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Eco World edited this page Jun 28, 2018 · 23 revisions

Welcome to the Eco Website wiki!

Here you will find some common information about the platform! If this information doesn't answer your questions, use your best tool, Google!

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What technologies are we using for making the website?

Web stack (LAMP)

  • Linux
  • Apache
  • MySql
  • PHP

Front end

  • HTML & CSS
  • SASS (Better styling)
  • JS libary (Jquery, React)

Back end

Testing & automation

  • Gulp
  • Katalon (full testing suite)


  • Jenkins (Continuous Development/ Integration)
  • Docker (Code containers)
  • Puppet (Delivery)

Content Management System (CMS)

Version Control

  • Git (version control software)
  • GitHub (To store code)

AI & Machine Learning (further down the line)

  • TensorFlow

Project Management

Agile tools & Methodologies


  • Slack
  • Public chat service (for devs that aren't on the team, but still wish to contribute)


  • Salesforce (Customer Relationship Management)
  • Freshbooks (Accounting)


  • Stripe
  • Paypal
  • Crypto Payments

Generic Road Map

Set up phase

  • Construct a good foundation for the Eco Website, making sure all best practices are followed. And that code can be easily maintained in the future. Using Object Oriented code for the best reuse. And also being GDPR compliant.
  • Implement advertising opportunities, for revenue

Apply for funding after proof of concept

  • After intial concept has been realised, we need funding to continue. Revenue will come from ads, subscriptions, and licensing

Phase 1

  • Allow users to sign up (need to define user types), post content (define what content users can post), and share content (how do users post content, and make sure it's legitimate?)