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LDAP Parser


Connects with a given LDAP server, reads all entries and converts those entries to "raw RDF".

Capture to file

python3 -m ekglib.ldap_parser_to_file --help
usage: python3 -m ekglib.ldap_parser_to_file [-h] --output OUTPUT [--verbose]
               [--ldap-search-filter LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER]
               --ldap-bind-dn LDAP_BIND_DN --ldap-bind-auth LDAP_BIND_AUTH
               --ldap-host LDAP_HOST --ldap-port LDAP_PORT [--ldap-log]
               [--kgiri-base KGIRI_BASE]  [--kgiri-base-replace KGIRI_BASE_REPLACE]
               --data-source-code DATA_SOURCE_CODE

Capture all information from the given LDAP endpoint and store it as RDF "raw data" file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        The name of the output RDF file (must be .ttl)
  --verbose, -v         verbose output
  --ldap-search-filter LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER
                        An optional search filter, defaults to '(objectClass=*)'
  --ldap-bind-dn LDAP_BIND_DN
                        The user that we bind with
  --ldap-bind-auth LDAP_BIND_AUTH
                        The credentials of the user that we bind with
  --ldap-host LDAP_HOST
                        LDAP host
  --ldap-port LDAP_PORT
                        LDAP port
  --ldap-log            Switch on LDAP logging

  --kgiri-base KGIRI_BASE
                        A root level URL to be used for all KGIRI types (default is EKG_KGIRI_BASE=https://kg.your-company.kom/)
  --kgiri-base-replace KGIRI_BASE_REPLACE
                        The KGIRI base fragment that is to be replaced with the EKG_KGIRI_BASE
                        (default is EKG_KGIRI_BASE_REPLACE=

Data Source:
  --data-source-code DATA_SOURCE_CODE
                        The code of the dataset (can also be set with env var EKG_DATA_SOURCE_CODE)

Currently only supports N-Triples output.

Capture to S3

python3 -m ekglib.ldap_parser_to_s3 --help
usage: python3 -m ekglib.ldap_parser_to_s3 [-h] [--verbose]
                [--ldap-search-filter LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER]
                --ldap-naming-context LDAP_SEARCH_BASE --ldap-host LDAP_HOST
                --ldap-port LDAP_PORT [--kgiri-base KGIRI_BASE]
                --data-source-code DATA_SOURCE_CODE
                --s3-endpoint S3_ENDPOINT --s3-bucket S3_BUCKET
                [--s3-create-bucket] --aws-region AWS_REGION
                --aws-access-key-id AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
                --aws-secret-access-key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Capture all information from the given LDAP endpoint and store it in S3 as an RDF "raw data" file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbose, -v         verbose output
  --ldap-naming-context LDAP_SEARCH_BASE
                        The root level domain
  --ldap-search-filter LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER
                        An optional search filter, defaults to '(objectClass=*)'
  --ldap-host LDAP_HOST
                        LDAP host
  --ldap-port LDAP_PORT
                        LDAP port

  --kgiri-base KGIRI_BASE
                        A root level URL to be used for all KGIRI types (default is EKG_KGIRI_BASE=https://kg.your-company.kom/)

Data Source:
  --data-source-code DATA_SOURCE_CODE
                        The code of the dataset (can also be set with env var EKG_DATA_SOURCE_CODE)

Object Store:
  --s3-endpoint S3_ENDPOINT
                        The S3 s3_endpoint, default can be set via env var S3_ENDPOINT_URL
  --s3-bucket S3_BUCKET
                        The S3 bucket name, default can be set via env var S3_BUCKET_NAME
  --s3-create-bucket    Create the bucket if it's missing
  --aws-region AWS_REGION
                        The AWS region, default can be set via env var AWS_REGION
  --aws-access-key-id AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
                        The AWS access key id, default can be set via env var AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
  --aws-secret-access-key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
                        The AWS secret access key, default can be set via env var AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Currently only supports N-Triples output.