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Mapping reads and quantifying genes


So far we have only got the number of genes and annotations in the sample. Because these annotations are predicted from assembled reads we have lost the quantitatve information for the annotations. So to actually quantify the genes, we will map the input reads back to the assembly.

There are many different mappers available to map your reads back to the assemblies. Usually they result in a SAM or BAM file. Those are formats that contain the alignment information, where BAM is the binary version of the plain text SAM format. In this tutorial we will be using bowtie2. You can also take a look at the Bowtie2 documentation.

The SAM/BAM file can afterwards be processed with Picard to remove duplicate reads. Those are likely to be reads that come from a PCR duplicate.

BEDTools can then be used to retrieve coverage statistics.

Mapping reads with bowtie2

First set up the files needed for mapping. Replace 'N' with the kmer you used for the velet assembly:

mkdir -p ~/mg-workshop/results/functional_annotation/mapping/$SAMPLE/
cd ~/mg-workshop/results/functional_annotation/mapping/$SAMPLE/
ln -s ~/mg-workshop/data/$SAMPLE/reads/1M/${SAMPLE_ID}_1M.1.fastq pair1.fastq
ln -s ~/mg-workshop/data/$SAMPLE/reads/1M/${SAMPLE_ID}_1M.2.fastq pair2.fastq
ln -s ~/mg-workshop/results/assembly/$SAMPLE/${SAMPLE}_N/contigs.fa

Then run the bowtie2-build program on your assembly:

bowtie2-build contigs.fa contigs.fa

Question: What does bowtie2-build do? (Refer to the documentation)

Next we run the actual mapping using bowtie2:

bowtie2 -p 8 -x contigs.fa -1 pair1.fastq -2 pair2.fastq -S $

The output SAM file needs to be converted to BAM format. For this we will use samtools. First we create an index of the assembly for samtools:

samtools faidx contigs.fa

Then the SAM file is converted to BAM format (view), sorted by left most alignment coordinate (sort) and indexed (index) for fast random access in these steps:

samtools view -bt contigs.fa.fai $ > $
samtools sort $ $
samtools index $

Removing duplicates

We will now use MarkDuplicates from the Picard tool kit to identify and remove duplicates in the sorted and indexed BAM file:

java -Xms2g -Xmx32g -jar /sw/apps/bioinfo/picard/1.92/milou/MarkDuplicates.jar INPUT=$ OUTPUT=$ \

Picard's documentation also exists! Two bioinformatics programs in a row with decent documentation! Take a moment to celebrate, then take a look at it.

Question: Why not just remove all identical pairs instead of mapping them and then removing them?

Question: What is the difference between samtools rmdup and Picard MarkDuplicates?

Calculating coverage

We have now mapped reads back to the assembly and have information on how much of the assembly that is covered by the reads in the sample. We are interested in the coverage of each of the genes annotated in the previous steps by the PROKKA pipeline. To extract this information from the BAM file we first need to define the regions to calculate coverage for. This we will do by creating a custom BED file defining the regions of interest (the PROKKA genes). Here we use an in-house bash script called that searches for the gene regions in the PROKKA output and then prints them in a suitable format: ~/mg-workshop/results/functional_annotation/prokka/$SAMPLE/PROKKA_11242015.gff > $

We then use bedtools to extract coverage information from the BAM file for the regions defined in the BED file we just created :

bedtools coverage -hist -abam $ -b $ > $

Have a look at the output file with less again. The final four columns give you the histogram i.e. coverage, number of bases with that coverage, length of the contig/feature/gene, bases with that coverage expressed as a ratio of the length of the contig/feature/gene. For each gene, we calculate coverage as c_gene = sum(depth*fraction_at_depth).

This calculation is performed using the in-house script : -i <(echo $ > $SAMPLE.coverage

We now have coverage values for all genes predicted and annotated by the PROKKA pipeline. Next, we will use the annotations and coverage values to summarize annotations for the sample and produce interactive plots.

Question: Coverage can also be calculated for each contig. Do you expect the coverage to differ for a contig and for the genes encoded on the contig? When might it be a good idea to calculate the latter?