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This boilerplate aims to provide a fullstack single page webapp with mobile application and service worker.

Usage of

Most important production dependencies

  • VUE 3
    • vue-class-component
    • vue-property-decorator
  • ionic
    • capacitor
  • ExpressJS (and most of popular middlewares like helmet or express-session)
  • lodash
  • i18next
  • typeorm
    • sql.js
    • localforage
    • pg (postgres driver)
      • gp-native
  • zod

most important development dependencies

  • typescript
    • ttypescript
  • webpack
  • babel
  • mocha
    • chai
  • cypress
  • nyc
  • eslint
  • stylelint
  • commitlint
  • husky
  • lintstaged


  • minimal configuration required for linters, tests, builds, compatibility tools,
  • automatic api- and database-schema generation with decorators
  • code sharing for front-, back- and mobile-end (one codebase)
  • api mapping of frontend and backend with DDD (no CRUD)
  • possibility of fire-and-forget backend with CQRS and event sourcing
  • possibility of classic backend api


  • server
    • Node.js version 14 or higher
    • postgreSQL
      • path to postgres bin folder in the PATHS environment
  • Web
    • Node.js version 14 or higher
  • Android
    • JAVA 11
    • Android Studio version 2020.1 or higher
    • An Android SDK installation with api version 22 or higher
  • iOS
    • Xcode version 13 or higher
    • Xcode Command Line Tools
    • Homebrew
    • Cocoapods version 1.11.3 or higher
  • Hardware
    • A Smartphone with usb debugging enabled

Dependency configuration


  • git clone name-of-your-project
  • cd name-of-your-project
  • npm install
  • npm run build

Usage of scripts

  • Development
    • Server development
      • npm run dev:server (currently not available)
    • Web frontend development
      • npm run dev:web
    • App development
      • npm run dev:app (manually choose platform)
        • npm run dev:app:android
        • npm run dev:app:ios
    • Everything at the same time except app
      • npm run dev
  • Build
    • Server build
      • npm run build:server (currently not available)
    • Web frontend build
      • npm run build:web
    • App build
      • npm run build:app (manually choose platform)
        • npm run build:app:android
        • npm run build:app:ios
    • Everything at the same time except app
      • npm run build
  • Test
    • Unit-Tests
      • npm run test:unit
    • E2E-Tests
      • npm run test:e2e
    • Everything sequentially
      • npm run test


  • Scripts are linted by eslint with rules defined in the .eslintrc
  • Styles are linted by stylelint with rules defined in the .stylelintrc
  • Commit messages are linted by commitlint with rules defined in the .commitlintrc
    • The format is: type(scope?): message #issue
    • type can be:
      • build for updating build configuration, development tools or other changes irrelevant to the user
      • chore for changes which are not relevant to the build, production or documentation like typos in comments for example
      • ci for changes in the CI/CD chain
      • docs for changes to the documentation
      • feat for a new feature for the user, not a new feature for build script. Such commit will trigger a release bumping a MINOR version
      • fix for a bug fix for the user, not a fix to a build script. Such commit will trigger a release bumping a PATCH version
      • perf for performance improvements. Such commit will trigger a release bumping a PATCH version
      • refactor for refactoring production code, e.g. renaming a variable
      • revert for commits which revert changes
      • style for formatting changes, missing semicolons, etc
      • test for adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change


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