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File metadata and controls

236 lines (155 loc) · 7.05 KB


Add Product

Import a satellite product into the EnMAP-Box via the main menu or by drag&drop from your file explorer.

..  youtube:: G7UE-DIhXi8
    :width: 100%

Add Web Map Services (WMS)

Add a predefined WMS layer.

..  youtube:: SRJPh4bxcnw
    :width: 100%

Band Statistics

The Band Statistics tool reports band histograms and basic statistics like min, max, mean and standard deviation.

..  youtube:: tS2B9EsHutY
    :width: 100%

Bivariate Color Raster Renderer

The Bivariate Color Raster Renderer allows to visualize two bands using a 2d color ramp. Find a mapping example here:

..  youtube:: TW3hrWKLpbs
    :width: 100%

Class Fraction/Probability Renderer and Statistics

The Class Fraction/Probability Renderer allows allows to visualize arbitrary many fraction/probability bands at the same time, using the original class colors.

..  youtube:: fflhmRl_Npw
    :width: 100%

Classification Statistics

The Classification Statistics tool reports class histograms and area covered in percentage, pixel and map units.

..  youtube:: Go7tRzwKPvs
    :width: 100%

CMYK Color Raster Renderer

The CMYK Color Raster Renderer allows to visualize 4 bands using the CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key/Black) color model. Find a mapping example here:

..  youtube:: aVy9WXM3Q84
    :width: 100%

Color Space Explorer

The Color Space Explorer allows a) to select random and predefined RBG band combinations, and b) to animate RGB bands.

..  youtube:: e5SLW1pB06A
    :width: 100%

Decorrelation Stretch Renderer

The Decorrelation Stretch Renderer allows to visualize 3 band. It removes the high correlation commonly found in optical bands to produce a more colorful color composite image.


Enhanced Multiband Color Renderer

The Ehanced Multiband Color Renderer allows to visualize arbitrary many bands at the same time using individual color canons for each band (it's currently more a prototype).

.. todo::

    Find a good dataset and make a video.

HSV Color Raster Renderer

The HSV Color Raster Renderer allows to visualize 3 bands using the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value/Black) color model. Find a mapping example here: ; select Maps > Global Landcover Dynamics 2016-2020

.. todo::

    Find a good dataset, that is comparable to the *Global Landcover Dynamics 2016-2020* from GeoVille,
    and make a video.


Image Cube

The Image Cube tool visualizes a raster image in an interactive 3D view:


  1. Select the raster image.
  2. Specify the:
    • Top Plane renderer. It can be any raster renderer known from QIGS, e.g. a Multiband
      color renderer that shows the true color bands
    • Cube & Slice renderer. This must be a render that uses a single band only, e.g. a Singleband grey or Pseudocolor renderer. It will colorize the band-related pixel values of the 3D image cube and planes relating to the X, Y or Z slice.
  3. Press Load Data to (re)load and render the raster image values.


The 3D scene contains the following elements:

  • Top Plane - a raster layer for spatial orientation
  • Image Cube - a volumetric representation of the raster image, showing the raster bands on the z axis
  • X Slice - a slice along the raster's X / column / sample dimension
  • Y Slice - a slice along the raster's Y / row / line dimension
  • Z Slice - a slice along the raster's Z / band dimension
  • Box (Image) - a 3D bounding box along the maximum image extent
  • Box (Subset) - a 3D bounding box to show the extent of the spatial subset that migh be used to focus on specific image areas


Metadata Viewer


Raster Layer Styling

The Raster Layer Styling panel allows to quickly select a RGB, Gray or Pseudocolor visualizations.

..  youtube:: ImO8BzHNjlk
    :width: 100%

It also supports the linking of the style between multiple raster layer.

..  youtube:: HJSNhG7vKKg
    :width: 100%

Raster Source Band Properties Editor

The Raster Source Band Properties Editor allows to view and edit band properties of GDAL raster sources, with special support for ENVI metadata.



The reclassify tool is a convenient graphical user interface for reclassifying classification rasters.

Specify the file you want to reclassify under :guilabel:`Input File`. Either use the dropdown menu to select one of the layers which are already loaded or use the |mActionAddRasterLayer| button to open the file selection dialog.

Under :guilabel:`Output Classification` you can specify the classification scheme of the output classification which will be created.

  • You can import schemes from existing rasters or text files by clicking the |plus_green| button.
  • Use the |classinfo_add| button to manually add classes.
  • To remove entries select the respective rows and click the |classinfo_remove| button.
  • So save a classification scheme select the desired classes (or use Crtl + A to select all) and click on the |mActionFileSaveAs| button.
  • Likewise, you can copy and paste classes by selecting them and clicking the |mActionEditCopy| Copy Classes |mActionEditPaste| Paste Classes buttons.


  • The table is sorted by the Label field in ascending order. The value in Label will become the pixel value of this class and can not be altered.
  • Double-click into the Name field in order to edit the class name.
  • Double-click into the Color field to pick a color.

Under :guilabel:`Class Mapping` you can reassign the old classes (From) to values of the new classification scheme (To)


Specify the output path for the reclassified image under :guilabel:`Output File`

Click :guilabel:`OK` to run the tool.

Scatter Plot

The Scatter Plot allows to plot two raster bands or vector fields against each other. The visualization of both, denstity and scatter is supported.

..  youtube:: bMfklHoEqJc
    :width: 100%

Virtual Raster Builder
