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318 lines (249 loc) · 13.6 KB

Agent Evaluation

Agent evaluation requires a trained RL agent, in form of a .zip artifact generated from SB3. The evaluation features a comparison with uncontrolled charging to allow for a first basic comparison. It is optional and can be toggled off to save compute time.

Import requirements

import datetime

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from stable_baselines3.common.evaluation import evaluate_policy
from stable_baselines3 import TD3, PPO
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import VecNormalize, SubprocVecEnv
from stable_baselines3.common.env_util import make_vec_env
from FleetRL.fleet_env.fleet_environment import FleetEnv

Multi-processing wrapper

The evaluation uses vectorized environments that allow for parallelization. If this script is run in a Jupyter notebook, no changes need to be made. If, however, the script is run as a .py file, it needs to be wrapped as follows:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # code here

Defining fundamental parameters

By default, n_steps is set to 8600. This means that the evaluation episode is set to 8600 hours. The trained agent is therefore tested on one year of unseen schedule data. A separately generated schedule is used that the agent did not see during training.

# define parameters here for easier change
n_steps = 8600
n_episodes = 1
n_evs = 1
n_envs = 1
file_name_comment = "comment"  # added to log pickle file names

Environment creation

The testing environment is created. The parameters are the same as for training - only the schedule differs: lmd_sched_single_eval.csv. The same normalization and vectorization is performed. Generally, agents are cross-compatible with environments of same dimension and boundaries. A 1-car agent trained on the environment for caretakers can thus be used on the last-mile delivery environment, if the gym.Spaces bounds are the same. If normalization is conducted in FleetRL, the bounds are [0,1]. If no normalization is conducted, the bounds are [-inf, inf]. This ensures maximum cross-compatibility. Similarly, the environment for the uncontrolled charging agent is created (dumb_vec_env, dumb_norm_vec_env).

# make env for the agent
eval_vec_env = make_vec_env(FleetEnv,
                                "schedule_name": "lmd_sched_single_eval.csv",  # separate testing schedule
                                "building_name": "load_lmd.csv",
                                "price_name": "spot_2021_new.csv",
                                "tariff_name": "spot_2021_new_tariff.csv",
                                "use_case": "lmd",
                                "include_building": True,
                                "include_pv": True,
                                "time_picker": "static",
                                "deg_emp": False,
                                "include_price": True,
                                "ignore_price_reward": False,
                                "ignore_invalid_penalty": False,
                                "ignore_overcharging_penalty": False,
                                "ignore_overloading_penalty": False,
                                "episode_length": n_steps,
                                "normalize_in_env": False,
                                "verbose": 0,
                                "aux": True,
                                "log_data": True,
                                "calculate_degradation": True,
                                "spot_markup": 0,
                                "spot_mul": 1,
                                "feed_in_ded": 0

eval_norm_vec_env = VecNormalize(venv=eval_vec_env,

dumb_vec_env = make_vec_env(FleetEnv,
                                "schedule_name": "lmd_sched_single_eval.csv",
                                "building_name": "load_lmd.csv",
                                "price_name": "spot_2021_new.csv",
                                "tariff_name": "spot_2021_new_tariff.csv",
                                "use_case": "lmd",
                                "include_building": True,
                                "include_pv": True,
                                "time_picker": "static",
                                "deg_emp": False,
                                "include_price": True,
                                "ignore_price_reward": False,
                                "ignore_invalid_penalty": False,
                                "ignore_overcharging_penalty": False,
                                "ignore_overloading_penalty": False,
                                "episode_length": n_steps,
                                "normalize_in_env": False,
                                "verbose": 0,
                                "aux": True,
                                "log_data": True,
                                "calculate_degradation": True,
                                "spot_markup": 0,
                                "spot_mul": 1,
                                "feed_in_ded": 0

dumb_norm_vec_env = VecNormalize(venv=dumb_vec_env,

Loading models

The normalization metrics can be loaded via VecEnv.load(load_path, venv). This is optional. The RL agent is loaded. The path to the .zip artifact and the environment must be specified. Optionally, a custom_objects parameter can be parsed to make sure that observation and action space are correctly configured.

eval_norm_vec_env.load(load_path="./tmp/vec_PPO/vec_normalize-LMD_2021_arbitrage_PPO_mul3.pkl", venv=eval_norm_vec_env)
model = PPO.load("./tmp/vec_PPO/", env = eval_norm_vec_env,
                custom_objects={"observation_space": eval_norm_vec_env.observation_space,
                               "action_space": eval_norm_vec_env.action_space})

RL agent evaluation

Agents are evaluated via evaluate_policy. The model, the environment, the number of episodes and the deterministic flag are parsed. deterministic=True ensures that several evaluations of the same agents yield the same results - ensuring reproducibility. Random fluctuations due to random number generators or statistical distributions are eliminated.

mean_reward, _ = evaluate_policy(model, eval_norm_vec_env, n_eval_episodes=n_episodes, deterministic=True)

Once evaluate_policy concluded, the environment stepped through 8600 hours. Meanwhile, FleetRL logged every important metric, allowing for post-processing and thorough analyses. These can be accessed via env_method("get_log")[0], as shown below.

log_RL = model.env.env_method("get_log")[0]

Uncontrolled charging agent

The start time of the evaluation environment is extracted and set as start time for the uncontrolled charging environment. The environment is then stepped through for the same amount of time steps and the log is extracted.

# start date extraction and setting the same date to the uncontrolled charging env
rl_start_time = model.env.env_method("get_start_time")[0]
dumb_norm_vec_env.env_method("set_start_time", rl_start_time)


episode_length = n_steps
timesteps_per_hour = 4
n_episodes = n_episodes

# uncontrolled charging agent: action of "1" is sent for each time step -> charging immediately upon arrival
for i in range(episode_length * timesteps_per_hour * n_episodes):
    if dumb_norm_vec_env.env_method("is_done")[0]:

# log extraction from the vec_env
dumb_log = dumb_norm_vec_env.env_method("get_log")[0]


Once both agents ran in the environments and the logs have been extracted, they can be used to extract useful information on charging expenses, state of health, violations, rewards, etc.

# index reset and the last row of the dataframe is removed
log_RL.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
log_RL = log_RL.iloc[0:-2]
dumb_log.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
dumb_log = dumb_log.iloc[0:-2]

# computing key performance metrics
rl_cashflow = log_RL["Cashflow"].sum()
rl_reward = log_RL["Reward"].sum()
rl_deg = log_RL["Degradation"].sum()
rl_overloading = log_RL["Grid overloading"].sum()
rl_soc_violation = log_RL["SOC violation"].sum()
rl_n_violations = log_RL[log_RL["SOC violation"] > 0]["SOC violation"].size
rl_soh = log_RL["SOH"].iloc[-1]

dumb_cashflow = dumb_log["Cashflow"].sum()
dumb_reward = dumb_log["Reward"].sum()
dumb_deg = dumb_log["Degradation"].sum()
dumb_overloading = dumb_log["Grid overloading"].sum()
dumb_soc_violation = dumb_log["SOC violation"].sum()
dumb_n_violations = dumb_log[dumb_log["SOC violation"] > 0]["SOC violation"].size
dumb_soh = dumb_log["SOH"].iloc[-1]

print(f"RL reward: {rl_reward}")
print(f"DC reward: {dumb_reward}")
print(f"RL cashflow: {rl_cashflow}")
print(f"DC cashflow: {dumb_cashflow}")

total_results = pd.DataFrame()
total_results["Category"] = ["Reward", "Cashflow", "Average degradation per EV", "Overloading", "SOC violation", "# Violations", "SOH"]

total_results["RL-based charging"] = [rl_reward,
                                      np.round(np.mean(rl_deg), 5),
                                      np.round(np.mean(rl_soh), 5)]

total_results["Dumb charging"] = [dumb_reward,
                                  np.round(np.mean(dumb_deg), 5),
                                  np.round(np.mean(dumb_soh), 5)]



As an example, the charging strategies of the RL agent and the uncontrolled charging strategy are plotted - the mean of each quarter hour is plotted, indicating when charging signals are sent to the battery.

# real charging power sent to the battery
real_power_rl = []
for i in range(log_RL.__len__()):
    log_RL.loc[i, "hour_id"] = (log_RL.loc[i, "Time"].hour + log_RL.loc[i, "Time"].minute / 60)

real_power_dumb = []
for i in range(dumb_log.__len__()):
    dumb_log.loc[i, "hour_id"] = (dumb_log.loc[i, "Time"].hour + dumb_log.loc[i, "Time"].minute / 60)

# computing the average for each quarter hour over the entire year
mean_per_hid_rl = log_RL.groupby("hour_id").mean()["Charging energy"].reset_index(drop=True)
mean_all_rl = []
for i in range(mean_per_hid_rl.__len__()):

mean_per_hid_dumb = dumb_log.groupby("hour_id").mean()["Charging energy"].reset_index(drop=True)
mean_all_dumb = []
for i in range(mean_per_hid_dumb.__len__()):

# multiplied by the factor of 4 to go from kWh to kW (15 min time resolution)
mean_both = pd.DataFrame()
mean_both["RL"] = np.multiply(mean_all_rl, 4)
mean_both["Dumb charging"] = np.multiply(mean_all_dumb, 4)

# plotting

plt.ylabel("Charging power in kW")
max = log_RL.loc[0, "Observation"][-10]
plt.ylim([-max * 1.2, max * 1.2])

Exemplary charging curve for last-mile delivery

Saving the logs for future use

The logs can be saved as pickle files, so the same analytics and other visualizations can be performed on another machine, or at a later point in time.


Example of what can be done in post-processing

Exemplary charging curve for last-mile delivery