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938 lines (762 loc) · 33.3 KB

File metadata and controls

938 lines (762 loc) · 33.3 KB

The Ride Protocol


Note: A red circle 🔴 marks internal notes which won't appear in the final version.

The Ride protocol is formed of messages sent in either direction over a TCP connection.

A message starts with a 4-byte big-endian total length field, followed by the ASCII bytes for "Ride" and a UTF-8-encoded payload:

    8+len(payload)   "Ride" magic number   payload
│0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0b│0x52 0x49 0x44 0x45│    ...    │

Total length is 8 + the payload's length in bytes. The payload is almost always a 2-element JSON array consisting of a command name and arguments as key/value pairs:


The only exception are the first two messages that each side sends upon establishing a connection. These constitute the handshake and are not JSON-encoded. Their payloads are:


Messages are independent and after the handshake can be sent/received in any order. Some messages infer that the other end will send a reply, but that reply may not be the next message to be received, or even ever be sent.


If the receiver of a message does not recognise it, it should respond with



Should the interpreter generate an error during the processing of an incoming Ride message it will respond with an InternalError message:

["InternalError",{"error":1,"error_text":"WS FULL","dmx":"","message":"Edit"}]
  • error: aka ⎕EN
  • error_text: aka ⎕EM
  • dmx: the DMX message for the error (currently always empty)
  • message: the name of the originating incoming Ride message

The connection may be closed at any time, leaving some messages undelivered or unprocessed.

Command names and their arguments are case-sensitive.

JSON booleans true and false can be freely substituted with and should be treated as equivalent to 1 and 0.

Connection setup and teardown


After the connection has been established and a protocol agreed, both peers immediately send an Identify message to indicate what type of application they are.


The apiVersion is introduced as a mechanism to handle breaking changes in the API.

Constants for identity:

  • 1 Ride,
  • 2 interpreter,
  • 3 process manager.

🔴 The interpreter sends an Identify that means something else and has different args.

apiVersion < 1

The interpreter responds with an Identify messsage containing details about the interpreter.

apiVersion = 1

The interpreter responds with a ReplyIdentify messsage containing details about the interpreter.

They should then check the type of application they are connected to, and if not happy to continue, close the connection. For instance, Ride may check that the application it's connected to is an interpreter or a process manager. If it finds the peer is another Ride, it should close the connection.

🔴 In reality Ride doesn't bother verifying that it's not talking to another Ride.


apiVersion = 1

The interpreter responds with a ReplyIdentify messsage containing details about the interpreter.

["ReplyIdentify",{ // Interpreter -> Ride
  "Vendor":"Dyalog Limited",
  "Project":"CLEAR WS",
  "date":"Created: Apr 10 2023 at 19:29:32",

The apiVersion specifies the negotiated API version accepted by the interpreter.


apiVersion = 1

Request the session log from the interpreter.

["GetLog",{"format":"json","maxLines":100}] // Ride -> Interpreter

format defaults to "json" if not specified. maxLines limits the number of lines returned (-1 = unlimited)


apiVersion < 1

After it has received the Connect command the interpreter will send 0 or more "ReplyGetLog" messages containing the session log:

["ReplyGetLog",{"result":["line 1","line 2"]}] // Interpreter -> Ride

apiVersion = 1

After it has received a "GetLog" command the interpreter will send 0 or more "ReplyGetLog" messages containing the session log in the format requested. For text format:

["ReplyGetLog",{"result":["line 1","line 2"]}] // Interpreter -> Ride

For json format:

["ReplyGetLog",{"result":[ // Interpreter -> Ride
    "group": 1,
    "type": 1,
    "text": "line 1",
    "group": 1,
    "type": 1,
    "text": "line 2",


If at any time the interpreter crashes with a syserror, it sends;

["SysError",{"text":"apl: sys error 123 errno 456","stack":""}] // Interpreter -> Ride


If the interpreter has been started by Ride, Ride should shut it down cleanly when the user closes the main application window (the session window):

["Exit",{"code":0}] // Ride -> Interpreter

Session control

apiVersion < 1

Any echoed input or interpreter output are sent to Ride using either;


["EchoInput",{"input":"      1 2 3+4 5 6\n"}] // Interpreter -> Ride


["AppendSessionOutput",{"result":"5 7 9"}]  // Interpreter -> Ride

These two perform essentially the same task except that AppendSessionOutput doesn't necessarily have trailing "\n"-s at the end of result.

apiVersion = 1

Any echoed input or interpreter output are sent to Ride using either;

["AppendSessionOutput",{"result":"5 7 9","type":1,"group":1}]  // Interpreter -> Ride

type specifies the source of the output:

type description
0 reserved
1 undetermined session output
2 default output e.g. not assigned to ⎕ or ⍞
3 what would have been always sent to stderr
4 output from system commands
5 APL error message. e.g. ^ and DOMAIN ERROR
6 reserved
7 ⎕ output
8 ⍞ output
9 "information" that would have gone to the "status window"
10 reserved
11 echoed input
12 ⎕TRACE output
13 reserved
14 A “normal” input line


The interpreter informs Ride about changes in its ability to accept user input with

["SetPromptType",{"type":5}] // Interpreter -> Ride

Constants for type:

  • 0 no prompt,
  • 1 the usual 6-space APL prompt (a.k.a. Descalc or "desktop calculator"),
  • 2 Quad() input,
  • 3 line editor,
  • 4 Quote-Quad() input,
  • 5 any prompt type unforeseen here.

🔴 These modes need explaining with expected behaviour.


When the user presses <ER> (Enter) or <TC> (Ctrl-Enter), Ride sends

["Execute",{"text":"      1 2 3+4 5 6","trace":1}] // Ride -> Interpreter
  • text: the APL code to evaluate
  • trace: 0 or 1, whether the expression should be evaluated in the tracer (<TC>)

Note that Ride can't assume that everything entered in the session will be echoed, e.g. quote quad input () doesn't echo. Therefore, Ride should wait for the EchoInput message.

If multiple lines have been modified in the session, Ride should queue them up and send them one by one, waiting for a response of either SetPromptType with type>0 or HadError.


Ride should clear its queue of pending lines on HadError and focus the session.

["HadError",{}] // Interpreter -> Ride


Ride can optionally advise the interpreter about the session's width in characters with

["SetPW",{"pw":79}] // Ride -> Interpreter

Further output will wrap at that width (with a few exceptions). See ⎕PW.

Window management


When the user presses <ED> (Shift-Enter), Ride should send;

["Edit",{"win":123,"text":"a←b+c×d","pos":4,"unsaved":{"124":"f"}}] // Ride -> Interpreter

to request opening an editor. pos is the 0-based position of the cursor in text. unsaved is a mapping from window ids to unsaved content.

🔴 "Edit" must be extended to submit the current content of all dirty windows, otherwise jumping from one method to another in a class will obliterate the current changes.


The interpreter will parse that and may respond later with one of;

["OpenWindow",{"name":"f","filename":"C:\\path\\to\\foo.txt","text":["r←f a","r←(+⌿÷≢)a"],"token":123,"currentRow":0,"debugger":false,
               "tid":0,"tname":"Tid:0"}] // Interpreter -> Ride


["UpdateWindow",...] // Interpreter -> Ride (same args as OpenWindow)

It may also send these in response to )ed name or ⎕ed'name', as well as when tracing into an object that is not currently being traced.

Constants for entityType:

entityType Description entityType Description
1 defined function 128 simple character vector
2 simple character array 256 APL namespace
4 simple numeric array 512 APL class
8 mixed simple array 1024 APL interface
16 nested array 2048 APL session
32 ⎕OR object 4096 external function.
64 native file

🔴 TODO: describe the other arguments


The interpreter can request transferring the focus to a particular window with;

["GotoWindow",{"win":123}] // Interpreter -> Ride

This could happen as a result of )ED or ⎕ED.


The interpreter may decide to change the type of a window (editor vs tracer) with;

["WindowTypeChanged",{"win":123,"tracer":true}] // Interpreter -> Ride


When the user presses <EP> (Esc), Ride should request that the editor contents are fixed through;

["SaveChanges",{"win":123,"text":["r←avg a","s←+⌿a","n←≢a","r←s÷n"],"stop":[2,3]}] // Ride -> Interpreter
  • stop is an array of 0-based line numbers.


["ReplySaveChanges",{"win":123,"err":0}] // Interpreter -> Ride

If err is 0, save succeeded; otherwise it failed.


Ride can request that the intepreter reformat code:

["FormatCode",{"win":123,"text":["r←avg a","s←+⌿a","n ←    ≢a","r←s÷n"]}] // Ride -> Interpreter


["ReplyFormatCode",{"win":123,"text":["r←avg a","s←+⌿a","n←≢a","r←s÷n"]}] // Interpreter -> Ride
  • win: TENTATIVE: a window identifer. The interpreter needs a window in which to format the code (don't ask!). In the short term we'll insist that we can only format code in a window the interpreter is aware of.


When the user presses <EP> (Esc) and saving is successful or presses <QT> (Shift-Esc), Ride sends;

["CloseWindow",{"win":123}] // Ride -> Interpreter  and  Interpreter -> Ride

but does not close the UI window until the interpreter replies with the same message.


To close all windows, but leave the SIstack unchanged Ride can send the CloseAllWindows message.

["CloseAllWindows",{}] // Ride -> Interpreter

In response the interpreter will send a CloseWindow messsage for each window that it is aware of. The CloseAllWindows message will leave the SIStack unchanged, it will just close all (trace and edit) windows in the interpreter.


The following messages are used in relation to trace windows.


This tells Ride where the currently executed line is. Traditionally that's indicated by a red border around it.

["SetHighlightLine",{"win":123,"line":45}] // Interpreter -> Ride


Update the breakpoints.

["SetLineAttributes",{"win":123,"stop":[2,3,5]}] // Ride -> Interpreter  or  Interpreter -> Ride
  • stop is an array of 0-based line numbers.


Request the current line in a trace window be moved back (skip back one line).

["TraceBackward",{"win":123}] // Ride -> Interpreter


Request it clears all traces, stops, and monitors in the active workspace. The reply says how many of each thing were cleared.

["ClearTraceStopMonitor",{"token":123}] // Ride -> Interpreter


["ReplyClearTraceStopMonitor",{"traces":0,"stops":0,"monitors":0,"token":123}] // Interpreter -> Ride


Request resume execution of the current thread.

["Continue",{"win":123}] // Ride -> Interpreter


Request resume execution of the current function, but stop on the next line of the calling function.

["ContinueTrace",{"win":123}] // Ride -> Interpreter


Request the stack is cut back one level. This is equivalent to returning to the caller without executing the rest of the current function.

["Cutback",{"win":123}] // Ride -> Interpreter


Request the current line in a trace window be moved forward (skip to next line).

["TraceForward",{"win":123}] // Ride -> Interpreter


Request resume execution of all threads.

["RestartThreads",{}] // Ride -> Interpreter


Request the current line in a trace window is executed. (Step over)

["RunCurrentLine",{"win":123}] // Ride -> Interpreter


["StepInto",{"win":123}] // Ride -> Interpreter

Request the current line in a trace window is executed. (Step into)

Status Bar

Ride requests status information from the interpreter to display in the status bar.


Ride 4.4 now uses the Subscribe method to retrieve information from the interpreter for the status bar. Protocol messages are sent by the interpreter when a change is detected, as opposed to polling at an interval.

["Subscribe", { // Ride -> Interpreter
  "status": [  // 0 or more of the following values
               // values are not saved between calls       
    "statusfields",   // will result in InterpreterStatus messages
    "stack" ,         // will result in ReplyGetSIStack messages
    "threads"         // will result in ReplyGetSIStack messages
  "heartbeat": interval    // interval is currently ignored

There is no unsubscribe method, a new Subscribe message should be sent with the relevant fields removed.


["InterpreterStatus", { // Interpreter -> Ride
   "IO": int,   // current ⎕IO
   "DQ": int,   // length of current message queue 
   "WA": int,   // current available workspace (not currently implemented)
   "SI": int,   // length of current SI stack
   "TRAP": int, // Is there an active trap?
   "ML": int,   // // current ⎕ML
   "NumThreads": int, // current number of threads
   "TID": int, // current thread id
   "CompactCount": int, // number of compactions so far
   "GarbageCount": int  // number of garbage collections so far (i.e. number of collections that have found garbage)


["InterpreterHeartBeat", { // Interpreter -> Ride
    "ping" : "ping"  // maybe there will be additional reasons to ping



Request information about the current stack.

["GetSIStack",{}] // Ride -> Interpreter


["ReplyGetSIStack",{"stack":[{"description":"#.f[12]*"},{"description":"#.g[34]"}],"tid":2}] // Interpreter -> Ride


Get information about the current threads.

["GetThreads",{}] // Ride -> Interpreter


    ]}] // Interpreter -> Ride
  • description: a text description of the thread. Derived from the Tid and ⎕TNAME for the thread
  • state: a string indicating the current location of the thread
  • tid: the Tid (numeric)
  • flags: e.g. Normal, Paused or Terminated
  • Treq: a string indicating any tokens that the thread is waiting for.


Request the interpreter focus a specific thread.

["SetThread", {"tid":123}] // Ride -> Interpreter


["ReplySetThread", {"tid":123, "rc":321, "message":"txt"}] // Interpreter -> Ride
  • tid: the thread ID (numeric)
  • rc: Return code. TID of focused thread, or -1 if unsuccessful.
  • message: Empty, or text description of the result if unsuccessful.


Request attributes on multiple threads:

["GetThreadAttributes",{ // Ride -> Interpreter
  "threads":[123 | -1]

If first item is -1, return info for all threads and stop processing. If -1 is found after first, return non zero in rc for that element.


["ReplyGetThreadAttributes",{ // Interpreter -> Ride
    "tid": 123,
    "rc": 321,
    "paused": 1,
    "noninterruptable": 2,
  • tid: The thread ID (numeric)
  • rc: Return code. TID of thread, or -1 if unsuccessful.
  • paused: boolean
  • noninterruptable: int;
    • 0: interruptable,
    • 1: non-interruptable,
    • 2: children will be created as non-interruptable


Set attributes on multiple threads.

["SetThreadAttributes",{ // Ride -> Interpreter
    "noninterruptable": 2,

If first item's tid is -1, set info for all threads and stop processing. The interpreter will respond with ReplySetThreadAttributes


["ReplySetThreadAttributes",{ // Interpreter -> Ride
  • tid: The thread ID (numeric)
  • rc: Return code. TID of thread, or -1 if unsuccessful.
  • paused: boolean
  • noninterruptable: int;
    • 0: interruptable,
    • 1: noninterruptable,
    • 2: children will be created as non-interruptable


To pause all threads, pass a 1. To unpause all paused threads, pass a 0.

["PauseAllThreads", { "pause": 1 | 0}]

PauseAllThreads (pause=0) does not "restart" all threads, you'll need to send RestartThreads if that's what you want. PauseAllThreads does not send any response.


APL supports two kinds of interrupts;


["WeakInterrupt",  {}] // Ride -> Interpreter


["StrongInterrupt",{}] // Ride -> Interpreter

The interpreter message queue should check for strong interrupts and handle them immediately without needing to fully parse messages.

🔴 I've no idea what the above sentence means -Nick



Ride can request autocompletion information from the interpreter.

["GetAutocomplete",{"line":"r←1+ab","pos":6,"token":234}] // Ride -> Interpreter
  • line: text containing the name that's being completed
  • pos: position of cursor within line
  • token: is used by ReplyGetAutocomplete to identify which request it is a response to. Ride may send multiple GetAutocomplete requests and the interpreter may only reply to some of them. Similarly, Ride may ignore some of the replies if the state of the editor has changed since the GetAutocomplete request was sent. In order to remain responsive, Ride should throttle its autocompletion requests (no more than N per second) and it shouldn't block while it's waiting for the response.

🔴 The interpreter requires that "token" is the id of the window, so perhaps it should be renamed "win".

🔴 If Ride sends a different token, the interpreter doesn't respond.


["ReplyGetAutocomplete",{"skip":2,"options":["ab","abc","abde"],"token":234}] // Interpreter -> Ride
  • skip: how many characters before the request's pos to replace with an element of options

Value tips


When the user hovers a name with the mouse, Ride should ask for a short textual representation of the current value:

["GetValueTip",{"win":123,"line":"a←b+c","pos":2,"maxWidth":50,"maxHeight":20,"token":456}] // Ride -> Interpreter


["ValueTip",{"tip":["0 1 2","3 4 5"],"class":2,"startCol":2,"endCol":3,"token":456}] // Interpreter -> Ride
  • token: is used to correlate requests and responses, and there is no guarantee that they will arrive in the same order, if ever (like with autocompletion).
  • maxHeight and maxWidth can be used to limit the number of lines and columns in the result.
  • class indicates the nameclass of the object. This information can be used to syntax-highlight the tooltip.
  • startCol and endCol describe the position of the whole name to which the value tip pertains. startCol is inclusive and endCol is exclusive.


The interpreter can ask Ride to interact with the user by showing a modal dialog. Several kinds of dialogs are supported:

Options dialog

["OptionsDialog",{"title":"","text":"","type":1,"options":["Yes","No","Cancel"],"token":123}] // Interpreter -> Ride


["ReplyOptionsDialog",{"index":0,"token":123}] // Ride -> Interpreter

Constants for type:

  • 1 warning,
  • 2 information,
  • 3 question,
  • 4 stop.

If the user closes the dialog without choosing an option, Ride responds with an index of -1.


["StringDialog",{"title":"Name","text":"Please enter a name:","initialValue":"abc","defaultValue":null,"token":123}] // Interpreter -> Ride


["ReplyStringDialog",{"value":"abcd","token":123}] // Ride -> Interpreter


A "task dialog" shows two sets of buttons -- vertically aligned buttonText and below them the horizontally aligned options.

["TaskDialog",{"title":"Save document","text":"Save document options",
               "subtext":"Do you want to save the changes to the document?",
               "buttonText":["Save in XML base format","Save in binary format"],
               "footer":"Note: If you don't choose to save, your changes will be lost",
               "questionlabel":"Save this response for all files with a \".xml\" extension"}] // Interpreter -> Ride


["ReplyTaskDialog",{"index":"101","token":123}] // Ride -> Interpreter

In the response index can be:

  • 100+i where i is the index of a buttonText button
  • the index of an options button
  • -1 if the user closes the dialog


["NotificationMessage",{"message":"Object too large to edit","token":123}] // Interpreter -> Ride



Request Ride shows some HTML. See 3500⌶.

["ShowHTML",{"title":"Example","html":"<i>Hello</i> <b>world</b>"}] // Interpreter -> Ride


This message is sent by the interpreter when WSID is changed.

["UpdateDisplayName",{"displayName":"CLEAR WS"}] // Interpreter -> Ride


Ride can use the display name as the title of its application window.

["UpdateSessionCaption",{"text":"CLEAR WS - Dyalog APL/W-64"}] // Interpreter -> Ride


Sent from any peer to shut down the connection cleanly.


🔴 Why do we need "Disconnect"? Why not just close the TCP connection? That shouldn't be any less "clean".

Workspace explorer

Optionally, Ride can display a tree representing session content.


It can query information about the children of a particular node with TreeList.

["TreeList",{"nodeId":12}] // Ride -> Interpreter


                  "classes":[9.4,3.2],"err":""}] // Interpreter -> Ride

The root of the tree is assumed to have a node id of 0.

  • nodeId is the requested parent id.
  • nodeIds are the ids of the children; some of them can be 0 -- those children can't themselves have children.
  • classes are name classes that can be used to choose appropriate styling
  • err is non-empty only when an error has occurred in the interpreter, e.g. when nodeId is no longer invalid

Ride should query information only about the visible parts of the tree as they get expanded.

When the user presses Enter or clicks on an editable node, Ride should use the Edit command to notify the interpreter. Then it can send back commands to open or focus an editor window.

Status window


The interpreter may request the display of messages in a separate "Status Output" window.

["StatusOutput",{"text":"some very important message\r\n","flags":2}] // Interpreter -> Ride

flags (despite its name) is the message type, one of:

  • 1: info, usually shown in green
  • 2: error, red
  • 4: warning, blue
  • 8: .Net function overload clash overload (red?)

Process manager

🔴 As of April 2016 there is no process manager.


["GetAvailableConnections",{"connections":[c0,c1,...]}] // Ride or Interpreter -> PM

🔴 Specify what c0,c1,... look like


Request a connection to a specific item (Ride or interpreter).

["ConnectTo",{"remoteId":123}] // Ride or Interpreter -> PM


Tell the client that the ProcessManager is handing off the connection to a Ride or Interpreter (as requested). The process manager knows the supported protocols so it can pick a supported protocol for the clients to switch to. Once this is received the client is no longer connected to the PM, but rather is connected to the specified process.

["ConnectToSucceded",{"remoteId":123,"identity":1,"protocolNumber":...}] // PM -> Ride or Interpreter

identity: see Identify


Tell the client that the attempt to connect to a particular process failed.

["ConnectToFailed",{"remoteId":123,"reason":""}] // PM -> Ride or Interpreter


["GetDetailedInformation",{"remoteId":[12,34,...]}] // anything -> anything

If sent to a Process manager, remoteId is a list of remote IDs returned by GetAvailableConnections. Otherwise it's an empty list.


["ReplyGetDetailedInformation",{"information":[i0,i1,...]}] // anything -> anything

Session Information and Configuration



Ride can request help on current cursor position.

["GetHelpInformation",{"line":"r←1+ab","pos":4}] // Ride -> Interpreter
  • line: text containing the name where help is requested
  • pos: position of cursor within line (origin 0 is to the left of the first character)


["ReplyGetHelpInformation",{"url":""}] // Interpreter -> Ride



Ride can request Syntax information specific to the version of the interpreter being run.

["GetHelpInformation",{}] // Ride -> Interpreter

###⍕ ReplyGetSyntaxInformation

["ReplyGetSyntaxInformation",{"url":""}] // Interpreter -> Ride



Ride can request Language bar information specific to the version of the interpreter being run.

["GetLanguageBar",{}] // Ride -> Interpreter


["ReplyGetLanguageBar",{  // Interpreter -> Ride
    {"name":"Left Arrow", "avchar":"", "helptext":["...","...",]}



Configuration parameters can be queried using the GetConfiguration method

["GetConfiguration", {"names":["text"] // Ride -> Interpreter


["ReplyGetConfiguration", { // Interpreter -> Ride
    {"name":"string", "value":""},


Parameters can be set using the SetConfiguration method. [Currently only the AUTO_PAUSE_THREADS parameter is supported.]

["SetConfiguration", { // Ride -> Interpreter
  "configurations": [
    {"name":"", "value":""},


["ReplySetConfiguration", { // Interpreter -> Ride
  "configurations": [
    {"name":"", "rc":0123,},
  • name: key of paramenter to set.
  • value: value to set it to.
  • rc: int, one of the following;
    • 0: SO_OK
    • 1: SO_BAD_NAME
    • 2: SO_BAD_VALUE
    • 3: SO_CANT_SET

Proposed extensions

  • related to the process manager
AvailableConnection => [
    int remoteID,       // Unique ID
    string displayName  // Display name for the entry.
DetailedInformation => [
  int remoteID,    // Unique ID if sent from a Process Manager, otherwise 0
  identity identity,
  (DetailedRideInformation|DetailedInterpreterInformation|DetailedProcessInformation) Information
DetailedRideInformation => [] // Placeholder - add any more information
DetailedInterpreterInformation => [] // Placeholder - add any more information
DetailedProcessManagerInformation => [] // Placeholder - add any more information
  • ⎕PFKEY
  • programmatic access to "current object"


["SetCurrentObject",{"text":""}] // Ride -> Interpreter
  • compiler information
  • list of valid I-beams and their descriptions
  • ShowStack and ShowThreads
  • drop workspace in Ride