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583 lines (445 loc) · 23.3 KB


2020-04-28 @ v4.6.21666.0428


  • Added support for AES 256-bit GCM encryption.
    • Please plan to upgrade your SDK accordingly. See the announcement in README for more information
  • Added a new interface to hide Reaction emoji
    • -(void)hideReactionsOnMeetingUIBOOL)hidden; in MobileRTCMeetingSettings.h

Changed & Fixed:

  • Upgraded OpenSSL to version 1.1.1e
  • Fixed an issue that the screen sharing is not working properly when using Custom UI
  • Fixed an issue that the chat button is still visible in the "More" menu when the chat is disabled


  • Deprecated the interface to get user's email: MobileRTCMeetingUserInfo.emailAddress

2020-04-04 @ v4.6.15805.0403


  • Add new interfaces for customizing breakout room

  • MobileRTCMeetingService.h:

    • - (MobileRTCBOCreator * _Nullable)getCreatorHelper;
    • - (MobileRTCBOAdmin * _Nullable)getAdminHelper;
    • - (MobileRTCBOAssistant * _Nullable)getAssistantHelper;
    • - (MobileRTCBOAttendee * _Nullable)getAttedeeHelper;
    • - (MobileRTCBOData * _Nullable)getDataHelper;
    • - (BOOL)isMasterMeetingHost;
    • - (BOOL)isBOMeetingStarted;
    • - (BOOL)isBOMeetingEnabled;
    • - (BOOL)isInBOMeeting;
  • MobileRTCMeetingDelegate.h:

    • - (void)onBOInfoUpdated:(NSString *_Nullable)boId;
    • - (void)onUnAssignedUserUpdated;
  • MobileRTCBORole.h:

    • MobileRTCBOUser:
      • - (NSString * _Nullable)getUserId;
      • - (NSString * _Nullable)getUserName;
      • - (MobileRTCBOUserStatus)getUserStatus;
    • MobileRTCBOMeeting:
      • - (NSString * _Nullable)getBOMeetingId;
      • - (NSString * _Nullable)getBOMeetingName;
      • - (NSArray * _Nullable)getBOMeetingUserList;
    • MobileRTCBOCreator:
      • - (NSString * _Nullable)createBO:(NSString * _Nullable)boName;
      • - (BOOL)updateBO:(NSString * _Nullable)boId name:(NSString *_Nullable)boName;
      • - (BOOL)removeBO:(NSString * _Nullable)boId;
      • - (BOOL)assignUser:(NSString * _Nullable)boUserId toBO:(NSString * _Nullable)boId;
      • - (BOOL)removeUser:(NSString * _Nullable)boUserId fromBO:(NSString * _Nullable)boId;
    • MobileRTCBOAdmin:
      • - (BOOL)startBO;
      • - (BOOL)stopBO;
      • - (BOOL)assignNewUser:(NSString * _Nullable)boUserId toRunningBO:(NSString * _Nullable)boId;
      • - (BOOL)switchUser:(NSString * _Nullable)boUserId toRunningBO:(NSString * _Nullable)boId;
      • - (BOOL)canStartBO;
    • MobileRTCBOAssistant:
      • - (BOOL)joinBO:(NSString * _Nullable)boId;
      • - (BOOL)leaveBO;
    • MobileRTCBOAttendee:
      • - (BOOL)joinBO;
      • - (BOOL)leaveBO;
      • - (NSString * _Nullable)getBOName;
    • MobileRTCBOData:
      • - (NSArray * _Nullable)getUnassignedUserList;
      • - (NSArray * _Nullable)getBOMeetingIDList;
      • - (MobileRTCBOUser * _Nullable)getBOUserByUserID:(NSString * _Nullable)userId;
      • - (MobileRTCBOMeeting * _Nullable)getBOMeetingByID:(NSString * _Nullable)boId;
  • Add new interfaces and options for schedule meeting

    • New interfaces can be found in MobileRTCPremeetingService.h
  • Add an interface to allow webinar participants to pre-enter the registration information, and skip the pop-up

    • - (void)prePopulateWebinarRegistrationInfo:(nonnull NSString *)email username:(nonnull NSString *)username;
  • Add new callbacks to get notified on the chat privilege change events

    • - (void)onSinkAllowAttendeeChatNotification:(MobileRTCChatAllowAttendeeChat)currentPrivilege;

Changed & Fixed:

  • Fixed an issue that the SDK was not able to connect to audio if the app has configured the Category in AVAudioSession
  • Fixed an issue that the app occasionally crashes when someone is sharing the screen on iPad and then an attendee joins the meeting
  • Fixed an issue that unable to end a meeting on iPad
  • Fixed an issue that the interface showMinimizeMeeting was not working on iPad
  • Fixed an issue that the app crashes when an attendee has been promoted to a panelist in a webinar and then start streaming

2020-02-10 @ v4.6.15084.0206


  • Add new features in Zoom default UI
    • Allow Call-In Attendees to unmute in the webinar
    • Closed captioning in breakout sessions
    • Support for multiple pages on the whiteboard
    • Audio setting for auto-select based on network
    • Switch between video and content sharing
    • Zoom in/out on their camera
    • Annotation enhancements
    • Reduced volume for entering/exiting chime
    • Rename meeting hosted with personal meeting ID
    • Push notification for contact requests
    • Rename webinar attendees
    • Support for OS customized text sizes
    • Send a message to participants in a waiting room
    • Merge participant's video and Audio
    • Hide non-video participants
    • Meeting reactions
    • View other participant's audio status
  • Add support for the Korean language.

Changed & Fixed:

  • Enhanced security and upgraded OpenSSL to 1.0.2u.
  • Optimized the screen share frame rate while in the meeting.
  • Fixed an issue that the -(void)onInMeetingChat method gets triggered twice.
  • Fixed an issue that the app sometimes crashes when clicking the participant list and then select a user on iPad.
  • Fixed an issue that the video direction is incorrect while in the waiting room under customized UI mode.

2019-12-16 @ v4.4.57220.1211


  • Add new interfaces for SDK initialization with JWT token.
    • @property (nullable, retain, nonatomic) NSString *jwtToken
  • Add new interfaces to access the virtual background.
    • The interfaces in MobileRTCMeetingService+VirtualBackground.h.
  • Add new interfaces and callbacks for minimizing/resuming meeting.
    • - (BOOL)showMinimizeMeetingFromZoomUIMeeting;
    • - (BOOL)backZoomUIMeetingFromMinimizeMeeting;
    • - (void)onSinkMeetingShowMinimizeMeetingOrBackZoomUI:(MobileRTCMinimizeMeetingState)state;
  • Add new interfaces for the Q&A feature in the webinar.
    • The interfaces in MobileRTCMeetingService+Webinar.h
  • Add a new interface to show/hide the "My Connected Time".
    • - (BOOL)showMyMeetingElapseTime;
    • - (void)enableShowMyMeetingElapseTime:(BOOL)enable;
  • Add a new interface for users to get the meeting password while in the meeting.
    • - (NSString *_Nullable)getMeetingPassword;
  • Add a callback to remind the user that free meeting will be ended in 10 minutes.
    • - (void)onFreeMeetingReminder: (BOOL)host canFreeUpgrade:(BOOL)freeUpgrade isFirstGift:(BOOL)first completion:(void (^_Nonnull)(BOOL upgrade))completion;

Changed & Fixed:

  • Fixed an issue that the attendee cannot get the chat privilege.
  • Fixed an issue that the meeting restarts for a few times after pressing the end meeting button.

2019-11-04 @ v4.4.56624.1028


  • Add a new interface to hide the "Disconnect Audio" button
  • Add a new interface for SDK initialization
  • Add a new interface to hide the Q&A button and the POLL button
  • Add a new parameter in presentMeetingChatViewController to allow setting the chat as public or private

Changed & Fixed:

  • Updated all interfaces that involves UIWebView and removed UIWebView in SDK since Apple is deprecating UIWebView
  • Fixed an issue that the SDK will crash by chance when doing a screen share
  • Fixed some compatibility issues with iOS 13
  • Fixed an issue that the Xcode is warning for nullable or nonnull in SDK
  • Fixed an issue that the crash file was created when the app is being killed by the system
  • Fixed an issue that the UI freeze when sharing a photo in landscape mode
  • Fixed an issue that some users is not able to join the meeting when the RootViewController is not configured
  • Fixed an issue that the host sees an error message when plugging SDK app into projector while in an active meeting
  • Fixed an issue that some users see navigationBar in the default meeting UI


  • (void)initializeWithDomain:(NSString * _Nonnull)domain enableLog:(BOOL)enableLog;
  • (void)initializeWithDomain:(NSString * _Nonnull)domain enableLog:(BOOL)enableLog bundleResPath:(NSString *_Nullable)bundleResPath;
  • (void)setMobileRTCDomain:(NSString * _Nonnull)domain;
  • (void)setMobileRTCResPath:(NSString * _Nullable)path;
  • (void)setAppGroupsName:(NSString * _Nullable)appGroupId;

2019-09-04 @ v4.4.55968.0904


  • Add iOS 13 and iPad OS support (Based on iOS beta 7, the latest beta version available at the time we published this release)
  • Add a new interface to hide the "Chat" button in Zoom UI
  • - (void)setMeetingChatHidden:(BOOL)hidden;
  • Add a new interface to disable "Gallery View" in the meeting
  • - (void)disableGalleryView:(BOOL)disabled;
  • Add a new callback for notifying the host when the host requires attendants to unmute microphone
  • - (void)onSinkMeetingAudioRequestUnmuteByHost;
  • Add a new parameter to presentMeetingChatViewController to allow passing userId and specify the person to chat with
  • - (BOOL)presentMeetingChatViewController:(nonnull UIViewController*)parentVC userId:(NSInteger)userId;
  • Add a new interface that allows users to modify default values to use handset mode
  • -(BOOL)speakerOffWhenInMeeting
  • -(void)setSpeakerOffWhenInMeeting:(BOOL)speakerOff

Changed & Fixed

  • Fixed an issue that sharing an invalid web URL will show black screen while in the meeting
  • Fixed an issue that sending the pairing code will lead to error
  • Fixed an issue that the video is turned off by default when starting a meeting with ZAK
  • Fixed an issue that the "Minimize Meeting" button is not shown in Zoom UI for non-login users
  • Improved the performance for sharing web pages in a meeting

2019-07-15 @ v4.4.55130.0712


  • Add new interfaces for using the dial-in feature with custom UI
    • - (NSUInteger)getParticipantID;
    • - (nullable MobileRTCCallCountryCode *)getDialInCurrentCountryCode;
    • - (nullable NSArray *)getDialInAllCountryCodes;
    • - (nullable NSArray *)getDialInCallCodesWithCountryId:(nullable NSString *)countryId;
    • - (BOOL)dialInCall:(nullable NSString *)countryNumber;
  • Add a new interface to customize the end meeting pop-over window
    • - (BOOL)onClickedEndButton:(UIViewController*)parentVC endButton:(UIButton *)endButton;
  • Add a new interface to enable/disable playing chime sound while joining/leaving a meeting
    • - (BOOL)playChime:(BOOL)on;
  • Add a new interface to enable/disable “touch up my appearance” feature
    • - (BOOL)faceBeautyEnabled;
    • - (void)setFaceBeautyEnabled:(BOOL)enable;
  • Add a new interface to change the chat privilege of an attendee while in the meeting
    • - (BOOL)changeAttendeeChatPriviledge:(MobileRTCMeetingChatPriviledgeType)type;
    • - (MobileRTCMeetingChatPriviledgeType)getAttendeeChatPriviledge;
  • Add a new interface to distinguish H.323 user and telephone user
    • @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isH323User;
    • @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isPureCallInUser;
  • Add a new interface to enable/disable the “minimize meeting” feature
    • - (BOOL)minimizeMeetingDisabled;
    • - (void)disableMinimizeMeeting:(BOOL)disabled;
  • Add audio sharing option in screen sharing, now you will be able to share the device audio in sharing your screen. Such as music, audio in a video, etc. (Not supported in Customize UI)

Changed & Fixed

  • Improved the performance of UIView sharing
  • Optimized the performance of sharing web view
  • Changed the virtual background settings to follow the settings on the web portal
  • Hide the “Invite your contacts to join this meeting” tip when the invite button is set to be hidden
  • Fixed an issue that the “Invite by phone” shows no contact information
  • Fixed an issue that the PMI number is not correctly fetched after scheduling a meeting for others
  • Fixed an issue that the iOS status bar is blocking the shared content on iPad
  • Fixed an issue that the screen share tip view is hidden while screen sharing
  • Fixed an issue that the top bar is hidden while screen sharing
  • Fixed an issue that the app crashes occasionally when setting domain
  • Fixed an issue that switching between the gallery view and the speaker view will cause the app freeze on iPad

2019-03-25 @ v4.3.1.47201.0322


  • Introduce new Zoom meeting UI
  • Start supporting Virtual Background feature
  • Start supporting CallKit
  • Start supporting minimize meeting
  • Add new interfaces to control “disable viewer’s annotate” on the share sender site
  • Add new interfaces to customize the sub-tab pages in H323 invite page and customize all tab pages in the invite dialog
  • Add new interfaces for waiting room feature

Changed & Fixed

  • Fix some issues that occasionally causes sharing failure
  • Fix some issues that occasionally causes UI freezes
  • Fix an issue that the onSinkMeetingUserLeft method does not call back
  • Fix an issue that the local video data not shown when frequently start and stop meeting
  • Improve the performance of screen sharing
  • Fix an issue that the call-me prompts only heard in English
  • Fix an issue that the participant list is not reflecting camera and microphone options


    • (void)setMobileRTCResPath:(NSString *)path;

2019-01-23 @ v4.3.0.30728.0118


  • New functional documentation.
  • A new refactorized demo project that provides clear instructions on how to implement major features.
  • New logging feature that stores logs with the maximum size of 5MB.
  • New option for customizing internationalization string files
  • A new method to join/start meeting directly via url, such as zoommtg://
  • Support to select dial-in country while scheduling a meeting.

Changed & Fixed

  • An issue that turning off sharing the web does not work
  • A case that some users’ avatars are not clear
  • An issue that causes isWebinarMeeting function always return NO.
  • Some performance issues with annotation feature
  • An issue that the userId returned by different functional modules is inconsistent.
  • Some issues that cause crashes

2018-10-24 @ v4.1.34076.1024

  • Added support with Xcode 10;
  • Added support for iPhone XS/XS MAX/XR;
  • Added support to schedule meeting for a specified user;
  • Added support to third party audio;
  • Added support to specified a domain;
  • Added support to only allow signed in user to join the meeting;
  • Enhanced Custom Meeting UI feature;
  • Enhanced meeting scheduling feature;
  • Fixed audio quality issue on iPad Pro, iPhone X series devices, and iPhone 8;
  • Fixed annotation crash on iOS 12;

2018-09-11 @ v4.1.32183.0910

  • Schedule Meeting Feature Enhancement
  • Bug fixes

2018-08-20 @ v4.1.30420.0817

  • SDK Framework Interface Refactor, introduce MobileRTCMeetingService category cluster for specific Service Module:
  1. MobileRTCMeetingService+Audio: Audio Service
  2. MobileRTCMeetingService+Video: Video Service
  3. MobileRTCMeetingService+Chat: Chat Service
  4. MobileRTCMeetingService+User: User Service
  5. MobileRTCMeetingService+Webinar: Webinar Service
  • SDK Framework Delegate Refactor, introduce MobileRTCMeetingServiceDelegate cluster for event callback in the specific Service Module:
  1. MobileRTCAudioServiceDelegate: Audio Service Delegate
  2. MobileRTCVideoServiceDelegate: Video Service Delegate
  3. MobileRTCUserServiceDelegate: User Service Delegate
  4. MobileRTCShareServiceDelegate: Share Service Delegate
  5. MobileRTCWebinarServiceDelegate: Webinar Service Delegate
  6. MobileRTCCustomizedUIMeetingDelegate: Customized Meeting UI Delegate
  • Custom Meeting UI (support basic meeting function, except for Webinar and Breakout Session)
  1. Support Annotate for customized Meeting UI
  2. Support Remote Control for customized Meeting UI
  • Support In-meeting Chat related common feature
  • Fix Annotate crash issue on iOS 12
  • Support Webinar related common feature (do not support Q&A and Polling)
  • Bug fixes

2018-07-26 @ v4.1.28989.0727

The start meeting logic for API users has changed. Please read below before upgrading to this version.


  1. Security Enhancement: ZAK is necessary while Start Meeting for non-login user old API User start meeting logic:
NSDictionary * paramDict = @{kMeetingParam_UserID:kSDKUserID,
MobileRTCMeetingService *ms = [[MobileRTC sharedRTC] getMeetingService];
MobileRTCMeetError ret = [ms startMeetingWithDictionary:paramDict];

new API User start meeting logic:

MobileRTCMeetingStartParam * param = nil;

MobileRTCMeetingStartParam4WithoutLoginUser * user = [[[MobileRTCMeetingStartParam4WithoutLoginUser alloc]init] autorelease];
        user.userType = MobileRTCUserType_APIUser;
        user.meetingNumber = kSDKMeetNumber;
        user.userName = kSDKUserName;
        user.userToken = kSDKUserToken;
        user.userID = kSDKUserID;
        user.zak = kZAK;
        user.isAppShare = appShare;
        param = user;

MobileRTCMeetError ret = [ms startMeetingWithStartParam:param];

Note that: User need to be clear about your own Usertype,
Interface [[[MobileRTC sharedRTC] getAuthService] getUserType] would not return the correct Usertype.
  1. Support iOS Screen share via Replaykit tech on iOS OS Version 11 and later(Usage Guide refer to MobileRTCSample/MobileRTCSampleScreenShare/iOS SDK Screen Share Extension Integration Guide.docx)

  2. Support Add Customize the Invite Action Item into Invite ActionSheet. The original call back: - (void)onClickedInviteButton:(UIViewController*)parentVC has been deprecated, please use - (BOOL)onClickedInviteButton:(UIViewController*)parentVC addInviteActionItem:(NSMutableArray *)array instead;

  3. Support Add Customize the Share Action Item into Share ActionSheet. The original call back: - (BOOL)onClickedShareButton has been deprecated, please use - (BOOL)onClickedShareButton:(UIViewController*)parentVC addShareActionItem:(NSMutableArray *)array instead.

  4. Support Claim host with host key

  5. Support Assgin & Revoke co-host & Check wether user can be co-host

  6. Support Start Live Stream directly without Web Integration

  7. Bug fixes

2018-05-28 @ v4.1.25402.0528


  1. SDK Framework switch to Dynamic Library, MinimumOSVersion 8.0, Customer need to link SDK Framework as Embedded Binaries

  2. Support to show/shrink attendees' video ribbon while viewing screen sharing for panelist in webinar meeting

  3. Support to show/shrink active speaker' video ribbon while viewing screen sharing for attendee in webinar meeting

  4. Support to query live stream URL & Start Live stream broadcast

  5. Support to enable hide the full phone number for pure call in user

  6. Add interfaces to allow a customer to show or hide In-Meeting UI View

  7. Add interfaces to allow a customer to mute my video

  8. Support to config DSCP for audio & video session

  9. Bug fixes


  1. Support to show/shrink attendees' video ribbon while viewing screen sharing

  2. Support to query network quality of video/audio/share in meeting

  3. Add interfaces to allow customer to determine whether show share menu or not while clicking share button in meeting

  4. Add interfaces to allow customer to determine whether show waiting HUD or not while starting&joining&leaving meeting

  5. Bug fixes




  1. Support iOS 11 and iPhone X compatibility

  2. Support SSO login

  3. Add interfaces to get ongoing meeting topic, start time and repeat type

  4. Add interfaces to check if meeting support inviting by phone and room system

  5. Add interfaces to start/stop my audio&video , host start/stop attendees' audio

  6. Add interfaces to allow to show thumbnail videos in the right side which viewing sharing

  7. Add interfaces to schedule/edit/delete meeting after login with work email/SSO in mobileRTC

  8. Bug fixes



  1. Add interface to get mobileRTC’s version

  2. Add interface to set the path of mobileRTCResources.bundle

  3. Add interface to get H.323/SIP IP Addresses for call in

  4. Add interfaces to check "Invite by Phone" & "Invite H.323/SIP" or not

  5. Bug fix



  1. Fix Signal SIGPIPE issue after losingWiFi connection;

  2. Add interfaces to get attendees in meeting (NSArray*)getInMeetingUserList;

  3. Add delegate to get attendee state change

  • (void)onMyAudioStateChange
  • (void)onMyVideoStateChange
  • (void)onMyHandStateChange
  • (void)onAudioOutputChange
  • (void)inMeetingUserUpdated
  1. Add interfaces for Raise Hand, Spotlight Video, Make Host and Remove User
  • (BOOL)raiseMyHand; Example

  • (void)onHandButtonClicked:(id)sender { MobileRTCMeetingService *ms = [[MobileRTCsharedRTC] getMeetingService]; if (ms ) { MobileRTCMeetingUserInfo *my = [msgetMyUserInfo]; if (my.handRaised) { [mslowerHand:my.userID]; } else { [msraiseMyHand]; } } }

  • (void)onMyHandStateChange { NSLog(@"onMyHandStateChange"); }

  • (BOOL)lowerHand:(NSUInteger)userId;

  • (BOOL)lowerAllHand;

  • [mslowerHand];

  • (BOOL)isUserVideoPinned:(NSUInteger)userId;

  • (BOOL)pinVideo:(BOOL)on withUser:(NSUInteger)userId;

  • (BOOL)makeHost:(NSUInteger)userId;

  1. Add interfaces to call room device directly
  • (BOOL)isCallingRoomDevice;
  • (BOOL)cancelCallRoomDevice;
  • (NSArray*)getRoomDeviceList;
  • (BOOL)sendPairingCode:(NSString*)code;
  • (BOOL)callRoomDevice:(MobileRTCRoomDevice*)device;



  1. Support to join Webinar with Panelist member;

  2. Add option to show/hide thumbnail video while viewing/starting share in meeting;

  3. Add option to hide “Leave Meeting” item in host side;

  4. Add watermark in MobileRTC



  1. Ignore App Transport Security (ATS)

  2. Integrate RTC with Xcode 8



  1. Add github address

  2. Fix bug that username of active video does not change after changing active video username in Participant list

  3. Fix bug that alert message of microphone/camera privilege are not localized.



  1. Fix bug that RTC should popup an alert while dialing out with an unsupported number

  2. Fix bug that RTC should start meeting successfully after changing user to another user



  1. Rename “ZoomSDK.framework” to “MobileRTC.framework”

  2. Rename “ZoomSDKResources.bundle” to “MobileRTCResources.bundle”



  1. Support to customize Dial-out

  2. Change Interface “startMeeting:” to “startMeetingWithDictionary:”

  3. Change Interface “joinMeeting:” to “joinMeetingWithDictionary”



  1. Support to customize strings in MobileRTC;

  2. Support to customize images in MobileRTC



  1. Add Interface for login with work email;

  2. Add Interface for login user to schedule/edit/delete/list meeting



  1. Add Interface “onAppShareSplash” in MobileRTCMeetingServiceDelegate for app share;

  2. Add Interface “onJBHWaitingWithCmd:” in MobileRTCMeetingServiceDelegate for customizing to show/hide JBH waiting.



  1. Support to enable/disable "Invite by Email";

  2. Support to customize the content and subject of "Invite by Email"