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File metadata and controls

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Functions and Actions

Utility Functions

The following functions, variables and Actions are defined in the phone namespace.

def format_date(month, day, year)
Returns a formatted string using phone.config.date_format.
def format_time(hour, minute)
Returns a formatted string using phone.config.time_format.
def show_layer_at(at_list, layer="master", camera=True, reset=False)
A wrapper around renpy.show_layer_at. If at_list is a string (or None), it is looked up in phone.config.layer_at_transform. The transform or list of transforms is then passed to renpy.show_layer_at along with the other parameters.
def short_name(s, length)
Shortens the string s after translating it. The string is sliced to length - 3 and "..." is appended to it.
def path_join(*args)
Computes os.path.join(*args).replace("\\", "/")
def asset(path)
Computes path_join(phone.config.basedir, path)
def execute_default(f, id)
Mimics the behavior of the default statement by calling f if a function with the unique value id has never been called before. The function is added to config.start_callbacks and config.after_load_callbacks, and in the latter case, if the function is called, rollback will be blocked. A good unique value, for instance, is a tuple where the first component is a string describing what the function does, and where the remaining components are the actual unique value related to whatever the function does. For example, when calling phone.calendar.add_calendar during init phase, this function is called with the unique value ("_phone_add_calendar", month, year, key), where month, year and key are the values passed to phone.calendar.add_calendar.
data = {...}
The dictionnary that's storing all of the phone's in-game data. Each *character* has an entry (their key) in this dict and will return another dictionnary as described in

Screen Functions and Actions

class PhoneMenu(Action)
The framework's equivalent of the ShowMenu action. Arguments given are passed to the phone.call_screen function.
def call_screen(_screen_name, *args, **kwargs)
The framework's equivalent of the renpy.call_screen function. Invokes renpy.call_screen in a new context, passing all arguments and keyword arguments to it. This ensures a sort of "depths" effect (going to screen A, then screen B, then screen C, returning brings you back to screen B, and so on).
def PhoneReturn(value=None)
The framework's equvalent of the Return action. It should be used to return from a phone screen.
menu = False
Indicates whether we're in a phone menu or not. This is useful when a button is used in a phone screen that's used both in-game and through the PhoneMenu action (for instance, the Back textbutton in the phone_discussion is disabled during a phone discussion). As it is set by phone.call_screen, this variable should be read-only.

The PhoneReturn and PhoneMenu actions are available in the global store. If their values are overridden during init phase, an error is raised.