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Internal Shortcode | [PHP_Function]

EkoJr edited this page Jul 5, 2017 · 4 revisions


Adds a custom php function within the post list, and displays the data returned as a string.

For instructions on how to use this, follow the php_function shortcode tutorial


[post_function name="" param=""]



(string) (required/optional) (PHP) Function name. Default: ""


(string) (required/optional) Additional params as required by the custom function. Default: ""


(string) Returned string from PHP Function.

Examples/Sample (WIP)#

Example 1

[post_function name="foo"]




File: advanced-post-list/includes/class/apl_shortcodes.php

 * PHP Function Shortcode. 
 * Desc: Adds custom php functions within the environment/instance, and displays
 * the returned data as a string.
 * 1. Check to see if Constant Variable is set, if not, add error then do Step 4. 
 * 2. Check to see if a function 'name' is given, if empty, add error then do 
 *    Step 4.
 * 3. If the function exists, do the function /w 'param'.
 * 4. Return string.
 * @since 0.3.0 
 * @version 0.4.0 - Changed to Class function, and uses WP's built-in
 *                  functions for setting default attributes & do_shortcode().
 *                  Added Constant APL_ALLOW_PHP to require.
 *                  Added Check if function exists.
 * @param array $atts {
 *      Shortcode Attributes. 
 *      @type string $name      [REQ] PHP Function Name. 
 *      @type string $param     Data to send to custom php function.
 * }
 * @return string Returned data from PHP Function.
public function php_function($atts)
    $atts_value = shortcode_atts( array(
        'name' => '',
        'param' => ''
    ), $atts, 'php_function');
    $return_str = '';
    //STEP 1
    if (!defined("KALINS_ALLOW_PHP") && KALINS_ALLOW_PHP !== true || 
        !defined("APL_ALLOW_PHP") && APL_ALLOW_PHP !== true)
        $return_str .= 'Error: add define("APL_ALLOW_PHP", true); to your '.
                        'wp-config.php for php_function to work.';
    //STEP 2
    else if (empty($atts_value['name']))
        $return_str .= 'Error: Name shortcode attribute must have a name. '.
                       'For ex. [php_function name="FUNCTION_NAME"]';
    //STEP 3
    else if (function_exists($atts_value['name']))
        if (!empty($atts_value['param']))
            $return_str .= call_user_func($atts_value['name'], 
            $return_str .= call_user_func($atts_value['name'], 
    //STEP 4
    return $return_str;

Additional Resources

Tutorial PHP_Function Shortcode

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