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In situ Visualization with SENSEI

SENSEI is a light weight framework for in situ data analysis. SENSEI's data model and API provide uniform access to and run time selection of a diverse set of visualization and analysis back ends including VisIt Libsim, ParaView Catalyst, VTK-m, Ascent, ADIOS, Yt, and Python.

SENSEI uses an XML file to select and configure one or more back ends at run time. Run time selection of the back end via XML means one user can access Catalyst, another Libsim, yet another Python with no changes to the code.

System Architecture

SENSEI's in situ architecture enables use of a diverse of back ends which can be selected at run time via an XML configuration file

The three major architectural components in SENSEI are data adaptors which present simulation data in SENSEI's data model, analysis adaptors which present the back end data consumers to the simulation, and bridge code from which the simulation manages adaptors and periodically pushes data through the system. SENSEI comes equipped with a number of analysis adaptors enabling use of popular analysis and visualization libraries such as VisIt Libsim, ParaView Catalyst, Python, and ADIOS to name a few. AMReX contains SENSEI data adaptors and bridge code making it easy to use in AMReX based simulation codes.

SENSEI provides a configurable analysis adaptor which uses an XML file to select and configure one or more back ends at run time. Run time selection of the back end via XML means one user can access Catalyst, another Libsim, yet another Python with no changes to the code. This is depicted in figure :numref:`sensei_arch`. On the left side of the figure AMReX produces data, the bridge code pushes the data through the configurable analysis adaptor to the back end that was selected at run time.

Compiling with GNU Make

For codes making use of AMReX's build system add the following variable to the code's main GNUmakefile.


When set, AMReX's make files will query environment variables for the lists of compiler and linker flags, include directories, and link libraries. These lists can be quite elaborate when using more sophisticated back ends, and are best set automatically using the sensei_config command line tool that should be installed with SENSEI. Prior to invoking make use the following command to set these variables:

source sensei_config

Typically, the sensei_config tool is in the users PATH after loading the desired SENSEI module. After configuring the build environment with sensei_config, proceed as usual.

make -j4 -f GNUmakefile

ParmParse Configuration

Once an AMReX code has been compiled with SENSEI features enabled, it will need to be enabled and configured at runtime. This is done using ParmParse input file. The supported parameters are described in the following table.

parameter description default turns in situ processing on or off and controls how often data is processed. 0
insitu.start controls when in situ processing starts. 0
insitu.config points to the SENSEI XML file which selects and configures the desired back end.  
insitu.pin_mesh when 1 lower left corner of the mesh is pinned to 0.,0.,0. 0

A typical use case is to enabled SENSEI by setting to be greater than 1, and insitu.config to point SENSEI to an XML file that selects and configures the desired back end. = 2
insitu.config = render_iso_catalyst.xml

Back-end Selection and Configuration

The back end is selected and configured at run time using the SENSEI XML file. The XML sets parameters specific to SENSEI and to the chosen back end. Many of the back ends have sophisticated configuration mechanisms which SENSEI makes use of. For example the following XML configuration was used on NERSC's Cori with WarpX to render 10 iso surfaces, shown in figure :numref:`lpa_visit`, using VisIt Libsim.

  <analysis type="libsim" frequency="1" mode="batch"
    image-filename="beam_j_pin_%ts" image-width="1200" image-height="900"
    image-format="png" enabled="1"/>

The session attribute names a session file that contains VisIt specific runtime configuration. The session file is generated using VisIt GUI on a representative dataset. Usually this data set is generated in a low resolution run of the desired simulation.

Rendering of 10 3D iso-surfaces of j using VisIt libsim. The upper left quadrant has been clipped away to reveal innner structure.

The same run and visualization was repeated using ParaView Catalyst, shown in figure :numref:`lpa_pv`, by providing the following XML configuration.

  <analysis type="catalyst" pipeline="pythonscript"
    filename="" enabled="1" />

Here the filename attribute is used to pass Catalyst a Catalyst specific configuration that was generated using the ParaView GUI on a representative dataset.

Rendering of 10 3D iso-surfaces of j using ParaView Catalyst. The upper left quadrant has been clipped away to reveal innner structure.

The renderings in these runs were configured using a representative dataset which was obtained by running the simulation for a few time steps at a lower spatial resolution. When using VisIt Libsim the following XML configures the VTK writer to write the simulation data in VTK format. At the end of the run a .visit file that VisIt can open will be generated.

  <analysis type="PosthocIO" mode="visit" writer="xml"
     ghost_array_name="avtGhostZones" output_dir="./"

When using ParaView Catalyst the following XML configures the VTK writer to write the simulation data in VTK format. At the end of the run a .pvd file that ParaView can open will be generated.

  <analysis type="PosthocIO" mode="paraview" writer="xml"
     ghost_array_name="vtkGhostType" output_dir="./"

Obtaining SENSEI

SENSEI is hosted on Kitware's Gitlab site at It's best to checkout the latest release rather than working on the develop branch.

To ease the burden of wrangling back end installs SENSEI provides two platforms with all dependencies pre-installed, a VirtualBox VM, and a NERSC Cori deployment. New users are encouraged to experiment with one of these.


The SENSEI VM comes with all of SENSEI's dependencies and the major back ends such as VisIt and ParaView installed. The VM is the easiest way to test things out. It also can be used to see how installs were done and the environment configured.

The SENSEI VM can be downloaded here.

The SENSEI VM uses modules to manage the build and run environment. Load the SENSEI modulefile for the back-end you wish to use. The following table describes the available installs and which back-ends are supported in each.

modulefile back-end(s)
sensei/2.1.1-catalyst-shared ParaView Catalyst, ADIOS, Python
sensei/2.1.1-libsim-shared VisIt Libsim, ADIOS, Python
sensei/2.1.1-vtk-shared VTK-m, ADIOS, Python


SENSEI is deployed at NERSC on Cori. The NERSC deployment includes the major back ends such as ADIOS, ParaView Catalyst, VisIt Libsim, and Python.

The SENSEI installs uses modules to manage the build and run environment. Load the SENSEI modulefile for the back-end you wish to use. The following table describes the available installs and which back-ends are supported in each.

modulefile back-end(s)
sensei/2.1.0-catalyst-shared ParaView Catalyst, ADIOS, Python
sensei/2.1.0-libsim-shared VisIt Libsim, ADIOS, Python
sensei/2.1.0-vtk-shared VTK-m, ADIOS, Python

To access the SENSEI modulefiles on cori first add the SENSEI install to the search path:

module use /usr/common/software/sensei/modulefiles

3D LPA Example

This section shows an example of using SENSEI and three different back ends on a 3D LPA simulation. The instructions are specifically for NERSC cori, but also work with the SENSEI VM. The primary difference between working through the examples on cori or the VM are that different versions of software are installed.

Rendering with VisIt Libsim

First, log into cori and clone the git repo's.

mkdir warpx
cd warpx/
git clone WarpX-libsim
git clone
git clone
cd WarpX-libsim
vim GNUmakefile

Next, edit the makefile to turn the SENSEI features on.


Then, load the SENSEI VisIt module, bring SENSEI's build requirements into the environment, and compile WarpX.

module use /usr/common/software/sensei/modulefiles/
module load sensei/2.1.0-libsim-shared
source sensei_config
make -j8

Download the WarpX input deck, SENSEI XML configuration and and VisIt session files. The inputs file configures WarpX, the xml file configures SENSEI, and the session file configures VisIt. The inputs and xml files are written by hand, while the session file is generated in VisIt gui on a representative data set.

wget -O inputs.3d
wget -O beam_j_pin.xml
wget -O beam_j_pin.session

To run the demo, submit an interactive job to the batch queue, and launch WarpX.

salloc -C haswell -N 1 -t 00:30:00 -q debug
./Bin/main3d.gnu.TPROF.MPI.OMP.ex inputs.3d

Rendering with ParaView Catalyst

First, log into cori and clone the git repo's.

mkdir warpx
cd warpx/
git clone WarpX-catalyst
git clone --branch development
git clone
cd WarpX-catalyst
vim GNUmakefile

Next, edit the makefile to turn the SENSEI features on.


Then, load the SENSEI ParaView module, bring SENSEI's build requirements into the environment, and compile WarpX.

module use /usr/common/software/sensei/modulefiles/
module load sensei/2.1.0-catalyst-shared
source sensei_config
make -j8

Download the WarpX input deck, SENSEI XML configuration and and ParaView session files. The inputs file configures WarpX, the xml file configures SENSEI, and the session file configures ParaView. The inputs and xml files are written by hand, while the session file is generated in ParaView gui on a representative data set.

wget -O inputs.3d
wget -O beam_j.xml
wget -O

To run the demo, submit an interactive job to the batch queue, and launch WarpX.

salloc -C haswell -N 1 -t 00:30:00 -q debug
./Bin/main3d.gnu.TPROF.MPI.OMP.ex inputs.3d

In situ Calculation with Python

SENSEI's Python back-end loads a user provided script file containing callbacks for Initialize, Execute, and Finalize phases of the run. During the execute phase the simulation pushes data through SENSEI. SENSEI forwards this data to the user provided Python function. SENSEI's MPI communicator is made available to the user's function via a global variable comm.

Here is a template for the user provided Python code.



def Initialize():
  """ Initialization code """

def Execute(dataAdaptor):
  """ Use sensei::DataAdaptor instance passed in
      dataAdaptor to access and process simulation data """

def Finalize():
  """ Finalization code """

Initialize and Finalize are optional and will be called if they are provided. Execute is required. SENSEI's DataAdaptor API is used to obtain data and metadata from the simulation. Data is through VTK Object's. In WarpX the vtkOverlappingAMR VTK dataset is used.

The following script shows a simple integration of a scalar quantity over the valid cells of the mesh. The result is saved in a CSV format.

import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from vtk.util.numpy_support import *
from vtk import vtkDataObject
import sys

# default values of control parameters
array = ''
out_file = ''

def Initialize():
  # rank zero writes the result
  if comm.Get_rank() == 0:
    fn = out_file if out_file else 'integrate_%s.csv'%(array)
    f = open(fn, 'w')
    f.write('# time, %s\n'%(array))

def Execute(adaptor):
  # get the mesh and arrays we need
  dobj = adaptor.GetMesh('mesh', False)
  adaptor.AddArray(dobj, 'mesh', vtkDataObject.CELL, array)
  adaptor.AddGhostCellsArray(dobj, 'mesh')
  time = adaptor.GetDataTime()

  # integrate over the local blocks
  varint = 0.
  it = dobj.NewIterator()
  while not it.IsDoneWithTraversal():
    # get the local data block and its props
    blk = it.GetCurrentDataObject()

    # get the array container
    atts = blk.GetCellData()

    # get the data array
    var =  vtk_to_numpy(atts.GetArray(array))

    # get ghost cell mask
    ghost = vtk_to_numpy(atts.GetArray('vtkGhostType'))
    ii = np.where(ghost == 0)[0]

    # integrate over valid cells
    varint = np.sum(var[ii])*


  # reduce integral to rank 0
  varint = comm.reduce(varint, root=0, op=MPI.SUM)

  # rank zero writes the result
  if comm.Get_rank() == 0:
    fn = out_file if out_file else 'integrate_%s.csv'%(array)
    f = open(fn, 'a+')
    f.write('%s, %s\n'%(time, varint))

The following XML configures SENSEI's Python back-end.

  <analysis type="python" script_file="./" enabled="1">

The script_file attribute sets the file path to load the user's Python code from, and the initialize_source element contains Python code that controls runtime behavior specific to each user provided script.