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赞助 / Sponsorship

Thank you very much for your support to this project!

引言 / Introduction

Initially, this theme was created for my personal use, but later, some readers came across my blog and asked me how I customized it.

想了一下,就开了个项目。一路走来,跌跌撞撞也写了几个版本,也收到了不少网友的反馈,而且第一次拿到这么多 Star,在这里非常感谢各位的支持。
After giving it some thought, I decided to start a project. Along the way, I encountered some challenges and went through several versions. I also received valuable feedback from many users. Moreover, it's the first time I've received such a high number of stars. I want to express my sincere appreciation for all your support.

本来没想着要求打赏,但是目前阿里云国内下行流量平均一个月消耗 100GB,本人每月流量费用大概在 20 元左右,想着换 unpkg/jsdelivr 做 cdn,但是那个速度真的感人。
Originally, I hadn't planned on requesting any contributions. However, currently, the average monthly consumption of downstream traffic on Aliyun in China is around 100GB, and my monthly traffic cost is approximately 20 yuan. I considered switching to unpkg/jsdelivr as a CDN, but the speed there is truly disappointing.

如果各位能支持一下,一块两块都已足够,就能维持阿里云 CDN 的流量费用,本人实在是感激不尽。
If any of you could provide some support, even a small amount such as one or two yuan, it would be sufficient to cover the CDN traffic cost on Aliyun. I would be immensely grateful for your assistance.

Thank you to all the friends who have sponsored this project. Your support is what motivates me to keep updating and improving it!

赞助方法 / Sponsorship Methods

微信 / WeChat 支付宝 / Alipay Paypal
IMG_0382 IMG_9570 IMG_0385

赞助完以后,请各位加我微信 do-not-go-plzzz 联系我添加 GitHub 账号和网站链接!
After making a donation, if you want to get in touch with me, please add me on Discord with my username evan404.

Thank you!

赞助名单 / Sponsorship List

按时间先后排序 / Sorted by chronological order

赞助时间 / Date 赞助人 / Sponsor 赞助金额 / Amount 赞助方式 / Method 网站 / Website
Mar 4 @username0occupied ¥6.66 微信红包 /
Mar 4 @jkoor ¥15.00 微信红包
Mar 10 **峰 ¥20.14 支付宝 /
Mar 17 Summer.南方 ¥1.68 微信赞赏码 /
Mar 19 那个我依旧是从前的我😄 ¥100.00 微信赞赏码 /
Mar 31 @牧丰086 ¥6.66 支付宝
Apr 11 飞呀菲呀 ¥6.66 微信赞赏码 /
Apr 18 👺 ¥6.66 微信赞赏码
Apr 19 @yzsong06 ¥3.00 微信赞赏码 /
Apr 23 **博 ¥10.00 支付宝 /
May 7 JiaqiGemini ¥14.99 微信赞赏码 /
May 12 @Sevdawk ¥8.88 微信赞赏码
May 13 好名字 ¥6.66 微信赞赏码 /
May 24 @HuTa0kj ¥8.88 微信赞赏码
Jun 5 **杰 ¥6.00 支付宝 /
Jun 12 Anonymous ¥0.99 微信赞赏码 /
Jun 22 @JuTemp ¥15.00 支付宝
Jul 13 @825i $20.00 Paypal
Jul 14 点点 ¥8.88 微信赞赏码 /