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File metadata and controls

66 lines (44 loc) · 2.41 KB


Project structure

  • Hipcore: core language and spec AST and pure functions for manipulating it
  • Provers: prover back ends which translate Hipcore types into SMT
  • Hipprover: code which depends on calls to an external prover, e.g. normalization
  • Ocamlfrontend: OCaml parser
  • Hiplib: interface for all the above modules
  • Hipjs, Hip: CLI and web frontends

This file lists the submodules of the various libraries. To see the structure graphically:

opam install dune-deps
dune-deps -x benchmarks -x src/programs.t | sed 's/\}/\{rank = same; "lib:provers_js"; "lib:provers_native";\} \}/' | tred | dot -Tpng > deps.png


dune test to run tests.

Setting TEST=1 causes the frontend to print only whether a test has failed. A test is a function whose main entailment proof must succeed; if its name has the suffix _false, the entailment must fail. We record the results for various interesting files using cram tests.

Logging and tracing

View log output by setting DEBUG=n.

n What
0 Results
1 Explanations, for users
>= 2 More and more detail, for developers

Set FILE=1 to direct logs to an org-mode file, which is useful for structural navigation.

Set CTF=1 to produce a trace file that can be viewed with Perfetto, queried with PerfettoSQL, etc. This is useful for profiling.

Testing programs using the old effect syntax

The old Multicore OCaml branch should work:

opam switch create 4.12.0+domains+effects

Otherwise, try these instructions with this patch on top of OCaml 5.2.

opam switch create $SWITCH_NAME --empty
opam pin add ocaml-variants git+

There are some differences. These modules need to be opened.

open Effect
open Effect.Deep

Obj.clone_continuation is also unavailable.

ocaml-multicont can be used, but then it has a different API for continuations ("resumptions") and the old syntax won't be usable.