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B00merang Project edited this page Jan 27, 2017 · 5 revisions

We're glad you've decided to use one of our themes! This wiki will provide some fixes to known issues we've covered in the past.

Recurrent issues

1) The window shadow looks out of place

frame-not-working Affected platforms (to date) :

  • Xfce
  • Gnome 3


Open gtk-contained.css (found in the theme folder/gtk-3.0 OR gtk-3.20) and search for decoration { then, replace box-shadow: 0 3px etc... with box-shadow: none;. Do the same for the decoration:backdrop and decoration:(inactive) nodes.

2) The theme looks broken

gtk-3.20-needed Affected platforms (to date) :

  • Gnome 3


We include a version for gtk-3.20, but all too often it refuses to read it as it should. In that case, open the theme folder, delete the gtk-3.0 directory and rename the gtk-3.20 directory to gtk-3.0. Then log out and back in and all should work smoothly.

3) You get a huge USB icon in Files


Affected platforms (to date) :

  • All supported platforms


This wrong-sized icon was only included for testing purposes and pushed without knowing it was greatly used by Nautilus (We use Cinnamon for testing), so we didn't know about the issue until some benevolent user notified us of the bug. This issue has been dealt with in the latest icon pack release (0.4.2)

4) Sidebar items look disorganized


Affected platforms (to date) :

  • Gnome 3
  • Unity


If you get this bug, you are running an outdated version of our theme, since this issue has been fixed a long time ago. Please get the latest release from our releases page.

5) Cinnamon looks strange with wrong menus


Affected platforms

  • Cinnamon 3.2 or higher


You're running an outdated version of the theme. Get the latest, with support for Cinnamon 3.2

6) Bug with Xfce panel color


Affected platforms

  • Xfce4


Install newer available version. Xfce is migrating to Gtk3 and this bug is a result of the mix of Gtk2/3 in the newer builds.

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