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Node GitHub cards

Since LinkedIn closed the GitHub app, I didn't really know how to share my GitHub information on LinkedIn. I loved Guille Paz's idea of creating cards with your GitHub information, but it's not an image so not really suitable for social networks like LinkedIn. So I combined the GitHub API and Guille's idea of creating cards in an app which generates an image, using node-webshot. The result is a "real-time" image, which contains recent information about your GitHub profile like Stackoverflow flairs. In this case my current amount of Followers and Repositories:

github profile

LinkedIn screenshot: github linkedin

This way you can share your github profile on LinkedIn the same way as Stackoverflow flairs

Getting started

git clone
cd Node-GitHub-cards

After successfully cloning the GitHub repository, you need to rename development-sample.json inside the config folder to production.json and fill in the user and oauthToken keys. You can generate a token over here:

After you successfully generated a valid production.json, you can enter the last commands in your terminal:

npm install
bower install
grunt build

Now you should be able to visit http://localhost:8080/images/profile-basic to generate your image. This is also the url you can enter as image, like in html:

<img src="http://localhost:8080/images/profile-basic" />

Create Repo cards

Coming soon!

##License & Credits

This software is published under the MIT License.

######GitHub cards

This repository contains designs from Guille Paz's github-card repository.


Generate images with recent info about your GitHub profile for social media support







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