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MultiversX C++ Command Line Tools and SDK for interacting with the MultiversX blockchain (in general) and Smart Contracts (in particular).

1. Installation. How to use it


This script will install all necessary dependencies, build solution and:

  • copy headers in /usr/include/erdcpp
  • copy shared library in /usr/lib/

1.1 SDK

To integrate this sdk in your project, link and include this header in your project:

#include "erdcpp/erdsdk.h"

CMake integration

To integrate this sdk in your CMake project:

  1. include /usr/include/erdcpp
  2. link /usr/lib/


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.11)

include_directories(/usr/include/erdcpp) #-> include header files

add_executable(main main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(main PUBLIC /usr/lib/ #-> link library

1.2 CLI

To see all available command lines:

cd cli
./erdcpp -h

2. Examples

A quick look into an ESDT transfer:

    // Read data from wallet
    PemFileReader myWallet("wallet.pem");
    Address myAddress = myWallet.getAddress();
    bytes mySeed = myWallet.getSeed();

    // Get updated account from proxy
    ProxyProvider proxy("");
    Account myAccount = proxy.getAccount(myAddress);

    // Create a transaction factory, which helps you easily build signed/unsigned transactions
    NetworkConfig networkConfig = proxy.getNetworkConfig();
    TransactionFactory transactionFactory(networkConfig);

    // Build ESDT transactions
    TokenPayment mexTokens =
            TokenPayment::fungibleFromAmount("MEX-455c57", // Token ID
                                             "100",        // Amount = 100 MEX
                                             18);          // Num of token decimals
    Transaction transaction = transactionFactory.createESDTTransfer(
                    mexTokens,            // Token to transfer
                    myAccount.getNonce(), // Nonce
                    myAddress,            // Sender's address
                    Address("erd1..."),   // Receiver's address
                    1000000000)           // Gas Price

    // Send transaction and check its status
    std::string txHash = proxy.send(transaction);
    TransactionStatus txStatus = proxy.getTransactionStatus(txHash);
    if (txStatus.isPending())
        // ...

Click here to see a list with provided features and usage

3. External libraries

This repository uses google test as submodule, as well as the following external sources:


MultiversX C++ Command Line Tools and SDK for interacting with the MultiversX blockchain (in general) and Smart Contracts (in particular).







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