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A futuristic soapbox car in OpenGL for the course Computergraphics by Herman Crauwels (Campus De Nayer, KU Leuven). This application provides a demo for several OpenGL functions and is written in ANSI C.


  • Basic car
  • Basic finish
  • Multiple 3D transformations (orthogonal, symmetric, ...)
  • Multiple cars on the screen
  • Show axes, light sources, ... controlled with a keyboard key
  • Improved finish
  • 4 different light sources
  • Switch between several shade models
  • Menu to configure the materials used to create the car
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Animates the wheels of the car
  • Texture support of the finish and the car
  • Toggle the alpha value of the car
  • Fog support


Competition mode with menu

Screenshot 1

Blending, different types of illumination and other features

Screenshot 2


See the inline comments in the source files for more information about the arguments of each function.


  • void menu(GLint id): Main menu callback to dispatch several other menus and handling the quit option.
  • void coachworkMenu(GLint id): Coachwork menu callback to set the coachwork colors.
  • void suspensionMenu(GLint id): Suspension menu callback to set the suspension colors.
  • void finishMenu(GLint id): Finish menu callback to set the finish colors.
  • void init(void): Init function to initialize several things before the OpenGL main loop has been started.
  • void animation(GLint value): Callback for glutTimerFunc to animate the soapbox car.
  • void keyboardWatcher(unsigned char key, int x, int y): Keyboard callback
  • void displayFunction(void): Display callback
  • void windowFunction(GLint newWidth, GLint newHeight): Window callback
  • int main(int argc, char* argv[]): Main function


  • void _drawFinishPart(GLint wireFrame): Private function to draw 1/4 of the finish arc.
  • void drawFinish(GLint wireFrame, GLfloat* ambient, GLfloat* diffuse, GLfloat* specular, GLuint textureAddressing[], GLint texture, GLint checkpoints): Draws the complete finish arc.
  • void drawCoachwork(GLint wireFrame, GLfloat* ambient, GLfloat* diffuse, GLfloat* specular, GLint clear, GLint checkpoints, GLint texture): Draws the coachwork.


  • void drawSuspension(GLint wireFrame, GLfloat* ambient, GLfloat* diffuse, GLfloat* specular): Draws the complete suspension.
  • void drawTires(GLint wireFrame, GLfloat animationAngle, GLuint textureAddressing[], GLint texture): Draws the tires of the soapbox car.


  • void drawAxes(GLint axes): Draws the X,Y and Z-axis.
  • void drawCheckpoint(const GLfloat* color): Draws a single checkpoint, used by the complex curves and light positions.
  • void configureLights(GLint ambientLight, GLint diffuseLight, GLint specularLight, GLint spotLight, GLint spotAngle, GLint spotExponent, GLint spotHeight, GLint drawPositions): Configures the lights on the right position with the right colors.
  • void configureFog(GLint fog, GLint fogMode, GLfloat far): Configures the fog and it's mode.



  • Right click to show the menu where you can select several materials for each component of the car.

  • You can also quit the application from the menu if you like.


Key Description
x/X Move camera (X axis +/-)
y/Y Move camera (Y axis +/-)
z/Z Move camera (Z axis +/-)
i Move camera to it's initial position
1 Toggle ambient light (GL_LIGHT0)
2 Toggle diffuse light (GL_LIGHT1)
3 Toggle specular light (GL_LIGHT2)
4 Toggle spot light (GL_LIGHT3)
s Switch to shading mode SMOOTH
S Switch to shading mode FLAT
l Turn wireframe mode ON
L Turn wireframe mode OFF
j Turn axes ON
J Turn axes OFF
p Turn light positions ON
P Turn light positions OFF
k Turn checkpoints ON
K Turn checkpoints OFF
g Toggle wheel animation
G Toggle car animation
t Toggle textures
m Toggle fog
M Toggle fog mode (LINEAR / EXP)
n Toggle competition mode
f Toggles coachwork transparency
h/H Moves the spot height (+/-)
v/V Manipulates the spot angle (+/-)
w/W Manipulates the spot exponent (+/-)
b Toggles light locking
e/E Manipulates the material shininess (+/-)
q/Q Quits the application

How to build

  1. Clone this repo: git clone
  2. Enter the directory: cd opengl-car
  3. Install all OpenGL libraries via your package manager, you can find the dependencies in the MakeFile.
  4. Run make in the project directory.
  5. Run ./car to start the soapbox car.


  • Everything (except for the images, initJPG.c and initJPG.h) in this repository is available under the GPLv3 license.

  • The images are available under separate licenses, see the folder images for more information.

  • For initJPG.c and initJPG.h files, please check the comments in the files for more information.