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3. How to contribute

designbygio edited this page Oct 20, 2021 · 9 revisions

There are several ways how you can contribute to Elliot For Water, and yes, you can contribute also if you are not a coder.
We have a various areas where your help is more than welcome!

Where your help is needed:

  • code changes (new features, bug fixes, testing)
  • translation
  • testing on different devices
  • spread on social networks (todo: add the template here)
  • SEO analysis and tips
  • improve content

Right now we decided to open to work on some specific tasks that you can find in the Github Issues where we need more help.

This is mostly because we are still a very small team and it would be impossible for us to manage a lot of discussion and many different new code changes based on personal ideas.
Please go through the tasks in the issues and check if there is anything that you would enjoy working on.

If you believe you have an awesome idea to improve the project and we didn't list in the tasks board, open an issue, label it ideas and let's discuss it all together!

Your First Code Contribution

You can start by looking through these beginner and help-wanted issues:

Good first issues - issues that should only require a few lines of code, and a test or two.
Help wanted issues - issues that should be a bit more involved than beginner issues.

You can find those in the issues section


Bugs are nasty and can take a lot of precious time to fix them. But they often allow us to learn deeper about a specific topic or area of our code.
If you would like to help out fixing some bugs, we would really appreciate that.
You can simply go in the issues and look for any issue with the label bug


Please read our workflow to know how can you make your changes and send them to us in a way that we can merge them with the master version.

Code Styleguide

Please have a look and follow our code styleguide before asking for Pr's review.

Got stuck?

No problem, it happens to all of us and that's why a community is so valuable.
Open an early PR (write [WIP] in the PR name), label it help wanted, and ask for help in the comments.
Is always easier to help out when there is something concrete to discuss on.

Want to help but don't feel ready just yet?

Open a discussion on our community forum and ask for help.

Want to work on something that is not in the Issues?

Open an issue and let us know your idea.
Label your issue ideas and let's discuss together if we can make your wishes come true