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File metadata and controls

112 lines (109 loc) · 4.66 KB

Personal log of what I did to set up an aws instance that watches the git repo.

  1. Log on to aws, launch a new t2.micro instance using aws-linux.
  2. Log on to the instance
  3. set up docker:
    sudo yum update -y
    sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker
    sudo service docker start
    sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user
    Then log out and log back in.
  4. Clone lean
    sudo yum install -y git
    git clone
    cd lean
    git checkout widget
  5. Build the lean emscripten. An alternative is to pull the archive from the github action. But I thought it would be good to have it all done locally.
    mkdir -p build/emscripten
    cd build/release
    docker run -dit --name emscripten -v $(pwd):/src edayers/emscripten bash
    docker exec -it -w /src/build/emscripten emscripten emconfigure cmake /src/src -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Emscripten -DLEAN_EMSCRIPTEN_BUILD=Main
    docker exec -it -w /src/build/emscripten -e NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=4096" emscripten emmake make
  6. Build lean
    sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
    sudo yum install gmp-devel
    mkdir -p build/release
    cd build/release
    cmake ../../src
  7. Install elan
    sudo amazon-linux-extras install python3
    curl -sSf | bash -s -- --default-toolchain none -y
    elan toolchain link local $(pwd)/lean
  8. build the lean-web-editor Install node
    git clone
    git checkout widget
    cd lean-web-editor
    elan override set local
    npm i
    mkdir dist
    cp ~/lean/build/emscripten/shell/lean_js_* ./dist
    npm run build
  9. Give the instance a public IP address. Go to the EC2 console. Go to 'elastic IPs'. Click allocate IP address. Use Amazon's pool of IPv4 addresses, hit the allocate button. Click on the newly made IP address and click 'associate', then associate it with the EC2 instance you made. Now your instance has a public IP address but you still need to open up the ports.
  10. Open the ports. Go to 'security groups' tab,create a security group. Then add a load of 'inbound rules':
    Type Protocol Port range Source
    HTTP TCP 80
    HTTP TCP 80 ::/0
    SSH TCP 22
    SSH TCP 22 ::/0
    HTTPS TCP 443
    HTTPS TCP 443 ::/0
    Then you make it so that the EC2 instance is a member of this security group.
  11. Set up the domain name. I went to my domain registrar and made an 'A record' pointing to the IP address made by the previous step.
  12. set up apache webserver.
  13. Set up HTTPS and "let's encrypt" Install certbot with some convoluted installer magic. `` sudo wget -r --no-parent -A 'epel-release-.rpm' sudo rpm -Uvh sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel* sudo yum repolist all
Replace `Listen 80` in `/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf` with

<VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot "/var/www/html" ServerName "" ServerAlias ""

sudo systemctl restart httpd sudo yum install -y certbot python2-certbot-apache sudo certbot

Then follow the instructions.
Finally add a cron job so that it automatically renews. Add this to `/etc/crontab`

39 1,13 * * * root certbot renew --no-self-upgrade

then run

sudo systemctl restart crond

14. Copy the contents of dist to `/var/www/html`.
 cp ./dist/* /var/www/html
1.  [ ] make a chron job that checks the github repos and rebuilds, redeploys everything.