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DiscordLink Configuration

Navigate to your server GUI, and find the "DiscordLink" tab. From here, you can change all configuration options available and most of them will take effect without requiring a server restart.


Base Configuration - Discord

Discord Server ID and Bot Token
See the installation guide.

Admin Roles
Names of Discord roles which DiscordLink should consider as having admin privileges. The admin role names are not case sensitive.

Min Embed Size for Footer
Determines for what sizes of embeds to show the footer containing meta information about posted embeds. All embeds of sizes bigger than the selected one will have footers as well.

Base Configuration - Eco

Server Name and Server Description
The name and description to use in output instead of the ones configured in the network config.

Server Logo
The logo of the server as a URL, to use when the bot posts embed messages.

Connection Info
The text to display when showing connection information for the game server. It is recommended to use the Server ID or an IP for this field. You can create a clickable link for joining your server using this syntax: <eco://connect/<ServerID>>

Chat Sync Mode Wheter to make chat synchronization opt-in or opt-out. In either mode, users can use the "/dl optin" and "/dl optout" commands to control if their chat messages should be synchronized or not. If a user choses to not have their chat message synchronized, a message will instead be posted saying that the user sent a message at that point in time.

# Linking Chat Channels

  1. The box you're interested in is called "Chat Channel Links" and it is located in the subcategory "Feeds". Click on the three dots next to the box saying "(Collection)". This may be hidden until you mouse over it.

Opening Collection Window

  1. In the new window that just appeared, click "Add" in the bottom left. This adds a new link.

Add new link

  1. Enter the parameters for the channel link. "DiscordChannelId" should be the Discord channel you want to link to Eco. Every to the bot visible channel should appear in the dropdown List. "EcoChannel" is the channel in Eco you want to link to Discord, for example "General". Once entered, hit "OK".

  2. You're done! All messages sent into the configured Discord channel and Eco chat channel should now be cross posting all player messages.

Command Settings

Discord Command Channels
The Discord channels in which users are allowed to use commands. Admins override this and can use commands anywhere. If no channel is configured, users can use commands in any channel.

Max Trade Watcher Displays Per User
The maximum amount of Trade Watcher Displays allowed for each user. Note that lowering this will not remove any existing watchers.

Invite Message
The message to use for the /PostInviteMessage command. The invite link is fetched from the Network configuration (the Discord Address field) and will replace the [LINK] token. The message needs to include at least one [LINK] token in order to function and the Network configuration needs to have the Discord Address field filled out.

Displays, Feeds and Inputs

All displays, feeds and inputs require a Channel Link and will be considered turned off until a valid one exists. For more information, see the Modules Page.


Emote Icon Substitutions A list of pairs of Discord icon keys and Eco icon keys. When the Discord key is detected in a message on the format ":KEY:", it will be substituted by a en eco icon on the format . This allows for Discord icons to be sent directly to Eco, provided that the icon has been added to the server separately, in an asset pack.

Plugin Configuration

Log Level Controls what type of DiscordLink log messages are printed to the console. This should generally be kept at the default unless you are troubleshooting an issue or want to turn off the output in the Eco server log.

Backend Log Level Controls what type of Discord/DSharp log messages should be printed to the console. This should almost always be kept at the default unless you are troubleshooting an issue related to Discord rather than DiscordLink.


  • All message types below the selected one will be printed as well.
  • All non-verbose and non-backend log messages are written to a separate logs in "Logs/DiscordLink", regardless of log settings.
  • If the backend log level is raised, it is normal to see warnings like "Pre-emptive ratelimit triggered". This simply means that the underlying communications library delayed a message in order to make sure that you do not hit Discord's rate limit.

Use Verbose Display Determines if the output in the display tab of the server GUI should be verbose or not.


UseLinkedAccountRole Determines if a Discord role will be granted to users who link their Discord accounts.

UseDemographicRoles Determines if Discord roles matching ingame demographics will be granted to users who have linked their accounts.

DemographicReplacementRoles Roles that will be used (and created if needed) for the given demographics.

UseSpecialtyRoles Determines if Discord roles matching ingame specialties will be granted to users who have linked their accounts.