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ESMValTool is mostly used as a command line tool. Whenever your conda environment for ESMValTool is active, you can just run the command esmvaltool. See running esmvaltool in the ESMValCore documentation for a short introduction.

Running a recipe

An example recipe is available in the ESMValTool installation folder as examples/recipe_python.yml.

This recipe finds data from CanESM2 and MPI-ESM-LR for 2000 - 2002, extracts a single level (850 hPa), regrids it to a 1x1 degree mesh and runs a diagnostic script that creates some plots of Air temperature and precipitation flux. You can download the recipe from github and save it in your project directory as (e.g.) recipe_python.yml and then run ESMValTool with

esmvaltool run recipe_python.yml --synda-download

The --synda-download option tells ESMValTool to use Synda to search for and download the necessary datasets.

ESMValTool will also find recipes that are stored in its installation directory. A copy of the example recipe is shipped with ESMValTool as: /path/to/installation/esmvaltool/recipes/examples/recipe_python.yml. Thus, the following also works:

esmvaltool run examples/recipe_python.yml

Note that this command does not call Synda. The required data should thus be located in the directories specified in your user configuration file. Recall that the chapter :ref:`Configuring ESMValTool <config-user>` provides an explanation of how to create your own config-user.yml file.

To get help on additional commands, please use

esmvaltool --help

It is also possible to get help on specific commands, e.g.

esmvaltool run --help

will display the help message with all options for the run command.

There is a step-by-step description available in the ESMValTool tutorial on how to run your first recipe. It can be found here.

Available diagnostics and metrics

See Section :doc:`Recipes <../recipes/index>` for a description of all available recipes.

To see a list of installed recipes run

esmvaltool recipes list

Running multiple recipes

It is possible to run more tha one recipe in one go: currently this relies on the user having access to a HPC that has rose and cylc installed since the procedure involves installing and submitting a Rose suite. the utility that allows you to do this is esmvaltool/utils/rose-cylc/

Base suite:

The base suite to run esmvaltool via rose-cylc is u-bd684; you can find this suite in the Met Office Rose repository at:

When rose will be working with python3.x, this location will become default and the pipeline will aceess it independently of user, unless, of course the user will specify -s $SUITE_LOCATION; until then the user needs to grab a copy of it in $HOME or specify the default location via -s option.


We will move to a unified and centrally-installed esmvaltool environment; until then, the user will have to alter the env_setup script:


with the correct pointers to esmvaltool installation, if desired.

To be able to submit to cylc, you need to have the /metomi/ suite in path AND use a python2.7 environment. Use the Jasmin-example below for guidance.


This shows how to interact with rose-cylc and run esmvaltool under cylc using this script:

export PATH=/apps/contrib/metomi/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/home/users/valeriu/miniconda2/bin:$PATH
mkdir esmvaltool_rose
cd esmvaltool_rose
cp ESMValTool/esmvaltool/utils/rose-cylc/ .
svn checkout ~/u-bd684
[enter Met Office password]
[configure ~/u-bd684/rose_suite.conf]
[configure ~/u-bd684/app/esmvaltool/env_setup]
python -c config-user.yml \
-r recipe_autoassess_stratosphere.yml recipe_OceanPhysics.yml \
-d $HOME/esmvaltool_rose
rose suite-run u-bd684

Note that you need to pass FULL PATHS to cylc, no . or .. because all operations are done remotely on different nodes.

A practical actual example of running the tool can be found on JASMIN: /home/users/valeriu/esmvaltool_rose. There you will find the run shell: run_example, as well as an example how to set the configuration file. If you don't have Met Office credentials, a copy of u-bd684 is always located in /home/users/valeriu/roses/u-bd684 on Jasmin.