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24 lines (18 loc) · 953 Bytes

File metadata and controls

24 lines (18 loc) · 953 Bytes

Task One (50 points)

As an extension to the Web scenario, add a third endpoint to the Traffic Manager, to serve a content in a case of failure of both regions in Europe. You have an East US 2 region available and static HTML file which must be served when Europe is down. You can't use Virtual Machines.

HTML file content:

<p>Sorry we have an issue in Europe. We will back soon.</p>
<p>Your wonderful Team number XX</p>

Task Two (150 points)

short note:
Managed Identity for VMData is enabled. VM have Virtual Machine Contributor rights on Resource Group level where it is deployed. 

VMdata VM have rights to manage other machines as well as itself. Using Azure CLI, prepare a shell script that will deallocate a machine on which it is running. As a confirmation of done, please commit your script to the GH repository.

Useful docs: