service account that will be used by k8s.lando to create jobs.

oc create sa lando

Find the name of a token for this service account

oc describe sa lando

Determine the token value:

oc describe secret <tokename>

This value will need to be added to your k8s lando config file under cluster_api_settings.token.

Create a DukeDS agent secret that will be used to stage data and save output. Create a file containing your ddsclient config named ddsclient.conf. Use this file to populate the DukeDS secret for your agent.

oc create secret generic ddsclient-agent --from-file=config=ddsclient.conf

Setup roles for use by calrissian and lando service account

oc create role pod-manager-role --verb=create,patch,delete,list,watch --resource=pods
oc create role log-reader-role --verb=get,list --resource=pods/log
oc create role pvc-manager-role --verb=create,delete,list,watch --resource=pvc
oc create role configmaps-manager-role --verb=create,delete,list,watch --resource=configmaps
oc create role job-manager-role --verb=create,delete,list,watch --resource=jobs.batch

Bind roles required for the CWL workflow running image (calrissian)

oc create rolebinding pod-manager-default-binding --role=pod-manager-role --serviceaccount=lando-job-runner:default
oc create rolebinding log-reader-default-binding --role=log-reader-role --serviceaccount=lando-job-runner:default

Bind roles necessary to lando service account

oc create rolebinding lando-pvc-manager-role-binding --role=pvc-manager-role --serviceaccount=lando-job-runner:lando
oc create rolebinding lando-configmaps-manager-role-binding --role=configmaps-manager-role --serviceaccount=lando-job-runner:lando
oc create rolebinding lando-job-manager-role-binding --role=job-manager-role --serviceaccount=lando-job-runner:lando
oc create rolebinding lando-pod-manager-role-binding --role=pod-manager-role --serviceaccount=lando-job-runner:lando
oc create rolebinding lando-log-reader-role-binding --role=log-reader-role --serviceaccount=lando-job-runner:lando

Build the lando-util image that will be used for the stage data, organize output, and upload results jobs.

oc create -f

Create a persistent volume for holding system data matching the name in run_workflow_settings.volume_claim_name from the config file below.

Config file setup

Create a config file named k8s.config. Example content:

  host: TODO
  username: TODO
  password: TODO
  worker_username: TODO
  worker_password: TODO
  listen_queue: TODO

  host: TODO
  token: TODO
  namespace: lando-job-runner
  verify_ssl: False

  token: TODO
  url: TODO

     volume_claim_name: system-data
     mount_path: "/bespin/system/"

  secret_name: ddsclient-agent

storage_class_name: glusterfs-storage

log_level: INFO

External services

You will need to setup bespin-api, postgres and rabbitmq first to interact with k8s lando.

bespin-api will need to have JobRuntimeK8s/JobRuntimeStepK8s with the appropriate image name and base commands setup

- image name: `dukegcb:calrissian:latest`
- base command: `["calrissian", "--max-ram", "16384", "--max-cores", "8"]`


In one terminal run the k8s watcher

python -m lando.k8s.watcher k8s.config

In another terminal run k8s lando

python -m lando.k8s.lando k8s.config

Then start a job via bespin-api.