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title output
Экологические установки и ситуативные стимулы в условиях трансформирующейся экологической культуры России: эмпирическое исследование
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Оцениваются 4 поведенческих блока:

  • Переработка (Recycling Behavior, RB),
  • Эко-покупки (Eco-Shopping Behavior, ESB),
  • Ресурсосбережение (Resource-Saving Behavior, RSB),
  • Эко-мобильность (Eco-Mobility Behavior, EMB).

По каждому из блоков считается аддитивный индекс, представляющий собой оценку склонности респондента к определённому виду эко-поведения. Дополнительно считается индекс склонности к комфорту против склонности к экономии (tendency to be comfortable, TC).


Гипотеза H1. Эко-поведение не однородно - склонность к одному из видов эко-поведения не предопределяет склонность к другому.

Гипотеза H2. Люди обычно переоценивают собственную склонность к эко-поведению и недооценивают склонность окружающих.

Гипотеза H3. Склонность к тому или иному виду эко-поведения ситуативно подвержена влиянию стимулов, как эмоционального, так и рационального характера.

Гипотеза H3а. Склонность к более затратным видам поведения менее подвержена ситуативному влиянию стимулов (low-cost hypothesis).


Ниже представленны параметры окружения R. Производится загрузка данных, логарифмирование некоторых признаков (возраст, размер города, время ответа). Вычисляются аддитивные индексы, затем производится их унификация в диапазоне [0...1] для удобства графического отображения и интерпретации.

#environment info
## R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
## Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
## Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18363)
## Matrix products: default
## locale:
## [1] LC_COLLATE=Russian_Russia.1251  LC_CTYPE=Russian_Russia.1251   
## [3] LC_MONETARY=Russian_Russia.1251 LC_NUMERIC=C                   
## [5] LC_TIME=Russian_Russia.1251    
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] scales_1.1.1   corrplot_0.84  egg_0.4.5      gridExtra_2.3  gtable_0.3.0  
##  [6] gplots_3.0.3   ggthemes_4.2.0 ggplot2_3.3.1  dplyr_0.8.5    MatchIt_3.0.2 
## [11] knitr_1.28    
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] Rcpp_1.0.4.6       pillar_1.4.4       compiler_3.6.3     bitops_1.0-6      
##  [5] tools_3.6.3        digest_0.6.25      evaluate_0.14      lifecycle_0.2.0   
##  [9] tibble_3.0.1       pkgconfig_2.0.3    rlang_0.4.6        yaml_2.2.1        
## [13] xfun_0.14          withr_2.2.0        stringr_1.4.0      vctrs_0.3.0       
## [17] gtools_3.8.2       caTools_1.18.0     grid_3.6.3         tidyselect_1.1.0  
## [21] glue_1.4.1         R6_2.4.1           rmarkdown_2.2      gdata_2.18.0      
## [25] purrr_0.3.4        magrittr_1.5       ellipsis_0.3.1     htmltools_0.4.0   
## [29] MASS_7.3-51.6      assertthat_0.2.1   colorspace_1.4-1   KernSmooth_2.23-16
## [33] stringi_1.4.6      munsell_0.5.0      crayon_1.3.4
#loading raw data
data<-read.csv("ecodata.csv", sep=";", dec=",")


data$group<-factor(data$group, labels = c("Control","Rational","Emotional"))

#log data
data$log_age <- log10(data$age)
data$log_city_size <- log10(data$city_size)
data$log_time_RB <- log10(data$time_12)
data$log_time_ESB <- log10(data$time_34)
data$log_time_RSB <- log10(data$time_56)
data$log_time_EMB <- log10(data$time_78)
data$log_time_TC <- log10(data$time_9)

#make an additive indexes
data$RB  <- (data$case_1_1 + data$case_1_2 + data$case_2_1 + data$case_2_2) #1..24
data$ESB <- (data$case_3_1 + data$case_3_2 + data$case_4_1 + data$case_4_2) #1..24
data$RSB <- (data$case_5_1 + data$case_5_2 + data$case_6_1 + data$case_6_2) #1..24
data$EMB <- (data$case_7_1 + data$case_7_2 + data$case_8_1 + data$case_8_2) #1..24


data$TC  <- (data$case_9_1 + data$case_9_2) #1..12

data$RBo  <- (data$case_1_3 + data$case_2_3) #1..12
data$ESBo <- (data$case_3_3 + data$case_4_3) #1..12
data$RSBo <- (data$case_5_3 + data$case_6_3) #1..12
data$EMBo <- (data$case_7_3 + data$case_8_3) #1..12

#rescale <- function(x){(x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x))}

data$RB  <- rescale(data$RB)
data$ESB <- rescale(data$ESB)
data$RSB <- rescale(data$RSB)
data$EMB <- rescale(data$EMB)
data$TC  <- rescale(data$TC)
data$RBo  <- rescale(data$RBo)
data$ESBo <- rescale(data$ESBo)
data$RSBo <- rescale(data$RSBo)
data$EMBo <- rescale(data$EMBo)

Сводные статистики и описание данных

summary(data[,c(29,30,32:37,39, 54:62)])
##       emo              rat              sex              age       
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :14.00  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:20.00  
##  Median :0.0000   Median :0.0000   Median :0.0000   Median :26.00  
##  Mean   :0.4977   Mean   :0.4859   Mean   :0.3354   Mean   :28.88  
##  3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:35.00  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :67.00  
##  NA's   :103      NA's   :108      NA's   :1                       
##      income        isworking           edu             car        
##  Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:1.000   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:3.000   1st Qu.:0.0000  
##  Median :2.000   Median :1.0000   Median :3.000   Median :1.0000  
##  Mean   :2.366   Mean   :0.6509   Mean   :3.065   Mean   :0.7339  
##  3rd Qu.:3.000   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:3.000   3rd Qu.:1.0000  
##  Max.   :5.000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :4.000   Max.   :1.0000  
##                  NA's   :2        NA's   :196     NA's   :196     
##    city_size              RB              ESB              RSB        
##  Min.   :    2552   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:  686430   1st Qu.:0.4500   1st Qu.:0.5000   1st Qu.:0.4000  
##  Median : 1195446   Median :0.5500   Median :0.6500   Median :0.5000  
##  Mean   : 2694228   Mean   :0.5858   Mean   :0.6252   Mean   :0.4959  
##  3rd Qu.: 1483119   3rd Qu.:0.7500   3rd Qu.:0.7500   3rd Qu.:0.5500  
##  Max.   :12692466   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000  
##  NA's   :17                                                           
##       EMB               TC              RBo              ESBo       
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.4875   1st Qu.:0.5000   1st Qu.:0.2000   1st Qu.:0.5000  
##  Median :0.6000   Median :0.8000   Median :0.3000   Median :0.5000  
##  Mean   :0.5837   Mean   :0.6937   Mean   :0.3197   Mean   :0.5197  
##  3rd Qu.:0.7500   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:0.5000   3rd Qu.:0.6000  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000  
##       RSBo             EMBo       
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.4000   1st Qu.:0.3000  
##  Median :0.5000   Median :0.5000  
##  Mean   :0.4928   Mean   :0.4259  
##  3rd Qu.:0.6000   3rd Qu.:0.5000  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000  
par(mfrow = c(3,4), mar=c(2,1,1,1))
hist(data$RB, breaks = "FD", main = "RB")
hist(data$ESB, breaks = "FD", main = "ESB")
hist(data$RSB, breaks = "FD", main = "RSB")
hist(data$EMB, breaks = "FD", main = "EMB")
hist(data$TC, breaks = "FD", main = "TC")
hist(data$RBo, breaks = "FD", main = "RBo")
hist(data$ESBo, breaks = "FD", main = "ESBo")
hist(data$RSBo, breaks = "FD", main = "RSBo")
hist(data$EMBo, breaks = "FD", main = "EMBo")

hist(data$log_age, breaks = "FD", main = "log_age")
hist(data$log_city_size, breaks = "FD", main = "log_city_size")
hist(data$income, breaks = "FD", main = "income")

Анализ различий между несбалансированными группами

par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar=c(2,2,2,1))
boxplot(RB ~ group, data=data, main="RB", horizontal = T)
boxplot(ESB ~ group, data=data, main="ESB", horizontal = T)
boxplot(RSB ~ group, data=data, main="RSB", horizontal = T)
boxplot(EMB ~ group, data=data, main="EMB", horizontal = T)

boxplot(RBo ~ group, data=data, main="RBo", horizontal = T)
boxplot(ESBo ~ group, data=data, main="ESBo", horizontal = T)
boxplot(RSBo ~ group, data=data, main="RSBo", horizontal = T)
boxplot(EMBo ~ group, data=data, main="EMBo", horizontal = T)

boxplot(RBo ~ group, data=data, main="RBo", horizontal = T)

boxplot(log_age ~ group, data=data, main="log age", horizontal = T)
boxplot(log_city_size ~ group, data=data, main="log city size", horizontal = T)
boxplot(income ~ group, data=data, main="income", horizontal = T)

boxplot(TC ~ group, data=data, main="TC", horizontal = T)

summary(data[data$group=="Control",c(29,30,32:37,39, 54:62)])
##       emo         rat         sex              age            income    
##  Min.   :0   Min.   :0   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :15.00   Min.   :1.00  
##  1st Qu.:0   1st Qu.:0   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:21.00   1st Qu.:1.00  
##  Median :0   Median :0   Median :0.0000   Median :24.00   Median :2.00  
##  Mean   :0   Mean   :0   Mean   :0.3945   Mean   :28.35   Mean   :2.33  
##  3rd Qu.:0   3rd Qu.:0   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:35.00   3rd Qu.:3.00  
##  Max.   :0   Max.   :0   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :67.00   Max.   :5.00  
##    isworking           edu             car           city_size       
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :   10293  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:3.000   1st Qu.:1.0000   1st Qu.:  952136  
##  Median :1.0000   Median :3.000   Median :1.0000   Median : 1195446  
##  Mean   :0.6389   Mean   :2.955   Mean   :0.8182   Mean   : 2904776  
##  3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:3.000   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.: 1483119  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :4.000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :12692466  
##  NA's   :1        NA's   :65      NA's   :65       NA's   :3         
##        RB              ESB              RSB              EMB        
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.3500   1st Qu.:0.5000   1st Qu.:0.4000   1st Qu.:0.4500  
##  Median :0.5000   Median :0.5500   Median :0.5000   Median :0.5500  
##  Mean   :0.5459   Mean   :0.5766   Mean   :0.4968   Mean   :0.5642  
##  3rd Qu.:0.8000   3rd Qu.:0.7500   3rd Qu.:0.5500   3rd Qu.:0.7500  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000  
##        TC              RBo              ESBo             RSBo       
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.5000   1st Qu.:0.2000   1st Qu.:0.4000   1st Qu.:0.4000  
##  Median :0.8000   Median :0.3000   Median :0.5000   Median :0.5000  
##  Mean   :0.6982   Mean   :0.3431   Mean   :0.4927   Mean   :0.4991  
##  3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:0.5000   3rd Qu.:0.6000   3rd Qu.:0.6000  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :0.9000  
##       EMBo       
##  Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.3000  
##  Median :0.5000  
##  Mean   :0.4147  
##  3rd Qu.:0.5000  
##  Max.   :1.0000  
head(data[data$group=="Control",c(29,30,32:37,39, 54:62)])
##    emo rat sex age income isworking edu car city_size   RB  ESB  RSB  EMB  TC
## 2    0   0   1  18      1         0  NA  NA   1195446 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0
## 3    0   0   0  22      2         1  NA  NA   1195446 0.80 0.50 0.55 0.55 1.0
## 4    0   0   0  30      3         1  NA  NA   1195446 0.55 0.95 0.60 0.45 0.8
## 7    0   0   1  35      5         1  NA  NA   1195446 0.40 0.85 0.85 0.75 0.4
## 13   0   0   1  22      2         0  NA  NA   1195446 0.45 0.35 0.30 0.20 0.2
## 22   0   0   0  19      1         0  NA  NA   1195446 0.75 0.50 0.70 1.00 0.6
##    RBo ESBo RSBo EMBo
## 2  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
## 3  0.5  0.5  0.5  0.5
## 4  0.4  0.6  0.5  0.4
## 7  0.5  0.6  0.8  0.3
## 13 0.7  0.9  0.4  0.3
## 22 0.3  0.5  0.4  0.8
nrow(data[data$group=="Control",c(29,30,32:37,39, 54:62)])
## [1] 109
summary(data[data$group=="Emotional",c(29,30,32:37,39, 54:62)])
##       emo         rat           sex              age            income     
##  Min.   :1   Min.   : NA   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :15.00   Min.   :1.000  
##  1st Qu.:1   1st Qu.: NA   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:20.00   1st Qu.:1.000  
##  Median :1   Median : NA   Median :0.0000   Median :26.50   Median :2.000  
##  Mean   :1   Mean   :NaN   Mean   :0.2685   Mean   :29.29   Mean   :2.546  
##  3rd Qu.:1   3rd Qu.: NA   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:36.25   3rd Qu.:3.000  
##  Max.   :1   Max.   : NA   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :62.00   Max.   :5.000  
##              NA's   :108                                                   
##    isworking           edu             car           city_size       
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :    2552  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:3.000   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.: 1013468  
##  Median :1.0000   Median :3.000   Median :1.0000   Median : 1195446  
##  Mean   :0.6822   Mean   :3.171   Mean   :0.7073   Mean   : 2746519  
##  3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:3.000   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.: 1618039  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :4.000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :12692466  
##  NA's   :1        NA's   :67      NA's   :67       NA's   :3         
##        RB              ESB              RSB              EMB        
##  Min.   :0.1000   Min.   :0.1500   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0500  
##  1st Qu.:0.5000   1st Qu.:0.5000   1st Qu.:0.4000   1st Qu.:0.4500  
##  Median :0.6500   Median :0.6500   Median :0.5000   Median :0.6000  
##  Mean   :0.6356   Mean   :0.6343   Mean   :0.4921   Mean   :0.5769  
##  3rd Qu.:0.8000   3rd Qu.:0.7500   3rd Qu.:0.5500   3rd Qu.:0.7500  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000  
##        TC              RBo              ESBo            RSBo       
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.5000   1st Qu.:0.1000   1st Qu.:0.500   1st Qu.:0.4000  
##  Median :0.8000   Median :0.3000   Median :0.500   Median :0.5000  
##  Mean   :0.6963   Mean   :0.3009   Mean   :0.538   Mean   :0.4639  
##  3rd Qu.:0.9250   3rd Qu.:0.5000   3rd Qu.:0.600   3rd Qu.:0.6000  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :0.7000   Max.   :1.000   Max.   :0.9000  
##       EMBo      
##  Min.   :0.000  
##  1st Qu.:0.300  
##  Median :0.450  
##  Mean   :0.437  
##  3rd Qu.:0.500  
##  Max.   :1.000  
head(data[data$group=="Emotional",c(29,30,32:37,39, 54:62)])
##    emo rat sex age income isworking edu car city_size   RB  ESB  RSB  EMB  TC
## 1    1  NA   0  34      3         1  NA  NA   1195446 0.75 0.50 0.45 0.65 0.7
## 5    1  NA   0  34      3         1  NA  NA   1195446 0.75 0.55 0.45 0.75 0.9
## 6    1  NA   0  25      2         1  NA  NA  12692466 1.00 0.15 0.45 0.70 1.0
## 12   1  NA   0  19      1         0  NA  NA   1195446 0.90 0.45 0.35 0.95 0.8
## 14   1  NA   0  24      1         0  NA  NA   1195446 0.80 0.15 0.50 0.10 0.0
## 15   1  NA   0  17      1         0  NA  NA    151275 0.90 0.65 0.50 0.80 1.0
##    RBo ESBo RSBo EMBo
## 1  0.6  0.5  0.4  0.5
## 5  0.5  0.6  0.5  0.4
## 6  0.1  0.9  0.5  0.3
## 12 0.0  1.0  0.1  0.2
## 14 0.3  0.4  0.5  0.6
## 15 0.0  0.5  0.5  0.0
nrow(data[data$group=="Emotional",c(29,30,32:37,39, 54:62)])
## [1] 108
summary(data[data$group=="Rational",c(29,30,32:37,39, 54:62)])
##       emo           rat         sex              age            income     
##  Min.   : NA   Min.   :1   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :14.00   Min.   :1.000  
##  1st Qu.: NA   1st Qu.:1   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:20.00   1st Qu.:1.000  
##  Median : NA   Median :1   Median :0.0000   Median :27.00   Median :2.000  
##  Mean   :NaN   Mean   :1   Mean   :0.3431   Mean   :29.02   Mean   :2.214  
##  3rd Qu.: NA   3rd Qu.:1   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:34.00   3rd Qu.:3.000  
##  Max.   : NA   Max.   :1   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :64.00   Max.   :5.000  
##  NA's   :103               NA's   :1                                       
##    isworking           edu             car           city_size       
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :   10854  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:3.000   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:  614367  
##  Median :1.0000   Median :3.000   Median :1.0000   Median : 1195446  
##  Mean   :0.6311   Mean   :3.077   Mean   :0.6667   Mean   : 2391960  
##  3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:3.000   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.: 1483119  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :4.000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :12692466  
##                   NA's   :64      NA's   :64       NA's   :11        
##        RB              ESB             RSB             EMB        
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.050   Min.   :0.000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.4500   1st Qu.:0.550   1st Qu.:0.450   1st Qu.:0.5000  
##  Median :0.5500   Median :0.700   Median :0.500   Median :0.6000  
##  Mean   :0.5757   Mean   :0.667   Mean   :0.499   Mean   :0.6117  
##  3rd Qu.:0.7000   3rd Qu.:0.750   3rd Qu.:0.550   3rd Qu.:0.7500  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.000   Max.   :1.000   Max.   :1.0000  
##        TC              RBo              ESBo             RSBo       
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.1000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.5000   1st Qu.:0.2000   1st Qu.:0.5000   1st Qu.:0.4000  
##  Median :0.8000   Median :0.3000   Median :0.5000   Median :0.5000  
##  Mean   :0.6864   Mean   :0.3146   Mean   :0.5291   Mean   :0.5165  
##  3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:0.4500   3rd Qu.:0.6000   3rd Qu.:0.6000  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :0.9000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000  
##       EMBo       
##  Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.3000  
##  Median :0.4000  
##  Mean   :0.4262  
##  3rd Qu.:0.5000  
##  Max.   :1.0000  
head(data[data$group=="Rational",c(29,30,32:37,39, 54:62)])
##    emo rat sex age income isworking edu car city_size   RB  ESB RSB EMB  TC RBo
## 9   NA   1   0  59      5         0  NA  NA        NA 0.50 0.50 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0
## 18  NA   1   0  22      1         0  NA  NA   1195446 0.45 0.55 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.5
## 19  NA   1   0  20      1         0  NA  NA   1195446 0.15 0.70 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2
## 25  NA   1   0  23      2         1  NA  NA   1195446 0.60 0.60 0.3 0.7 0.0 0.1
## 30  NA   1   0  27      3         1  NA  NA   5392992 0.70 0.50 0.5 0.5 0.9 0.2
## 38  NA   1   1  32      3         1  NA  NA   1195446 0.45 0.65 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.5
##    ESBo RSBo EMBo
## 9   0.5  0.5  0.5
## 18  0.6  0.6  0.5
## 19  0.5  0.4  0.7
## 25  0.5  0.5  0.4
## 30  0.5  0.5  0.5
## 38  0.4  0.1  0.1
nrow(data[data$group=="Rational",c(29,30,32:37,39, 54:62)])
## [1] 103
describeBy(data[,c(32:37,39,54:62)], data$group, na.rm = T)$Control[,c(2:5,8,9)]
##             n       mean         sd     median   min        max
## sex       109       0.39       0.49       0.00     0        1.0
## age       109      28.35      10.37      24.00    15       67.0
## income    109       2.33       1.24       2.00     1        5.0
## isworking 108       0.64       0.48       1.00     0        1.0
## edu        44       2.95       0.68       3.00     1        4.0
## car        44       0.82       0.39       1.00     0        1.0
## city_size 106 2904776.10 4255889.26 1195446.00 10293 12692466.0
## RB        109       0.55       0.28       0.50     0        1.0
## ESB       109       0.58       0.23       0.55     0        1.0
## RSB       109       0.50       0.19       0.50     0        1.0
## EMB       109       0.56       0.24       0.55     0        1.0
## TC        109       0.70       0.32       0.80     0        1.0
## RBo       109       0.34       0.21       0.30     0        1.0
## ESBo      109       0.49       0.19       0.50     0        1.0
## RSBo      109       0.50       0.18       0.50     0        0.9
## EMBo      109       0.41       0.21       0.50     0        1.0
describeBy(data[,c(32:37,39,54:62)], data$group, na.rm = T)$Rational[,c(2:5,8,9)]
##             n       mean         sd     median      min        max
## sex       102       0.34       0.48       0.00     0.00        1.0
## age       103      29.02      11.42      27.00    14.00       64.0
## income    103       2.21       1.17       2.00     1.00        5.0
## isworking 103       0.63       0.48       1.00     0.00        1.0
## edu        39       3.08       0.66       3.00     1.00        4.0
## car        39       0.67       0.48       1.00     0.00        1.0
## city_size  92 2391959.93 3488321.68 1195446.00 10854.00 12692466.0
## RB        103       0.58       0.22       0.55     0.00        1.0
## ESB       103       0.67       0.17       0.70     0.05        1.0
## RSB       103       0.50       0.20       0.50     0.00        1.0
## EMB       103       0.61       0.20       0.60     0.00        1.0
## TC        103       0.69       0.33       0.80     0.00        1.0
## RBo       103       0.31       0.21       0.30     0.00        0.9
## ESBo      103       0.53       0.15       0.50     0.10        1.0
## RSBo      103       0.52       0.18       0.50     0.00        1.0
## EMBo      103       0.43       0.19       0.40     0.00        1.0
describeBy(data[,c(32:37,39,54:62)], data$group, na.rm = T)$Emotional[,c(2:5,8,9)]
##             n       mean         sd     median     min        max
## sex       108       0.27       0.45       0.00    0.00        1.0
## age       108      29.29      10.77      26.50   15.00       62.0
## income    108       2.55       1.34       2.00    1.00        5.0
## isworking 107       0.68       0.47       1.00    0.00        1.0
## edu        41       3.17       0.59       3.00    1.00        4.0
## car        41       0.71       0.46       1.00    0.00        1.0
## city_size 105 2746518.50 3836439.26 1195446.00 2552.00 12692466.0
## RB        108       0.64       0.21       0.65    0.10        1.0
## ESB       108       0.63       0.19       0.65    0.15        1.0
## RSB       108       0.49       0.20       0.50    0.00        1.0
## EMB       108       0.58       0.21       0.60    0.05        1.0
## TC        108       0.70       0.29       0.80    0.00        1.0
## RBo       108       0.30       0.19       0.30    0.00        0.7
## ESBo      108       0.54       0.17       0.50    0.00        1.0
## RSBo      108       0.46       0.20       0.50    0.00        0.9
## EMBo      108       0.44       0.17       0.45    0.00        1.0

Балансирование групп

Балансирование групп производится на основе метода PSM по основным характеристикам респондентов (пол, доход, занятость, возраст, размер города, склонность к комфорту).

Ниже представлены результаты балансировки и основные характеристики сбалансированных групп.

Emotional vs Control

emo_data <- data %>%  # MatchIt does not allow missing values
  select(id, emo, sex, income, isworking, log_age, log_city_size, TC) %>%
match.emo <- matchit(emo ~ sex + income + isworking + log_age + log_city_size + TC, data = emo_data, method="nearest")

a <- summary(match.emo)

emo_data <- %>% 
  select(id, distance, weights) %>% 
    left_join(data, by = c("id"))

plot(match.emo, type = 'jitter', interactive = F)

kable(a$nn, digits = 2, align = 'c', caption = 'Table: Sample sizes')

Table: Table: Sample sizes

         Control    Treated 

All 105 104
Matched 104 104
Unmatched 1 0
Discarded 0 0

t <- c("sex","income","isworking","log_age","log_city_size","TC")
t <- lapply(t, function(v) {
  #t.test(emo_data[, v] ~ emo_data[, "rat"])
  w<-wilcox.test(emo_data[, v] ~ emo_data[, "emo"], paired = F, alternative = "two.sided")

#Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
#W = 4459, p-value = 0.2775
#alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0

a <- cbind(a$sum.matched[-1,c(1,2,4)], t)

kable(a, digits = 3, align = 'c', 
      caption = 'Table: Summary of balance for matched data')

Table: Table: Summary of balance for matched data

             Means Treated    Means Control    Mean Diff    p-value 

sex 0.279 0.385 -0.106 0.106
income 2.567 2.308 0.260 0.172
isworking 0.683 0.625 0.058 0.384
log_age 1.441 1.428 0.013 0.480
log_city_size 6.095 6.081 0.013 0.532
TC 0.700 0.693 0.007 0.793

by<-factor(emo_data$emo, labels = c("Control","Emotional"))

par(mfrow = c(1,4), mar=c(2,2,2,1))
boxplot(RB ~ by, data=emo_data, main="RB", horizontal = F)
boxplot(ESB ~ by, data=emo_data, main="ESB", horizontal = F)
boxplot(RSB ~ by, data=emo_data, main="RSB", horizontal = F)
boxplot(EMB ~ by, data=emo_data, main="EMB", horizontal = F)

boxplot(RBo ~ by, data=emo_data, main="RBo", horizontal = F)
boxplot(ESBo ~ by, data=emo_data, main="ESBo", horizontal = F)
boxplot(RSBo ~ by, data=emo_data, main="RSBo", horizontal = F)
boxplot(EMBo ~ by, data=emo_data, main="EMBo", horizontal = F)

boxplot(RBo ~ by, data=emo_data, main="RBo", horizontal = F)

boxplot(log_age ~ by, data=emo_data, main="log age", horizontal = F)
boxplot(log_city_size ~ by, data=emo_data, main="log city size", horizontal = F)
boxplot(income ~ by, data=emo_data, main="income", horizontal = F)

boxplot(TC ~ by, data=emo_data, main="TC", horizontal = F)

##       sex              age            income        isworking     
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :15.00   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:20.00   1st Qu.:1.000   1st Qu.:0.0000  
##  Median :0.0000   Median :26.50   Median :2.000   Median :1.0000  
##  Mean   :0.2788   Mean   :29.38   Mean   :2.567   Mean   :0.6827  
##  3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:36.25   3rd Qu.:3.000   3rd Qu.:1.0000  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :62.00   Max.   :5.000   Max.   :1.0000  
##    city_size       
##  Min.   :    2552  
##  1st Qu.:  944783  
##  Median : 1195446  
##  Mean   : 2761433  
##  3rd Qu.: 1618039  
##  Max.   :12692466
##       sex              age            income        isworking    
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :15.00   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.000  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:21.00   1st Qu.:1.000   1st Qu.:0.000  
##  Median :0.0000   Median :24.50   Median :2.000   Median :1.000  
##  Mean   :0.3846   Mean   :28.39   Mean   :2.308   Mean   :0.625  
##  3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:35.00   3rd Qu.:3.000   3rd Qu.:1.000  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :67.00   Max.   :5.000   Max.   :1.000  
##    city_size       
##  Min.   :   10293  
##  1st Qu.: 1020120  
##  Median : 1195446  
##  Mean   : 2947686  
##  3rd Qu.: 1483119  
##  Max.   :12692466

Анализ значимости различий в средних между независимыми группами (u-тест Манна-Уитни). p-value > 0.05 означает отсутствие значимых различий.

Rational vs Control

rat_data <- data %>%  # MatchIt does not allow missing values
  select(id, rat, sex, income, isworking, log_age, log_city_size, TC) %>%
match.rat <- matchit(rat ~ sex + income + isworking + log_age + log_city_size + TC, data = rat_data, method="nearest")

a <- summary(match.rat)

rat_data <- %>% 
  select(id, distance, weights) %>% 
    left_join(data, by = c("id"))

plot(match.rat, type = 'jitter', interactive = F)

kable(a$nn, digits = 2, align = 'c', caption = 'Table: Sample sizes')

Table: Table: Sample sizes

         Control    Treated 

All 105 91
Matched 91 91
Unmatched 14 0
Discarded 0 0

t <- c("sex","income","isworking","log_age","log_city_size","TC")
t <- lapply(t, function(v) {
  #t.test(rat_data[, v] ~ rat_data[, "rat"])
  w<-wilcox.test(rat_data[, v] ~ rat_data[, "rat"], paired = F, alternative = "two.sided")

#Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
#W = 4459, p-value = 0.2775
#alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0

a <- cbind(a$sum.matched[-1,c(1,2,4)], t)

kable(a, digits = 3, align = 'c', 
      caption = 'Table: Summary of balance for matched data')

Table: Table: Summary of balance for matched data

             Means Treated    Means Control    Mean Diff    p-value 

sex 0.308 0.385 -0.077 0.277
income 2.165 2.264 -0.099 0.541
isworking 0.615 0.615 0.000 1.000
log_age 1.430 1.420 0.010 0.806
log_city_size 6.041 6.072 -0.031 0.717
TC 0.697 0.682 0.014 0.689

by<-factor(rat_data$rat, labels = c("Control","Rational"))

par(mfrow = c(1,4), mar=c(2,2,2,1))
boxplot(RB ~ by, data=rat_data, main="RB", horizontal = F)
boxplot(ESB ~ by, data=rat_data, main="ESB", horizontal = F)
boxplot(RSB ~ by, data=rat_data, main="RSB", horizontal = F)
boxplot(EMB ~ by, data=rat_data, main="EMB", horizontal = F)

boxplot(RBo ~ by, data=rat_data, main="RBo", horizontal = F)
boxplot(ESBo ~ by, data=rat_data, main="ESBo", horizontal = F)
boxplot(RSBo ~ by, data=rat_data, main="RSBo", horizontal = F)
boxplot(EMBo ~ by, data=rat_data, main="EMBo", horizontal = F)

boxplot(RBo ~ by, data=rat_data, main="RBo", horizontal = F)

boxplot(log_age ~ by, data=rat_data, main="log age", horizontal = F)
boxplot(log_city_size ~ by, data=rat_data, main="log city size", horizontal = F)
boxplot(income ~ by, data=rat_data, main="income", horizontal = F)

boxplot(TC ~ by, data=rat_data, main="TC", horizontal = F)

##       sex              age            income        isworking     
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :14.00   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:20.00   1st Qu.:1.000   1st Qu.:0.0000  
##  Median :0.0000   Median :27.00   Median :2.000   Median :1.0000  
##  Mean   :0.3077   Mean   :28.87   Mean   :2.165   Mean   :0.6154  
##  3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:34.00   3rd Qu.:3.000   3rd Qu.:1.0000  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :64.00   Max.   :5.000   Max.   :1.0000  
##    city_size       
##  Min.   :   10854  
##  1st Qu.:  611261  
##  Median : 1195446  
##  Mean   : 2405108  
##  3rd Qu.: 1483119  
##  Max.   :12692466
##       sex              age            income        isworking     
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :15.00   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:21.00   1st Qu.:1.000   1st Qu.:0.0000  
##  Median :0.0000   Median :23.00   Median :2.000   Median :1.0000  
##  Mean   :0.3846   Mean   :27.88   Mean   :2.264   Mean   :0.6154  
##  3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:35.00   3rd Qu.:3.000   3rd Qu.:1.0000  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :67.00   Max.   :5.000   Max.   :1.0000  
##    city_size       
##  Min.   :   10293  
##  1st Qu.:  986128  
##  Median : 1195446  
##  Mean   : 2827260  
##  3rd Qu.: 1483119  
##  Max.   :12692466

Анализ значимости различий в средних между независимыми группами (u-тест Манна-Уитни). p-value > 0.05 означает отсутствие значимых различий.


SEM & Validity & Power

#power analysis
pwr.anova.test(k = 2, n = , sig.level = 0.05, power = 0.9, f = 0.25)
##      Balanced one-way analysis of variance power calculation 
##               k = 2
##               n = 85.03128
##               f = 0.25
##       sig.level = 0.05
##           power = 0.9
## NOTE: n is number in each group
pwr.anova.test(k = 3, n = , sig.level = 0.05, power = 0.9, f = 0.25)
##      Balanced one-way analysis of variance power calculation 
##               k = 3
##               n = 68.49707
##               f = 0.25
##       sig.level = 0.05
##           power = 0.9
## NOTE: n is number in each group
#f - 0.25 is medium size effect
#k - number of groups
#Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's omega
#0.7 - 0.79 - acceptable
#0.8 - 0.89 - good
#0.6 - 0.69 - questionable

#alpha(data[,c("case_1_1","case_1_2","case_2_1","case_2_2")], check.keys = TRUE)
#alpha(data[,c("case_3_1","case_3_2","case_4_1","case_4_2")], check.keys = TRUE)
#alpha(data[,c("case_5_1","case_5_2","case_6_1","case_6_2")], check.keys = TRUE)
#alpha(data[,c("case_7_1","case_7_2","case_8_1","case_8_2")], check.keys = TRUE)

omega(data[,c("case_1_1","case_1_2","case_2_1","case_2_2")], check.keys = TRUE) #RB omg_t 0.85

## Omega 
## Call: omegah(m = m, nfactors = nfactors, fm = fm, key = key, flip = flip, 
##     digits = digits, title = title, sl = sl, labels = labels, 
##     plot = plot, n.obs = n.obs, rotate = rotate, Phi = Phi, option = option, 
##     covar = covar, check.keys = TRUE)
## Alpha:                 0.63 
## G.6:                   0.71 
## Omega Hierarchical:    0.27 
## Omega H asymptotic:    0.32 
## Omega Total            0.85 
## Schmid Leiman Factor loadings greater than  0.2 
##             g   F1*  F2*  F3*   h2   u2   p2
## case_1_1 0.27       0.71      0.61 0.39 0.12
## case_1_2 0.31       0.72      0.64 0.36 0.15
## case_2_1 0.41  0.76           0.78 0.22 0.22
## case_2_2 0.45  0.76           0.81 0.19 0.25
## With eigenvalues of:
##    g  F1*  F2*  F3* 
## 0.54 1.15 1.02 0.12 
## general/max  0.47   max/min =   9.22
## mean percent general =  0.18    with sd =  0.06 and cv of  0.33 
## Explained Common Variance of the general factor =  0.19 
## The degrees of freedom are -3  and the fit is  0 
## The number of observations was  320  with Chi Square =  0  with prob <  NA
## The root mean square of the residuals is  0 
## The df corrected root mean square of the residuals is  NA
## Compare this with the adequacy of just a general factor and no group factors
## The degrees of freedom for just the general factor are 2  and the fit is  0.86 
## The number of observations was  320  with Chi Square =  271.54  with prob <  1.1e-59
## The root mean square of the residuals is  0.3 
## The df corrected root mean square of the residuals is  0.52 
## RMSEA index =  0.649  and the 10 % confidence intervals are  0.586 0.716
## BIC =  260 
## Measures of factor score adequacy             
##                                                   g  F1*  F2*   F3*
## Correlation of scores with factors             0.53 0.83 0.82  0.56
## Multiple R square of scores with factors       0.28 0.68 0.67  0.32
## Minimum correlation of factor score estimates -0.44 0.36 0.34 -0.36
##  Total, General and Subset omega for each subset
##                                                  g  F1*  F2* F3*
## Omega total for total scores and subscales    0.85 0.88 0.76  NA
## Omega general for total scores and subscales  0.27 0.21 0.11  NA
## Omega group for total scores and subscales    0.57 0.67 0.65  NA
omega(data[,c("case_3_1","case_3_2","case_4_1","case_4_2")], check.keys = TRUE) #ESB omg_t 0.84

## Omega 
## Call: omegah(m = m, nfactors = nfactors, fm = fm, key = key, flip = flip, 
##     digits = digits, title = title, sl = sl, labels = labels, 
##     plot = plot, n.obs = n.obs, rotate = rotate, Phi = Phi, option = option, 
##     covar = covar, check.keys = TRUE)
## Alpha:                 0.61 
## G.6:                   0.68 
## Omega Hierarchical:    0.45 
## Omega H asymptotic:    0.54 
## Omega Total            0.84 
## Schmid Leiman Factor loadings greater than  0.2 
##              g   F1*  F2*   F3*   h2   u2   p2
## case_3_1-      -0.83            0.76 0.24 0.00
## case_3_2- 0.20 -0.81       0.22 0.72 0.28 0.06
## case_4_1  0.75            -0.23 0.62 0.38 0.91
## case_4_2  0.83                  0.72 0.28 0.95
## With eigenvalues of:
##    g  F1*  F2*  F3* 
## 1.29 1.35 0.00 0.17 
## general/max  0.95   max/min =   387.47
## mean percent general =  0.48    with sd =  0.52 and cv of  1.08 
## Explained Common Variance of the general factor =  0.46 
## The degrees of freedom are -3  and the fit is  0 
## The number of observations was  320  with Chi Square =  0  with prob <  NA
## The root mean square of the residuals is  0 
## The df corrected root mean square of the residuals is  NA
## Compare this with the adequacy of just a general factor and no group factors
## The degrees of freedom for just the general factor are 2  and the fit is  0.6 
## The number of observations was  320  with Chi Square =  189.58  with prob <  6.8e-42
## The root mean square of the residuals is  0.26 
## The df corrected root mean square of the residuals is  0.46 
## RMSEA index =  0.541  and the 10 % confidence intervals are  0.478 0.609
## BIC =  178.04 
## Measures of factor score adequacy             
##                                                  g  F1*   F2*   F3*
## Correlation of scores with factors            0.89 0.91  0.05  0.60
## Multiple R square of scores with factors      0.79 0.84  0.00  0.35
## Minimum correlation of factor score estimates 0.59 0.67 -1.00 -0.29
##  Total, General and Subset omega for each subset
##                                                  g  F1* F2*  F3*
## Omega total for total scores and subscales    0.84 0.84  NA 0.79
## Omega general for total scores and subscales  0.45 0.02  NA 0.79
## Omega group for total scores and subscales    0.37 0.82  NA 0.00
omega(data[,c("case_5_1","case_5_2","case_6_1","case_6_2")], check.keys = TRUE) #RSB omg_t 0.90
## Warning in fa.stats(r = r, f = f, phi = phi, n.obs = n.obs, np.obs = np.obs, :
## The estimated weights for the factor scores are probably incorrect. Try a
## different factor score estimation method.
## Warning in fac(r = r, nfactors = nfactors, n.obs = n.obs, rotate = rotate, : An
## ultra-Heywood case was detected. Examine the results carefully
## Warning in cov2cor(t(w) %*% r %*% w): diag(.) had 0 or NA entries; non-finite
## result is doubtful

## Omega 
## Call: omegah(m = m, nfactors = nfactors, fm = fm, key = key, flip = flip, 
##     digits = digits, title = title, sl = sl, labels = labels, 
##     plot = plot, n.obs = n.obs, rotate = rotate, Phi = Phi, option = option, 
##     covar = covar, check.keys = TRUE)
## Alpha:                 0.74 
## G.6:                   0.82 
## Omega Hierarchical:    0.59 
## Omega H asymptotic:    0.66 
## Omega Total            0.9 
## Schmid Leiman Factor loadings greater than  0.2 
##              g   F1*   F2*   F3*   h2   u2   p2
## case_5_1- 0.29       -0.83       0.76 0.24 0.11
## case_5_2- 0.22       -0.82       0.74 0.26 0.07
## case_6_1  0.89                   0.80 0.20 0.99
## case_6_2  0.90                   0.81 0.19 1.00
## With eigenvalues of:
##    g  F1*  F2*  F3* 
## 1.73 0.00 1.35 0.03 
## general/max  1.28   max/min =   Inf
## mean percent general =  0.54    with sd =  0.52 and cv of  0.96 
## Explained Common Variance of the general factor =  0.56 
## The degrees of freedom are -3  and the fit is  0 
## The number of observations was  320  with Chi Square =  0  with prob <  NA
## The root mean square of the residuals is  0 
## The df corrected root mean square of the residuals is  NA
## Compare this with the adequacy of just a general factor and no group factors
## The degrees of freedom for just the general factor are 2  and the fit is  0.73 
## The number of observations was  320  with Chi Square =  229.35  with prob <  1.6e-50
## The root mean square of the residuals is  0.27 
## The df corrected root mean square of the residuals is  0.47 
## RMSEA index =  0.596  and the 10 % confidence intervals are  0.533 0.663
## BIC =  217.82 
## Measures of factor score adequacy             
##                                                  g F1*  F2*   F3*
## Correlation of scores with factors            0.94   0 0.92  0.35
## Multiple R square of scores with factors      0.89   0 0.84  0.12
## Minimum correlation of factor score estimates 0.79  -1 0.69 -0.76
##  Total, General and Subset omega for each subset
##                                                  g F1*  F2*  F3*
## Omega total for total scores and subscales    0.90  NA 0.86 0.89
## Omega general for total scores and subscales  0.59  NA 0.08 0.89
## Omega group for total scores and subscales    0.30  NA 0.78 0.00
omega(data[,c("case_7_1","case_7_2","case_8_1","case_8_2")], check.keys = TRUE) #EMB omg_t 0.89

## Omega 
## Call: omegah(m = m, nfactors = nfactors, fm = fm, key = key, flip = flip, 
##     digits = digits, title = title, sl = sl, labels = labels, 
##     plot = plot, n.obs = n.obs, rotate = rotate, Phi = Phi, option = option, 
##     covar = covar, check.keys = TRUE)
## Alpha:                 0.68 
## G.6:                   0.77 
## Omega Hierarchical:    0.51 
## Omega H asymptotic:    0.58 
## Omega Total            0.89 
## Schmid Leiman Factor loadings greater than  0.2 
##              g   F1*  F2*  F3*   h2   u2   p2
## case_7_1  0.83                 0.72 0.28 0.96
## case_7_2  0.82                 0.70 0.30 0.96
## case_8_1- 0.22 -0.87           0.82 0.18 0.06
## case_8_2-      -0.87           0.82 0.18 0.04
## With eigenvalues of:
##    g  F1*  F2*  F3* 
## 1.45 1.50 0.01 0.10 
## general/max  0.96   max/min =   248.29
## mean percent general =  0.5    with sd =  0.53 and cv of  1.04 
## Explained Common Variance of the general factor =  0.47 
## The degrees of freedom are -3  and the fit is  0 
## The number of observations was  320  with Chi Square =  0  with prob <  NA
## The root mean square of the residuals is  0 
## The df corrected root mean square of the residuals is  NA
## Compare this with the adequacy of just a general factor and no group factors
## The degrees of freedom for just the general factor are 2  and the fit is  0.88 
## The number of observations was  320  with Chi Square =  277.59  with prob <  5.3e-61
## The root mean square of the residuals is  0.3 
## The df corrected root mean square of the residuals is  0.51 
## RMSEA index =  0.656  and the 10 % confidence intervals are  0.593 0.724
## BIC =  266.05 
## Measures of factor score adequacy             
##                                                  g  F1*   F2*   F3*
## Correlation of scores with factors            0.91 0.94  0.06  0.56
## Multiple R square of scores with factors      0.82 0.89  0.00  0.32
## Minimum correlation of factor score estimates 0.65 0.77 -0.99 -0.36
##  Total, General and Subset omega for each subset
##                                                  g  F1* F2*  F3*
## Omega total for total scores and subscales    0.89 0.90  NA 0.82
## Omega general for total scores and subscales  0.51 0.04  NA 0.82
## Omega group for total scores and subscales    0.37 0.85  NA 0.00

Проверка гипотезы №1

Гипотеза H1. Эко-поведение не однородно - склонность к одному из видов эко-поведения не предопределяет склонность к другому.

Для исследования этой гипотезы прибегнем к методу Smallest Space Analyse (SSA). В рамках данного метода в едином пространстве размещаются признаки объекта на основе некоторой метрики близости. Относительно близкие друг к другу признаки считаются однородными. Для построения пространства будем использовать метрику d=1-r, где r - коэффициент корреляции Спирмена. Двумерная диаграмма рассеяния (рис.) на основе d показывает, что чем более скоррелированы индексы склонности к некоторым видам эко-поведения, тем ближе их метки на диаграмме и, соответственно, данные виды поведения относительно более однородны.

#cmdscale(d, k = 2, eig = FALSE, add = FALSE, x.ret = FALSE) #Multidimensional Scaling

cols <- 56:59

ctrl_emo <- cbind(
  na.omit(emo_data[emo_data$emo==0,cols]), #na.omit

names(ctrl_emo)[1:4] <- sapply(names(ctrl_emo)[1:4],function(x) paste0(x,"c"))
names(ctrl_emo)[5:8] <- sapply(names(ctrl_emo)[5:8],function(x) paste0(x,"e"))


mds_emo <- cmdscale(as.dist(apply(cor(ctrl_emo, method = "spearman"),1:2,function(x) 1-x)), k = 2)

p0<-ggplot()+labs(x="DIM 1", y="DIM 2")+xlim(-1,1)+ylim(-1,1)+theme_bw()+
  geom_text(, aes(x=mds_emo[,1], y=mds_emo[,2], label=rownames(mds_emo), col="Emotional"))+

mds_emo <- cmdscale(as.dist(apply(cor(d, method = "spearman"),1:2,function(x) 1-x)), k = 2)

mds_emo_ctrl <- cmdscale(as.dist(apply(cor(d, method = "spearman"),1:2,function(x) 1-x)), k = 2)

mds_rat <- cmdscale(as.dist(apply(cor(d, method = "spearman"),1:2,function(x) 1-x)), k = 2)

mds_rat_ctrl <- cmdscale(as.dist(apply(cor(d, method = "spearman"),1:2,function(x) 1-x)), k = 2)

p1<-ggplot()+labs(x="DIM 1", y="DIM 2")+xlim(-1,1)+ylim(-1,1)+theme_bw()+
  geom_text(, aes(x=mds_emo[,1], y=mds_emo[,2], label=rownames(mds_emo), col="Emotional"))+
  geom_text(, aes(x=mds_emo_ctrl[,1], y=mds_emo_ctrl[,2], label=rownames(mds_emo_ctrl), col="Control"))+
p2<-ggplot()+labs(x="DIM 1", y="DIM 2")+xlim(-1,1)+ylim(-1,1)+theme_bw()+
  geom_text(, aes(x=mds_rat[,1], y=mds_rat[,2], label=rownames(mds_rat), col="Rational"))+
  geom_text(, aes(x=mds_rat_ctrl[,1], y=mds_rat_ctrl[,2], label=rownames(mds_rat_ctrl), col="Control"))+

p0 <- ggplot()+labs(x=NULL, y=NULL)+xlim(-0.8,0.8)+ylim(-0.8,0.8)+theme_bw()
p1 <- p0 + geom_text(, aes(x=mds_emo[,1], y=mds_emo[,2],
      #labs(title = "Emotional / Control")+
      geom_text(aes(x=0.55, y=0.65,label="Emotional"), fontface = "bold")
p2 <- p0 + geom_text(, aes(x=mds_emo_ctrl[,1], y=mds_emo_ctrl[,2],
      #labs(title = "")
      geom_text(aes(x=0.6, y=0.65,label="Control"), fontface = "bold")
p3 <- p0 + geom_text(, aes(x=mds_rat[,1], y=mds_rat[,2],
      #labs(title = "Rational / Control") 
      geom_text(aes(x=0.6, y=0.65,label="Rational"), fontface = "bold")
p4 <- p0 + geom_text(, aes(x=mds_rat_ctrl[,1], y=mds_rat_ctrl[,2],
      #labs(title = "")
      geom_text(aes(x=0.6, y=0.65,label="Control"), fontface = "bold")
g <- grid.arrange(p2, p1, p4, p3, ncol = 2, nrow = 2)

#g<-arrangeGrob(p2, p1, p4, p3, ncol = 2, nrow = 2)

ggsave('H1.pdf', g)

На графиках можно заметить, что рассматриваемые виды эко-поведения достаточно далеки друг от друга, как в контрольной так и в экспериментальной группах, т.е. неоднородны. Эта неоднородность достаточно устойчива, воздействие стимулов не приводит к радикальным изменениям. Визуально относительно близкими можно было бы признать ресурсосбережение (RSB) и эко-мобильность (EMB) в контрольных группах, но корреляция между ними не высока ~ 0.33.


sem1 <- '
  #measurement model
  RB ~~ ESB
  RB ~~ RSB
  RB ~~ EMB
  ESB ~~ RSB
  ESB ~~ EMB
  RSB ~~ EMB

  #residual correlations
fit_sem1 <- sem(sem1, data = data)#, group = "group")
summary(fit_sem1, standardized=TRUE, rsquare=TRUE, fit.measure=TRUE)
## lavaan 0.6-7 ended normally after 27 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of free parameters                         10
##   Number of observations                           320
## Model Test User Model:
##   Test statistic                                 0.000
##   Degrees of freedom                                 0
## Model Test Baseline Model:
##   Test statistic                                13.083
##   Degrees of freedom                                 6
##   P-value                                        0.042
## User Model versus Baseline Model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    1.000
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       1.000
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)                168.533
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)        168.533
##   Akaike (AIC)                                -317.065
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              -279.382
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)         -311.100
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.000
##   90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.000
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                             NA
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.000
## Warning in parameterEstimates(object, ci = ci, standardized = standardized, :
## lavaan WARNING: rsquare = TRUE, but there are no dependent variables
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                             Standard
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   RB ~~                                                                 
##     ESB               0.002    0.003    0.801    0.423    0.002    0.045
##     RSB              -0.001    0.003   -0.228    0.820   -0.001   -0.013
##     EMB               0.002    0.003    0.761    0.446    0.002    0.043
##   ESB ~~                                                                
##     RSB               0.002    0.002    0.937    0.349    0.002    0.052
##     EMB               0.006    0.003    2.497    0.013    0.006    0.141
##   RSB ~~                                                                
##     EMB               0.005    0.002    2.223    0.026    0.005    0.125
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##     RB                0.058    0.005   12.649    0.000    0.058    1.000
##     ESB               0.041    0.003   12.649    0.000    0.041    1.000
##     RSB               0.037    0.003   12.649    0.000    0.037    1.000
##     EMB               0.048    0.004   12.649    0.000    0.048    1.000
fitMeasures(fit_sem1, c("cfi","rmsea","srmr"))
##   cfi rmsea  srmr 
##     1     0     0
#Specify which of the 3 you want (“regress”, “latent”, “covs”).
lavaanPlot(model = fit_sem1, node_options = list(shape = "box", fontname = 
"Helvetica"), edge_options = list(color = "grey"), digits = 2, coefs = TRUE, covs = TRUE, stand = TRUE, stars = c("covs"))
<script type="application/json" data-for="htmlwidget-07a7e305426d14f80977">{"x":{"diagram":" digraph plot { \n graph [ overlap = true, fontsize = 10 ] \n node [ shape = box, fontname = Helvetica ] \n node [shape = box] \n \n node [shape = oval] \n \n \n edge [ color = grey ] \n ESB -> RB [label = \"0.04\", dir = \"both\"] RSB -> RB [label = \"-0.01\", dir = \"both\"] EMB -> RB [label = \"0.04\", dir = \"both\"] RSB -> ESB [label = \"0.05\", dir = \"both\"] EMB -> ESB [label = \"0.14*\", dir = \"both\"] EMB -> RSB [label = \"0.13*\", dir = \"both\"]\n}","config":{"engine":"dot","options":null}},"evals":[],"jsHooks":[]}</script>
## png 
##   2

Проверка гипотезы №2

Гипотеза H2. Люди обычно переоценивают собственную склонность к эко-поведению и недооценивают склонность окружающих.

Посмотрим в разрезе групп на графики плотности распределения самооцененной склонности (self) к различным видам эко-поведения и оцененной склонности окружающих (other). При построении графиков для наглядности применено сглаживание.

dplot <- function (d, s, o, t){
  plot(density(d[,s], bw = 0.15), type = "l", col = "1", lwd = 1, bty="n", main = "",#main = paste(s,t),
       yaxt="n", ylim=c(0,2.5), xaxt="n") 
  lines(density(d[,o], bw = 0.15), lty = 2, lwd = 1, col = "2")
  #legend("topright",legend = c("self", "other"), 
  #       col = c("1","2"), lwd = c(1,1), 
  #       lty = c(1,2), bty = "n")
 #print(paste0(s," ", o, " ", t)) #print label for wilcox data
 #t.test(d[,s], d[,o], paired = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided") #Критерий Стьюдента
 w<-wilcox.test(d[,s], d[,o], paired = TRUE, alternative = "greater") #Критерий Уилкоксона
 legend("topright",legend = c(s, t, ifelse(w$p.value<0.01,"p < 0.01", "p > 0.1")), bty = "n")
 #w # print wilcox output

cols <- c(56:59,61:64)

par(mfrow = c(4,4), mar=c(1.8,1.1,1.5,1))
#par(mfrow = c(4,4), mar=c(2,2,2,1))

#par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar=c(2,2,2,1))

#par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar=c(2,2,2,1))

## png 
##   2

Пунктирной линией показана оценка окружающих, сплошной - самооценка.

Проверка гипотезы №3

Гипотеза H3. Склонность к тому или иному виду эко-поведения ситуативно подвержена влиянию стимулов, как эмоционального, так и рационального характера.

Для проверки этой гипотезы определим различия между средними значениями индекса склонности в контрольной и исследуемой группах по каждому виду эко-поведения. Рассмотрим различия, как в исходных (unmatched), так и в сбалансированных (matched) выборках (рис.).

По левой шкале показан индекс склонности к соответствующему виду эко-поведения, на графике среднее значение по группам. Показано p-value для одностороннего критерия Манна-Уитни.

getmeans <- function (c) {
    cbind( mean(emo_data[emo_data$emo==0,c], na.rm = T),
          nrow(emo_data[emo_data$emo==0 & ![,c]),]),
          mean(emo_data[emo_data$emo==1,c], na.rm = T),
          nrow(emo_data[emo_data$emo==1 & ![,c]),]),
          with(emo_data, wilcox.test(as.formula(paste(c,"~ emo")), 
                                     paired = F, alternative = "less"))$p.value),
    cbind(mean(rat_data[rat_data$rat==0,c], na.rm = T),
          nrow(rat_data[rat_data$rat==0 & ![,c]),]),
          mean(rat_data[rat_data$rat==1,c], na.rm = T),
          nrow(rat_data[rat_data$rat==1 & ![,c]),]),
          with(rat_data, wilcox.test(as.formula(paste(c,"~ rat")),
                                     paired = F, alternative = "less"))$p.value),
    cbind(mean(emo_all[emo_all$emo==0,c], na.rm = T),
          nrow(emo_all[emo_all$emo==0 & ![,c]),]),
          mean(emo_all[emo_all$emo==1,c], na.rm = T),
          nrow(emo_all[emo_all$emo==1 & ![,c]),]),
          with(emo_all, wilcox.test(as.formula(paste(c,"~ emo")), 
                                     paired = F, alternative = "less"))$p.value),
    cbind(mean(rat_all[rat_all$rat==0,c], na.rm = T),
          nrow(rat_all[rat_all$rat==0 & ![,c]),]),
          mean(rat_all[rat_all$rat==1,c], na.rm = T),
          nrow(rat_all[rat_all$rat==1 & ![,c]),]),
          with(rat_all, wilcox.test(as.formula(paste(c,"~ rat")),
                                     paired = F, alternative = "less"))$p.value)
  d<-cbind(d[,-5],d[,3]-d[,1],d[,5]) #reorder and add diff
  d<-cbind(c("Emotional (matched)","Rational (matched)",
             "Emotional (unmatched)", "Rational (unmatched)"),d)
  names(d) <- c("","Means Control","Obs. Control","Means Treated","Obs. Treated",
                "Means Diff","p-value")
  table <- kable(d, digits = 3, align = 'l', caption = paste('Table:',c,'u-тест Манна-Уитни $H_{0}: \\mu_{C} < \\mu_{T}$'))
  par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar=c(2,2,1.5,1))
  by<-factor(emo_data$emo, labels = c("Control","Emotional"))
  with(emo_data, plotmeans(as.formula(paste(c,"~ by")), main = "",#paste(c,"means, matched groups"), 
                           frame = F, mean.labels = F, connect = T, xlab = "", ylim=c(0.4,0.8)))
  text(cex=1, font=2, x=2.1, y=0.8, xpd=T, adj=0, paste0(c,"\nmatched\np = ",round(d[1,7],3)))

  by<-factor(rat_data$rat, labels = c("Control","Rational"))
  with(rat_data, plotmeans(as.formula(paste(c,"~ by")), main = "",#paste(c,"means, matched groups"), 
                           frame = F, mean.labels = F, connect = T, xlab = "", ylim=c(0.4,0.8)))
  text(cex=1, font=2, x=2.1, y=0.8, xpd=T, adj=0, paste0(c,"\nmatched\np = ",round(d[2,7],3)))
  by<-factor(emo_all$emo, labels = c("Control","Emotional"))
  with(emo_all, plotmeans(as.formula(paste(c,"~ by")), main = "",#paste(c,"means, matched groups"), 
                           frame = F, mean.labels = F, connect = T, xlab = "", ylim=c(0.4,0.8)))
  text(cex=1, font=2, x=2.1, y=0.8, xpd=T, adj=0, paste0(c,"\nunmatched\np = ",round(d[3,7],3)))

  by<-factor(rat_all$rat, labels = c("Control","Rational"))
  with(rat_all, plotmeans(as.formula(paste(c,"~ by")), main = "",#paste(c,"means, matched groups"), 
                           frame = F, mean.labels = F, connect = T, xlab = "", ylim=c(0.4,0.8)))
  text(cex=1, font=2, x=2.1, y=0.8, xpd=T, adj=0, paste0(c,"\nunmatched\np = ",round(d[4,7],3)))
  #with(data, plotmeans(as.formula(paste(c,"~ group")), main = "",#paste(c,"means, unmatched groups"), 
  #                         frame = F, mean.labels = F, connect=F, xlab = "", ylim=c(0.4,0.8)))
  #text(cex=1, font=2, x=2.8, y=0.8, xpd=T, adj=0, paste0(c,"\nunmatched\np = 0.00"))

Table: Table: RB u-тест Манна-Уитни $H_{0}: \mu_{C} &lt; \mu_{T}$

                    Means Control   Obs. Control   Means Treated   Obs. Treated   Means Diff   p-value 

Emotional (matched) 0.544 104 0.636 104 0.092 0.005
Rational (matched) 0.541 91 0.590 91 0.049 0.063
Emotional (unmatched) 0.546 109 0.636 108 0.090 0.007
Rational (unmatched) 0.546 109 0.576 103 0.030 0.162

## png 
##   2

Table: Table: ESB u-тест Манна-Уитни $H_{0}: \mu_{C} &lt; \mu_{T}$

                    Means Control   Obs. Control   Means Treated   Obs. Treated   Means Diff   p-value 

Emotional (matched) 0.572 104 0.628 104 0.056 0.033
Rational (matched) 0.566 91 0.668 91 0.102 0.001
Emotional (unmatched) 0.577 109 0.634 108 0.058 0.027
Rational (unmatched) 0.577 109 0.667 103 0.090 0.002

## png 
##   2

Table: Table: RSB u-тест Манна-Уитни $H_{0}: \mu_{C} &lt; \mu_{T}$

                    Means Control   Obs. Control   Means Treated   Obs. Treated   Means Diff   p-value 

Emotional (matched) 0.493 104 0.498 104 0.005 0.601
Rational (matched) 0.492 91 0.508 91 0.016 0.193
Emotional (unmatched) 0.497 109 0.492 108 -0.005 0.751
Rational (unmatched) 0.497 109 0.499 103 0.002 0.381

## png 
##   2

Table: Table: EMB u-тест Манна-Уитни $H_{0}: \mu_{C} &lt; \mu_{T}$

                    Means Control   Obs. Control   Means Treated   Obs. Treated   Means Diff   p-value 

Emotional (matched) 0.560 104 0.575 104 0.015 0.274
Rational (matched) 0.575 91 0.602 91 0.027 0.271
Emotional (unmatched) 0.564 109 0.577 108 0.013 0.287
Rational (unmatched) 0.564 109 0.612 103 0.047 0.096

## png 
##   2

Гипотеза H3а. Склонность к более затратным видам поведения менее подвержена ситуативному влиянию стимулов (low-cost hypothesis).

Анализ роли отдельных признаков

Для этой цели построим регрессионную модель, учитывающую все интересующие признаки и контрольные переменные. Наша базовая спецификация модели выглядит следующим образом:

$Y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}s + \gamma X + \varepsilon$,

где $Y$ - зависимая переменная, отражающая индивидуалную оценку склонности к тому или иному виду поведения (RB, ESB, RSB, EMB) в зависимости от модели;

$s$ - бинарная независимая переменная пренадлежности к экспериментальной $(s=1)$ или контрольной группе $(s=0)$, отражающая, соответствено, эмоциональный или рациональный стимул в зависимости от модели;

$X$ - вектор контрольных переменных (пол, возраст и др.).

Далее представлены сводные результаты на основе простой линейной регрессии для каждого стимула. Показано, что в рамках склонности к тому или иному виду поведения ситуативные стимулы влияют по разному, детерминируя вклад тех или иных индивидуальных характеристик респондентов.

#Функции агрегации информации о модели
fit.summary <- function (x) { #Сводная информация и базовые тесты для lm + графики
  print(summary(x)) #F-stat p < 0.05 -> good model
  #qqline(x$residuals, col = 2)
  print(shapiro.test(x$residuals)) #p > 0.05 -> normal distrib
  print(bptest(x)) # studentized Breusch-Pagan test if p<0.05 -> heteroskedacity is present
  #coeftest(x) #test significance
  print(coeftest(x, vcov = vcovHC(x, "HC1")))  #robust like in Stata
  print(PseudoR2(x, which = "McFaddenAdj"))

fit.plots <- function (x, v) {
  avPlots(x, as.formula(v), id=F)

fit.bootstrap <- function (x, r, ...) { #бутстрап
  mboot <- Boot(x, R = r, ...) # bootstrap samples--too small to be useful

fit.coeff <- function (x, boot = F, r = 1000) { #вывод коэффициентов + бутстрап
            coeftest(x, vcov = vcovHC(x, "HC1"))[,c(-1,-3)])  #robust like in Stata
  names(df) <- c("Estimate","SE","pvalue","Robust.SE","Robust.pvalue")
  if (boot) {
              fit.bootstrap(x, r)[,c(-1,-2)])
  write.table(df, file = paste0('models\\',deparse(substitute(x)),'_coef.csv'), sep=";", dec=",")

fit.params <- function (x) { #вывод базовых свойств и некоторых тестов
  rname <-deparse(substitute(x))
  s<-summary(x) #F-stat p < 0.05 -> good model
  t<-shapiro.test(x$residuals) #p > 0.05 -> normal distrib
  l<-bptest(x) # studentized Breusch-Pagan test if p<0.05 -> heteroskedacity is present
  f<-PseudoR2(x, which = "McFaddenAdj")
  c<-coeftest(x, vcov = vcovHC(x, "HC1"))  #robust like in Stata
  df<-data.frame(type = as.character(s[["call"]][[1]]),
             src = as.character(s[["call"]][["data"]]),
             group = strsplit(as.character(s[["terms"]][1])," ~ ")[[3]],
             r.squared = ifelse(!is.null(s$r.squared),s$r.squared,NA), 
             adj.r.squared = ifelse(!is.null(s$adj.r.squared),s$adj.r.squared,NA), 
             #adj.r.pseudo = f,
             shapiro.p.value = t$p.value,
             bp.p.value = l$p.value,
             f.p.value = ifelse(!is.null(s[["fstatistic"]]),
                              s[["fstatistic"]][["dendf"]], lower.tail = F), NA))#,
             #aic = ifelse(!is.null(s[["aic"]]),s[["aic"]],NA))
  if (is.null(rname))
      else row.names(df)<-rname
emo_data$month <- factor(emo_data$month)
dummy <- dummyVars( ~ month, data = emo_data)
df<-predict(dummy, newdata=emo_data)

rat_data$month <- factor(rat_data$month)
dummy <- dummyVars( ~ month, data = rat_data)
df<-predict(dummy, newdata=rat_data)
#models  RB

emo_all$month <- factor(emo_all$month)
dummy <- dummyVars( ~ month, data = emo_all)
df<-predict(dummy, newdata=emo_all)

#whole data lm
RB_emo_m0 <- lm(RB ~ emo+sex+income+isworking+log_age+log_city_size+TC+log_time_RB+log_time_TC+
  +month.1 +month.2 +month.3 +month.4 +month.6 +month.7 +month.8 +month.9 +month.10 +month.11+month.12, 
         data = emo_all, na.action=na.exclude)
#matched data lm
RB_emo_m1 <- lm(RB ~ emo+sex+income+isworking+log_age+log_city_size+TC+log_time_RB+log_time_TC+
  +month.1 +month.2 +month.3 +month.4 +month.6 +month.7 +month.8 +month.9 +month.10 +month.11+month.12, 
         data = emo_data, na.action=na.exclude)
#matched data lm no controls
RB_emo_m2 <- lm(RB ~ emo, data = emo_data, na.action=na.exclude)


rat_all$month <- factor(rat_all$month)
dummy <- dummyVars( ~ month, data = rat_all)
df<-predict(dummy, newdata=rat_all)

#whole data lm
RB_rat_m0 <- lm(RB ~ rat+sex+income+isworking+log_age+log_city_size+TC+log_time_RB+log_time_TC+
  +month.1 +month.2 +month.3 +month.4 +month.6 +month.7 +month.8 +month.9 +month.10 +month.11+month.12, 
         data = rat_all, na.action=na.exclude)
#matched data lm
RB_rat_m1 <- lm(RB ~ rat+sex+income+isworking+log_age+log_city_size+TC+log_time_RB+log_time_TC+
  +month.1 +month.2 +month.3 +month.4 +month.6 +month.7 +month.8 +month.9 +month.10 +month.11+month.12, 
         data = rat_data, na.action=na.exclude)
#matched data lm no controls
RB_rat_m2 <- lm(RB ~ rat, data = rat_data, na.action=na.exclude)
#models  ESB

emo_all$month <- factor(emo_all$month)
dummy <- dummyVars( ~ month, data = emo_all)
df<-predict(dummy, newdata=emo_all)

ESB_emo_m0 <- lm(ESB ~ emo+sex+income+isworking+log_age+log_city_size+TC+log_time_ESB+log_time_TC+
  +month.1 +month.2 +month.3 +month.4 +month.6 +month.7 +month.8 +month.9 +month.10 +month.11+month.12, 
         data = emo_all, na.action=na.exclude)
#matched data lm
ESB_emo_m1 <- lm(ESB ~ emo+sex+income+isworking+log_age+log_city_size+TC+log_time_ESB+log_time_TC+
  +month.1 +month.2 +month.3 +month.4 +month.6 +month.7 +month.8 +month.9 +month.10 +month.11+month.12, 
         data = emo_data, na.action=na.exclude)
ESB_emo_m2 <- lm(ESB ~ emo, data = emo_data, na.action=na.exclude)


rat_all$month <- factor(rat_all$month)
dummy <- dummyVars( ~ month, data = rat_all)
df<-predict(dummy, newdata=rat_all)

ESB_rat_m0 <- lm(ESB ~ rat+sex+income+isworking+log_age+log_city_size+TC+log_time_ESB+log_time_TC+
  +month.1 +month.2 +month.3 +month.4 +month.6 +month.7 +month.8 +month.9 +month.10 +month.11+month.12, 
         data = rat_all, na.action=na.exclude)
#matched data lm
ESB_rat_m1 <- lm(ESB ~ rat+sex+income+isworking+log_age+log_city_size+TC+log_time_ESB+log_time_TC+
  +month.1 +month.2 +month.3 +month.4 +month.6 +month.7 +month.8 +month.9 +month.10 +month.11+month.12, 
         data = rat_data, na.action=na.exclude)
ESB_rat_m2 <- lm(ESB ~ rat, data = rat_data, na.action=na.exclude)
#models  RSB

emo_all$month <- factor(emo_all$month)
dummy <- dummyVars( ~ month, data = emo_all)
df<-predict(dummy, newdata=emo_all)

#whole data lm
RSB_emo_m0 <- lm(RSB ~ emo+sex+income+isworking+log_age+log_city_size+TC+log_time_RSB+log_time_TC+
  +month.1 +month.2 +month.3 +month.4 +month.6 +month.7 +month.8 +month.9 +month.10 +month.11+month.12,  
         data = emo_all, na.action=na.exclude)
#matched data lm
RSB_emo_m1 <- lm(RSB ~ emo+sex+income+isworking+log_age+log_city_size+TC+log_time_RSB+log_time_TC+
  +month.1 +month.2 +month.3 +month.4 +month.6 +month.7 +month.8 +month.9 +month.10 +month.11+month.12,  
         data = emo_data, na.action=na.exclude)
RSB_emo_m2 <- lm(RSB ~ emo, data = emo_data, na.action=na.exclude)


rat_all$month <- factor(rat_all$month)
dummy <- dummyVars( ~ month, data = rat_all)
df<-predict(dummy, newdata=rat_all)

#whole data lm
RSB_rat_m0 <- lm(RSB ~ rat+sex+income+isworking+log_age+log_city_size+TC+log_time_RSB+log_time_TC+
  +month.1 +month.2 +month.3 +month.4 +month.6 +month.7 +month.8 +month.9 +month.10 +month.11+month.12,  
         data = rat_all, na.action=na.exclude)
#matched data lm
RSB_rat_m1 <- lm(RSB ~ rat+sex+income+isworking+log_age+log_city_size+TC+log_time_RSB+log_time_TC+
  +month.1 +month.2 +month.3 +month.4 +month.6 +month.7 +month.8 +month.9 +month.10 +month.11+month.12,  
         data = rat_data, na.action=na.exclude)
RSB_rat_m2 <- lm(RSB ~ rat, data = rat_data, na.action=na.exclude)
#models  EMB

emo_all$month <- factor(emo_all$month)
dummy <- dummyVars( ~ month, data = emo_all)
df<-predict(dummy, newdata=emo_all)

#whole data lm
EMB_emo_m0 <- lm(EMB ~ emo+sex+income+isworking+log_age+log_city_size+TC+log_time_EMB+log_time_TC+
  +month.1 +month.2 +month.3 +month.4 +month.6 +month.7 +month.8 +month.9 +month.10 +month.11+month.12,  
         data = emo_all, na.action=na.exclude)
#matched data lm
EMB_emo_m1 <- lm(EMB ~ emo+sex+income+isworking+log_age+log_city_size+TC+log_time_EMB+log_time_TC+
  +month.1 +month.2 +month.3 +month.4 +month.6 +month.7 +month.8 +month.9 +month.10 +month.11+month.12,  
         data = emo_data, na.action=na.exclude)
EMB_emo_m2 <- lm(EMB ~ emo, data = emo_data, na.action=na.exclude)


rat_all$month <- factor(rat_all$month)
dummy <- dummyVars( ~ month, data = rat_all)
df<-predict(dummy, newdata=rat_all)

#whole data lm
EMB_rat_m0 <- lm(EMB ~ rat+sex+income+isworking+log_age+log_city_size+TC+log_time_EMB+log_time_TC+
  +month.1 +month.2 +month.3 +month.4 +month.6 +month.7 +month.8 +month.9 +month.10 +month.11+month.12,  
         data = rat_all, na.action=na.exclude)
#matched data lm
EMB_rat_m1 <- lm(EMB ~ rat+sex+income+isworking+log_age+log_city_size+TC+log_time_EMB+log_time_TC+
  +month.1 +month.2 +month.3 +month.4 +month.6 +month.7 +month.8 +month.9 +month.10 +month.11+month.12,  
         data = rat_data, na.action=na.exclude)
EMB_rat_m2 <- lm(EMB ~ rat, data = rat_data, na.action=na.exclude)


fit.coeff(RB_emo_m0, boot = T)
##                   Estimate         SE      pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept)    0.497066325 0.53235206 0.351641080 0.52051547  3.408227e-01
## emo            0.087720637 0.03344211 0.009425562 0.03380393  1.020176e-02
## sex           -0.030540502 0.03764273 0.418199374 0.03886556  4.329695e-01
## income        -0.047704007 0.01749416 0.006996065 0.01811843  9.166349e-03
## isworking      0.056256932 0.04500055 0.212794564 0.04395180  2.021249e-01
## log_age       -0.130356818 0.15504974 0.401554912 0.17530814  4.580499e-01
## log_city_size  0.057135414 0.02836163 0.045371086 0.02991349  5.764461e-02
## TC             0.145799949 0.05636090 0.010435670 0.06497692  2.600077e-02
## log_time_RB   -0.034335467 0.06094702 0.573853558 0.05306985  5.184258e-01
## log_time_TC    0.018898193 0.06174084 0.759873789 0.07324354  7.966733e-01
## month.1       -0.071052053 0.24025201 0.767753556 0.06074702  2.436194e-01
## month.2       -0.442218381 0.33333909 0.186231056 0.04649958  9.002827e-18
## month.3       -0.057031836 0.24027423 0.812633502 0.05349139  2.876991e-01
## month.4        0.006694217 0.27620825 0.980689834 0.12060463  9.557944e-01
## month.6        0.066139582 0.24609585 0.788411076 0.07756373  3.948979e-01
## month.7        0.072251596 0.24318865 0.766715664 0.05704280  2.068496e-01
## month.8        0.064632949 0.24541419 0.792557918 0.05757866  2.630672e-01
## month.9       -0.195945786 0.24256555 0.420218081 0.06888420  4.937232e-03
## month.10      -0.069062236 0.24120226 0.774942824 0.06164763  2.640186e-01
## month.11      -0.172426750 0.26316328 0.513130368 0.13139271  1.910102e-01
##                    bootBias     bootSE       bootMed       2.5 %      97.5 %
## (Intercept)    3.649447e-02 0.55625162  0.5539807969 -0.77128407  1.51989147
## emo           -1.492403e-03 0.03470395  0.0860343411  0.01934960  0.15580525
## sex            6.778089e-03 0.03953841 -0.0272704899 -0.10231230  0.05139121
## income        -2.958719e-05 0.01820281 -0.0472241679 -0.08612921 -0.01623385
## isworking     -5.014627e-03 0.04593885  0.0527850472 -0.04160157  0.14186982
## log_age       -6.739320e-04 0.17529107 -0.1311960757 -0.45774399  0.20964896
## log_city_size -1.111876e-03 0.03068682  0.0576587709 -0.00387525  0.11301691
## TC             2.047331e-03 0.06515511  0.1485368890  0.02151457  0.28042922
## log_time_RB    3.691607e-03 0.06128512 -0.0329864994 -0.14196831  0.10821435
## log_time_TC   -9.018098e-03 0.07945436  0.0094334605 -0.12213583  0.18816408
## month.1       -5.396975e-03 0.06407719 -0.0752897865 -0.19519057  0.05617239
## month.2        3.653397e-03 0.04941133 -0.4363613648 -0.56225289 -0.35846411
## month.3       -5.041641e-03 0.05736288 -0.0653905153 -0.15541074  0.07234285
## month.4       -1.109464e-02 0.13983100  0.0003680697 -0.29742443  0.26878923
## month.6       -2.303735e-05 0.07804256  0.0672952512 -0.09459953  0.21758199
## month.7       -4.134783e-03 0.06408520  0.0677928094 -0.05828051  0.20177854
## month.8       -2.570478e-03 0.05820089  0.0625191057 -0.05491502  0.19041337
## month.9       -8.394356e-03 0.07200573 -0.2049685632 -0.32641513 -0.01556124
## month.10      -4.499996e-03 0.06405231 -0.0756305424 -0.19330655  0.05826317
## month.11       2.913518e-03 0.14418348 -0.1725443754 -0.43367504  0.15506633
fit.plots(RB_emo_m0, "~ emo")

fit.coeff(RB_rat_m0, boot = T)
##                   Estimate         SE     pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept)    0.569886142 0.58771407 0.33354385 0.48880453   0.245241540
## rat            0.038742024 0.03698480 0.29629989 0.03656070   0.290750034
## sex           -0.076339826 0.04090638 0.06367597 0.04343728   0.080575904
## income        -0.046783587 0.01929257 0.01632118 0.01930354   0.016381205
## isworking      0.055989642 0.04775468 0.24260376 0.04361001   0.200874558
## log_age        0.012342330 0.16400196 0.94009554 0.17815035   0.944845064
## log_city_size  0.058198942 0.03136318 0.06517633 0.02976111   0.052103048
## TC             0.099564836 0.05855969 0.09085439 0.06334315   0.117785339
## log_time_RB   -0.079882964 0.06664674 0.23229383 0.06071333   0.189972540
## log_time_TC    0.036107417 0.07202574 0.61677753 0.07758459   0.642224561
## month.1       -0.155667093 0.25854596 0.54789126 0.05788132   0.007846153
## month.2       -0.008103131 0.36222571 0.98217784 0.06477385   0.900588111
## month.3       -0.105748097 0.25847202 0.68294329 0.06466033   0.103744002
## month.4       -0.011027701 0.29440153 0.97016226 0.07598934   0.884780860
## month.6       -0.103181232 0.26447953 0.69691263 0.09262108   0.266791979
## month.7       -0.111854156 0.26431142 0.67267273 0.08317184   0.180402180
## month.8       -0.215498611 0.27016553 0.42614617 0.08894763   0.016416878
## month.9       -0.268979140 0.26401166 0.30968906 0.09218418   0.003984621
## month.10      -0.125659964 0.25811846 0.62698411 0.06066993   0.039798607
## month.11      -0.191560044 0.27196478 0.48214200 0.09122674   0.037170051
##                    bootBias     bootSE      bootMed       2.5 %       97.5 %
## (Intercept)    0.0248026950 0.54456789  0.573187004 -0.40399357  1.788659815
## rat           -0.0024271220 0.03747732  0.039084751 -0.04617172  0.105459253
## sex           -0.0005282826 0.04504543 -0.078557340 -0.16816856  0.009487591
## income        -0.0002996443 0.01973050 -0.047013180 -0.08634268 -0.007655166
## isworking      0.0034123835 0.04640053  0.063948279 -0.04015638  0.134993008
## log_age        0.0053070717 0.18295429  0.024111088 -0.40429911  0.352347279
## log_city_size -0.0035502366 0.03183898  0.053798856 -0.00183382  0.124765341
## TC            -0.0025788777 0.06142340  0.099706226 -0.03153885  0.220990835
## log_time_RB    0.0068447985 0.06840767 -0.069890863 -0.26227418  0.038517049
## log_time_TC   -0.0088835680 0.08024840  0.033438737 -0.14008804  0.183772564
## month.1       -0.0029893799 0.05868805 -0.157567839 -0.25582530 -0.034022269
## month.2        0.0061015087 0.06923279 -0.004205301 -0.13966333  0.130727564
## month.3        0.0004154134 0.06532554 -0.105752016 -0.22976185  0.025888142
## month.4       -0.0005319742 0.09047037 -0.021174670 -0.14601174  0.264602937
## month.6        0.0052240083 0.09918443 -0.101454239 -0.33365641  0.076492331
## month.7       -0.0069283551 0.08367696 -0.112858464 -0.28951046  0.035671942
## month.8        0.0020774703 0.09108302 -0.210211052 -0.40529946 -0.047746296
## month.9       -0.0108367553 0.10307213 -0.279367010 -0.46363007 -0.070866688
## month.10      -0.0032239630 0.06043017 -0.124640970 -0.24747715 -0.020787096
## month.11      -0.0041916547 0.10478750 -0.191092700 -0.40820475  0.018962726
fit.plots(RB_rat_m0, "~ rat")

fit.coeff(RB_emo_m1, boot = T)
##                   Estimate         SE      pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept)    0.504698239 0.53115241 0.343233212 0.51920212  3.322672e-01
## emo            0.084509365 0.03344720 0.012340125 0.03392347  1.359831e-02
## sex           -0.034999835 0.03769672 0.354360407 0.03882735  3.685173e-01
## income        -0.043630768 0.01770537 0.014627664 0.01817259  1.732916e-02
## isworking      0.053558733 0.04493988 0.234847348 0.04397497  2.247743e-01
## log_age       -0.139531910 0.15483683 0.368659142 0.17593214  4.287189e-01
## log_city_size  0.056385396 0.02830146 0.047783645 0.02979476  5.996643e-02
## TC             0.148106098 0.05625601 0.009174917 0.06479549  2.338466e-02
## log_time_RB   -0.029466640 0.06091017 0.629110613 0.05290047  5.781761e-01
## log_time_TC    0.014974102 0.06166493 0.808401728 0.07325667  8.382574e-01
## month.1       -0.073783401 0.23970571 0.758568965 0.06049398  2.241135e-01
## month.2       -0.442080124 0.33256963 0.185364497 0.04656842  1.040924e-17
## month.3       -0.051425377 0.23975453 0.830396048 0.05360888  3.386549e-01
## month.4        0.002255376 0.27558971 0.993479010 0.12346416  9.854449e-01
## month.6        0.062733746 0.24554035 0.798621958 0.07740710  4.187125e-01
## month.7        0.068387871 0.24264368 0.778372485 0.05715794  2.330192e-01
## month.8        0.062509351 0.24485258 0.798775250 0.05763761  2.795215e-01
## month.9       -0.196481607 0.24200593 0.417882919 0.06877107  4.757771e-03
## month.10      -0.070359605 0.24064733 0.770321253 0.06172385  2.557742e-01
## month.11      -0.173311537 0.26255659 0.510002616 0.13175943  1.899897e-01
##                    bootBias     bootSE     bootMed        2.5 %       97.5 %
## (Intercept)    0.0008136587 0.54921507  0.49673932 -0.544842913  1.597943816
## emo           -0.0020470621 0.03667278  0.08021199  0.016328021  0.169342461
## sex            0.0039061579 0.03899332 -0.03443692 -0.107665229  0.040563826
## income         0.0002095497 0.01819404 -0.04307878 -0.078909071 -0.006452717
## isworking     -0.0038443071 0.04502153  0.05182808 -0.040310798  0.136724540
## log_age        0.0144656205 0.17306392 -0.12220992 -0.509670880  0.174338928
## log_city_size -0.0005853347 0.03100371  0.05626824 -0.004097303  0.114382555
## TC             0.0044328378 0.06121475  0.15746871 -0.009999976  0.242646378
## log_time_RB    0.0049288881 0.05777382 -0.02538247 -0.144280833  0.089151832
## log_time_TC   -0.0089642832 0.07923968  0.01656477 -0.160849640  0.139770086
## month.1       -0.0007257869 0.05712054 -0.07434811 -0.188445824  0.039707059
## month.2        0.0050456164 0.04768491 -0.43857805 -0.526820872 -0.351914474
## month.3       -0.0037289347 0.05082529 -0.05212212 -0.156857016  0.041845481
## month.4       -0.0062536978 0.14597766 -0.01110641 -0.252947819  0.317406399
## month.6        0.0047547046 0.08047900  0.07042881 -0.119429794  0.190857491
## month.7       -0.0051951969 0.05910282  0.06505835 -0.049287245  0.197010535
## month.8       -0.0023999286 0.05951984  0.05645713 -0.051851533  0.186015478
## month.9       -0.0002448515 0.07201880 -0.20075912 -0.327355671 -0.036948562
## month.10       0.0003524571 0.06011898 -0.06692520 -0.210708943  0.040081050
## month.11       0.0036826505 0.15007253 -0.17142592 -0.441346779  0.146668896
fit.plots(RB_emo_m1, "~ emo")

fit.coeff(RB_rat_m1, boot = T)
##                  Estimate         SE     pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept)    0.76817640 0.60524132 0.20618773 0.51467739   0.137502648
## rat            0.03958633 0.03806259 0.29987459 0.03816201   0.301131236
## sex           -0.06567463 0.04194895 0.11939723 0.04415858   0.138893894
## income        -0.03915399 0.02189257 0.07557061 0.02136898   0.068745612
## isworking      0.05593282 0.05049239 0.26961286 0.04672421   0.233022424
## log_age       -0.05970395 0.17179635 0.72864621 0.17933991   0.739633083
## log_city_size  0.05374509 0.03341016 0.10964099 0.03263627   0.101539643
## TC             0.09129415 0.06023920 0.13158771 0.06681884   0.173740322
## log_time_RB   -0.08289121 0.06796808 0.22440402 0.06330757   0.192272822
## log_time_TC    0.02142333 0.07662130 0.78014098 0.08428547   0.799682085
## month.1       -0.16256718 0.25917923 0.53138598 0.05933470   0.006836502
## month.2       -0.01658501 0.36274436 0.96358898 0.06642950   0.803163961
## month.3       -0.11351959 0.25919207 0.66198797 0.06721597   0.093166593
## month.4       -0.01113649 0.29460321 0.96989237 0.07755930   0.886005274
## month.6       -0.09931323 0.26502547 0.70835072 0.09594496   0.302161981
## month.7       -0.11837668 0.26550452 0.65629686 0.08729717   0.176980007
## month.8       -0.22339018 0.27037290 0.40988887 0.09036838   0.014469830
## month.9       -0.26933018 0.26571048 0.31227431 0.10078230   0.008301272
## month.10      -0.10979693 0.25844407 0.67151829 0.05877907   0.063573806
## month.11      -0.18596921 0.27241639 0.49579340 0.09153909   0.043830137
##                    bootBias     bootSE     bootMed        2.5 %      97.5 %
## (Intercept)    3.024398e-02 0.53033528  0.77911156 -0.255242313  1.75110218
## rat           -1.960154e-03 0.03606270  0.03860716 -0.031376043  0.10810851
## sex            5.470743e-03 0.04550204 -0.06043757 -0.172997869  0.01277135
## income        -2.045642e-03 0.02227768 -0.04127930 -0.079257025  0.01198778
## isworking      3.006444e-03 0.04909686  0.05966057 -0.063342034  0.14755527
## log_age        1.372648e-02 0.17261856 -0.05218481 -0.381240354  0.29408061
## log_city_size -5.141236e-03 0.03204407  0.05026570 -0.004020441  0.12281718
## TC             6.562242e-03 0.06732662  0.10096161 -0.073571361  0.20775122
## log_time_RB    6.129427e-05 0.07173980 -0.08361709 -0.228562508  0.05291870
## log_time_TC   -4.064432e-03 0.08600482  0.01498128 -0.141440605  0.18132024
## month.1       -2.809836e-03 0.06129911 -0.16757128 -0.273470755 -0.02462674
## month.2        1.665508e-03 0.06853420 -0.01869660 -0.143378973  0.11695446
## month.3       -2.563859e-03 0.07041575 -0.11682848 -0.243572705  0.02212843
## month.4       -8.261670e-04 0.08827482 -0.01788576 -0.154496538  0.22941782
## month.6        1.799732e-05 0.10420415 -0.10004156 -0.297932126  0.10194883
## month.7       -3.985268e-03 0.08370164 -0.12162708 -0.278550111  0.05565766
## month.8        5.415984e-03 0.09541371 -0.21310769 -0.422217667 -0.05623821
## month.9       -5.692161e-03 0.10595158 -0.27185950 -0.485681586 -0.06144654
## month.10      -3.457850e-03 0.06479684 -0.11353680 -0.228087496  0.02187533
## month.11      -4.224199e-03 0.10775918 -0.19192213 -0.374751562  0.05779791
fit.plots(RB_rat_m1, "~ rat")

fit.coeff(RB_emo_m2, boot = T)
##               Estimate         SE       pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept) 0.54375000 0.02370311 1.213711e-58 0.02655443  1.450389e-51
## emo         0.09182692 0.03352126 6.695645e-03 0.03352126  6.695645e-03
##                  bootBias     bootSE   bootMed      2.5 %    97.5 %
## (Intercept) -0.0004480696 0.02673077 0.5441175 0.48958098 0.5949260
## emo          0.0011145043 0.03428475 0.0940604 0.01987816 0.1557074
fit.plots(RB_emo_m2, "~ emo")

## hat values (leverages) are all = 0.009615385
##  and there are no factor predictors; no plot no. 5

fit.coeff(RB_rat_m2, boot = T)
##              Estimate         SE       pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept) 0.5406593 0.02619797 2.555018e-49 0.02808404  1.433468e-45
## rat         0.0489011 0.03704952 1.885496e-01 0.03704952  1.885496e-01
##                  bootBias     bootSE    bootMed       2.5 %    97.5 %
## (Intercept)  8.115758e-04 0.02808542 0.54070004  0.48577714 0.5964788
## rat         -2.422702e-05 0.03611234 0.04811704 -0.01932489 0.1198964
fit.plots(RB_rat_m2, "~ rat")

## hat values (leverages) are all = 0.01098901
##  and there are no factor predictors; no plot no. 5

fit.coeff(ESB_emo_m0, boot = T)
##                  Estimate         SE     pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept)    0.29697563 0.47737313 0.53462338 0.51459486  5.645548e-01
## emo            0.06861565 0.03056519 0.02593381 0.03101581  2.814524e-02
## sex           -0.02162330 0.03404759 0.52613741 0.03581899  5.467784e-01
## income         0.01266986 0.01586614 0.42555528 0.01612736  4.330783e-01
## isworking     -0.03600956 0.04088207 0.37953638 0.03829159  3.482107e-01
## log_age        0.08969994 0.14330903 0.53212278 0.12459022  4.724392e-01
## log_city_size -0.03925533 0.02568794 0.12814413 0.02796928  1.621039e-01
## TC             0.09328203 0.05103309 0.06914526 0.05610761  9.805894e-02
## log_time_ESB  -0.05568663 0.06373407 0.38337189 0.07491348  4.581953e-01
## log_time_TC    0.08727121 0.05676336 0.12585394 0.05187949  9.418322e-02
## month.1        0.22350440 0.21755633 0.30557321 0.04752092  4.929491e-06
## month.2        0.30705357 0.30188458 0.31039547 0.03751318  3.938637e-14
## month.3        0.22941792 0.21749350 0.29285122 0.04803764  3.580576e-06
## month.4        0.22004158 0.24999436 0.37987628 0.15235218  1.503115e-01
## month.6        0.15486328 0.22257053 0.48741242 0.05675361  6.958617e-03
## month.7        0.12294302 0.22010091 0.57711250 0.06159631  4.737545e-02
## month.8        0.12162158 0.22224949 0.58486634 0.07440392  1.037948e-01
## month.9        0.12650122 0.21920490 0.56456461 0.05996501  3.621062e-02
## month.10       0.19478225 0.21842801 0.37366309 0.05447695  4.438595e-04
## month.11       0.01335538 0.23911408 0.95551745 0.11737456  9.095296e-01
##                    bootBias     bootSE     bootMed        2.5 %     97.5 %
## (Intercept)    0.1031941910 0.52700513  0.38181349 -0.791284943 1.30012017
## emo            0.0041363575 0.03195694  0.07262604  0.001713258 0.12694462
## sex            0.0015689823 0.03612187 -0.02334842 -0.085936418 0.05188540
## income         0.0007373683 0.01573914  0.01352331 -0.021737247 0.04315791
## isworking     -0.0013833394 0.03870627 -0.03766256 -0.115402196 0.03534106
## log_age       -0.0147369299 0.12901638  0.07690115 -0.137219618 0.33813860
## log_city_size -0.0025002416 0.02953014 -0.04043778 -0.095504031 0.01500056
## TC            -0.0021669773 0.05208511  0.08790783  0.011743851 0.20502793
## log_time_ESB  -0.0088139539 0.07529924 -0.06680127 -0.186298184 0.11134759
## log_time_TC   -0.0050408011 0.05668716  0.08306569 -0.019686600 0.20987733
## month.1       -0.0044593877 0.04710552  0.22062625  0.120166360 0.31924248
## month.2        0.0011112924 0.03997141  0.31039440  0.225126451 0.38375217
## month.3       -0.0007743204 0.04503061  0.22736022  0.138910082 0.33003898
## month.4       -0.0072810413 0.17456777  0.22321047 -0.172061689 0.50511043
## month.6        0.0014212831 0.05866949  0.16141039  0.022314652 0.24941665
## month.7       -0.0032787322 0.06319777  0.11806124  0.005680676 0.25858958
## month.8       -0.0087977286 0.07342721  0.11017378 -0.006983540 0.28156838
## month.9       -0.0051072222 0.06107283  0.12276577  0.010036887 0.25776083
## month.10      -0.0026637947 0.05410815  0.18931488  0.095500699 0.32377149
## month.11       0.0057488855 0.14300114  0.01096669 -0.268558444 0.27949240
fit.plots(ESB_emo_m0, "~ emo")

fit.coeff(ESB_rat_m0, boot = T)
##                    Estimate         SE       pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept)   -0.4101183164 0.48609113 0.3999786103 0.52253526  4.335894e-01
## rat            0.0990273611 0.03113444 0.0017369595 0.03023618  1.271875e-03
## sex           -0.0208408080 0.03431659 0.5444279085 0.03592118  5.625342e-01
## income         0.0074928449 0.01616186 0.6434980550 0.01806846  6.788724e-01
## isworking     -0.0163988544 0.04028419 0.6844445177 0.03582144  6.476648e-01
## log_age       -0.0756721472 0.13803438 0.5842407834 0.12972132  5.604086e-01
## log_city_size -0.0009416787 0.02648941 0.9716820610 0.02906537  9.741908e-01
## TC             0.0889930051 0.04873029 0.0695091405 0.05051256  7.983937e-02
## log_time_ESB   0.0654885180 0.05577246 0.2418977225 0.06013172  2.776057e-01
## log_time_TC    0.0030018075 0.06346485 0.9623287593 0.06558948  9.635482e-01
## month.1        0.6932670842 0.21945023 0.0018629858 0.06228358  3.971356e-22
## month.2        0.7799689978 0.30460897 0.0112900619 0.06884183  1.069092e-22
## month.3        0.7196494579 0.21876194 0.0012116679 0.05967855  8.537620e-25
## month.4        0.7427661488 0.24868974 0.0032221651 0.17423290  3.282633e-05
## month.6        0.7832477064 0.22394840 0.0005947211 0.07385469  1.245744e-20
## month.7        0.7262880629 0.22393265 0.0014135788 0.07640387  1.486607e-17
## month.8        0.6760050584 0.22887694 0.0035705724 0.09611488  4.299446e-11
## month.9        0.7013532195 0.22311343 0.0019597031 0.06904782  2.283800e-19
## month.10       0.6859756563 0.21829308 0.0019662399 0.06091588  1.683765e-22
## month.11       0.5655021357 0.22972005 0.0147915666 0.06427749  1.260628e-15
##                   bootBias     bootSE       bootMed        2.5 %     97.5 %
## (Intercept)    0.045372610 0.50441373 -0.3701238099 -1.343628227 0.61313332
## rat            0.002425763 0.02858378  0.1019982729  0.038567256 0.15157501
## sex           -0.002889340 0.03474631 -0.0249605220 -0.074842176 0.05687480
## income         0.001399341 0.01827486  0.0085778217 -0.029123824 0.03965059
## isworking     -0.001916675 0.03557204 -0.0208531430 -0.081085628 0.05580827
## log_age       -0.021124144 0.13236264 -0.0941404343 -0.333734083 0.16836670
## log_city_size  0.001578902 0.02821602  0.0002664029 -0.054109933 0.05308418
## TC            -0.004551114 0.04902409  0.0830344507 -0.001779735 0.18706107
## log_time_ESB   0.004103792 0.06173672  0.0705378802 -0.066761982 0.17798500
## log_time_TC   -0.010812842 0.06625355 -0.0083628275 -0.111869316 0.14589621
## month.1        0.003557648 0.06292332  0.6949013773  0.580947007 0.81169141
## month.2        0.002089186 0.07028923  0.7788801911  0.640359821 0.93369901
## month.3        0.008205962 0.05948804  0.7312103368  0.587050766 0.82465404
## month.4        0.009956444 0.19687654  0.7727244183  0.297815018 1.01994962
## month.6        0.008550703 0.07335051  0.7968221381  0.614027361 0.89621972
## month.7        0.008856022 0.07201578  0.7317994414  0.585496341 0.87586757
## month.8        0.004183623 0.10106101  0.6788782733  0.475249165 0.89075793
## month.9        0.004002611 0.06908258  0.7002307044  0.573784900 0.86047321
## month.10       0.004256125 0.06401305  0.6893116184  0.556845755 0.80752818
## month.11       0.005696393 0.07163804  0.5718257301  0.409181585 0.69696949
fit.plots(ESB_rat_m0, "~ rat")

fit.coeff(ESB_emo_m1, boot = T)
##                  Estimate         SE     pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept)    0.28767622 0.47834527 0.54829895 0.51531123  5.773330e-01
## emo            0.07006561 0.03069740 0.02358174 0.03116209  2.571003e-02
## sex           -0.01981310 0.03421883 0.56327456 0.03604224  5.831647e-01
## income         0.01096761 0.01611333 0.49692767 0.01653537  5.079627e-01
## isworking     -0.03480965 0.04098945 0.39683093 0.03832226  3.648614e-01
## log_age        0.09320964 0.14363953 0.51718619 0.12477141  4.559708e-01
## log_city_size -0.03888366 0.02573489 0.13248492 0.02795817  1.659361e-01
## TC             0.09217346 0.05114279 0.07310374 0.05613723  1.022760e-01
## log_time_ESB  -0.05633942 0.06384242 0.37864629 0.07500266  4.534922e-01
## log_time_TC    0.08871033 0.05689726 0.12064698 0.05182725  8.860955e-02
## month.1        0.22503729 0.21791145 0.30307068 0.04762514  4.492286e-06
## month.2        0.30657563 0.30235993 0.31191326 0.03750556  4.307113e-14
## month.3        0.22745627 0.21785698 0.29779718 0.04813069  4.479928e-06
## month.4        0.22239632 0.25041441 0.37561475 0.15233239  1.459753e-01
## month.6        0.15682479 0.22294149 0.48265512 0.05681041  6.343071e-03
## month.7        0.12499467 0.22047024 0.57142731 0.06156214  4.372649e-02
## month.8        0.12284468 0.22260701 0.58170958 0.07462719  1.014115e-01
## month.9        0.12734812 0.21955339 0.56258715 0.06000578  3.512472e-02
## month.10       0.19565849 0.21877558 0.37228659 0.05451482  4.232835e-04
## month.11       0.01380546 0.23949089 0.95409261 0.11747122  9.065718e-01
##                    bootBias     bootSE      bootMed        2.5 %     97.5 %
## (Intercept)    5.924815e-02 0.54200531  0.291388257 -0.782095830 1.40749729
## emo            4.658696e-03 0.03036373  0.073483459  0.012987898 0.12481564
## sex           -2.079631e-03 0.03602321 -0.021365086 -0.089481549 0.05558904
## income         7.896936e-04 0.01709899  0.010723404 -0.020633709 0.04640666
## isworking     -4.612378e-04 0.04224013 -0.033588135 -0.120002733 0.04610167
## log_age       -1.280756e-02 0.13031922  0.082110442 -0.140175909 0.37065964
## log_city_size -4.130468e-03 0.03017699 -0.042774067 -0.093681778 0.02097547
## TC             1.729800e-03 0.05442796  0.094327971 -0.025583147 0.19063835
## log_time_ESB   2.188224e-03 0.07566576 -0.051872158 -0.233105898 0.08483804
## log_time_TC   -6.617782e-03 0.05978908  0.085101210 -0.032322456 0.19960903
## month.1        2.860424e-05 0.04716340  0.227234684  0.124771479 0.31276125
## month.2        2.711531e-04 0.03929598  0.306712080  0.230228604 0.38292709
## month.3       -8.524775e-04 0.04815344  0.230658873  0.127244992 0.31837564
## month.4       -5.646091e-03 0.17509115  0.218272885 -0.163980969 0.50832682
## month.6       -1.044294e-03 0.06587655  0.156836840  0.007431757 0.28006017
## month.7       -1.901749e-03 0.06476391  0.125132213 -0.007835457 0.24543931
## month.8       -1.321211e-03 0.07806367  0.116678855 -0.018338222 0.31062720
## month.9        1.200610e-03 0.06042939  0.131399295  0.003632139 0.22779976
## month.10      -5.010571e-03 0.05660877  0.189811432  0.091220366 0.31791665
## month.11      -5.980675e-03 0.13827139  0.005971785 -0.242447926 0.31081887
fit.plots(ESB_emo_m1, "~ emo")

fit.coeff(ESB_rat_m1, boot = T)
##                   Estimate         SE       pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept)   -0.261465641 0.49423364 0.5975070548 0.56014117  6.412807e-01
## rat            0.109662608 0.03136867 0.0006096211 0.03077678  4.815646e-04
## sex           -0.026203880 0.03436359 0.4468420530 0.03683040  4.778136e-01
## income         0.019229049 0.01793661 0.2852892628 0.01992479  3.359425e-01
## isworking     -0.030327042 0.04158940 0.4669315228 0.03719480  4.160652e-01
## log_age       -0.137439251 0.14079238 0.3304288046 0.13942490  3.257217e-01
## log_city_size  0.008678853 0.02748207 0.7525603319 0.02942611  7.684195e-01
## TC             0.060468081 0.04891027 0.2181341577 0.05092885  2.368453e-01
## log_time_ESB   0.026337931 0.05817954 0.6513697682 0.06498715  6.858071e-01
## log_time_TC    0.020637621 0.06717795 0.7590794049 0.06977173  7.677710e-01
## month.1        0.674686038 0.21499077 0.0020199782 0.06576046  2.418755e-19
## month.2        0.760757469 0.29798807 0.0116040796 0.07041669  7.837168e-21
## month.3        0.702330635 0.21433063 0.0012842440 0.06086362  7.285729e-23
## month.4        0.735968185 0.24301614 0.0028609900 0.17171385  3.112496e-05
## month.6        0.777748404 0.21910491 0.0005050444 0.07686757  5.879750e-19
## month.7        0.744245037 0.21922968 0.0008636487 0.06935634  1.243215e-20
## month.8        0.653711206 0.22376253 0.0039817436 0.09792462  3.729228e-10
## month.9        0.679554433 0.21961226 0.0023241546 0.06842889  1.893375e-18
## month.10       0.670413831 0.21350553 0.0020081876 0.06470818  1.283885e-19
## month.11       0.560689528 0.22456748 0.0135332096 0.06163305  3.234111e-16
##                   bootBias     bootSE      bootMed       2.5 %     97.5 %
## (Intercept)    0.118124123 0.54995161 -0.115466756 -1.34109717 0.68370920
## rat            0.003914520 0.03160971  0.114125036  0.03675127 0.16240657
## sex            0.001528525 0.03873513 -0.024161339 -0.10489364 0.04655950
## income        -0.001704485 0.02074938  0.017625053 -0.02061245 0.05974936
## isworking      0.003083471 0.04019221 -0.027389459 -0.11434078 0.04005457
## log_age       -0.025726737 0.14849034 -0.174593495 -0.37679948 0.24721165
## log_city_size -0.001256876 0.03282016  0.008632136 -0.06273221 0.07535930
## TC            -0.007711389 0.05150303  0.051683992 -0.02993568 0.18331783
## log_time_ESB  -0.002023577 0.06431603  0.028228845 -0.11667325 0.14412939
## log_time_TC   -0.011856380 0.07005557  0.010066577 -0.10083169 0.17715004
## month.1       -0.006768419 0.06549346  0.668615127  0.54795571 0.82944781
## month.2       -0.008586870 0.07951863  0.753284025  0.60441723 0.92370134
## month.3       -0.002545620 0.06525728  0.701496378  0.57787708 0.83844620
## month.4       -0.005089333 0.18791156  0.733864353  0.34294793 1.03171185
## month.6       -0.004158030 0.08195586  0.777057452  0.59349581 0.92801060
## month.7        0.002929773 0.07048542  0.745595401  0.61677366 0.88833740
## month.8       -0.007049286 0.10514936  0.648349434  0.47207525 0.87125783
## month.9       -0.005258615 0.06817752  0.672198330  0.54640249 0.83134725
## month.10      -0.007052514 0.06441708  0.665106414  0.54857189 0.80659097
## month.11      -0.002189000 0.06891701  0.557006149  0.43912461 0.71143717
fit.plots(ESB_rat_m1, "~ rat")

fit.coeff(ESB_emo_m2, boot = T)
##              Estimate         SE       pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept) 0.5716346 0.02093318 2.185229e-70 0.02310564  1.311251e-63
## emo         0.0562500 0.02960399 5.881904e-02 0.02960399  5.881904e-02
##                 bootBias     bootSE   bootMed        2.5 %    97.5 %
## (Intercept) -0.001199995 0.02259470 0.5706545  0.528224407 0.6173243
## emo          0.001385872 0.02952333 0.0572667 -0.001998598 0.1136650
fit.plots(ESB_emo_m2, "~ emo")

## hat values (leverages) are all = 0.009615385
##  and there are no factor predictors; no plot no. 5

fit.coeff(ESB_rat_m2, boot = T)
##              Estimate         SE       pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept) 0.5659341 0.02165506 3.613932e-63 0.02408115  9.694983e-57
## rat         0.1016484 0.03062488 1.092872e-03 0.03062488  1.092872e-03
##                  bootBias     bootSE   bootMed      2.5 %    97.5 %
## (Intercept) -0.0004687915 0.02410911 0.5661977 0.51485518 0.6103261
## rat          0.0008355673 0.03101501 0.1029111 0.03572546 0.1601923
fit.plots(ESB_rat_m2, "~ rat")

## hat values (leverages) are all = 0.01098901
##  and there are no factor predictors; no plot no. 5

fit.coeff(RSB_emo_m0, boot = T)
##                   Estimate         SE     pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept)    0.111739749 0.41814580 0.78958594 0.46226747   0.809258429
## emo            0.010328796 0.02719540 0.70452077 0.02778059   0.710458954
## sex            0.039628545 0.03046361 0.19489406 0.03071661   0.198580337
## income        -0.010080647 0.01423847 0.47982588 0.01372881   0.463694543
## isworking     -0.026330842 0.03641592 0.47053771 0.03628279   0.468913184
## log_age        0.279737867 0.12529807 0.02675043 0.12603610   0.027641640
## log_city_size  0.028970645 0.02295190 0.20842026 0.02074449   0.164187908
## TC             0.110563744 0.04600713 0.01721977 0.04508897   0.015109575
## log_time_RSB  -0.035954441 0.04955500 0.46901441 0.04628050   0.438200166
## log_time_TC   -0.001609401 0.05134342 0.97502684 0.07651909   0.983241784
## month.1       -0.077532017 0.19475909 0.69101175 0.04411323   0.080439949
## month.2       -0.144830513 0.27037622 0.59282133 0.04756426   0.002659302
## month.3       -0.032051627 0.19460038 0.86935232 0.04304469   0.457430703
## month.4       -0.205891137 0.22370639 0.35855620 0.10708516   0.056022898
## month.6       -0.087758944 0.19914029 0.65994177 0.05593363   0.118324468
## month.7       -0.007316007 0.19706175 0.97042416 0.05887302   0.901235490
## month.8       -0.081341936 0.19890919 0.68304666 0.04842897   0.094684850
## month.9       -0.052711926 0.19616514 0.78844441 0.05533853   0.342041980
## month.10      -0.105645710 0.19562074 0.58979575 0.05373181   0.050743667
## month.11      -0.116623275 0.21344506 0.58544544 0.05721900   0.042924039
##                    bootBias     bootSE      bootMed        2.5 %       97.5 %
## (Intercept)    0.0125744623 0.48835486  0.120275912 -0.890114500  1.065768689
## emo            0.0029735953 0.02877254  0.011773863 -0.056888997  0.066423552
## sex           -0.0001466025 0.02897972  0.039855739 -0.022019395  0.095979248
## income         0.0005621169 0.01390543 -0.009283218 -0.037499426  0.014685691
## isworking     -0.0032726457 0.03627539 -0.030651967 -0.096505773  0.049292785
## log_age        0.0022323644 0.12192480  0.284403544  0.036050453  0.502509778
## log_city_size -0.0014956167 0.02049532  0.026419880 -0.006856053  0.072664896
## TC            -0.0008648594 0.04211740  0.110237760  0.026948603  0.200764063
## log_time_RSB  -0.0087355311 0.05167687 -0.047161261 -0.114846774  0.105123377
## log_time_TC    0.0082628439 0.07993602  0.004374286 -0.155857640  0.146191900
## month.1       -0.0022532523 0.04637946 -0.081939946 -0.158114570  0.019335557
## month.2       -0.0068878626 0.04974964 -0.148059588 -0.236583856 -0.051528310
## month.3       -0.0027518708 0.04207065 -0.035494000 -0.108958402  0.064643056
## month.4       -0.0060518421 0.12193641 -0.211896007 -0.409217822  0.081301973
## month.6       -0.0007870990 0.05564473 -0.088459351 -0.200572247  0.020097126
## month.7       -0.0035900433 0.05494136 -0.011891997 -0.118500116  0.109710935
## month.8       -0.0032081353 0.04662274 -0.084592406 -0.161311070  0.031656948
## month.9       -0.0002829689 0.05878379 -0.056236431 -0.149978504  0.079179784
## month.10      -0.0006492028 0.05297696 -0.106660059 -0.211479019 -0.002478603
## month.11       0.0028983426 0.06794858 -0.108458567 -0.337402904 -0.021038713
fit.plots(RSB_emo_m0, "~ emo")

fit.coeff(RSB_rat_m0, boot = T)
##                   Estimate         SE     pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept)   -0.408473847 0.43982642 0.35430823 0.41107902    0.32175132
## rat            0.019778345 0.02839546 0.48701470 0.02775025    0.47695878
## sex            0.049297010 0.03153500 0.11979065 0.03343765    0.14218826
## income        -0.018125130 0.01486590 0.22438402 0.01629364    0.26748101
## isworking     -0.019530697 0.03675468 0.59582555 0.03823261    0.61010422
## log_age        0.297845778 0.12624589 0.01940817 0.12612194    0.01929103
## log_city_size  0.016292224 0.02412973 0.50043924 0.01840140    0.37716010
## TC             0.098612616 0.04502243 0.02981729 0.05024205    0.05125127
## log_time_RSB  -0.029313862 0.05700330 0.60772333 0.05358850    0.58505944
## log_time_TC    0.100846914 0.05847247 0.08633882 0.05832271    0.08554123
## month.1       -0.006310103 0.19882928 0.97471832 0.05237640    0.90424345
## month.2       -0.031905304 0.27858562 0.90895137 0.06016458    0.59657209
## month.3        0.034796897 0.19896634 0.86136838 0.06111688    0.56984455
## month.4       -0.085802100 0.22661534 0.70542312 0.07611262    0.26114828
## month.6        0.030151742 0.20346166 0.88235953 0.08388566    0.71969790
## month.7        0.043431936 0.20323689 0.83102755 0.06670308    0.51581603
## month.8        0.012453250 0.20781432 0.95228345 0.08906980    0.88896643
## month.9        0.037374144 0.20324269 0.85431204 0.06494808    0.56572436
## month.10       0.029906001 0.19857864 0.88046349 0.05598173    0.59387037
## month.11      -0.009027340 0.20913148 0.96561825 0.08822428    0.91861708
##                    bootBias     bootSE      bootMed        2.5 %     97.5 %
## (Intercept)    0.0588856632 0.45369417 -0.357261105 -1.284442667 0.51720369
## rat            0.0007619124 0.02590789  0.020291902 -0.028806422 0.07196145
## sex            0.0002294013 0.03348549  0.049512157 -0.016057720 0.12080961
## income        -0.0006909493 0.01653782 -0.019000714 -0.049716455 0.01602531
## isworking     -0.0015321516 0.04041074 -0.021401163 -0.095205438 0.06761613
## log_age        0.0052499474 0.14290998  0.297108418  0.041776583 0.59496963
## log_city_size  0.0001215200 0.02115551  0.016629062 -0.024626927 0.05867764
## TC            -0.0030826334 0.04954470  0.094063895  0.009273425 0.21144898
## log_time_RSB  -0.0070830081 0.06275485 -0.036014082 -0.141716525 0.08965023
## log_time_TC   -0.0064438358 0.05986319  0.096885391 -0.011773822 0.23561917
## month.1       -0.0006694180 0.05292201 -0.007610865 -0.118261609 0.09743766
## month.2        0.0040235262 0.06263895 -0.028777154 -0.164240815 0.08237194
## month.3        0.0021618391 0.06125854  0.035488428 -0.100251994 0.15576534
## month.4        0.0037331778 0.08807696 -0.093849360 -0.215641472 0.15537509
## month.6       -0.0037701507 0.07986212  0.020768551 -0.111879909 0.19056907
## month.7        0.0007200817 0.07057431  0.045513445 -0.088582824 0.19507109
## month.8        0.0013210745 0.08555632  0.012296034 -0.150610082 0.17291333
## month.9        0.0080281832 0.06713701  0.042440427 -0.087258905 0.16959243
## month.10       0.0024849936 0.05702384  0.030529193 -0.099490031 0.13152172
## month.11       0.0015813348 0.09584477 -0.001204909 -0.229066276 0.15091919
fit.plots(RSB_rat_m0, "~ rat")

fit.coeff(RSB_emo_m1, boot = T)
##                   Estimate         SE     pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept)    0.109586231 0.41912165 0.79401908 0.46147496   0.812551159
## emo            0.009426636 0.02735373 0.73076545 0.02797076   0.736479585
## sex            0.038593064 0.03064639 0.20948251 0.03088641   0.213029771
## income        -0.009068206 0.01450284 0.53255132 0.01418112   0.523304439
## isworking     -0.026992056 0.03653680 0.46097195 0.03637386   0.458969290
## log_age        0.277265723 0.12573829 0.02865982 0.12603901   0.029037320
## log_city_size  0.028804252 0.02300741 0.21214140 0.02078881   0.167521337
## TC             0.110852647 0.04611643 0.01719901 0.04516809   0.015029225
## log_time_RSB  -0.033405187 0.05009128 0.50566240 0.04677486   0.476007998
## log_time_TC   -0.003066276 0.05159316 0.95267129 0.07643767   0.968044233
## month.1       -0.077982477 0.19520019 0.68997830 0.04408810   0.078550922
## month.2       -0.143868174 0.27099503 0.59612257 0.04756946   0.002839704
## month.3       -0.030791521 0.19506428 0.87474190 0.04323140   0.477193622
## month.4       -0.206935136 0.22422502 0.35724719 0.10794254   0.056743225
## month.6       -0.088604841 0.19959954 0.65761596 0.05588868   0.114560454
## month.7       -0.008039407 0.19751328 0.96757577 0.05908459   0.891914643
## month.8       -0.081728056 0.19935867 0.68230582 0.04840505   0.092988653
## month.9       -0.052930409 0.19660680 0.78805592 0.05529806   0.339703723
## month.10      -0.105663746 0.19606040 0.59056955 0.05373592   0.050729871
## month.11      -0.116465365 0.21392515 0.58679688 0.05736332   0.043733831
##                   bootBias     bootSE      bootMed        2.5 %       97.5 %
## (Intercept)    0.033333702 0.42727056  0.150989874 -0.743901583  0.896054589
## emo            0.006327046 0.02768117  0.015769334 -0.046902060  0.057577543
## sex            0.001440065 0.03171344  0.038250798 -0.016609647  0.101801357
## income         0.001990272 0.01566993 -0.007933324 -0.039838245  0.021952538
## isworking     -0.005916280 0.03838241 -0.034025096 -0.093330754  0.060413521
## log_age       -0.013853245 0.13091930  0.265007134  0.014035208  0.545034045
## log_city_size -0.004745518 0.02284811  0.024597639 -0.015203678  0.082031397
## TC             0.006734720 0.04548408  0.118087443 -0.003468923  0.186707179
## log_time_RSB  -0.006928723 0.05031524 -0.040884630 -0.120748052  0.086163264
## log_time_TC    0.009180540 0.07935347 -0.002567774 -0.137963372  0.163494702
## month.1       -0.001624928 0.04205391 -0.082370740 -0.152811140  0.019986392
## month.2       -0.008809980 0.05223027 -0.145416001 -0.254506464 -0.046335687
## month.3       -0.004498988 0.04024085 -0.036532416 -0.095485332  0.065420095
## month.4       -0.008777843 0.12898307 -0.219946375 -0.419020639  0.092260889
## month.6       -0.002104278 0.05877932 -0.088674645 -0.224353298  0.020365925
## month.7       -0.004705457 0.06079679 -0.013883830 -0.125127883  0.122419233
## month.8       -0.004350246 0.05309495 -0.085956208 -0.188433872  0.020722842
## month.9       -0.005220834 0.05488930 -0.058007103 -0.147437400  0.075910067
## month.10       0.001794088 0.05373166 -0.101800636 -0.220559369 -0.006207430
## month.11       0.003278384 0.06568942 -0.110365506 -0.276685313 -0.006693031
fit.plots(RSB_emo_m1, "~ emo")

fit.coeff(RSB_rat_m1, boot = T)
##                    Estimate         SE      pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept)   -0.4370041843 0.47258194 0.356488922 0.48745000    0.37131031
## rat            0.0131185651 0.02966033 0.658866867 0.02840698    0.64483870
## sex            0.0419332000 0.03245854 0.198231665 0.03488135    0.23105316
## income        -0.0329703922 0.01684395 0.052018495 0.01887660    0.08259733
## isworking     -0.0069944606 0.03902362 0.857975902 0.04060253    0.86344295
## log_age        0.3625822967 0.13250278 0.006904746 0.13110625    0.00634249
## log_city_size  0.0198833962 0.02576231 0.441356221 0.02084950    0.34167518
## TC             0.1073713204 0.04669001 0.022743730 0.05298432    0.04435656
## log_time_RSB  -0.0416248476 0.07355416 0.572239705 0.08615556    0.62965150
## log_time_TC    0.1038347335 0.06610713 0.118202524 0.07104148    0.14578592
## month.1       -0.0210840335 0.19991362 0.916136746 0.05548876    0.70446579
## month.2       -0.0344915442 0.27993443 0.902091210 0.06465194    0.59442155
## month.3        0.0131414273 0.20020255 0.947744851 0.06522140    0.84056860
## month.4       -0.0998177239 0.22763735 0.661612062 0.07486589    0.18430945
## month.6        0.0099753491 0.20446800 0.961149260 0.08426877    0.90591688
## month.7        0.0276261009 0.20484623 0.892887902 0.07132968    0.69904128
## month.8        0.0009674009 0.20859539 0.996305377 0.09123738    0.99155314
## month.9        0.0488469852 0.20505672 0.812017655 0.06717611    0.46818469
## month.10       0.0316492174 0.19945291 0.874118518 0.05943027    0.59507918
## month.11      -0.0324983347 0.21007091 0.877249030 0.09116404    0.72194354
##                    bootBias     bootSE      bootMed       2.5 %      97.5 %
## (Intercept)    0.0585078684 0.51610245 -0.405964666 -1.43972937 0.517308159
## rat            0.0004921827 0.02970515  0.013077012 -0.04154617 0.073353386
## sex           -0.0029358094 0.03417463  0.038888246 -0.02675173 0.112385799
## income        -0.0002786967 0.01881172 -0.032437913 -0.07318287 0.003103423
## isworking     -0.0023080395 0.04134510 -0.009813261 -0.08950462 0.072165422
## log_age        0.0048323130 0.13935244  0.355245946  0.11002920 0.658444067
## log_city_size -0.0006071906 0.02146286  0.019496706 -0.02017282 0.063981669
## TC            -0.0065696597 0.05221575  0.098696255  0.02350431 0.247344133
## log_time_RSB  -0.0059767261 0.08947770 -0.043018564 -0.22723697 0.133882328
## log_time_TC   -0.0058639975 0.06822301  0.097416389 -0.02713319 0.248290065
## month.1        0.0008081330 0.05453648 -0.021976817 -0.11727542 0.086461312
## month.2        0.0081446389 0.06324746 -0.028883203 -0.16793543 0.083865092
## month.3        0.0009848572 0.06661499  0.018292507 -0.12461337 0.141160815
## month.4        0.0081413969 0.09031717 -0.107129047 -0.22241734 0.140205085
## month.6       -0.0003259708 0.08703587  0.005880736 -0.15423437 0.186593709
## month.7        0.0042847080 0.07279309  0.034712931 -0.12415456 0.159349633
## month.8        0.0040990748 0.09769998  0.003543233 -0.19782416 0.189159197
## month.9        0.0037978002 0.07226587  0.048977467 -0.08364820 0.212397649
## month.10      -0.0002891505 0.05897065  0.027532090 -0.07941686 0.151906042
## month.11       0.0063974372 0.09311498 -0.025926934 -0.26778179 0.127507387
fit.plots(RSB_rat_m1, "~ rat")

fit.coeff(RSB_emo_m2, boot = T)
##                Estimate         SE       pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept) 0.493269231 0.01898874 6.421266e-67 0.01863601  3.273360e-68
## emo         0.004807692 0.02685414 8.580902e-01 0.02685414  8.580902e-01
##                  bootBias     bootSE     bootMed       2.5 %     97.5 %
## (Intercept) -5.761101e-04 0.01881011 0.492727273  0.45575901 0.53219864
## emo         -2.127436e-06 0.02649260 0.004707074 -0.04561947 0.05740483
fit.plots(RSB_emo_m2, "~ emo")

## hat values (leverages) are all = 0.009615385
##  and there are no factor predictors; no plot no. 5

fit.coeff(RSB_rat_m2, boot = T)
##               Estimate         SE       pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept) 0.49230769 0.02048099 4.434911e-58 0.02010235  3.371877e-59
## rat         0.01593407 0.02896449 5.829163e-01 0.02896449  5.829163e-01
##                  bootBias     bootSE    bootMed       2.5 %     97.5 %
## (Intercept) -0.0002652897 0.02025909 0.49232732  0.45324077 0.53260409
## rat         -0.0001409882 0.02906404 0.01671099 -0.04417238 0.06812455
fit.plots(RSB_rat_m2, "~ rat")

## hat values (leverages) are all = 0.01098901
##  and there are no factor predictors; no plot no. 5

fit.coeff(EMB_emo_m0, boot = T)
##                  Estimate         SE     pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept)   -0.56860096 0.50392582 0.26060553 0.48648109  0.2439547612
## emo            0.03674972 0.03248805 0.25941407 0.03193332  0.2512573387
## sex            0.07166720 0.03649402 0.05101903 0.03298784  0.0310600481
## income        -0.03961513 0.01697265 0.02064367 0.01768744  0.0262734082
## isworking      0.02521660 0.04376810 0.56520535 0.04503625  0.5761985452
## log_age        0.26916782 0.15222571 0.07863823 0.14627006  0.0673053828
## log_city_size  0.02196186 0.02756247 0.42656532 0.02692152  0.4156568035
## TC             0.08682960 0.05462036 0.11357536 0.05308759  0.1035894307
## log_time_EMB  -0.02390833 0.06242382 0.70215008 0.05882393  0.6848799806
## log_time_TC    0.12285745 0.06100713 0.04544641 0.05501943  0.0267232884
## month.1        0.15063048 0.23316703 0.51905027 0.05823641  0.0104463303
## month.2       -0.05171273 0.32630962 0.87424977 0.06577967  0.4327638180
## month.3        0.19616409 0.23311093 0.40112837 0.05008332  0.0001252858
## month.4        0.16790667 0.26795301 0.53165972 0.12938327  0.1959561196
## month.6        0.02644980 0.23852166 0.91182081 0.08166140  0.7463749485
## month.7        0.17107563 0.23590915 0.46924104 0.06055018  0.0052302434
## month.8        0.17417704 0.23820810 0.46556439 0.07653770  0.0239856294
## month.9        0.12450413 0.23508196 0.59699692 0.06611167  0.0612038762
## month.10       0.09841803 0.23420456 0.67480025 0.06550337  0.1346400933
## month.11       0.08890196 0.25620750 0.72898337 0.08792743  0.3132692081
##                    bootBias     bootSE     bootMed         2.5 %       97.5 %
## (Intercept)    0.0729434380 0.50852561 -0.53288157 -1.5413811858  0.449969087
## emo           -0.0010747513 0.03328592  0.03215076 -0.0256901246  0.111306179
## sex           -0.0002272931 0.03299513  0.07259233  0.0001448952  0.131459367
## income         0.0003071473 0.01740887 -0.03920926 -0.0752339657 -0.007315677
## isworking     -0.0017588431 0.04656319  0.02127219 -0.0701818652  0.116664317
## log_age       -0.0065088033 0.14892813  0.27321843 -0.0474738899  0.551135448
## log_city_size -0.0029260974 0.02804169  0.01953820 -0.0309080731  0.083961759
## TC             0.0065602708 0.05572676  0.09629365 -0.0424761112  0.188470850
## log_time_EMB  -0.0025913836 0.06150287 -0.02737652 -0.1431562400  0.108930115
## log_time_TC   -0.0075552981 0.05707138  0.11364440  0.0181738919  0.239334863
## month.1        0.0002983471 0.05890325  0.15083136  0.0404249306  0.260294442
## month.2        0.0053510900 0.06723994 -0.05104155 -0.1795191098  0.081357756
## month.3       -0.0014612837 0.05487286  0.19200974  0.0864185488  0.306637851
## month.4       -0.0038975882 0.14618153  0.15975411 -0.1330143437  0.463532022
## month.6       -0.0040594997 0.08224958  0.02685523 -0.1399516614  0.198303251
## month.7        0.0042394241 0.06005283  0.17691560  0.0375697395  0.281990195
## month.8       -0.0014311314 0.07578486  0.17335509  0.0072542329  0.326411865
## month.9       -0.0024501770 0.06731587  0.12109273 -0.0185815563  0.270310119
## month.10      -0.0061001530 0.06783845  0.09483063 -0.0347265642  0.228690043
## month.11       0.0073414200 0.10580478  0.09967131 -0.1882983747  0.259871724
fit.plots(EMB_emo_m0, "~ emo")

fit.coeff(EMB_rat_m0, boot = T)
##                   Estimate         SE     pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept)   -0.554270773 0.52285564 0.29055911 0.49124367    0.26072847
## rat            0.055102425 0.03352866 0.10207664 0.03365807    0.10339136
## sex            0.025448929 0.03716314 0.49437762 0.03769650    0.50049781
## income        -0.022525518 0.01746862 0.19892154 0.01869066    0.22975367
## isworking     -0.025063841 0.04336180 0.56399171 0.04563758    0.58356913
## log_age        0.176770252 0.14987164 0.23979993 0.16334137    0.28063812
## log_city_size  0.034041503 0.02862669 0.23598156 0.02909624    0.24359795
## TC             0.037701595 0.05275967 0.47580840 0.05041080    0.45552631
## log_time_EMB   0.008225685 0.06535790 0.89998954 0.06138950    0.89356220
## log_time_TC    0.117379327 0.06765921 0.08451605 0.06526064    0.07379177
## month.1        0.095828403 0.23472151 0.68357594 0.05890146    0.10554152
## month.2        0.007858685 0.33046484 0.98105448 0.07822399    0.92009041
## month.3        0.157593792 0.23476532 0.50292082 0.06581869    0.01769984
## month.4        0.015289185 0.26738287 0.95446598 0.16870294    0.92789136
## month.6        0.024260375 0.24026648 0.91968700 0.07876943    0.75845242
## month.7        0.131520576 0.23991227 0.58424731 0.08118484    0.10701965
## month.8        0.056704495 0.24529952 0.81745567 0.10120268    0.57598306
## month.9        0.153753925 0.23974241 0.52214279 0.06883737    0.02677026
## month.10       0.052124114 0.23442303 0.82429873 0.06057233    0.39066942
## month.11      -0.001737250 0.24697744 0.99439566 0.10249986    0.98649665
##                    bootBias     bootSE      bootMed        2.5 %     97.5 %
## (Intercept)    7.586375e-03 0.52822300 -0.542533015 -1.599360958 0.49591000
## rat            3.499253e-03 0.03154677  0.057020768 -0.008184813 0.11667995
## sex           -1.479922e-03 0.03800319  0.025698824 -0.053063252 0.09898035
## income         5.757785e-05 0.01867728 -0.023158311 -0.055814640 0.01788995
## isworking     -2.089865e-03 0.04352716 -0.026678196 -0.114734425 0.05665405
## log_age       -3.847393e-03 0.16547722  0.164009628 -0.115375130 0.54377838
## log_city_size  1.594475e-04 0.03021990  0.035029837 -0.037552901 0.09170369
## TC            -5.209172e-03 0.04817992  0.029975607 -0.052548950 0.13066547
## log_time_EMB   6.626652e-03 0.06268849  0.010086980 -0.121554145 0.13781398
## log_time_TC   -7.538150e-03 0.07090162  0.115959001 -0.037944752 0.24020509
## month.1       -5.357678e-04 0.05614086  0.096244720 -0.027478709 0.20374355
## month.2       -3.466825e-04 0.07698511  0.010360553 -0.172200895 0.14221856
## month.3        2.245044e-03 0.05916118  0.160096112  0.033616809 0.26161329
## month.4        1.354379e-02 0.20129268  0.002485018 -0.243012943 0.53007531
## month.6        3.418884e-03 0.07280572  0.022928025 -0.104776645 0.19852626
## month.7        3.716445e-03 0.08439043  0.135069293 -0.043483682 0.28741044
## month.8       -2.832362e-03 0.10199511  0.059999503 -0.142307632 0.24210550
## month.9        9.172340e-03 0.06848632  0.163398993 -0.006357444 0.26983417
## month.10       5.652174e-04 0.06193869  0.055643901 -0.083521761 0.16462542
## month.11      -5.002980e-03 0.10571517 -0.008610991 -0.187427148 0.20415856
fit.plots(EMB_rat_m0, "~ rat")

fit.coeff(EMB_emo_m1, boot = T)
##                  Estimate         SE     pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept)   -0.58660058 0.50495632 0.24683586 0.48729669  0.2301861033
## emo            0.03858543 0.03260477 0.23813349 0.03201729  0.2296627330
## sex            0.07405726 0.03665740 0.04477622 0.03317842  0.0267895387
## income        -0.04183965 0.01722408 0.01607541 0.01796867  0.0209501110
## isworking      0.02690141 0.04386489 0.54043318 0.04504886  0.5511185347
## log_age        0.27290286 0.15245410 0.07505268 0.14653346  0.0641080568
## log_city_size  0.02250605 0.02759909 0.41583908 0.02685073  0.4029877486
## TC             0.08526431 0.05471199 0.12081525 0.05312936  0.1102067579
## log_time_EMB  -0.02301931 0.06249733 0.71304548 0.05866692  0.6952271325
## log_time_TC    0.12435466 0.06109867 0.04322350 0.05512644  0.0252346413
## month.1        0.15259188 0.23341668 0.51408349 0.05834155  0.0096332511
## month.2       -0.05299229 0.32664438 0.87129711 0.06572746  0.4211215410
## month.3        0.19355093 0.23337087 0.40794658 0.05000419  0.0001496047
## month.4        0.17106492 0.26825468 0.52444753 0.12752519  0.1814020836
## month.6        0.02905234 0.23878636 0.90329295 0.08166316  0.7224204776
## month.7        0.17388300 0.23617526 0.46249889 0.06050116  0.0045192797
## month.8        0.17581162 0.23845858 0.46186901 0.07676878  0.0231231532
## month.9        0.12574152 0.23532547 0.59374436 0.06630356  0.0594338387
## month.10       0.09967100 0.23444734 0.67122686 0.06550919  0.1298192926
## month.11       0.08901540 0.25646719 0.72891720 0.08779581  0.3119377574
##                    bootBias     bootSE     bootMed         2.5 %       97.5 %
## (Intercept)    0.0792854543 0.46084450 -0.52117476 -1.6068367895  0.305567930
## emo            0.0033436942 0.03149126  0.04073899 -0.0211035306  0.106550597
## sex           -0.0002888063 0.03347990  0.07365564  0.0070412686  0.139994230
## income         0.0016989889 0.01873848 -0.03841363 -0.0820643987 -0.009214026
## isworking     -0.0039179182 0.04447388  0.02325897 -0.0564875022  0.115325174
## log_age       -0.0213709210 0.15135450  0.25102796 -0.0104878663  0.569489311
## log_city_size -0.0033059898 0.02915632  0.02161110 -0.0329973099  0.076642282
## TC             0.0056360940 0.05436786  0.08530482 -0.0088452799  0.205134556
## log_time_EMB  -0.0048161414 0.06151541 -0.02644173 -0.1398770729  0.099849377
## log_time_TC   -0.0022665344 0.05727779  0.12480696 -0.0022789483  0.241299497
## month.1       -0.0036070614 0.05485245  0.14968700  0.0445415139  0.276370821
## month.2        0.0027293523 0.06656698 -0.05422644 -0.1781416562  0.091763249
## month.3       -0.0007049132 0.04890190  0.19434883  0.0986176034  0.284543048
## month.4       -0.0028871633 0.14685066  0.16669007 -0.0964633375  0.495064157
## month.6       -0.0017756003 0.08568507  0.03697953 -0.1604812485  0.167981556
## month.7        0.0046317690 0.06224717  0.17736166  0.0481446061  0.291107971
## month.8       -0.0041743366 0.08296952  0.17354015 -0.0005989996  0.332686869
## month.9       -0.0074680212 0.06463092  0.11652719  0.0041965359  0.260817862
## month.10      -0.0058378374 0.06505110  0.09520181 -0.0292933578  0.219171472
## month.11      -0.0005644666 0.10498154  0.08742287 -0.1621812315  0.274369114
fit.plots(EMB_emo_m1, "~ emo")

fit.coeff(EMB_rat_m1, boot = T)
##                   Estimate         SE     pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept)   -0.722167963 0.53422333 0.17832079 0.49229477   0.144330393
## rat            0.034647302 0.03416835 0.31208656 0.03437096   0.314938509
## sex            0.026844614 0.03768243 0.47724763 0.03918270   0.494251147
## income        -0.023180415 0.01959343 0.23851436 0.02029761   0.255128050
## isworking     -0.033385343 0.04527367 0.46193864 0.04789981   0.486812493
## log_age        0.269378982 0.15469358 0.08351679 0.15692343   0.087958695
## log_city_size  0.032413413 0.03004061 0.28219759 0.03146089   0.304416077
## TC             0.027897854 0.05374741 0.60443085 0.05334939   0.601739266
## log_time_EMB   0.026340247 0.06784718 0.69835621 0.06636937   0.691983057
## log_time_TC    0.114086655 0.07225261 0.11628734 0.07186706   0.114356567
## month.1        0.115971896 0.23253718 0.61865026 0.06194136   0.062969435
## month.2        0.030004370 0.32693341 0.92699006 0.08206627   0.715131974
## month.3        0.150440569 0.23261380 0.51871571 0.06787286   0.028049922
## month.4        0.001532389 0.26446989 0.99538406 0.16451330   0.992579527
## month.6        0.014570040 0.23789951 0.95123997 0.07931535   0.854480414
## month.7        0.114086640 0.23824302 0.63267921 0.08590359   0.186020524
## month.8        0.052389167 0.24262736 0.82931831 0.10195319   0.608053468
## month.9        0.193171017 0.23854449 0.41924856 0.06677192   0.004341007
## month.10       0.060442945 0.23200045 0.79478628 0.06236552   0.333903843
## month.11      -0.011674929 0.24448732 0.96197216 0.10241282   0.909379976
##                    bootBias     bootSE      bootMed        2.5 %     97.5 %
## (Intercept)    0.0935619504 0.49208448 -0.634965066 -1.784566687 0.14151822
## rat            0.0025794842 0.03434822  0.037971145 -0.034471507 0.10127078
## sex           -0.0012703885 0.04017142  0.025425289 -0.053582452 0.09972216
## income         0.0001063334 0.02101354 -0.023134437 -0.063813796 0.01728130
## isworking     -0.0022688936 0.04811565 -0.034556027 -0.123919021 0.05168558
## log_age       -0.0138374669 0.15991210  0.262359604 -0.059766349 0.58679774
## log_city_size -0.0011126394 0.03170871  0.030144369 -0.025639818 0.10010619
## TC            -0.0078736517 0.05303676  0.021372078 -0.069975543 0.15751729
## log_time_EMB  -0.0017663112 0.07438292  0.026022385 -0.112178424 0.17069088
## log_time_TC   -0.0118965639 0.07209124  0.105547692 -0.033430507 0.24530129
## month.1       -0.0001943762 0.06033498  0.119192927 -0.008222683 0.22163174
## month.2        0.0030724050 0.08152798  0.028616657 -0.125750038 0.20875648
## month.3        0.0031339519 0.06859920  0.153093384  0.011135681 0.27719039
## month.4        0.0096568134 0.20123263 -0.019421808 -0.250009456 0.56153577
## month.6        0.0025229295 0.08067284  0.018438944 -0.157776684 0.15808871
## month.7        0.0060745193 0.08913198  0.115286821 -0.047177314 0.30465696
## month.8        0.0046022502 0.10056643  0.056546432 -0.147687286 0.26578051
## month.9        0.0002011243 0.07195330  0.195360161  0.041122482 0.32514229
## month.10      -0.0000840130 0.06326455  0.061039824 -0.072996945 0.18455921
## month.11       0.0067764736 0.11724399  0.001547804 -0.242237782 0.20286934
fit.plots(EMB_rat_m1, "~ rat")

fit.coeff(EMB_emo_m2, boot = T)
##               Estimate         SE       pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept) 0.56009615 0.02258903 9.304637e-64 0.02390605  5.216551e-60
## emo         0.01490385 0.03194571 6.413244e-01 0.03194571  6.413244e-01
##                 bootBias     bootSE   bootMed      2.5 %     97.5 %
## (Intercept) -0.001343322 0.02373836 0.5587549  0.5149849 0.60666318
## emo          0.001623848 0.03176194 0.0170218 -0.0485328 0.07541806
fit.plots(EMB_emo_m2, "~ emo")

## hat values (leverages) are all = 0.009615385
##  and there are no factor predictors; no plot no. 5

fit.coeff(EMB_rat_m2, boot = T)
##               Estimate         SE       pvalue  Robust.SE Robust.pvalue
## (Intercept) 0.57472527 0.02364965 9.821768e-59 0.02529887  9.396213e-55
## rat         0.02747253 0.03344565 4.125005e-01 0.03344565  4.125005e-01
##                  bootBias     bootSE    bootMed       2.5 %    97.5 %
## (Intercept) -0.0005534032 0.02525750 0.57473401  0.52355215 0.6273632
## rat          0.0003472735 0.03376152 0.02837064 -0.04024144 0.0916640
fit.plots(EMB_rat_m2, "~ rat")

## hat values (leverages) are all = 0.01098901
##  and there are no factor predictors; no plot no. 5


#make summary
df <- rbind(







write.table(df, file = paste0('models\\models_pars.csv'), sep=";", dec=",")
##            type      src group r.squared adj.r.squared shapiro.p.value
## RB_emo_m0    lm  emo_all   emo 0.1854741   0.103590541    5.933183e-01
## RB_emo_m1    lm emo_data   emo 0.1810835   0.098320622    5.209019e-01
## RB_rat_m0    lm  rat_all   rat 0.1277595   0.033597123    1.266375e-01
## RB_rat_m1    lm rat_data   rat 0.1089132   0.004402973    1.478884e-01
## ESB_emo_m0   lm  emo_all   emo 0.1164439   0.027620785    1.897174e-01
## ESB_emo_m1   lm emo_data   emo 0.1146713   0.025196591    1.966178e-01
## ESB_rat_m0   lm  rat_all   rat 0.1496946   0.057900272    1.205193e-01
## ESB_rat_m1   lm rat_data   rat 0.1656386   0.067781431    8.001263e-02
## RSB_emo_m0   lm  emo_all   emo 0.1222804   0.034044014    3.224553e-05
## RSB_emo_m1   lm emo_data   emo 0.1227599   0.034102684    3.836915e-05
## RSB_rat_m0   lm  rat_all   rat 0.1075883   0.011248445    1.360207e-05
## RSB_rat_m1   lm rat_data   rat 0.1246319   0.021965282    3.727486e-05
## EMB_emo_m0   lm  emo_all   emo 0.1117455   0.022450038    1.139032e-01
## EMB_emo_m1   lm emo_data   emo 0.1132409   0.023621655    1.232945e-01
## EMB_rat_m0   lm  rat_all   rat 0.1055124   0.008948425    3.392518e-01
## EMB_rat_m1   lm rat_data   rat 0.1135954   0.009634384    3.013467e-01
##            bp.p.value   f.p.value
## RB_emo_m0  0.04575478 0.002836128
## RB_emo_m1  0.05614150 0.004146493
## RB_rat_m0  0.55106162 0.154221474
## RB_rat_m1  0.43334585 0.416436439
## ESB_emo_m0 0.12327216 0.180156956
## ESB_emo_m1 0.11830000 0.199501419
## ESB_rat_m0 0.24963046 0.053257379
## ESB_rat_m1 0.18287578 0.042070734
## RSB_emo_m0 0.88509428 0.137666064
## RSB_emo_m1 0.89952954 0.138344527
## RSB_rat_m0 0.33492134 0.337748689
## RSB_rat_m1 0.28540558 0.252133574
## EMB_emo_m0 0.29931493 0.220839892
## EMB_emo_m1 0.29793699 0.212091204
## EMB_rat_m0 0.91919484 0.361916850
## EMB_rat_m1 0.85347883 0.362859156
#make summary
df <- rbind(







write.table(df, file = paste0('models\\models_pars_nocontrols.csv'), sep=";", dec=",")
##            type      src group    r.squared adj.r.squared shapiro.p.value
## RB_emo_m2    lm emo_data   emo 0.0351474021   0.030463652    7.021981e-03
## RB_rat_m2    lm rat_data   rat 0.0095855383   0.004083236    1.815040e-03
## ESB_emo_m2   lm emo_data   emo 0.0172239159   0.012453158    2.733900e-03
## ESB_rat_m2   lm rat_data   rat 0.0576740628   0.052438919    8.040261e-03
## RSB_emo_m2   lm emo_data   emo 0.0001555665  -0.004698047    3.912548e-07
## RSB_rat_m2   lm rat_data   rat 0.0016784920  -0.003867739    1.048777e-07
## EMB_emo_m2   lm emo_data   emo 0.0010554698  -0.003793775    1.752698e-02
## EMB_rat_m2   lm rat_data   rat 0.0037343977  -0.001800411    1.716637e-02
##             bp.p.value   f.p.value
## RB_emo_m2  0.001516882 0.006695645
## RB_rat_m2  0.097530432 0.188549619
## ESB_emo_m2 0.026710838 0.058819040
## ESB_rat_m2 0.037629672 0.001092872
## RSB_emo_m2 0.752093750 0.858090235
## RSB_rat_m2 0.781909540 0.582916254
## EMB_emo_m2 0.169012654 0.641324362
## EMB_rat_m2 0.147869707 0.412500479
