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The FeatureForm toolkit component enables users to edit field values of features in a layer using the FeatureForm API that has been configured externally (using either in the Web Map Viewer or the Fields Maps web app).


To see it in action, check out the microapp.


The FeatureForm is a Composable that can render a FeatureForm object with a FeatureFormDefinition using Jetpack Compose.

  • It can be integrated into any custom layout or container. The microapp integrates it into a BottomSheet.
  • All expressions are initially evaluated with a progress indicator before the FeatureForm is available for editing.
  • Provides automatic saving and restoring of form data after device configuration changes.
  • Shows validation errors for any fields with errors.
  • Visibility behavior of validation errors can be customized.
  • Supports all FormInput types except Attachments, Relationships and Barcodes.
  • Provides a DateTime picker and a picker for coded-value field types.
  • Follows material 3 design system.


View the API Reference for the featureforms module here.

A FeatureForm composable can be created using a FeatureForm object as follows.

Creating a FeatureForm object

// get the feature layer
val layer = feature.featureTable.layer as FeatureLayer  
// grab the FeatureFormDefinition from the layer
val featureFormDefinition = layer.featureFormDefinition
// create the FeatureForm from the Feature and the FeatureFormDefinition
val featureForm = FeatureForm(feature, featureFormDefinition)

Creating a FeatureForm in Compose

A FeatureForm can be created within a composition by simply calling the FeatureForm composable with the FeaureForm object. The FeatureForm should be displayed in a container. It's visibility and the container are external and should be controlled by the calling Composable.

fun MyComposable(featureForm : FeatureForm) {  
    // a container  
    MyContainer(modifier = Modifier) {
	// create a FeatureForm Composable
	    // pass in the FeatureForm object  
	    featureForm = featureForm,  
	    // control the layout using the modifier property  
	    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()  

Updating the FeatureForm

To display a new FeatureForm object, simply trigger a recomposition with the new FeatureForm object.

fun MyComposable(viewModel : MyViewModel) {  
    // use a state object that will recompose this composable when the featureForm changes
    // in this example, the FeatureForm object is hoisted in the ViewModel
    val featureForm : State by viewModel.featureForm  
    // a container  
    MyContainer(modifier = Modifier) {
	    featureForm = featureForm,  
	    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()  

Changing the Validation Error Visibility policy

By default validation errors for any fields are only visible after the fields gain focus. But this can be customized using the validationErrorVisibility parameter of the FeatureForm. This property can be changed at any time to show all the errors. It supports two modes of visibility.

  • ValidationErrorVisibility.Automatic : Indicates that the validation errors are only visible for editable fields that have received focus.
  • ValidationErrorVisibility.Visible : Indicates the validation is run for all the editable fields, and errors are displayed regardless of the focus state.
    featureForm = featureForm,  
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),  
    validationErrorVisibility = ValidationErrorVisibility.Visible  

Note : Once the validationErrorVisibility is set to Visible, changing it back to Automatic will have no effect since all the fields have now gained focus to show any errors.

Theming and Customization

FeatureForm uses the material3 theming system. The following colors and typography are used by the respective fields.

Text Fields

  • Outline color - MaterialTheme.colorScheme.outline
  • Label TextStyle - MaterialTheme.typography.bodySmall
  • Input TextStyle - MaterialTheme.typography.bodyLarge
  • SupportingText TextStyle - MaterialTheme.typography.bodySmall
  • Error color - MaterialTheme.colorScheme.error

Radio Buttons

  • Outline color - MaterialTheme.colorScheme.outline
  • Label TextStyle - MaterialTheme.typography.bodyMedium
  • Options TextStyle - MaterialTheme.typography.bodyLarge
  • SupportingText TextStyle - MaterialTheme.typography.bodySmall
  • Error color - MaterialTheme.colorScheme.error

Group Elements

  • Outline Color - MaterialTheme.colorScheme.outline
  • Header Color - MaterialTheme.colorScheme.SurfaceVariant
  • Content background Color - MaterialTheme.colorScheme.background
  • Label TextStyle - MaterialTheme.typography.bodyMedium
  • Description TextStyle - MaterialTheme.typography.bodySmall

Read-Only Fields

  • Label TextStyle - MaterialTheme.typography.bodyMedium
  • Input TextStyle - MaterialTheme.typography.bodyLarge
  • SupportingText TextStyle - MaterialTheme.typography.bodySmall

More information on the material 3 specs here