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CMake is our primary build system. If you are new to CMake, this short tutorial from the HEP Software foundation is the perfect place to get started. If you just want to use CMake to build the project, jump into sections 1. Introduction, 2. Building with CMake and 9. Finding Packages.


Before you start, you will need a copy of the WarpX source code:

git clone $HOME/src/warpx
cd $HOME/src/warpx

WarpX depends on popular third party software.

.. toctree::



From the base of the WarpX source directory, execute:

# find dependencies & configure
#   see additional options below, e.g.
#                   -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/sw/warpx
cmake -S . -B build

# compile, here we use four threads
cmake --build build -j 4

That's it! A 3D WarpX binary is now in build/bin/ and :ref:`can be run <usage_run>` with a :ref:`3D example inputs file <usage-examples>`. Most people execute the binary directly or copy it out.

If you want to install the executables in a programmatic way, run this:

# for default install paths, you will need administrator rights, e.g. with sudo:
cmake --build build --target install

You can inspect and modify build options after running cmake -S . -B build with either

ccmake build

or by adding arguments with -D<OPTION>=<VALUE> to the first CMake call. For example, this builds WarpX in 2D geometry and enables Nvidia GPU (CUDA) support:

cmake -S . -B build -DWarpX_DIMS=2 -DWarpX_COMPUTE=CUDA

Build Options

CMake Option Default & Values Description
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE RelWithDebInfo/Release/Debug Type of build, symbols & optimizations
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX system-dependent path Install path prefix
CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE ON/OFF Print all compiler commands to the terminal during build
PYINSTALLOPTIONS   Additional options for pip install, e.g., -v --user
WarpX_APP ON/OFF Build the WarpX executable application
WarpX_ASCENT ON/OFF Ascent in situ visualization
WarpX_COMPUTE NOACC/OMP/CUDA/SYCL/HIP On-node, accelerated computing backend
WarpX_DIMS 3/2/1/RZ Simulation dimensionality
WarpX_EB ON/OFF Embedded boundary support (not supported in RZ yet)
WarpX_GPUCLOCK ON/OFF Add GPU kernel timers (cost function, +4 registers/kernel)
WarpX_IPO ON/OFF Compile WarpX with interprocedural optimization (aka LTO)
WarpX_LIB ON/OFF Build WarpX as a shared library, e.g., for PICMI Python
WarpX_MPI ON/OFF Multi-node support (message-passing)
WarpX_MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE ON/OFF MPI thread-multiple support, i.e. for async_io
WarpX_PRECISION SINGLE/DOUBLE Floating point precision (single/double)
WarpX_PARTICLE_PRECISION SINGLE/DOUBLE Particle floating point precision (single/double), defaults to WarpX_PRECISION value if not set
WarpX_PSATD ON/OFF Spectral solver
WarpX_QED ON/OFF QED support (requires PICSAR)
WarpX_QED_TABLE_GEN ON/OFF QED table generation support (requires PICSAR and Boost)
WarpX_SENSEI ON/OFF SENSEI in situ visualization

WarpX can be configured in further detail with options from AMReX, which are documented in the AMReX manual:

Developers might be interested in additional options that control dependencies of WarpX. By default, the most important dependencies of WarpX are automatically downloaded for convenience:

CMake Option Default & Values Description
CCACHE_PROGRAM First found ccache executable. Set to -DCCACHE_PROGRAM=NO to disable CCache.
AMReX_CUDA_PTX_VERBOSE ON/OFF Print CUDA code generation statistics from ptxas.
WarpX_amrex_src None Path to AMReX source directory (preferred if set)
WarpX_amrex_repo Repository URI to pull and build AMReX from
WarpX_amrex_branch we set and maintain a compatible commit Repository branch for WarpX_amrex_repo
WarpX_amrex_internal ON/OFF Needs a pre-installed AMReX library if set to OFF
WarpX_openpmd_src None Path to openPMD-api source directory (preferred if set)
WarpX_openpmd_repo Repository URI to pull and build openPMD-api from
WarpX_openpmd_branch 0.14.3 Repository branch for WarpX_openpmd_repo
WarpX_openpmd_internal ON/OFF Needs a pre-installed openPMD-api library if set to OFF
WarpX_picsar_src None Path to PICSAR source directory (preferred if set)
WarpX_picsar_repo Repository URI to pull and build PICSAR from
WarpX_picsar_branch we set and maintain a compatible commit Repository branch for WarpX_picsar_repo
WarpX_picsar_internal ON/OFF Needs a pre-installed PICSAR library if set to OFF

For example, one can also build against a local AMReX copy. Assuming AMReX' source is located in $HOME/src/amrex, add the cmake argument -DWarpX_amrex_src=$HOME/src/amrex. Relative paths are also supported, e.g. -DWarpX_amrex_src=../amrex.

Or build against an AMReX feature branch of a colleague. Assuming your colleague pushed AMReX to in a branch new-feature then pass to cmake the arguments: -DWarpX_amrex_repo= -DWarpX_amrex_branch=new-feature.

You can speed up the install further if you pre-install these dependencies, e.g. with a package manager. Set -DWarpX_<dependency-name>_internal=OFF and add installation prefix of the dependency to the environment variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. Please see the :ref:`introduction to CMake <building-cmake-intro>` if this sounds new to you.

If you re-compile often, consider installing the Ninja build system. Pass -G Ninja to the CMake configuration call to speed up parallel compiles.

Configure your compiler

If you don't want to use your default compiler, you can set the following environment variables. For example, using a Clang/LLVM:

export CC=$(which clang)
export CXX=$(which clang++)

If you also want to select a CUDA compiler:

export CUDACXX=$(which nvcc)
export CUDAHOSTCXX=$(which clang++)

We also support adding additional compiler flags via environment variables such as CXXFLAGS/LDFLAGS:

# example: treat all compiler warnings as errors
export CXXFLAGS="-Werror"


Please clean your build directory with rm -rf build/ after changing the compiler. Now call cmake -S . -B build (+ further options) again to re-initialize the build configuration.


An executable WarpX binary with the current compile-time options encoded in its file name will be created in build/bin/. Note that you need separate binaries to run 1D, 2D, 3D, and RZ geometry inputs scripts. Additionally, a symbolic link named warpx can be found in that directory, which points to the last built WarpX executable.

More details on running simulations are in the section :ref:`Run WarpX <usage_run>`. Alternatively, read on and also build our PICMI Python interface.

PICMI Python Bindings


Preparation: make sure you work with up-to-date Python tooling.

python3 -m pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
python3 -m pip install -U cmake

For PICMI Python bindings, configure WarpX to produce a library and call our pip_install CMake target:

# find dependencies & configure
cmake -S . -B build -DWarpX_LIB=ON

# build and then call "python3 -m pip install ..."
cmake --build build --target pip_install -j 4

That's it! You can now :ref:`run a first 3D PICMI script <usage-picmi>` from our :ref:`examples <usage-examples>`.

Developers could now change the WarpX source code and then call the build line again to refresh the Python installation.


These commands build one -DWarpX_DIMS=... dimensionality (default: 3) at a time. If your build/lib*/ directory contains previously built libwarpx* libraries, then --target pip_install picks them up as well. A new call to cmake --build build ... will only rebuild one dimensionality, as set via WarpX_DIMS.

If you like to build a WarpX Python package that supports all dimensionalities, you can run this:

for d in 1 2 3 RZ; do
    cmake -S . -B build -DWarpX_DIMS=$d -DWarpX_LIB=ON
    cmake --build build -j 4
cmake --build build --target pip_install


If you do not develop with :ref:`a user-level package manager <install-dependencies>`, e.g., because you rely on a HPC system's environment modules, then consider to set up a virtual environment via Python venv. Otherwise, without a virtual environment, you likely need to add the CMake option -DPYINSTALLOPTIONS="--user".

Python Bindings (Package Management)

This section is relevant for Python package management, mainly for maintainers or people that rather like to interact only with pip.

One can build and install pywarpx from the root of the WarpX source tree:

python3 -m pip wheel -v .
python3 -m pip install pywarpx*whl

This will call the CMake logic above implicitly. Using this workflow has the advantage that it can build and package up multiple libraries with varying WarpX_DIMS into one pywarpx package.

Environment variables can be used to control the build step:

Environment Variable Default & Values Description
WARPX_COMPUTE NOACC/OMP/CUDA/SYCL/HIP On-node, accelerated computing backend
WARPX_DIMS "1;2;3;RZ" Simulation dimensionalities (semicolon-separated list)
WARPX_EB ON/OFF Embedded boundary support (not supported in RZ yet)
WARPX_MPI ON/OFF Multi-node support (message-passing)
WARPX_PRECISION SINGLE/DOUBLE Floating point precision (single/double)
WARPX_PARTICLE_PRECISION SINGLE/DOUBLE Particle floating point precision (single/double), defaults to WarpX_PRECISION value if not set
WARPX_PSATD ON/OFF Spectral solver
WARPX_QED_TABLE_GEN ON/OFF QED table generation (requires PICSAR and Boost)
BUILD_PARALLEL 2 Number of threads to use for parallel builds
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON/OFF Build shared libraries for dependencies
HDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES ON/OFF Prefer static libraries for HDF5 dependency (openPMD)
ADIOS_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON/OFF Prefer static libraries for ADIOS1 dependency (openPMD)
WARPX_AMREX_SRC None Absolute path to AMReX source directory (preferred if set)
WARPX_AMREX_REPO None (uses cmake default) Repository URI to pull and build AMReX from
WARPX_AMREX_BRANCH None (uses cmake default) Repository branch for WARPX_AMREX_REPO
WARPX_AMREX_INTERNAL ON/OFF Needs a pre-installed AMReX library if set to OFF
WARPX_OPENPMD_SRC None Absolute path to openPMD-api source directory (preferred if set)
WARPX_OPENPMD_INTERNAL ON/OFF Needs a pre-installed openPMD-api library if set to OFF
WARPX_PICSAR_SRC None Absolute path to PICSAR source directory (preferred if set)
WARPX_PICSAR_INTERNAL ON/OFF Needs a pre-installed PICSAR library if set to OFF
WARPX_CCACHE_PROGRAM First found ccache executable. Set to NO to disable CCache.
PYWARPX_LIB_DIR None If set, search for pre-built WarpX C++ libraries (see below)

Note that we currently change the WARPX_MPI default intentionally to OFF, to simplify a first install from source.

Some hints and workflows follow. Developers, that want to test a change of the source code but did not change the pywarpx version number, can force a reinstall via:

python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps -v .

Some Developers like to code directly against a local copy of AMReX, changing both code-bases at a time:

WARPX_AMREX_SRC=$PWD/../amrex python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps -v .

Additional environment control as common for CMake (:ref:`see above <building-cmake-intro>`) can be set as well, e.g. CC, CXX`, and CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH hints. So another sophisticated example might be: use Clang as the compiler, build with local source copies of PICSAR and AMReX, support the PSATD solver, MPI and openPMD, hint a parallel HDF5 installation in $HOME/sw/hdf5-parallel-1.10.4, and only build 3D geometry:

CC=$(which clang) CXX=$(which clang++) WARPX_AMREX_SRC=$PWD/../amrex WARPX_PICSAR_SRC=$PWD/../picsar WARPX_PSATD=ON WARPX_MPI=ON WARPX_DIMS=3 CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$HOME/sw/hdf5-parallel-1.10.4:$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps -v .

Here we wrote this all in one line, but one can also set all environment variables in a development environment and keep the pip call nice and short as in the beginning. Note that you need to use absolute paths for external source trees, because pip builds in a temporary directory, e.g. export WARPX_AMREX_SRC=$HOME/src/amrex.

The Python library pywarpx can also be created by pre-building WarpX into one or more shared libraries externally. For example, a package manager might split WarpX into a C++ package and a Python package. If the C++ libraries are already pre-compiled, we can pick them up in the Python build step instead of compiling them again:

# build WarpX executables and libraries
for d in 1 2 3 RZ; do
  cmake -S . -B build -DWarpX_DIMS=$d -DWarpX_LIB=ON
  cmake --build build -j 4

# Python package
PYWARPX_LIB_DIR=$PWD/build/lib python3 -m pip wheel .

# install
python3 -m pip install pywarpx-*whl

WarpX release managers might also want to generate a self-contained source package that can be distributed to exotic architectures:

python sdist --dist-dir .
python3 -m pip wheel -v pywarpx-*.tar.gz
python3 -m pip install *whl

The above steps can also be executed in one go to build from source on a machine:

python3 sdist --dist-dir .
python3 -m pip install -v pywarpx-*.tar.gz

Last but not least, you can uninstall pywarpx as usual with:

python3 -m pip uninstall pywarpx